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Sorry for the negativity but man it's fucked up.

Being into curvy/chubby women is hard enough where i live in a city full of fit women with a definite fat shaming culture (and being fit looking myself has actually made this harder)

But the focus on bellies is enough to break most women's brains. I was once discussing kinks with a girl I was seeing and she disclosed that she had a rape fetish so I thought I would be open about finding bellies sexy and she flipped out.

It's something that the body positivity movement has done jack shit for, because women seem more ashamed than ever. My biggest turn on is their biggest insecurity.

I haven't ever mentioned the stuffing / weight gain shit to anyone and probably never will.

I've also passed up opportunities to be with thinner women because I wasn't very sexually attracted to them and it feels like I'm looking for a unicorn.

And I feel bad because I want my partner to be healthy and I know that whatever way you want to spin it this shit just isn't healthy.

Anyway I've tried many times to get rid of it and it ain't happening so the best I can do is just find a lady with a naturally chubby belly and do without the stuffing and weight gain shit.

I thought about bringing it up with a therapist but I don't really see how that could help.

I'm just venting here but if you have any advice or anything you want to add feel free
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>>46002 (OP)
The problem is not that you like fat women. It's that you don't see yourself as a guy who dates fat women, and you're gonna stay in Hell til you get over it and go after what you like. A therapist is gonna tell you the same.

Your excuses suck:

I just looked it up and Australia's adult obesity rate is over 30%, while overweight/obese is 60%+. I don't care what city you're in; there's fat chicks there.

And while it's a fact being thin is healthier than being fat, it's not like every chick with a BMI over 27 is "unhealthy." You're just negging your own preferences in an attempt to force yourself to be something you're not. It's like a gay guy saying "but I could get AIDS" to try and convince himself he should be straight. Anyway unless you're in a LTR does health even matter? Do you bring a blood pressure cuff and sugar testers on every first date?

As for bellies, most women — even non-fat ones — are self-conscious of theirs. Society says they're supposed to have a flat, solid one and maybe 3% do. So she has to trust you 100% to give access and even then it might take a while for her to feel fully comfortable with you mauling hers.

And on that note, it's true you're almost definitely gonna have to keep your feedist tendancies in the closet. Very, very few sane women are gonna go for that though maybe in the context of a LRT you'll find someone who'll do fantasy play with you.

[I get this is /gen where you "talk about what you want," but for years now the first 2 pages have had 3-6 individual threads with dudes whining about how 1) there are no fat women in my country/region/city, and/or 2) being an FA is such a burden. FTLOG can we condense these into a single thread?]
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I can sort've feel your pain. In my case, it's the weirdest thing: When I used Hinge at the start of the year, I basically got no matches with the BBWs I was swiping on, but was bombarded with thinner girls.
>>46002 (OP)
>I thought about bringing it up with a therapist but I don't really see how that could help.
sure, just ignore your cognitive dissonance, as you would ignore a broken leg. maybe it will go away in a miraculous way. ;-)
>>46002 (OP)
> My biggest turn on is their biggest insecurity.
You are the problem here. Just be honest you want a hot woman and want her fat AND WANT A DISCOUNT.
You don’t have a fat fetish, you just want a woman who hates herself as much as you hate yourself.
What in the utter fuck are you talking about?

Is that seriously your conclusion from my post? That's braindead. Or maybe something was lost in translation, but to clarify it, no that's not what I want.
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my dude don't hate on the anon you're replying to.

he's right: it's not about "women", "society" and all that other bullshit.

it's about accepting yourself, making peace with your desires and living them in sane, safe and consensual way.

it's alright to love fat women.
make your fucking peace with the world already your agony is painful to watch.

good luck
Briefly or long-winded, angry or empathetic, everybody's telling you the same thing bro.
>>46002 (OP)
>so I thought I would be open about finding bellies sexy and she flipped out.
You must be going about this in some deranged way to get reactions like that. I've never had any reaction other than "wow, that makes me feel much better!" when saying I like bigger women to my fat dates. Once you start fucking you can admit you have a legit fat fetish and that you're into her belly. If you're hooking up with girls above 300lbs they usually know what you're looking for from the start. I've had a couple straight up send me belly pics after the initial "I like big girls" admission.
Checking with a therapist would be quite interesting. You could tell us what they said about fat fetishm. Also, what kind of therapist would you go for?

What so I'm supposed to let some armchair psychologist tell me exactly what my problem is whilst misconstruing my post and leaping to some strange theory about how I don't have a fetish and just like the idea of a woman who hates herself?

I don't even masturbate to videos of impoverished south east asians or clearly mentally deranged or addicted feedees because I don't find it attractive when someone doesn't like themselves or enjoy what they're doing.
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>I don't find it attractive when someone doesn't like themselves or enjoy what they're doing
i fully agree with that sentiment.
even if she's not happy about herself 24/7, i want to see that she can also enjoy the moment and let herself go.
No, you're supposed to own your shit, which means accept you're into fat women, and stfu with the whining and excuses. Jesus fucking christ, how many times do you have to hear it?
agree. for most of the fat girls I've gone out with, they've straight up asked me either on the first date or even over text before the first date if I like bigger girls. I say yes, they're fine with it, and we move on. I guess that's different from asking "can I touch your belly" but still.

my only guess is that the girls OP is dating aren't actually that big, so they still think of themselves as "not fat". If you're fit and go out with a 400lb girl, she'll know what's going on
Unrelated but name?
Ok, but on the flip side: I’m getting off on their discomfort, fear, and humiliation.
If you’re tall/in shape and out of her league you can make a fat girl crawl across broken glass for the chance to be with you during sunlight hours. Making her stuff and shake her stomach is honestly better when she’s ashamed and it’s all against her own sensibilities.
>What so I'm supposed to let some armchair psychologist tell me exactly what my problem is
It depends on what kind of psychologist you get to see. The ones that fit your description are not very good. They simply don't take the time needed and jump to conclusions very quickly.

Take it or leave it. Psychology student here.

I sometimes spend time reading interactions here to analyse them. It's quite interesting.

You should go see one if you can.
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>>46002 (OP)
>she had a rape fetish
That's interesting how that thing is nearly a uniform fetish for a solid majority of women.
Whatever, I can't really relate.
I live in a small town, there are no fat women around either. It's my hometown, and I haven't left it in years. I don't have any friends, I don't meet people either, because I don't have any social circle to be in.
I walk and exercise everyday too.
My only 'practical involvement' with women involved me asking a pair of girls in a nearby park for their numbers, they did so, but I've never called them back after our conversation.
That's how it is.
>>46002 (OP)
You are correct. This fetish is aids and it makes you fucking miserable. I just want my life back.
>>46002 (OP)
I seriously feel you. I've been in a happy relationship with my gf (around 260lbs, knows I'm into big women) for a couple of years and feel like I've truly found the love of my life and the mother of my future children. However, her self-esteem is extremely low due to being bullied about her weight for pretty much her entire life. She's also VERY conscious about all the possible health issues it could cause, so she's actively planning on slimming down significantly. And I completely get it. I want her to be happy, and as time has gone by, I've come to the sad realization that she can't as long as she's overweight.

And this obviously gets me into a very awkward spot. I love her like I've never loved a person before and really want to support her in getting healthier, but at the same time this would pretty much ruin our relationship as I have never felt any real sexual attraction towards skinny or even normal weight women.

So yeah, having this kink just frustrates me to no end. I can only dream of being able to have a normal, healthy relationship without needing to think of stuff like this. And while I know I can't change how my brain's been hardwired, likely needing to end a perfectly fine relationship with the girl of my dreams for such shallow reasons makes me feel like a terrible person.
Met a girl on hinge recently. Cute, likes me, same interests. Shes got the perfect body, nice gut, curvy ass, fat tits and really beautiful face.

She told me she recently got a gastric.
Yeah, don't date any woman who talks of that, since they do get the surgery.
Yeah, just make her cum several times after. She'lll make the connection

Essentially 100% of women who don't have a hardcore gaining feedee kink are extremely self conscious if they have a belly. It's one area where extra weight is never a good thing, they would probably cut it off with scissors if they could.

So as a guy into women with the pot belly look it fucking sucks.

Outside of middle aged mums who can't really lose weight or can't be fucked, any woman who has this body type will always be insecure.

Last time I dated a girl like this even though I told her how sexy she was she became more self conscious and started working out and dieting harder.

It's the main reason I still watch porn...it's just impossible to make it work irl

And then you see some guy walking along with a woman with this sort of body type and you just know he would prefer if she looked like a gym bunny and it makes you furious
> However, her self-esteem is extremely low
> So yeah, having this kink just frustrates me to no end. I can only dream of being able to have a normal, healthy relationship without needing to think of stuff like this…needing to end a perfectly fine relationship with the girl of my dreams for such shallow reasons makes me feel like a terrible person.

Ok buddy. I’ll be straight with you once.
It’s almost always the case like this that she’s not the problem, you are. And that you shopped around for the most decent/normal woman you thought you could pull and keep. Maybe you want her as a fixer upper but are scared she’ll leave you after fixing her obesity. Maybe you just like the power trip of *feeling* like you have a relationship locked down (Kisame here; my dude—based on your tedious prose and overboard neuroticism without any true introspection… you ain’t no catch either).

You don’t love this woman. Work on yourself. Maybe you’re a not a basement dwelling loser troglodyte and just haven’t learned to love yourself, maybe you need to hit the gym, apply yourself in life and see if your able to pull and date women who don’t hate themselves.
Facts. I’ve never had a short or long term GF not want to gain weight after seeing how much more it gets their back broken. Every girl would be a feedee if it could get them good dick, in my experience 90% will lose the weight aggressively after getting dumped, 10% end up fatter by intention or acident.
>Last time I dated a girl like this even though I told her how sexy she was she became more self conscious and started working out and dieting harder.
This is a you problem. You’re either ugly, creepy, broke, or short. You gotta have shoulder, good dick and a deep voice if you wanna dom up normie chicks—and fat humiliation is dom (which any belly play is honestly).
If you want to be with a chubby/fat woman, it's way easier to just go for one that already is. Ik skinny girls to fat girls are hot, but 9 times out of 10 she ain't gonna be into it.

About the self-conscious thing, most fat girls are already self-conscious about it and isn't likely into feederism. You have to be lucky af to find someone who actually is, or is willing to try it. Again, it's more likely they have some sort of mental/eating disorder. Pretty sure you don't want to be with those FA tiktokers who act like they have no brain. And also most of then this day in age are rainbow so the chances are even lowered.

This fetish is mostly a fantasy, not a reality. Most fetishes that has something to do with body parts are of course the usual boobs and ass, feet, and armpits. Even if guys like bellies (at least a little), most girls aren't and will try to cover it (long shirts or high-rised pants), even if it's the tiniest bit of flab. You're not going to see 400 pound blobs in your day to day life. You ain't going to be with anyone who wants a giant belly. You ain't going to be with someone who is reaching immobility. It's all in your head and remains a fantasy.

Realistically the only possible way to have a healthy relationship with a chubby/fat girl to fulfill your sexual desires is to actually put the fetish aside and actually love them for who they are. Most women are submissive and will be willing to fulfill whatever you want if you actually love then for who they are as a person, and not as an object. That's the problem with some of you incels; thinking it's impossible to find someone of your exact type because you just want to have your personal sex doll. You can't really change what you like (in terms of preferences), but if you really want to alter that, actually try to be with women who are in the norm.

Tldr: Most women will not be into feederism and if you want to be with a feedee, stop looking at potential sex dolls and instead as actual people.
Where they alt girls? My experience has always been matching with mentally ill underweight alt women and it lowkey kills me. Only recently matched with a chubby book worm and that felt like manna from heaven
I'm pretty confident I'd be in the top echelon of guys here physically speaking , I'm 6'5, about 240lbs with little body fat, square jaw, deep voice, articulate, funny ... but I'm not a naturally dominant personality, I find extreme dom stuff to be uncomfortable and I just laugh whenever I try in the bedroom. Also I don't want a girl who's only with me for my dick.

I also have pesky morals which a lot of this community seems to be unburdened by... I refuse to manipulate or in any way pressure a woman into gaining or doing anything she clearly isn't 100% comfortable with. I'm still conflicted with the idea of enabling women who do have the kink since it's often trenched in self hatred and trauma and shit. Seriously I've chatted to maybe 100 feedees over the years and I'd say most need to get offline and get into a psychologist office.

Also the social pressure not to get fat is going to outweigh some dude they just met trying to pressure them into gaining for 99% of women at least no matter how quality the man seems

It feels futile trying

Maybe stop swiping on women you're not into haha.

I've become a lot more ruthless - no full body shots, questionable attractiveness, bad personality, emotional baggage = left swipe.

Rather get no matches than waste time.

But the few times I've seen women who are attractive, chubby, educated, and seem to have a good personality I never end up bloody matching with them even though I've got a pretty compelling profile.

It's almost teasing me at this point 'hey here's a cute girl with a belly who lives 3km away and has similar taste in weird music and she's single and looking to mingle...sorry buddy you ain't ever gonna talk to her'

Meanwhile thin women are more interested

It's why I've started approaching women offline again. I see an extremely sexy woman, she isn't with a partner, we aren't escaping from a burning building, I go up and chat to her and ask her out. If she gets creeped out so be it. Soon enough we'll all be dead and buried anyway and I spent too many years passing up chances.

A minute of discomfort is probably worth risking for a possibly life changing relationship

That's good advice. Plus gaining isn't sustainable.

But still haunted by knowing that women who are passionate about gaining and don't seem to just be mentally ill DO exist, I've chatted to them albeit on the other side of the world.

I just need to fully accept that I'll never be with one.
Chad gets the attractive sane fat girls. Are you tall and in shape and attractive with a good job? If not stop expecting to match with sane attractive women who aren’t insane. Stay in your lane buddy.
All of you. Idiots. Leave your home town LOL
Quiet you lout or I’ll throw you in the stockades.
Tons of dudes like them thicc af these days. It’s a good thing this isn’t some closet fetish anymore.
>I'm pretty confident I'd be in the top echelon of guys here physically speaking , I'm 6'5, about 240lbs with little body fat, square jaw, deep voice, articulate, funny ... but I'm not a naturally dominant personality, I find extreme dom stuff to be uncomfortable and I just laugh whenever I try in the bedroom.

Find a fat dom woman if you’re a sub.
Otherwise, not being dominant is gonna hurt your ability to find a submissive woman who likes being fat. Being fat puts women in a naturally submissive positions physically. A shorter uglier man will be more attractive if he’s strong enough to dom her up.

>Also I don't want a girl who's only with me for my dick.
Doesn’t happen, she’ll fuck you for the dick but women date men for financial aspects not physical ones.

> I also have pesky morals which a lot of this community seems to be unburdened but
No you don’t: you’re just a bitch. Fucking submissive beta here thinks morality is objective and he’s in the clear for not “enabling” women. You’re not some white knight saint for treating women like some stupid animal that lacks self determination.

> It feels futile trying
See, this kinda loser mentality is what I meant when I called you a bitch.

What’s your definition of a chad?

I’m 6’5 classically handsome and haves a decent enough job.

I know chubby hot women are in high demand but what do I need to be a 7 foot adonis multimillionaire with the wit of Oscar Wilde to get these women in your mind?

The fact I get interest from more conventionally desirable thinner women tells me that they shouldn’t be out of reach and yet they seem to be
> That's good advice. Plus gaining isn't sustainable.
Don’t listen to this crab-in-a-bucket: feederism relationships are very normal among feeders and feedee and fetishists.
People who say this kinda stuff have never been in a relationship with anyone, much less a real feedee. No ones gaining 24/7 every year. It’s not *just a fantasy*, it’s play. (Understand the difference: people in Vore-based sexual relationships don’t *have* to eat each other to get off.)
Theres the sexual theater of talking about gaining to 400 pounds, feeding sessions, weigh-ins, belly play etc. These can be done at any weight regardless of weight and gaining.

Being in a fetish relationship may never progress past the play stage of cake fucking a midsized woman while talking about blowing her up.
>definition of a Chad?
Confidence bruh.
You can’t get thru a single sentence with some passive aggressive snark that contradicts your main point.
Being tall helps people build confidence, but if you don’t have the balls to walk up and grab your date by the belly like it’s sexy and fun (not creepy and weird) you’re not Chad.

Sir, I served with Chad Thundercock. I knew Chad Thundercock. Chad Thundercock was a friend of mine. Sir, you're no Chad Thundercock.

Confidence counts for a lot (way too much in my opinion especially since it doesn’t actually require a man to be competent whatsoever) but it’s not everything and they still need to find you desirable.

Grabbing a date by the belly seems like awful advice especially if she’s self conscious whatsoever or shl

I live in Australia with a serious fat phobic culture even tho there are quite a lot of overweight folks around, women seem more self conscious than ever last time I went on a date she didn’t even have a cocktail because she didn’t want the calories.

I know if you need to make moves sooner than later but surely you can do it more tactfully

You speak as if it’s easy enough to find a woman who’s open to the idea. The few times I’ve bought it up it’s been met with revulsion so I’m really hesitant to do it again.

Again maybe it’s different in other countries but Australia seems to be the worst for it
>Confidence counts for a lot (way too much in my opinion especially since it doesn’t actually require a man to be competent whatsoever)

You say things like this, yet wonder why you can’t get pussy. You know why women won’t date you and that’s why you’re complaining about confidence (instead of the reasons you aren’t confident, because you suck).
“Everyone else is the problem. Women are wrong for dating confident short kings rather than a 6’4” annoyance of mediocrity.”

>You speak as if it’s easy enough to find a woman who’s open to the idea. The few times I’ve bought it up it’s been met with revulsion so I’m really hesitant to do it again.

As I said: Stop being such a creepy loser. No woman wants a sad sack of shit complimenting and groping her obesity.
This is another “you problem”, plenty of fat people are happy dating chubby chasers.

>Again maybe it’s different in other countries but Australia seems to be the worst for it
This isn’t a “where” problem, it’s a “who” problem, and the problem is You.

This you? I think we’ve all told you this in so many different ways.>>46231
>Confidence counts for a lot (way too much in my opinion especially since it doesn’t actually require a man to be competent whatsoever) but it’s not everything and they still need to find you desirable.

My god you must be rolling in pussy. Tell me more about how women are wrong with what characteristics they find attractive.

>Again maybe it’s different in other countries but Australia seems to be the worst for it
Wow. You sure sound like a winner and not a whiney bitch looking for excuses.
Why did the mods delete everything reasonable and leave it looking like an incel complaint thread?
Serious question, assuming you're not lying about your height/build/looks: is it possible that you're scaring the fat chicks away by being *too* attractive for them? Anecdotally, outside of explicitly FA/BBW events I think fat women tend to assume that a chad-tier guy showing interest in them is only interested on a down low pump'n'dump.

This guy gets it. The hottest feedist sex I ever had was with a woman who only weighed 250ish and wasn't trying to gain IRL, but had the kink as a fantasy.
(50 KB, 640x641, IMG_5426.webp)
> is it possible that you're scaring the fat chicks away by being *too* attractive for them?

Hes LARPing as Chad to circumvent being told he’s shooting out of his league.
He’s claiming to be 6’5” and a lean 240 (ok buddy), says he’s Chad Thundercock yet complains women prefer confident men.

No those really are my stats, why would I bother lying to strangers online?

I did actually have one girl ghost me on the day of our date, then I saw her at a festival a year later and I thought fuck it Ill ask her what happened, and she said straight up that she thought I was way too fit for her and wouldn't find her attractive. She was barely even chubby just had a slight belly and was otherwise conventionally hot

I had never considered that this could be a reason why, and I still don't know for certain that she wasn't just being nice but I've had another girl tell me that if they perceive a man as being more attractive than them they assume there's an ulterior motive like he just wants to smash and dash or make fun of her

It's fucked up, I don't come across as a fuckboi or judgemental or anything so I'm not even suer what to do about this.

What are you supposed to do to convince them that you find them sexy if they're not willing to give you the chance?

No the more I think about it the more I think that could genuinely be the main cause.

I still underestimate how insecure the average woman is, even incredibly attractive ones. Women who have a belly or have just gained weight are usually more fragile than porcelain, and I think being a tall fit guy causes them to associate me with the judgmental jock fuckwit from high school or just someone who wants to hit and run.

One chubby girl even told me that if she matches with a really fit guy she assumes that if not sex then he just wants to make fun of her, apparently that happens quite a bit.

Once again, assholes ruin it for everyone.

But I'm not sure what to do about it I mean all I can really do is try to make it clear that I'm into them without making it seem like I'm fetishising them which can be a fine line. But if they pull the plug before we even meet then obviously I wont even get that chance
>No the more I think about it the more I think that could genuinely be the main cause.

It’s not. Look at your neurotic bitch-fit walls of text. You have no self awareness, take no responsibility for your life, lack confidence, determination and every characteristic that makes a man a man outside of supposed height and weight.
You’re a massive bitch, no woman would ever, ever, find that atttactive.
> with the judgmental jock fuckwit from high school
No, they don’t want to fuck you because based on you’re writing your the judgmental incel nerd school shooter.
Dude stop being such a whiney judgemental bitch and you might do better with women. Right now; you are a bitch with no confidence complaining that women don’t like you.
It’s honestly entertaining listening to the narcissistic turbo autistic complain that he’s too sexy for fat women.
Walls of text, contradictory statements judging everyone else as the problem why he can’t get laid. It’s like a drunken low budget Notes from the Underground (does he also live in a basement ?)
Imagine being this stupid to not know what you’re doing to creep-out and disgust women. “I’m not confident, I’m a creepy fetishist who doesn’t accept the fetish as acceptable. Why don’t women like me?”
> It's fucked up, I don't come across as a fuckboi or judgemental…
Dude read your posts. You come across as incredibly judgmental. I’m not even sure you like fat people, or even women, based on how much you consider fat people’s existence a physical and mental illness.

> And I feel bad because I want my partner to be healthy and I know that whatever way you want to spin it this shit just isn't healthy.
> don't even masturbate to videos of impoverished south east asians or clearly mentally deranged or addicted feedees because I don't find it attractive
> Outside of middle aged mums who can't really lose weight or can't be fucked , any woman who has this body type will always be insecure.
> I also have pesky morals which a lot of this community seems to be unburdened by... I refuse to manipulate or in any way pressure a woman into gaining or doing anything she clearly isn't 100% comfortable with. I'm still conflicted with the idea of enabling women who do have the kink since it's often trenched in self hatred and trauma and shit.
> Seriously I've chatted to maybe 100 feedees over the years and I'd say most need to get offline and get into a psychologist office.

What the fuck are you actually talking about ?

I never said I’m not confident i said I’m not dominant. Are you the same nonce who suggested grabbing women by the belly on the first date?

Of course I’m complaining because it’s a very frustrating fetish to have. That doesn’t mean I don’t accept it but it’s conflicting.

Do you really believe the stereotype that all women want a hyper dominant chad thundercock who has never doubted himself or shown one bit of vulnerability? Spoiler - most outwardly ultra confident men have underlying insecurity, I’ve known a lot of guys like this and every so often you get a glimpse behind the curtain.

Anyway what did I expect starting this sort of discussion on bbw chan
Dude your a fucking bitch, it's funny you bring up all the ultra confident men secretly being cowards. Tell me what the fuck does that make you. Yeah is this attraction frustrating ? Yeah it is and is it hard to find someone who is willing to give it a shot ? Sure probably, look I'm a loser who isn't terribly attractive, broke and has never been in a relationship so let me tell you I know what woman don't like. You bitching and moaning and making excuses and blaming others only makes you even more repulsive. Quit being a bitch, take accountability and shut the fuck up dude. You really thought people were going to not roast you or call you out ? No dude quite being a fucking loser and an incel its not worth it.
You got less then 10 bodies on your list you never seen 1 million cash. You need to keep quiet. Lol
Watch your back!

You can say all that in a slightly more tactful way than Shut the fuck up Incel, which causes a potentially constructive conversation to become a war of words (which aren't even true, I don't despise women and I'm far from a virgin for whatever the hell that's worth)

I don't expect people to agree with the shit I say but if they disagree I expect them to actually state why rather than just hurling
U americans with vpns lol
Ok fair enough let me rephrase what I'm saying. You are being a massive hypocrite and clearly being short sighted, please stop making excuses and blaming others. Just accept the frustrations of you attraction and work on yourself. I never said you where an incel or a virgin but you are acting like a fool so stop. That more constructive ?
It's a curse if you want to have a long term relationship with a morbidly obese woman.

Because she will either stay fat af and die early, or she'll lose the weight and get the body of an 80 year old grand mother.

Either way the consequences suck
Any woman can gain weight, lose weight, get sick, go insane, have an affair, etc. I'd still put my money on going after the woman you really want rather than compromising based on what may happen in the future.

In any case, no matter how hot she is there's a point after many years where immediate sexual attraction (lust) fades. The good news is that if the rest of the relationship is good things morph into a deeper, more emotional and mental bond. At which point you love her even if she's disabled or has the body of a deflated party balloon.

As for sexual gratification in a LTR, porn is not just for single guys, trust me lol.
honestly best advice I got in this space was get with a girl 2-3 times smaller than you want her to be. because most women do gain weight esp in relationships, so you can at least enjoy a gradual gain with someone you like instead of a low selfesteem hassle with someone who might flip the script on you and get WLS or just get bigger and look at you like a weirdo for being with them.

case in point my girl now is way slimmer but I can feed her and devlop her in to a bbw.
while I was with a fatter girl who was cool but didn't want me to call her fat during sex.

gotta think longer term buddy.
How does it matter? Being in a place with fat shaming is even better for us with fetish on fat women, it means they are undesired or feel like it, they will be more clingy and attracted to us because they have low self esteem or no other viable options.
I am not into feederism and I see some others here are, I am very happy with just a big girl.

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