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We're witnessing a lost media catastrophe in the fat fetish scene. Not just amateurs on YouTube, that ship has long since sailed. Thousands of videos are gone forever. I'm talking about the professional space. A lot of these women, or their boyfriends/handlers/pimps are certifiable and spend 1% of their time making overpriced mediocre content and 99% of the time DMCAing it. Videos that are decades old get nuked in hours. A lot of clips never sell anything. They never get uploaded online at all and when whatever pay site they're on gets nuked they're just gone. I can't even find mention of half the videos I watched when I was younger. No uploads, no web pages, nothing. There needs to be a permanent archive that these delusional skanks can't get at ala Archive.org. Something that either has a legal exemption or is hosted in a country outside US jurisdiction.
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>>45979 (OP)
>There needs to be a permanent archive
that would be a dream come true.

current solution
tons of private archives, shared on sharing platforms.
issue: chaotic data storage/structure
issue: no global catalogue
issue: too many gimmepigs and people trying to re-sell content
issue: unreliable

new solution
the archive should not be centralized, and not belong to a commercial company.

- distributed
- redundant
- unchangeable
- indelible
- free, as in openly available and free of mandatory cost to the users

idea: an archive based on blockchain-technology, any user can participate as an anonimized redist-host
issue: hardware and bandwidth costs still apply
issue: mass redistributing proprietary/copyrighted material would need some new international data regulations (for example: all erotic media would be free for redistributing after a certain amount of years)
Nah. They deserve the anonymity.
We should build a server farm to drop these videos too as input to a generative AI video platform of synthetically generated artificial feedee.
This sounds like peak porn addiction

>idea: an archive based on blockchain-technology, any user can participate as an anonimized redist-host

Already existed in the form of Sia/Skynet. It died because of hosting costs (hosting an entire blockchain full of massive media files is expensive, who knew?) and copyright issues.

Any blockchain-related solution to this problem would need to be extremely focused to minimize costs and risk.
>>45979 (OP)
>I can't even find mention of half the videos I watched when I was younger.
Tell me about it. I wouldn't care so much if quality content was still produced, but as tech has improved, quality and effort has dropped off.

People can say whatever they want about the more professional studios/sites, the content was vastly superior to this awful trailer trash tier onlyfans shit.
Simple. There's no schizo energy to online content anymore. Content nowadays are of the straight and narrow cause lawmakers don't want noise. In the US, people are out by 9 in the morning and in the house around 6.
Now the governor in my state is deploying the National Guard to the subways cause there's no noise
I can safely and sadly say after having scoured the internet for feedism content almost every week for the last 15 years that maybe 80% of the sexiest content I ever saw is now somewhere in oblivion and I can't even remember the alias' the ladies used but even if I could their content is long gone.

Plus all the sexy stuff I got sent by women I chatted up on feabie which I deleted in one foul swoop when I tried to delete this fetish from my brain (surprise, didn't work). Man there were some full on personal stuffings and masturbation and shit from genuinely sexy girl next door women not fugly goths and haggard old hags but they only stuck around for a few weeks or months before someone tried to stalk them or the pressure caused them to freak out and cut all ties with the scene.

Oh well, I enjoyed it at the time, that's good enough I guess.
Goths are ridiculously common in New York and the eastern seaboard because that's where Satanism and Mormonism was created. They're typically from the suburbs and want to spite their conservative parents. Satanism is more about pissing off fundies. I think the problem is that horror demands adult protagonists and there's no fatties allowed. It's sorta why the monster dumps the pregnant women in hentai. Pregnant women and fat women would just exhaust the monster, you need to be skinny to run away with the monster with the horsecock.
>>45979 (OP)
Create an archive for BBWchan.
Less boards, less threads in a catalog, less posts in a thread, and there'll be enough space for content archives without needing to spend more money. This has the added benefit to make the website become more normie-friendly, too.
BBW NFTs are the only sensible approach given the current state of technology.
In the gold rush for professionally produced content we’ve lost many of the og fetish YouTube’s and random posters from the early 2000s.
There will never be another era of women raised in disbelief that fat women are ever attractive to anyone.
There will also never be another era of people blindly uploading fetish material with their faces open.
Also the amateur content was amazing in a 1980s bad horror movie way as well as in how real the exploitation was.
We will never again have a model in a dimly lit and dirty room crying after trying to do a sexy weigh in.
We will never have the crying babies as a morbidly obese woman tray to get off the floor recording their domestic misery to sell to an army of deranged coomer thieves for some internet nickels.
All of this lost to time because of how bad it was compared to the polidh
As funny as your idea sounds it's not worth trying until we make the website a lot more normie-friendly and advertize on other sites with active fatfaggotry.
Given how so many people are on the internet nowadays, I wonder if someone could create an archive on the "darknet".

The Darknet isn't anything edgy or sinister or anything like that, the darknet just refers to a host of websites that are unindexed from google and are findable via Tor, meaning that unless you know where to find a link to it, you can't find it on google or normal internet.
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An archive doesn't need to be on the darknet.
I already upload a lot of lost and rare art that I have onto a website on the clearweb. The URL is https://curveybooru.com its worth checking out.
Some of what I have uploaded is old stuff that I saved from bbwchan many years ago.

What is up with this German fuck coming up with ideas knowing damn well no one here is going to pay for it? This site can barely get funding to stay alive as is.
Sperg has got his head shoved so far up his own ass he can't see that no one agrees with his insane ideas and just continues yelling into the void.
NFTs are a good idea.
Repurpose some slices of the server farm to hashing out NFTs related to key blueberry, hyperpreg, orbtaculars, furries and other important works of fetish art that could be marketed as keyly valuable IP.
Selling NFTs should get us enough seed capital to deploy a squad of developers to repurpose the existing folder structure into a branching tree locker setup to increase functionality and decrease moderation workloads.
This is a classic example of capitalist enclosure of the commons. I created my timeless orbtacular waifu as a contribution to the noosphere of the global cognitive proletariat, and it would break my heart to see her monetized
I dunno. It's up to hyperpreg to unban Kisame17.
I dunno. I plan on leaving the internet to become a normal civilian.
These mods are out of control sometimes.
Tommy & his opressive delegates right. Fucking shame freeze your books people protest

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