
(72 KB, 877x911, ghostblubber_by_solitaryscribbles-dcfjffk.png.jpg)
Hey guys, its me, TomPendragon the writer on DA. I started an isekai fantasy RP/Story thing called "Rem-Girls" *At least as a pending name*. (And while he calls it Rem-Girls, boys are allowed in too)

https://www.deviantart.com/tompendragon/art/Harem-Girls-Project-PokemonStyle-Waifu-Battler-1020467371 (The basic intro)

https://www.deviantart.com/tompendragon/art/The-Rem-Girls-Notebook-Our-Dex-Updated-3-7-24-1021810594 (The basic "Pokedex" of rems me and other guys have made)

https://www.deviantart.com/tompendragon/art/Rem-Girls-Races-List-Updated-2-19-24-1022242462 (The races in the world)

Anyone can submit to this world as long as he approves of the subject content (so nothing that would be problematic like underaged targets)

I'm open to anyone's ideas, stories, and artwork they submit to the world of Aine! (The image here is just my OC, Seraphita, from a different story I wrote because I needed to put something here)

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