
Not my favorite kind of music but what a voice!

St. Paddy's is a horrible holiday where I live so I'm staying home. It's an invasion of suburban retards drunk off their asses at 10AM, yelling, puking and picking fights. SantaCon is worse but at least it brings fewer people.
>>45798 (OP)
Check this out. There's a nice fat chick on the bass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krgdr50Le4Q

I rarely do anything for Paddy's Day these days. This year I have a friend coming over from abroad so I'm obligated to go out drinking, although I know it'll be a shitshow.
To anyone wanting to visit Dublin for Saint Patrick's Day: My advice would be: Don't. I mean come over if you want to, but hotels in post-covid Ireland are extortionately expensive even in off-peak season and it's ten times worse on Paddy's Day.
No joke, it's often actually cheaper (including flights, especially if Ryanair are doing them cheap) for a Dubliner to spend a weekend in a hotel in France or Portugal than Galway.
And that's not mentioning the general overcrowding and rowdiness in Dublin on the actual day. You better pray it doesn't rain because you won't be able to sit down in a pub, you'll be standing out on the street holding your pint. And it'll take an age to actually get a pint at the bar, or que up for the toilet etc.
I have an SSBBW friend who used to go over to London for SantaCon every year. I presume it's the same deal as where you live, but basically hundreds of people dress up as Santa Claus and elves and do something like a pub crawl mixed with a flash mob.
The Santas always outnumbered the elves, and there was always a rivalry between them. One year (this would've been maybe 2019?) the hitherto friendly rivalry turned ugly. The Santas started abusing the elves, throwing bottles, rocks and eggs at them. My friend was particularly singled out for being very fat. After that she stopped going.
>No joke, it's often actually cheaper (including flights, especially if Ryanair are doing them cheap) for a Dubliner to spend a weekend in a hotel in France or Portugal than Galway.
I should clarify that I wasn't talking about Saint Patrick's Day here. Just in general it'd be (not always but often) cheaper for Irish people to go abroad than stay in a hotel in Ireland.
Your St. Paddy's sounds exactly like our version (except we spell it St. Patty's). And here I thought you guys were a little cooler and didn't go all-out with the binge drinking fake ethnic brofest like in NYC-Chicago-Boston. At least tell me the pubs don't have Danny Boy on the jukebox. Anyway yeah, the worst night of the year to go out for a drink. Your friend will learn the hard way.

Santacon started here in NYC maybe 30 years ago indeed as a bar crawl/weird little happening of hipsters and college students. I never participated but it was kind of funny to see a few dozen guys in Santa costumes invade a bar, usually a dive or yuppieish place for impact. (I've never seen elves among them, I guess that's London's twist.) Then it was 200 participants then 1,000 then 10,000 and then the bros got in on it and ruined it (see a pattern here?). I've never heard of any organized violence though plenty of obnoxious behavior and harassment. Bars started banning it a few years ago and the event got a bad name so the organizers tried to clean up its reputation by making it a charity event. Didn't work.
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>then the bros got in on it and ruined it (see a pattern here?)

Pic related, sic transit gloria mundi
Ruined punk indeed, made it white, male, and violent.
Im going to put a brick in her back glass to match her missing window. Fucking bitch
>And here I thought you guys were a little cooler and didn't go all-out with the binge drinking fake ethnic brofest like in NYC-Chicago-Boston.
I will say that you get a lot less of the "fake ethnic brofest" shtick in Ireland (although is it really fake ethnic if we're actually Irish?), at least if the clips of I've seen of St Patrick's Day in the aforementioned US cities are anything to go by. Like you don't see nearly as many oversized leprechaun hats and faux orange beards and so on. But I won't lie, you do see a few. Less "Danny Boy" on the jukebox and more "Come Out Ye Black and Tans", kek.
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Yeah, obv if you're Irish in Ireland it's not cosplay. I could have worded that better. Here it's a tragic misplaced search for identity, though they're 4th and 5th generation Americans and half of them have Italian or Polish in their ancestry as well. They'll all tell you their family is from Cork though that's just where the boat left from lol.

FWIW, I visited Dublin a while back and while you don't have as many fat girls there, there are more than a few, they're pretty hot, and the ratio of huge tits is off the charts. Even thin girls are stacked. My GF at the time was the one who actually pointed it out.
I recenlty visited the US east coast and I felt like I didn't see that many fatties. Maybe slightly more than back home. I did see two 500ish women on scooters, which was mind blowing even though they weren't attractive whatsoever.

I've been pretty lucky with meeting and dating fat girls here in Ireland, although tbh I feel like I don't see very many attractive fat women "in the wild" at all.
>the ratio of huge tits is off the charts. Even thin girls are stacked
It's funny you should say that, because we have something of a stereotype here that British women have big tits compared to Irish women.

Having said all that there is a big similarity between British and Irish women. Most of them - not all, but most - wear false tan as a general rule, which I personally dislike. One of the reasons I developed an attraction to fat women was that they seemed slightly less predisposed to wearing false tan, or at least they did when I was younger.
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Woodside anon here from the thread where we were giving Eireanon some vacation advice. I always liked living in a negihborhood with some actual first and second gen immigrant Irish. One time I was walking past a bar and a huge crowd of young guys in rugby shirts poured out with their arms over each other's shoulders singing "Come Out Ye Black And Tans."

I'm a rootless burger mutt with no particular ethnic identity (and zero Irish), but anyone who can listen to that or "Boys Of The Old Brigade" or "The Broad Black Brimmer" and not be ready to shed their blood for Ireland is a robot with no soul. So I can understand why a lot of Americans cling to the idea of being "Irish."
Rvery god damn inch lmao
Black hand is alive & well.
Ah, so you're the Irish tourist. Dia duit, homie. I've been to the UK as well and they're also pretty stacked, true. Maybe I was just more aware of it in Dublin though like I said it was my ex who actually brought it to my attention.

Fake tans are considered trashy here and seem to have gone out of fashion after near-ubiquity back in the 00s. Also 1) we get a lot more sunlight than you guys and 2) a lot of us are Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, South/Central Asian, so we're not as pasty to start with. I imagine pre-bopo/SA fat women wouldn't get them because they don't want to take their clothes off in a spray booth.

And I'm the other guy who gave our lad way too much NYC travel advice... How's things in Queens?

FTR I know shitloads of Irish-Americans (hard not to growing up in/around NYC) and most aren't dickheads, of course. Just that the St. Paddy's parade brings the dickheads out because they love an excuse to be drunk and obnoxious in public.

I'm Eastern European Jewish and despite similar histories of oppression and diaspora, we don't pine for the shtetl like Irish-Americans do for the Fields of Athenry or whatever.
>Fake tans are considered trashy here
Funnily enough they are sometimes considered trashy here too, yet high-class women will often still wear them. The only class of women who don't as a rule are the "hipster" types with piercings, tattoos, dyed hair etc. Unsurprisingly this is the kind of woman I usually go for, although I know that's very contentious on this website lol
>I imagine pre-bopo/SA fat women wouldn't get them because they don't want to take their clothes off in a spray booth.
Actually spraying isn't how it's usually done, although that does happen of course. Usually women buy a bottle of fake tan in a shop/pharmacy and apply it at home using disposable cotton glove. Which often makes it even more obvious and unattractive than a spray tan. Aside from the look, I personally dislike the feel and smell of it. It can also get on your bedsheets if she sweats a lot, and then the whole bed smells like it.
Well that's just it — if it's a professional place and she doesn't go apeshit, transforming herself into a different ethnicity, then you might not even notice. But like with hair dye, the DIY solutions are always obvious.
>oy vey irish-americans cling to their identity so cringe
Let people have fun.
Found the Canadian who gets his panties in a bunch when Arab and Indian immigrants celebrate their own culture.

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