
(265 KB, 700x994, fat victorian tea maid woman big boobs old.jpg)
I have a fat gf and I am going to a high class event in the near future.

How do I not get ostracized from there while also taking my lovemuffin with me?
>>45794 (OP)
Stop giving a shit what others think regardless of hierarchy and take her with you. I’m more than certain that your peers wouldn't think any different of you should you bring your “lovemuffin” as your plus one. Cheers.
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>>45794 (OP)
It is questionable whether there is a "high class" at all and whether it reacts uniformly to anything. if you mean a bunch of elitist rich snobs who need to look down on other people in order to boost their own sick ego, then you should also ask yourself whether you like being in these circles at all.

my personal take:
wherever you go with your beautiful fat girl, love her, be proud of her, make her happy, and the world can't touch you.
It depends. Is she sloppy and doesn't know how to dress? Probably.

Shapewear and a string of pearls can distract and obscure most problem areas. Slap some lipstick on that pig and don't let her overeat.
Dated the daughter of two blue Wikipedia links. One parent is a significant person in business, other in politics.
She was fat, and one of the most humble people I've met. I think you'll be fine.
Are her initials ISF?
No it's not the ex-prime ministers daughter lol, although I knew she'd be the first suspect. Definitely not that high profile so no one's gonna guess it which is why I was comfortable with sharing it.
>Stop giving a shit what others think regardless of hierarchy and take her with you.
Even if it can impact my employment possibilities?
I mean, if you're that worried about it leave her at home. You stressing out is just going to make you off-putting and unapproachable to people you want to network with.

There's a play called Fat Pig that kind of touches on this. Dude starts dating a fat chick, his coworkers start making fun of him, he gets stressed out, eventually he decides it's better to dump her to progress in his career (I haven't seen it in years but this is what I remember).
where can I watch it?
Idk it's a play. You can probably find recordings of it on YouTube. Or just read the script.
>I mean, if you're that worried about it leave her at home.
Not an option.
>if you mean a bunch of elitist rich snobs who need to look down on other people in order to boost their own sick ego, then you should also ask yourself whether you like being in these circles at all.
Even if it can open new doors for better employment?
Only you can know for sure whether these worries are real or just in your head. I won't pretend it's a groundless worry, if you're trying to break into actual elites in an industry like film production in LA or banking in NYC. But it depends on context.

I'm in a major US city. I'm upper middle class at best, nowhere near elite, but I have "cultural capital" because I've spent my life in and around prestigious universities. Once in a while I rub shoulders with actual megarich people. My take from that perspective is that her weight is a lot less important than that she dress appropriately and not come across as trashy or cringe when she opens her mouth. Unless you're literally trying to impress a bunch of junior finance bros, people will probably be polite enough not to call attention to it.
>Even if it can open new doors
--> >ask yourself

- it's your decision, not anon's.
- in this case, the "risk" seems to be relatively small, since it's only based on your fears, not some traumatic event that you already suffered through with this "high class".
- if they really are as described ("elitist rich snobs..."), there's a chance to teach them that there's a real world outside of their ivory tower, and that you will not bow down to them.

your truth and integrity weighs more than some possible benefits by prostituting yourself to some rich idiot's opinion (aka brown-nosing).
stick to what's readl, to whom you love.
>Even if it can open new doors
--> >ask yourself

- it's your decision, not anon's.
- in this case, the "risk" seems to be relatively small, since it's only based on your fears, not some traumatic event that you already suffered through with this "high class".
- if they really are as described ("elitist rich snobs..."), there's a chance to teach them that there's a real world outside of their ivory tower, and that you will not bow down to them.

your truth and integrity weighs more than some hypothetical benefits. no need to prostitute yourself to some rich idiot's opinion (aka brown-nosing).
stick to what's real, to whom you love.
Then honestly the best you can do is make sure she dresses modestly, doesn't say anything stupid, and doesn't eat more than a salad. I don't know why you couldn't come up with some sort of excuse for her not to go.
>Is she sloppy
I don't know what sloppy is for you
>doesn't know how to dress
I haven't seen her in a fancy dress, if that's what you are asking. How would a fat woman dress if she knew how to?
And if she is too big for it or it hurts her insides?
>don't let her overeat.
That's a tall order. How would I ensure she doesn't give into her urges?
>Shapewear and a string of pearls can distract and obscure most problem areas
I know it sounds stupid, but what problem aeas are you referring to besides the tummy?

Also, how do I manage spontaneous erections where I don't think would be any excuse for having a hard on?
Read the script? Think he cares about the plot?
he asked how to access the media so I gave him options to access the media.
>>45794 (OP)
Congrats, man, for owning your preference. There's too many noodle-spined cowards out there
There’s only one way to date a fat chick openly.
Being Chad. Be popular, in shape, tall, successful.
Otherwise, you will look like you’re a loser with a small dick, bad self esteem, no game.
Baseball scouts wouldn’t hire a pitcher with an ugly girlfriend, it suggest low confidence.
>I mean, if you're that worried about it leave her at home.
No can do. Need to bring someone named like my lover, otherwise I won't be let in. It's couples only for some reason.
I see.
>her weight is a lot less important
So it is a factor to be judged by?
>she dress appropriately and not come across as trashy or cringe when she opens her mouth.
What does dress appropriately mean to you? Same for saying cringe or trashy things.

>Fat Pig
Interesting, where can I watch a video recording of it? I searched youtube but there doesn't appear to be anything but fragments of it and the fat woman is mostly portrayed by skinny minnies too! Horrid.

>I mean, if you're that worried about it leave her at home.
No can do unless I meet a woman with an identical name. Otherwise I won't get in.
>>45794 (OP)
How fat is she? The difference in social acceptance between 200 and 400 pounds is massive.
>baseball scouts
>hire a pitcher

Oh yeah, this guy knows what he’s talking about
>make sure she dresses modestly
As in, just to cover the cleavage and other things skinny women have to worry about? Or does this include her navel, belly rolls not being visible?
>doesn't say anything stupid
I'm not sure what you mean by this, mind telling me?
>and doesn't eat more than a salad.
And how would I deal with the eventual grumbling her stomach is gonna make as it is not filled with the grub it desires?
Not like I have a choice
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>there's a chance to teach them that there's a real world outside of their ivory tower, and that you will not bow down to them.
Not sure what you're smoking, buddy. But I want some too.
>Otherwise, you will look like you’re a loser with a small dick, bad self esteem, no game.
Too bad
To be completely honest, I don't know. But it's definitely more than a handful, that's for sure.
She doesn't want me to know yet she is completely into being fat and even gaining weight. Quite the paradox.
She is 5'6 and about the size of this lady here, proportions are kind of close to reality too although there is an awful lack of yummy stretch marks. I'd guess this lady here is about 300lbs to 320lbs, what do you say?
>there's a chance to teach them that there's a real world outside of their ivory tower, and that you will not bow down to them.
>Not sure what you're smoking, buddy. But I want some too.
very good. there's already too many idiotic butt lickers kissing some rich bigmouth's ass (i.e. maga). glad you want to steer clear of being a lemming and stand your own ground.
This is a very bizarre round about way to goon. Ngl OP u had me at first.
I’m sure you’re no prize yourself.
Unless you’re Patrick Bateman, your body is no temple to normative masculinity.

Own it— you’re either already a loser or not.
You’re overthinking it like some neurotic beta. Your girl doesn’t define you; that sort of aesthetic obsession is indicative of serious impotence on your part.
Youre sure? Assuming. All assumptions because if you knew. Perseverance
I looked up the play on youtube.
I kind of like how Tom having a fat gf annoys his ex although he acts very submissive and whiny.
Damn is he such an annoying whiny beta.
Are all american males like him?
Tbf it's not a good play imo. None of the characters are particularly redeemable and the love interest isn't ever cast as someone who's "actually" fat, but I guess she's fat enough to be disgusting to normies-- which still underscores how ridiculous the expectations are. If she were 250-300 I'd get it, but maybe there just aren't a lot of morbidly obese female actors in the community theater circuit.

Anyway, to answer your question, kind of.
>What does dress appropriately mean to you? Same for saying cringe or trashy things.
It depends the on context of the particular social group you're trying to assimilate into. What exactly is the event you're taking her to, if you can say without doxing yourself? An art gallery opening in lower Manhattan? A party hosted by VCs in Palo Alto? Cocktails at the country club with the local business establishment in a small Midwestern city? Each of these scenes will have its own social codes for attire and behavior, and it's on you (and her) to figure those out.
If its finance workers like investment managers, yes they treat their lives like discipline shows how "in control" they are of the situation. Since it hides that they have no control and they run a grift.

Anyone else... not really? Military: no, Actual wealthy owners of capitol: no.

There was actually a study that showed that if your spouse wasn't conve tionally attractive you would be rated more favorably by other business executives because it shows that you can "see past surface level features, and "able to evaluate the deeper venefits to every deal" probably assuming you aren't groping your partner in public. So having a partner that doesn't fit the narrative could be seen as a power move?
Could easily put a bullet in your head as soon as u walk yo your vehicle dont fuck with me white boy
There's no better place to say: "eat the rich"
I think that's only for the globalists that marry transformers. In fact, I believe they sometimes refer to us as "useless eaters".
Not everyone got the shot, so they're trying to kill us off in other ways.

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