
(79 KB, 1240x1522, share-of-women-who-are-obese-in-europe-2023.png)
Hello. Where I live women are either flat(at most musquito bites) and look very fragile or humongously fat. The catch with the fat ones is that at most they have B cup boobs(talking about girls upwards of 350lbs) and don't gain weight in feminine places(boobs, thighs, butt or hips).

How would you deal with this if you were in my shoes and could not move away from where you live?
Jerk off to girls you find hot on the internet.

If you want a real relationship then let the shallow shit go and find someone that makes you feel good.
Bulgarian girls are tall, fat and seem to have pretty nice proportions. For my taste they are too southern european but I'm sure you're more used to that. Perhaps worth a shot?
>If you want a real relationship then let the shallow shit go and find someone that makes you feel good
I can't force myself to have sex with someone who I don't find attractive
I'm sure there are guys who find a woman who represents their physical ideal (or close), ask them out and wind up marrying them. This is not typical, and even when it does happen the nature of male desire is that you get sick of them after a few years anyway. Or they gets old, their shape changes, they lose weight (or gain it if you're a normie), etc.

I second the idea you keep your mind open and put yourself in situations where you'll meet all kinds of women. When it clicks you won't be questioning the size of her tits or her fat distribution. You'll want to be with her for her and sexual desire will grow out of that. It will be more sustainable in the long run anyway.
>You'll want to be with her for her and sexual desire will grow out of that.

this is an urban legend

t. married guy
Dead bedroom guy right there. This only happens if you or your partner allows it to happen. Don't fall for the lie that its inevitable.
Sure go ahead and tell this guy to hold out for his ideal body type instead, I'm sure everything else will fall into place because that's how LTRs work.
I should move to Romania, apparently
>>45777 (OP)
I'm following this thread because I pretty much want the opposite of what you want
Why punish yourself?
>t. morons with flippant marriages
Why did you marry?
I agree. If you can't have sex with your woman without viagra, then she's not good enough.

Seriously now, is there a word which differentiate between normal fat women and the abominations where I live? Seriously there must be a word for women which can't gain weight in any feminine place. If they don't have long hair I might even mistake them for old diabetic dudes.
i understand what you mean
'fridge build' perhaps? concrete blocks? bricks? i don't know

I mean, I think general geography doesnt really play a role in finding your specific ideal mate. There are broader genetic and demographic patterns though, that might be what you're looking for answer wise. For curvy women, black women imo tend to most often distribute fat to tits and ass. Maybe take a trip way down south to the land of cotton, Dixieland USA. White, Black, Asian, got fatties of all types in say, Atlanta. Lots of corn fed, beautiful women all across the sultry south. Really, anywhere outside of Colorado here probably has more fat women than Romania. Idk about how Turkish women are typically built, but I think middle eastern women as pretty curvy, and seems like its a fat country closeby. Maybe holiday in Istanbul for a bit.
Fridge body presumes that from the side the are rectangle shaped.
The women I am talking about from the side are undercase b shaped
>Fridge body presumes that from the side the are rectangle shaped.
not exactly. i think it means, and i've seen it used for a total lack of waist/hip ratio from the front/back. many ssbbw models keep a womanly shape both from the front and the side. and when it comes to their bellies it's often double, has cellulite or at least hangs a lot
so the fat women in your country have a very round 'beer belly' but nothing else? that sort of fat is called visceral and is masculine, yes
>so the fat women in your country have a very round 'beer belly' but nothing else
If you look at a fat woman's belly here you would believe that's the belly of an obese diabetic man. No droop to it, no softness, NOTHING.
Women here gain weight in their faces, necks, collar bone region(one of the first regions to go soft), upper arms and hands(makes the arm look like a drumstick), belly in a very masculine way and the toes. As the women here are very 2x4 shaped, being fat adds a minimal layer of pudge to the tits barely pushing them above musquito bites. Foreigners usually have bigger boobs unless they are chinese.
Small delicate feet, you know what I’m saying.
Highlights the crush.
The feet are not delicate. The toes grow fat.
The more delicate feet can more decisively crush the small round thinks like grapes, nuts, mouse skulls, skittles. Plus fat ankles look worse in stilettos.
Which country has the women with beer bellies? That actually happens to be my favourite look but there aren’t many at all where I live and it seems to be a very ethnically determined thing
White American middle class office workers.
It’s not genetics. It’s just eating pure shit and never moving. Also alcoholism.

Of course it's genetically determined.

Genetics determine almost entirely where you store your fat. Some BBW models have tried for years to get a bigger belly but it all goes to their arms/legs/ass, other women lament that all their weight only goes to their belly.

It's not a matter of what you eat, only how many calories you take in.

Alcohol doesn't give you a beer belly unless you're talking ascites, it's just high in calories.

And I'd say middle eastern and latina women are more likely to have belly fat that white western women
> Genetics determine almost entirely where you store your fat. Some BBW models have tried for years to get a bigger belly but it all goes to their arms/legs/ass, other women lament that all their weight only goes to their belly.

These women are lazy and have a shit diet. Stop being a gullible simp for lazy hoes.

I’d bet you think skinny arms and a beer gut are genetic because you and your family are out of shape slobs.

Anyone with a PhD in systems metabolism could explain the differences in viceral/subcutaneous fat in lipolysis and lipogenisis. Eat more healthy fat, and get more activity, anyone can get a fat ass that way buddy.
A fucking school child could explain to you the myriad of ways a woman can fuck up their endocrine system and flood their bodies with male hormones.
Alcohol, BPA, DDT… thousands of chemicals these women ingest that derail sex hormones but “it’s muh genetics” because white women, especially Strayans, are sloppy drunks, with horrible habits as lazy consumerists, who sit all day consuming idiot media, with a fried food based diet, who take no care of their bodies.
You’re a sad excuse for a man, women are gonna fuck you for being their SIMP apologist.
> latina women are more likely to have belly fat that white western women

God are you Aussies more drunk or inbred? Latina women are synonymous with having a pear shape and an ass you duffus.
Explain to me what makes the women here so hideous. Either they are skinny and fragile looking or they are fat but look like a obese male diabetic.
Romanian women look like men after marriage. Before marriage, they look like any other 12 year old.
Yes, they are hideous. Question is, why are they like this?

Also, the lines are blurred. Some women have been skin and bones their whole life while others are a big bag of lard which is more shaped like a man with a diabetic gut.
>not genetics
make up your mind
the fact that asian women notoriously lack hips and ass, and fat ones always are built like fridges can't come down to difference in diets and exercise
France: tell your “women” to shave, they’re growing mustaches.
It’s not “just muh genetics”, that’s a cope. Most of what I pointed to is cultural, but since alcoholism is basically normalized in France you think fetal alcohol syndrome is just “muh genetics”.
Inbreeding is also bad, conflating genetics with harmful mutations comes down to being a francophonic idiot. Not that the French are *genetically dumb*, (you’re genetically Germanics and Bretons), it’s just a dumb culture.
Does that help?
Why do the Baltics get fatter as you go further south? Does heritage/diet change that significantly? And if it does, what's the cause?
I hate the French too but you sound like a faggot.
OMg youre the guy in ssbbw saying every other model has fetal alcohol syndrome aren't you... cringe. You sound like a fucking faggot
Nope. I’m banned from SSBBW for asking what these deform cabbage patch dolls smell like.
I imagine they smell like French people, that is to say human shit.
> but you sound like a faggot
And you sound like my bitch with a bleeding cum filled asshole.
Yep, definitely what a faggot sounds like.
So you just called yourself a gay bottom.
What a win for the inbred coalition of Mountain Dew mouthed troglodytes.
Call you mom, call her cousin who knocked her up to make you. Let them know you’ve come out.
Still sounding a whole lot like a faggot.
How tall are you?
I’m betting your a 5’7” out of shape lil manlet.
Seriously tho. How much of a failure are you in your fathers eyes?
Get help or kill yourself I really don’t care.
I'm 6' 2", stop projecting. You must be attracted to taller guys...you know...because you sound like a faggot.
Bet. You sound like your dick couldn’t be more unused.
to be fair, the statistics posted by OP are a bit sketched
our young women are thin, you can check up eurostat but I think only around 20 of women aged 18-24 are overweight, which is one of the lowest numbers in EU
most of the overweight women are in the 40+ range, which is easily explained by the hordes of obese babushkas

of course, our traditional food is very carb and fat heavy - lots of potatoes, meat, sour cream, butter and etc.
Indigenous women are definitely known for being goblin shaped not pear shaped.
Diet, environment, conditioning, chemical balance, even mental state also affect all that. Sure genetics are the overarching super structure you can’t count out of each of the above, but they still matter.
There’s a reason why nutrition is such a quack field outside of broad basic factoids. No one’s honest and or conscientious enough for this to matter though so le sigh I guess just glob onto whatever the trending tripe is and go to town diet wise ignoring everything else.
Seriously, bro needs to go to LA and see all the 5 foot tall mexicans shuffling around with either a beach ball or upside down triangle body shape.
>>45777 (OP)
Since moving to Europe I've noticed European women like overweight men but the men seem to hate big butts. Why is that? Why are butt always too big?
In my case it is the opposite.
Women have ridiculous standards and the men will wife up anything they can get despite the probability of her divorcing him in the next year (stealing his shit) being near 100%.
It's as if being married here is a status symbol.
I'm mexican/honduran and I've mostly seen all the fat for mexican chicks is straight to belly with the occasional pears from central america.

I visited el paso once when my family lived in TX and as a guy into women with the apple/belly body type it was like paradise probably a third of women fit that mold. I literally thought about moving somewhere far south but everything else about it is shit so that seems too extreme.

Where I live there are hardly any women with bellies at least besides middle aged mums
If you can’t find what you want where you are at, then move to a place where you can make it happen would be the first step. A big part of life is being fulfilled in life, and settling doesn’t allow you to be fulfilled in most cases. Also, I don’t know you but I will state the obvious that you should be approaching women and putting yourself out there; the only way you get the woman you want is to initiate the process by approaching her and engage her in conversation.
Europe is not a country.
North America is my city.
SUPER weird to learn that Lithuanian is full of obese women. Every woman I met there was tall and skinny.
like I've said in >>47035, we are full of old obese women, not young obese women.

For example, even according to eurostat, the absolute majority of our women under 40 are think or at least very lightly overweight, but not obese.
However, when you see the statistics on >40 year old women, then the situation is opposite - most of the old women are overweight due to sedentary lifestyle, traditional food being very carb and calory heavy and so on.

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