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It's a damn shame there's not alot of women who are into feederisim, I mean I've had many fantasies of my girlfriend feeding me tasty dishes while admiring how big I'm getting (if I had a girlfriend that is)
The feeling of being full of food just feels good to me for some reason. I'm not even fat, I'm 6'0 weighing at 170.
No way man. Having a chick feed you until you're gonna pop is hot as fuck.
Not "weird" any more or less than other fetishes are weird, but it may make your life more difficult.
Go gay
>>45706 (OP)
Wanting a girlfriend is a normal desire. Wanting her to be attractive is also a normal desire. Wanting your potential girlfriend to cook food for you is a normal desire, particularly if the food is healthy and nutritious. Wanting to enjoy her cooking is again, a normal desire. As long as you don't take things too far, there is nothing here that is weird.

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