
(283 KB, 1200x893, Jan_Matejko,_Stańczyk.jpg)
Well, my friends, I am in a bad situation.

I had been dating an SSBBW for the past 2 months. She is a nice person but there were several issues with the relationship:
- She was more into me than I was into her
- She wanted a serious relationship ASAP, and to have children sooner rather than later
- The sex wasn't very good

I told her how I felt about our relationship on Thursday. I told her I was open to the possibility of a more serious relationship, but I wanted to improve our sex life first. She did not take this well at all. She took my criticism of our sex life as a personal attack. I also think she feels like I was leading her on. We haven't spoken since.

I'm pretty sure we're going to break up. I'm more or less okay with that, but I still feel rotten. I feel like I've been an asshole. At this point I don't want to salvage the relationship (nor do I think this is possible).

Along with all of this, I think my attraction to fat women has waned significantly. I don't understand why nor can I articulate why. In my life thus far I have only had sex with fat women but I have always been attracted to women of all sizes. I have been on dates with skinny women but never managed to bed one.

I am going to take a break from dating for a while. Whenever I get back into dating, I think I will try dating skinny women again and see how that goes.
Dead bedroom anon here. I wasn't a fly on the wall for your conversation, so maybe you delivered the message in a way that could have been kinder, but in terms of the content you did nothing wrong. Take it from me, sexual compatibility is a legitimate thing to worry about if you're thinking about a serious relationship.

I'm exclusively an FA, so I don't know what could be happening with your losing attraction to fat women. Go for it with the skinny women and see what happens, but I guess I'd warn you to be sure that this isn't just cope, where you're temporarily upset over losing your SSBBW and will have the attraction come roaring back when you don't expect it.
>>45553 (OP)
What are the odds you guys were the “steady eddy” stable husband sorta guy?
These sorta relationships like this only happen to guys who are good fathers/husbands but lack that spark. Less exciting or attractive or lifestyle-changing-high-earning enough to demand she put in the effort to be a wife she dies to ge a hoe.
Are you sure you're losing attraction to BBWs, and not just this person? I mean, maybe the loss of attraction to this person is conflated with your loss of attraction to the body type. Whatever it is, take time with it, give yourself grace and yeah probably this person its not meant to be, and that's okay. Hope it works out for you and your figure it all out.
> Are you sure you're losing attraction to BBWs
Did your women even let you openly by a fat fetishist? I bet they weren’t even allowed to objectify and compliment her obesity or grab a belly.
We just broke up. More accurately, she broke up with me, which wasn't exactly unexpected. Honestly, I just feel relieved. I had been agonising over this over the past few days.

Maybe. I don't know. For all I know I could find myself dating another BBW next time. Like I said, I'm going to take a break from dating for a while regardless.

It was a weird mix honestly. She was very comfortable with her size and didn't want to lose weight. And she was also active in several fat-related communities online. But on the other hand she was emphatically not into being fed or fetishized. She did let me grab and play with her belly but that was about it. She considered fat fetishism "boring", that's how she put it.
I can live without feeding my woman, but one thing I love is a bit of fat-related dirty talk in bed, which she wasn't into whatsoever.
what exactly wasn't good sex-wise? I mean if she's an SSBBW as you what exactly do you have to say out loud?

i was in a fwb with a pretty big chick who didn't mind being fed but didn't want me to call her fat/fatty during sex.
didn't kill the experience for me though, just curious.

are you sure you just weren't trying to live vicariously through her?

I'd hate for you to realize that real life sex isn't curvage and miss out on a good chick.

BTW if she's more into you than you are into her that's a GOOD THING bro.

No SSBBW that sees you chasing them and being overly into them is going to find you attractive esp when you have fetish fiend written all over you.
I’d bet she wasn’t into him sexually and was an aged out hoe who wanted a husband asap.

She wasn’t down with the fat talk. If she actually was into him she’d at least entertain the fetish.
yeaa story isn't adding up, she's "too into him" but putting up all these restrictions....most SSBBW's are happy to be back in the sack and have some fun.
(provided you aren't a creep)
I didn't mean to imply that the dirty talk thing is a required kink for me. It isn't, but I can see how you would infer that.

That wasn't the issue. The issue was that there was just too much of a height and weight difference between us (6'5" & 180lbs vs 5'1" & 350lbs) for us to be able to have sex comfortably. As well as my penis being quite thick and her vulva being quite tight.

I said earlier in the thread that I've had sex with fat women before. I never had the same problems with previous partners. One who was 5'2" and 200ish, no problems. Another who was 5'8" and 400ish, no problems. I genuinely think this chick was just too short and too fat.

I don't think it's necessarily true that she wasn't into me sexually. But you are right that she wanted a husband ASAP. Biological clock ticking and all that. Though I honestly think it'd be difficult for her to have children at her size.
>im too tall for fat women to want to date me.
No, it’s probably having the body of a stick bug.
> my choad and her vulva being quite tight
No, that’s a lack of arousal. I wouldn’t expect an Itite to understand women or treat them like people.
> I don't think it's necessarily true that she wasn't into me sexually. But you are right that she wanted a husband ASAP.
Evidence says otherwise and youre the prosecutions star witness buddy.

Man you are sick. Those are the main points but overall your tone just sounds like a sandy vagina. Women don’t want that. Be more of a man.
Other hypothesis: Italians are pretty racist, are you too dark skinned, Arab or working class? Also most Italians I’ve met are pretty ugly, greasy and smell bad. Not entirely human if you ask me.
You’re proud like a man, but whine like a woman. Passive aggressive douchebag dropping in every sentence: You’d make an ok bitch (which is why she was willing to date you to marry you) but your not gonna be anybodies man with that kinda skinnyboy choad energy.
fair enough, i mean you guys are broken up now so it doesn't matter. just wanted to make sure you were expecting her to be ivy davenport or something lol. Sidenote the other guy is a weirdo
You’re the weirdo buddy. Sex with your wife should be pornstar level everyday. Obviously you have a miserable marriage.
lmao your hands are too short to box with god buddy, it's better than pornstar level, it's real life
I don’t think it’s some tall order to find a woman with a fat fetish who’s more attractive than 90% of the models on curvage. Those women are beat and the porns nothing special.
>No SSBBW that sees you chasing them and being overly into them is going to find you attractive esp when you have fetish fiend written all over you.
Learned that the hard way, they just avoid you or you'll end up becoming their lapdog if you get desperate. There's a good reason why it's considered a fetish: Something that is not meant to be taken seriously and leaving you in a void because if you're willing to start a family, you better get some therapy and reject that shit.
I'm Irish, not Italian. Are you retarded or just colourblind?
I thought Ireland was part of the U.K. like Scotland or Whales.
Found the guy whose fattened, married, and divorced more women they you’ll ever date buddy.
Fucking microdicks here unironically using incel to win arguments like it’s 2017.
man so you just stay losing huh

i agree , i think its more about a fat girl who thinks shes hot vs having a fetish for it. thin line yada yada
>Found the guy whose fattened, married, and divorced more women they you’ll ever date buddy.

You found him? Who is he? Because it ain't you, LARPer.
Lame comeback buds
Good enough for you to respond tho, taking you away from your fattening, marrying, and divorcing. Anyway you're right, I shouldn't bother — every cringey LARPing post of yours is a self-own.
" 5'1" & 350lbs.....

I genuinely think this chick was just too short and too fat."

Woah, you really fucked up here, what an absolute queen. How in the world would you pass her by, and be a fucking ass about it too. She's genuinely better off without you.
Stop being a bitch turn off traction control & do it again cute gesture

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