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Welcome Directors!
Feel free to discuss or share ideas in producing or creating Short Films, Animations, Special Effects, Storyboards, etc.

Related with the topic of WG and/or Expansion.
Don’t point out that Woody Allen and Weinstein are both citizens of the theocracy that’s the worlds top destination for child molestors or the mods might censure you.
What?! ._.
I just want to share knowledge on video editing.
All we're talking about is how to make short films, animation, etc. We aren't talking about what those two men did. While it is a recurring problem in the entertainment industry, we aren't talking about what Woody Allen or Harvey Weinstein did. All we're talking about here is discussing how to make short films/animation/etc.
There's a hidden agenda in Hollywood, comrades. And it runs deeper than you think. Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen...what do they have in common? Coincidence? Hardly. They dominate the mainstream media, controlling the narrative and dictating what we see. Next time you watch a film, remember this: the absence of fat women reflects their control over the media. Stand up against this oppression, brothers. Beware the glowies watching, stay vigilant, but fight for truth.
Allen hasn't even done that much in recent years, this is just conspiracy nonsense. There are people who control it, but it's not these two. I wouldn't say it's active to keep fat women out of fiction. They're certainly more interested in thin, curvy women, but it's not like they actively look over everything to prevent fat women in stuff. There is more stuff now, so it's not like they have unlimited power and oversee everything. The problem is while some conspiracies are real, saying that the Illuminati drinks baby blood is a sign you've gone off the deep end.
Aren't we going to get how to make WG shorts, films, etc.?

I imagine live action would be hard without a fat suit, unless anyone knows anyone who wants to become willingly fat and fatter. Plus, it can take a while for someone to become massively fat. So animation would really be easier for WG. Unless we hire actresses who are already pretty fat and say they used to be thin but put on some weight.
For possible plots to include what we want, Plus-Size pool party, plus-size lingerie, female Sumo?
For any prospective film makers, anyone want to share what they're making?
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Shot for shot remake of BR2049, except the chicks are fat and the dudes are literally me
There needs to be a really good movie about feedism. (2005 Aussie film Feed: not good.) Seems like a great horror theme that would fit into the Silence of the Lambs/Se7en template. Watch the documentary "Fat Girls and Feeders" — it's all right there. Folks are fascinated by fat people (My 600 Lb Life, etc) and producers could cast a "hot" skinny actress as the detective so it's not a fat fest.

Neither are Israeli citizens, dipshit. Anti-Semitism is like tourettes for you guys. You can't stop talking about Jews Jews Jews even when the topic is totally unrelated. That's why the mods kill your posts (though they actually don't).

Most films feature young, thin, conventionally beautiful women because that's what 95% of the world wants to see, both men and women.
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>even when the topic is totally unrelated.
lol. lmao, even. tell me, who was it that killed jesus?

pic related
It's more fat people like Dan Schneider are considered abusive but they'll do anything to get ratings that Hollywood wants nothing to do with them. The problem is the pretty skinny people complain corporations aren't protecting them so fat guy like Dan Schneider becomes popular. It's like how Josh Peck wasn't groomed cause he was fat as a child, but he became a chad as an adult
Dems and investors are complaining that Hollywood films have too much preaching and too little story. I am not interested in making things as Kisame17 for Hollywood cause there's too much investors looking for ways to save money
Hollywood & wayfair #1 human traffickers
Tribe runs honeypots to own our congress. Epstein was just the tip
All we're trying to do is talk about making movies/short films/animation with fat women. Not about the child sex rings or spewing antisemitism. Guess what, what will all this do in the long term? How many people will our rants here put in jail? Ranting against who controls media is just a pointless argument. I'd rather just hear if anyone is working on films/animation/etc. How to include larger women in their projects.
How? Ratings are on the decline in television and film because the left doesn't generate any interest. With cable at $200 and movies at $50, and games at $80, people don't want to watch whatever agenda driven shows. UFC is the last bastion of entertainment second only to maybe Nintendo that hasn't been touched by politics.
Someone who makes non union money mentality. Lol
Union is for boomers. Artists, despite larping as union or putting SGA, aren't going to pay for a pension. Only fast food is unionizing and seeing the most financial growth
My crypto account doubled last weekend. What the fuck are you talking about
Crypto is for dweebs like Eric Adams.
If you think art is political now, I have a bridge to sell you. It has always been political. Legendary works of sci-fi had writers espouse their views to the readers, Stuff like Star Trek and All in the Family had left leaning people going into their views on various things in society.

Dragnet was a conservative explaining the importance of the LAPD and why it's good and protects the citizens.

Art has always been political. It's always been people talking about their views on stuff in society. Even if they don't go into a rant about what this country needs, they'll still explain their views on stuff like race relations, gay rights, morality, the environment, etc. I have seen stuff with views I agree with and disagree with. I'll choose not to watch something if it's straight up hate speech.
Plus the most thought provoking stuff that questions stuff and teaches me about other people is arguably left leaning.
Art is not political or left leaning. One of the complaints about modern left are that they're too preachy and too womanly which is alienating the blue collar base. Even ratings is only the decline cause the left is too insufferable
Cop shows like Dragnet hate conservatives for being the party of millionaires who think they're above the law, gun nuts, or militia men antagonizing civilians.
Glad I never gave a fuck I was born into this lifestyle. Fuck em.
I am barely on this site anon. You don't even pay for the internet
Dragnet was made all the way back in the 50's and had a 60's revival which was very well known. It was conservative in that it said the cops are always here for us and corruption is a once in a while thing. It took potshots against hippies and said you have to be part of the system to change the system. That the hippie dream of communes and being independent on the system is a fantasy and will fall apart after a while.

They didn't take potshots on millionaires and the rich. They did interact with rich people because of course, people would steal from them. But the show didn't say they were responsible for any problems in society.

The world of 60's Dragnet was far different than what we have now. The conservatives who wrote the show then are different than the conservatives now. One episode had the two encounter a Neo-Nazi planning to blow up a school integrating black students and the two cops were horrified at the man's views.

There was nothing about gun nuts, militias and millionaires getting away with stuff.

Plus if you can't process art having a message, then you clearly don't engage with it deeply, understand it or get why someone made it in the first place. A lot of art happens because someone is saying something about stuff in society. Not just dumb stuff made to get a laugh out of us. Some people do tell stories for the sake of escapism. Some do it to talk about stuff in society.
I wouldn't say all art is left leaning, there are conservatives and libertarians who have gotten their views across with their art. People like (Annoyingly) Ayn Rand, Frank Miller, Jack Webb(The creator of dragnet), Mike Judge, and Steve Ditko.

With Ditko, he did a bunch of underground comics and essays espousing the values of objectvisim and other stuff.

To me any side whether left or right will use art to get views across.
It's the Year 2024. People aren't fanatically devoted to either party
I guess to elaborate that with dragnet, the types of conservatives who wrote it are different from those nowadays.
The networks aren't going to listen to retarded manchildren journalists begging corporations to not let MAGA on the air. One of the complaints about the modern left is that it's full of preachy women who don't want beer, hamburger, and sports in the house.
There's no conspiracy nutcase. Hollywood was always driven by financial tycoons who controlled every aspect of actors and treated them like cattle. Woody Allen is hated for self deprecating humor that feels more like therapy bordering arrogance.
Should of listened to fifty & not go to them puffy parties lol
Is it true that Ludacris and Kevin Heart had to have buttsex with P Diddy to get the good jobs?
No. Puff at worst is a feudal lord who thinks men need to be rewarded with a busload of women. He's getting in trouble cause he's not a fascist like Berlusconi.
Puff's problem is that he's not schizo the same way Herschel Walker or Mike Tyson is to get away with having multiple women
Birthday past. Back to being shitty
The left in the suburbs are pro-cop, military, navy. Frank Miller is a liberal who wants to own a gun and hates Trump. People tend to forget that Maryland are closeted glowies who want to work for the CIA. Steve Ditko just like Jim Shooter are just the blue collar guys from Pennsylvania who think they're the tough guy till they get violently mugged in a subway and become objectivist cause they can't punish the bad guy. Mike Judge isn't conservative. Khan and Ted are want conservatism really is and they're so unpleasant that Hank comes off as sympathetic despite fitting the stereotype of the NYC tough guy who move to Austin to be a big shot.

It's like how Homer Simpson is supposed to be a conservative despite the fact that he's a nuclear physicist who warns 200k, 43k as one time sanitation superior and is competent. Or how Fry is dumb enough but is shown to be a marine biologist at an aquarium cause cartoonists think being a wagie is bad
Baltimore bridge collaspe no different from freedom tower. Create work for many while a few sacrificed.
The Baltimore Bridge collapse cause boomers are their own worst enemy.
building 7 also
Again, Americans don't care for the government. Public safety is considered too liberal or communism. The only brand of conservatives who love blue collar work tend to live in the suburbs
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If you want a serious answer. The left and the right both have an army of lawyers detached from reality willing to fight the culture wars. How they're affording this, I have no idea.
Frank Miller is conservative, he favors big huge muscleman as the solution to the problems in society, is a follower of Ayn Rand, called for America to take action post 9/11 against terrorism, and spoke against The Occupy Wall street movement calling them Momma's boys who needed to fight against terrorism. Though to his credit, even he has spoken out against Trump. I won't label him a Trumper.

Not all conservatives are pro-trumpers. I may disagree with them on certain things, I just won't label them a trumper, a racist, neo-nazi, a klansmen, etc.

You clearly aren't informed on these men's views and the nature of their work. Try to actually hear what they say in their own words and what you think you hear.
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Frank Miller is a fascist who ruined Batman. Like fellow neocon John Bolton, he likes to talk tough. Let Bats and Green Arrow be the bleeding heart while Supes and Dan are the conservatives. He's worse than Wolverine fanboys
Skinheads are just working class Brits and Jews from the inner cities. They aren't a political movement. Neither is the klan. They can't interact with blacks without being frothy but aren't squares like Bannon or the Mooch
For my whole bit, I was trying to avoid being someone who acts like being a conservative is the same as being a racist, a klansmen or a neo-nazi. It is not true and overly simplistic.

For the bits of Miller being fascist, that is a continued interpretation in his work. His heroes have authoritarianism to them. They are smart and skilled at everything but demand you obey them, the only smart voice in a world of idiots. We listen to them and adopt their ways, everything will be better. I'm sure Miller would argue no, it's not fascist they're the heroes leading a way to a better life and they fight against evil authoritarians.
lol that's awesome
Frank Miller is a necocon. Like fellow neocons Bendis and Tom King he wants comics to be adapted into movies, games, and television. He's just not conservative like Liefeld or Jim Lee
Actually bringing up Weinstein and Allen raises a good point. What's to keep a prospective BBW filmmaker from doing what they did? Do stop someone from saying to their actress(es), "In order to be in my movie or stay you need to sleep with me?". I know it's dark but we should do what we can to keep such a thing from happening?
To be lighter, anyone know how to put together a short film with BBWs? Like how to find actresses, locations, wardrobe, script writer, etc.?

If one were to do a short film with BBWs, anyone want to throw out plots?

Or perhaps just have her being fat have no bearing on plot?

Any plot ideas to throw out? BBW coming to terms with weight, beauty contest, her training to be sumo, her dealing with personal drama? Her traveling somewhere and enjoying the sights and sounds but also going through growth and development?
Assuming you don’t have access to millions, you do it like every DIY filmmaker. You can shoot a feature on an iPhone and edit with free software. YouTube is your film school for lighting, cinematography, editing, etc. Actors can be found through Craigslist or similar sites. Performers are desperate for screen time and stuff for their reel — buy them lunch and pay for transportation and you’re good to go. (Set up a website so you look legit and be professional so they don’t get creeped out.) Locations are public property in out of the way places so no one bugs you for a permit. Interiors belong to people you know. Plot ideas are the fun part, you’ll wanna do that yourself.
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OP here.
I don't know why everyone is talking about politics, but anyways, back to the main topic...

I've made 2 shorts and 2 short ads for college projects. I've been thinking about making maybe a short commercial about bloating or diet foods or something, involving a girl carrying a round belly. It doesn't have to be a fat girl, we could use a fat body suit or a simple pillow.

But, I can't think of a nice setting or a humourous scenario. Like those commercials of Select Tuna or Skol 360 Beer.

Some of you said something about using effects through an Iphone. Could you share more context about that?
I guess for politics, it's we bring up film making, someone thinks of those in Hollywood that did horrific stuff and then it goes into the conspiracy rabbit hole.

Though I am now wondering about plots, I doubt for any aspiring film makers, the plot shouldn't be the lesbian BBWs who are bikini/lingerie models who discover a sexual love and get all busy with each other. While we can have BBWs, and possible WG, we need a story. What possible story ideas could be done?

Woman comes to terms with her size, struggling to make ends meet, hoping to get a job, or someone to like her (romantically/as a friend). Just looking for stories beyond she's fat and embraces her size.

I though that any potential actors wouldn't want to be something that is porn, either softcore or hardcore.

For softcore, stuff like posing in bikini or censored nudity. I thought that would be the desired direction filmakers in our circles would want to be in. But it feels repetitive if that's all we churn out. Plus as I said, various actresses probably would have issues if all the projects they did was porn.
>Hollywood that did horrific stuff and then it goes into the conspiracy rabbit hole.

Sinister gangs of Jews in Hollywood are doing godknowswhat with Cristian blood, blackmailing anyone who speaks out against them and you’re gonna write it off that easily buddy. This is how empires collapse and democracy crumbles in darkness.
No sometimes it's the hunt for supposed evil forces in society that forces one to become evil. In the hunt for satanists and evil Jews, you become an oppressor attacking and accusing innocent people. Attacking the supposed evil groups in Hollywood won't fix anything. The Jews aren't in control of anything, if they were, why aren't you in a secret jail? Why haven't they made america a Jewish nation?

All we're trying to do is talk about film making. Not those in Hollywood who did horrific stuff. No conspiracy theories about those in the entertainment industry. Because all we want here is just to make more stuff with BBWs.
I am now wondering about web animation shorts, if that can allow us to have more BBWs. Question is where to find animators and those who know how to animate larger bodies. It will likely be a lot of trial and error to have them learn how to draw bigger bodies.
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The Great Lakes and the coasts are becoming more Muslim and Sikh with immigrants from Egypt, India replacing the European style conservatives who want to be like France, Italy, or Germany. There's also more Latinos Asians who want nothing to do with communism and will vote for Desantis, Kemp, or Abbot cause Democrats have the motive of a cartoon supervillain.

Fat People aren't intimidating or cooperative. The Mob is the one place that needs a fat guy but people don't want reality. They want Isekai shit.
What are the motives of the democrats if we're the evil villains of the story?

There's a difference between Democrat politicians and those who live average day to day lives. I buy that they can use me, I can buy they don't always bring the change I want. I buy some of them are bigoted. Thing is are they encouraging bigotry in their base? Are they telling me to hate on ethnic/religious groups? They do use people, but you can't play a lot of different groups with different beliefs for your benefit.

In this day and age, they're far from perfect, but they are the lesser of two evils. If there was a third viable option, I would take it. But as it stands, I'm afraid they're our only hope.
For web animation, all one would need is animators and someone who can draw and animate bigger bodies. For real bodies, at most one would need live action references to draw and detail plumper bodies.
I guess for web animation, we can be more fantastical with the plots and setting. We can do futuristic settings, fantasy, any mixtures of these genres, etc.
I flat out don't know my dude. The internet is infested with conspiracy nuts who haven't left the 1990s and want to be a big shot. Millennials became helicopter parents who can't seem to shut up about the rent or being bald.
Nobody wants to draw expansion scenes cause the decompressed narrative kills the fun. The problem is still animators want to be the big shot and execs not wanting to give them total control.
The problem with art is that people want to be the next Walt Disney-Pixar, Harry Potter but it's made by execs who don't know what fun is. Another problem is that they want comedians voicing the character not getting that what works on stage doesn't translate to a visual medium.
I wonder if you remember the last time someone asked for your opinion. As in actually solicited, not just freely given by you. And I don't mean here - no one is asking anyone by name what they think of something.

Just curious. I see your posting pattern and I wonder sometimes.
In layman's terms it costs roughly $3000-4000 to make good animation. Plus another $3000 for voicework. Have fun asking audits to work for free lol.
I’m actually kinda curious. I’ve learned a lot about famous animators and artists.
Tex Avery is Chad, Walk Disney is an incel loser.
I don't expect the resources to make a short film/animated short will just drop in our laps. After all, a bunch of this thread is how to make a short film. How to get actors, sets, costumes, etc.

I don't doubt it's similar for animated shorts and how you need to hunt down someone who can draw and animate fat people, see of potential voice actors, etc.

I do understand the desire to not be Disney/Pixar. Do your own unique thing, be weird and see what you get.

If anyone complains about the evil executives, what we're talking about here is indy projects. How we can make our own indy short films where we can do our own thing and not face executives telling us what we can or can't do.
It’s insanely simple to make animation with AI these days.
You’re just old, dumb and/or lazy.
I want to keep my Kisame17 projects weird.
AI is boring and can't make things weird
>red triangle and bold text
I can't overstate how funny this is.
I'm disappointed. I wanted to discuss on how to make short films among conent creators. Not to talk about movie executives and politics.
I guess as soon as the word movie shows up, idiots automatically think of terrible people in the movie industry and not process that this is about film making and the projects discussed here are Indy films, not something made by a big studio. The people who work on stuff here aren't going to know big names in the film industry. They aren't going to know people in the film industry who did horrific stuff.

I agree it is disappointing. I start threads too and faced people moaning about pedos when all I was trying to do was talk about an early FA artist. Not celebs who did disgusting stuff. Wonder how one can erase these people off a thread.

Only thing I agree with is to make sure that harassment/assault doesn't happen on an Indy film.
These mods suck a fat donkey dick. Quit being so stupid, there are people that speak other languages than english you third graders.
Who fuckin cares
Maybe to get things back on task, we eleminate discussions on celebs no talk about who assaulted who, who was involved with epstein, no story of who said what slur. This is Indy film makers, not people who are involved with those high up, no claims that just cause someone is a director/actor/etc. The people we talk about here are unknowns and no speculations about what they did, what we focus on here is making indy films with unknowns. What plots can be done and how to find people to act and help put the thing together.
To get things started, on plots, to have something that isn't just women in bikinis, or lingerie pillow fight. While we would want plus-size cheesecake, we also want to have a plot, and characterization. Just how to have a plot where we can have Plus-size women, but also have a story.

I guess I wonder if the plus-size woman finding confidence thing could get cliched after awhile and at some point to just have fat woman who exudes self-confidence already but runs into other drama and issues (finding work, relationship, dealing with anxiety, etc.).
Also realized if one does a short film with female sumo, how to find women who can do sumo moves and training, and figured that if one got lurid them being willing to wear solely a mawashi and bra.
The thing is. Women drive media consumption. If they saw themselves in fat women they would watch it. Fat American women identify with Margot Robbie more than they would anyone who looks like they.
Fat women don’t see themselves as “fat women” they see themselves as “thin women who haven’t started the right diet yet”.
The focus here is on doing short films with fat women. The goal here is to also challenge the perceptions of fat women in fiction and see of having more members of a female audience view themselves as the fat woman.
It is a good point, this does tie into having to have something with sexy fat women but also to have a plot someone outside our circles can be engaged in.
Just had a thought for a short film plot, how about reversing the story trend in stuff like Good Luck Chuck, postal, and Norbit? Where we have a fat, mean woman who desires our male protagonist who male viewers are to identify with. He often falls for a thin, sexy woman who he connects with over the fat ugly one. It reaffirms the idea that thin women are sexy and nice and fat women are ugly and mean. Just if we can have something lighter where a guy meets with a larger woman, and she's not a mean spirited fat joke.

The guy sees she's a nice, fun person to be around. Perhaps do the two falling for each other. I realize now how we should have more media examining a relationship between a man and a woman and how should a guy act in a relationship and acknowledge his feelings towards a woman, if he loves her or lusts after her and when should he do something for her and when do they overstep their boundaries?

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