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To be quite frank I can take or leave the body itself. But it gets me really hot and bothered thinking of all the pathetic paypigs who have their hard earned money spent on insurance payouts because Becky can't stop eating double cheeseburgers and needs an extra dose of Hygroton. Im thinking about commissioning a custom wherein which I calculate the burden to medicaid a model has posed Y2D and was wondering if anyone else would be interested. Thanks guys
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Bruh I nutted like Krakatoa just reading this
Are you the same guy who commissions artists to draw white women eating wonderbead while deforesting the Amazon
It's a tough call, because you're right that obesity is the #1 drain on both private and public healthcare systems. We're all paying a massive premium and extra taxes to take care of people who could theoretically just eat less and move more. Even if we had a more efficient, nationalized healthcare system like Canada or Western Europe this premium wouldn't disappear — it might even be more.

But what happens when the Powers that Be want to look at other factors that have major and minor impact on your health, like how you drive and what kind of car you own; your income; stress from your job, relationships, mental health maintenance, and lifestyle aspects; sports and hobbies; where you live in terms of environmental factors or crime; your drinking and drugging habits, and so on. Not to mention a lot of non-obese people eat like shit, never move, and wind up sick because of it.

As a society we've made the bargain that we each have the freedom to treat our bodies how we choose. Til recently the people who abused their bodies and "took advantage" of the system were averaged out by people who didn't. We're now be coming to the edge of a cliff where that freedom is literally unaffordable, but then what do we do when people's addictions or stubborness or whatever prevents them from doing what's beneficial to themselves and everyone else? Leave them to suffer and die? Sociopathic as our society can be, I don't think most Americans are ready for that.
Oh shit I just wrote a huge manifesto without realizing what the OP was actually talking about... Sorry folks.
It's fine I can try to masturbate to what you wrote.
>>45249 (OP)
This is what autistic accountants masturbate to inbetween spreadsheets, and I am all in on it.
Hate to burst your bubble, but there is a whole “correlation is not causation” thing here. The reality is that people who tend to be be exposed to other serious health risks also TEND to be populations that at more likely to also be overweight. Think poverty, smoking, higher rates of exposure to pollution, low access to regular health care, and poor nutrition (beyond just calorie intake).

Not saying ‘it’s perfectly healthy to be obese’ but the statistics are presented in intentionally misleading ways sometimes. It’s easier to blame fat people by pointing out the “correlation between cancer and obesity” versus addressing systemic issues in highlighting the “correlation between cancer and income disparity.”

(Obviously not all fat people are poor, we’re just talking statistics here.)
Funny thing, fat people objectively cost health care systems LESS, since mortality is higher - they tend to die of various illnesses before they become geriatric and need the constant regular care old people of all weights do.

So, while this doesn't necessarily mean they aren't "burdening" the healthcare system - obviously fat and extremely fat people have care needs that don't apply to thinner people - it is objectively untrue that they COST healthcare systems more, in the long run.
Quit ruining my insurance boner with all this talk of geriatric care and the early deaths of the morbidly obese
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Big fan of the mindless band-aiding over problems and waste of resources related to the typical sloppy American lifestyle TBH.

Coming out of the doctor red faced from the latest lecture, gets in a massive truck because her ass fits in the seats better and crouching down into a car is just too hard. Time to get some gas and bitch about the prices.

Then, hits the drive thru instead of walking 3 steps inside, never leaving air conditioned comfort. Time to take a metformin for The Sugars since she had that big gulp to wash it all down. By now the statin refill is probably ready. Whoo, big day, time to post up in front of the TV for some reality drivel, pop another soda open and have some chips.
This is a photo of a time and a place: Americas decadent 21st century underbelly.
I feel like this photo is recovered from some distant future where Asia is ruling the world and Americas some geographically isolated peasant capitalist colonial dystopia like Argentina is right now.
Extremely based and redpilled picture.
Need her
In your fantasy, what is Mexico like?
Lovers of manatee rights are entering through the border. But in my country they are white people and people from privileged classes. The minimum wage for a day of work in Mexico is enough for just an individual combo in BK or MCD. and fat+ require at least 3, doubles. Although they can buy cheaper elsewhere.
healthy homemade food is very cheap. However, I don't know why I would want to be with a ssbbw. Until then, I have seen that BBWs and slampigs have increased, which is also very attractive, perhaps they come from their country looking for cheap sources of food. although we no longer have water in Mexico and the main food of the fatties (Cocacola) is drying up the springs
I visited Mexico City and took a side trip to Cuernavaca, where I went to an upscale mall to see a movie. There were A LOT of fat women there, most of them meztizos (not "white" Mexicans) and many of them fairly young. They obviously weren't poor to be shopping and eating in such a place but most didn't seem particularly rich, either.

Mexico City itself had a fair population of fatties, in all kinds of neighborhoods. It was about on par with what I've seen in New England and NYC though without the racial variety, of course. The only place I didn't see many fat people was in Polanco, the wealthy neighborhood where I was staying, which tracks with any US city I've visited.

From what I understand you guys drink soda at a higher rate than the US and I saw junk food everywhere — people munching on chips, candy, and the most decadent, greasiest street food I've ever seen. I believe you also have a higher rate of childhood obesity than the US, and indigenous Americans are particularly prone to metabolic syndrome, which causes weight gain (and diabetes). It seems you have a fatty time bomb ticking down there.
>>45249 (OP)
what a retard you are, learn math! fat women will never outperform the billionaire class in terms of wasting resources
Short ceiling. Kind of irritating lol
can someone decode amerimutt?
Me too. My gf is a 300+ pound Texan. Whenever she goes back to her country I always make sure she documents and talks about her lifestyle, show me her (miniscule) step count, how much she drives everywhere, how much her fitness decreases, the food she eats, the constant snacking etc...

Before she met me she had no idea that her lifestyle was something that could be attractive to someone, or even considered abnormal. And that's one of the most attractive things about it, that the fatness and the gluttony, sedentariness, is completely normal and natural to her.

Talking about trucks, it's a shame more models don't do truck related material. Trucks to me are an erotic emblem of American excess. I noticed that Lisa Lou has filmed in an F-150 which fulfils all my poor Brit fantasies.
Mexican here, i can corroborate. In my uni you see a lot of flabby flacid girls in shorts and crop tops spilling slightly their cellulite skin and giggling just walking around.

Food is kinda weird cuz street stuff is just greasy empty calories and somewhat cheap compared to normal processed fast food, junk food price is on the rise but coke and other sodas are just like water here. Kinda proud Coca Cola basically owns a state making it cheaper for them to drink coke than water.

Another interesting thing are the warning levels on food, kinda hot just to see something with lots of tags showing how it is just calories. I really wanna see some fatsos with those labels on their asses or guts.

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