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So I started following fat women on my spare IG account. To not encouter any suprises i'm keeping a close watch on my follow count because of that I learned that 3 models blocked me (anapaulaonselen, junovecchi, luuhcavalli). It's crazy that these women with thousands of followers try to vet every newcomer. Is it a coincide they are all Brazillian? I know Latin countries catched up with radical feminism recently. My username isn't BBWLover5000 or anything explicitly masculine but the follow list is public.
>>45104 (OP)
>3 models blocked me
and your short-circuit conclusion is
>Why do Brazillian woman hate FAs?
and even
>radical feminism

we could list all kinds of stereotypes and anecdotes now. but that won't get you anywhere.

suggestion: forget all prejudices. observe and learn, and start with yourself, with the signals you send out (if you can do that).
interaction is a 2-way street.
>>45104 (OP)

I am going to go out on a limb and say you probably commented on their pictures something creepy like "I can't wait til you're immobile and need an oxygen tank to live."
I've observed women all my life, if they block an account and the only information they have to go off on is a follow list that skews toward fat woman it's bcuz they drunk some feminist kool aid that shuns male attraction by declaring it objectification. If they have <1000 followers a bunch of rando accounts are going to look weird but when you have tens of thousands of followers I think you need to grow up and accept men like your shape.

I never comment on pics, even liking them would make me cringe.
>I've observed women all my life

Ever tried talking to one instead? There's only so much you can learn watching them through their bedroom windows.
okay, you describe yourself as the model citizen who has done nothing wrong and is only watching the models with his binoculars from behind a tree. (kidding)

i don't believe anyone hates you out of the blue.
many other factors could play a role, e.g.
- your activity or lack of participation on the site
- your personal parameters (country of origin, language, age, specific information in your user profile - or the lack of certain information, etc.).

personally i have experienced that some people prefer to be among their own kind, e.g. by primarily looking for french speaking contacts, because they understand the language and perhaps want to meet up.
this has nothing to do with feminism or prejudice, but simply preference.

"i guess we can only guess" :-), so keep watching.
>>45104 (OP)
I guarantee that you weren't blocked without good reason. You had to have said something out of pocket to warrant getting blocked (which you didn't mention in your OP).
>>45104 (OP)
anapaulaonselen is well known for hating on FAs. You're only supposed to put up with or look beyond their fat, not enjoy it and them. Don't waste any adulation on them
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>anapaulaonselen is well known for hating
>is well known for
it's not just an opinion, it's a fact.
not just a fact, it's a well known fact.
very legit.
First time on the web, eh?
I wonder why everyone here is judging this anon and saying he's a weirdo lmao. Sure, the fact that this guy makes disgusting comments is possible, but why would he be blocked by Brazilians only?
>everyone here
>judging this anon
actually no. i see (surprisingly) many helpful statements.

but maybe your example shows, how quickly this attitude that the world is against me can develop.

selective perception:
it seems that in a thread full of helpful hints, you are mainly looking for those that you interpret as negative. from this, you make your overall judgment about the whole thread. you sell your judgment as fact ("why everyone here is judging", instead of "it seems to me that some statements are too quick to judge the OP negatively").

thanks for the demonstration.
If you were to just follow someone on social media and don't interact beyond that, then the person being followed wouldn't have any justification to block someone without a good reason. The OP was probably doing something outta pocket or uncomfortable to have the models block him.

That's just how I see it.
>>45104 (OP)
It's not isolated in brasil only.
Look at simonemariposa for example, she's a fat chick that hates on FAs and her bio on the social media sites says something like.

"Not your BBW"

Because they allegedly don't want to be seen as simply a fetish or something like that.

Yet I bet a thousand bucks that the average plus size model, let alone women in general, won't be able to differenciate objectively the definitions of "preference" vs "fetish".

Don't take this stuff personally though. These are just Fat Acceptance and Body Positivity activism.
>These are just Fat Acceptance and Body Positivity activism
*the results of

didn't complete the sentence there.
g I challenge you to follow her with your coom IG account, she will block you.

instagram has been come so annoying in general, from rate limiting for following too many people in 1 day too follow list not being chronological anymore I used to find lots of new fat chicks that way by paying attention too anon accounts that compulsively follow thousands of them.
^ This is correct. I followed her on IG and never interacted in any way — no liking photos or vids, no comments, certainly no DMs. She must comb through her follows regularly and block dudes who look like FA lurkers. She's not Taylor Swift, she's a C-level influencer so it seems like a doable thing if she devotes 15 mins a day to it.

The good news is... https://imginn.com/anapaulaonselen/
Meant to add: Any account with no posts and no bio info is most likely a lurker. That's how mine is.
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allrighty. i like a "scientific experiment". :-)
i'll check on my status every now and then.
Yeah anon, you're right! I honestly don't know why I said everyone even tho I remembered that German anon who mentioned some posibilities. LMAO! I suppose I tried to stood up for the OP and focus on what was relevant here — why he was blocked by Brazillians only. Anyway, I followed all three as well with an empty profile, let's see if I get blocked or not.
>I tried to stood up for the OP
of course. i suspect that many of us can relate to what happened to OP because of similar unpleasant encounters.
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>I tried to stood up for the OP
of course. i suspect that many of us can relate to what happened to OP because of similar unpleasant encounters.

>>45171 >>45191
i haven't been slaughtered yet by Ana. not sure how long this "usually" takes, next week, during the early morning hours, i might take a breath and start moving slowly... ;-)
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~4 years ago on this chan
(pic with some other anons comment)
You aren’t allowed to not like them for their body, and you aren’t allowed to like them for their body.

Fat women who only want you to like them for their personality have the worst personalities.
I was following for months before she blocked me. Science is a long game.
Basically every fat woman I've been with was torn between loving and resenting me for being into their fat. I think even with smaller women there's a struggle between wanting to be a sex object and not wanting to be objectified. It's the paradox of female sexuality.
Date women with fat fetishes. Women without fat fetishes aren’t attracted to being fat hogs, they’ll put up with it if your a catch.
Fat women who want to be skinny but don’t want to diet want to date a hot guy despite being fat, that certifies her as a hot bitch who happens to be fat.
Being attractive for being a big fat freak isn’t gonna make her feel like a winner.
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thanks for the tip. then i'll increase the scale and not wait staring at my stopwatch. i'm happy if i can go about my daily activities instead. :-)
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A year from now you're gonna be like "still unblocked!"... at which point I'll have to assume she has something against me personally.
to be "scientific", before jumping at specific conclusions, all possible factors should be collected and evaluated.

the blocking was not directed at you personally. or more provocatively: maybe you're not at the center of her world. as an example, it's conceivable that she's just cleaning up some inactive followers every now and then.
It's more like the consequences of exposing yourself on the Internet.
Shit I'd prolly have a lot of hate in my heart if I lived in Brazil too
There's some truth in there. Maybe not all, but some
okay, you've missed the conversation.
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I was joking about taking it personally. What you're saying is the most likely possibility, one I mentioned earlier: She sees dudes with no posts, no profile info, who follow only other fat women, and (rationally) decides she doesn't need these people in her life.

A lot of variables to consider. Being among the majority poor there would suck, but then being poor sucks everywhere except maybe Norway. My income is unspectacular where I live but in Brazil I'd be rolling in it.
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my latest observation may also be comforting. today i was suddenly no longer a follower, and i saw that the number of followers has decreased. maybe this was one of those hypothesized cleansing cycles.

i have now clicked on "follow" again. we'll see what happens.

i'll never get tired of that amazing picture...
Brazilian women are all descended from Zionist slave owners. Adam Smith writes about this in Capital. They’re very industrious and too hard working to be pro obesity. It’s not the woke American left over there.
They’re Zionists who hate the excesses and inefficiencies the obese introduce to capitalism. This is a documented fact.

“The Portuguese Jews, persecuted by the inquisition, stript of their fortunes, and banished to Brazil, introduced, by their example, some sort of order and industry among the transported felons and strumpets by whom that colony was originally peopled, and taught them the culture of the sugar-cane. Upon all these different occasions, it was not the wisdom and policy, but the disorder and injustice of the European governments, which peopled and cultivated America.”

Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
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the same game again, almost.
1. i find myself unsusbscribed today, and her followers-counter has shrunk.
2. trying to follow again. after pressing the button this time a message pops up: "your request is pending, blah".

i'll see if my "request" gets accepted, but since i was thrown out twice now (along with others) i doubt it.
I blame the Zionists. They control Brazil, and this message board, look at the disproportionate Jewish population there.
>Date women with fat fetishes
There. Are. None.
You can’t fetishize fat women who don’t have a fat fetish. That’s sexual assault in most cases.

Idk how you can have one thread full of men complaining that they can’t filter out trans women and in this thread autistic motherfuckers are asking “why do fat women on a weight loss journey dislike my fetishizing their disabilitsting diseases”
> look at the disproportionate Jewish population there.
Surprisingly true. What’s the point tho?
120k out of 214m, minuscule minority. Meanwhile there are 4m Spiritists, a religion started in France in the 1800s that believes in reincarnation. I wish we controlled this message board, I’d send a memo to the Elders banning dipshits like you.
What's wrong with sexually assaulting women? Its what they're there for.
Can't speak about the other two, but having spoken with Olsen in person 2 to 3 times, she, along other body positivity models I spoke to, don't like nor want to be seen as simply a fetish.

Some of them apply the reasoning that
Likes Fat = Fetish
Some think that whoever like them will do just based on personality.

So if they suspect a weird FA they will remove the follow or outright block.
> don't like nor want to be seen as simply a fetish.
Probably shoulda thought of that before turning your body into an ahistoric blob of factory made snack products.
They know damn well not a single sane and healthy person would ever find them attractive.
Side view still makes me think no, but who knows.

Her shedding that weight is such a sadness.
I'm dating a Brazilian woman now and I've already gotten her pretty hefty. She doesn't like it but she doesn't hate it.
>She doesn't like it but she doesn't hate it.

Most brazilian woman will be like that, unless she is someone that cares a lot about public perception.

Brazilians tend to mind their business but can quickly become very fatphobic when wanting to insult.

I partially agree, but I believe that the fat fetish is a path that leads us down a path of objectifying women.

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