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I was wondering if anyone else changed their body in order to get with BBWs easier.

About a decade ago I used to be decently obese myself in the mid 130kgs (around 300lbs) at 180cm (5'11). I trimmed down and to 90kg (200lb) and have been lifting weights for a long time now. I have a good amount of muscle mass and would consider myself an intermediate lifter.

My prospects with fat women have gotten way better. Obviously, fucking fat women wasn't the #1 priority but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't top 3.

Has anyone else gotten fit to pull more fat bitches or even gained weight in the case of mutual gaining? It isn't my thing but I know some people do it. I like the contrast between my body and the women I'm getting with.
Kinda the opposite. When I was fit (like 180), I had fat women all over me, even has sex with a 600 lb woman.

Then after college and working in an office, I got really fat (330 now) and fat women want nothing to do with me. Got lucky with some skinny FFA's though and now I see the appeal of being the bigger one in the relationship.

Still love fat bitches tho
Not to blow your minds but it could be that most women (not just fat ones) are attracted to fit guys, just as most men are attracted to fit women.
Damn. Living the dream big man. I wish I could find a female FA. I’m not too much over 400 pounds and mot very tall. I not really even really that gay but the treatment I get from them is enough to make it bearable on occasion.
>>45089 (OP)
I mentioned this in another thread but I purposely put on 20 pounds of fat to appease an almost-big-enough-to-be-BBW domme that I see semi regularly. She likes punching me in the belly and blaming me for being such a bad influence on us and making us both fat.
>>45089 (OP)
I started doing strongman so big muscles and powerbelly. I'm not as big as I was a few years ago but that definitely helped, floated around 220-250#. It helps me handle her how she likes it and stay fit while dating a woman with a sweet tooth.
God I wish. I’ve only been hit a couple of times by the guys I’m talking to. Nothing leaving a bruise just eat this, suck that sorta punches. It sucks because I’m barely gay but it’s better to go along to get along sorta thing.

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