
(3 KB, 180x180, Tomin.webp)
If I create a thread following this very, informative guide and later another anon makes a request greater than content in the OP - what happens to my thread?
>>45064 (OP)
Sorry >>241834 (Dead)
I am doing this right aren't I. Subjects of this nature are discussed here and mods may provide an adequate response?
>>45064 (OP)
you're referring to >>>/tits/241834

the rules are defining the original request by the OP when he's opening a new thread.
the idea is that people should not just barge in here, creating an empty thread and saying "give me this, give me that", without contributing anything of value themselves. that wouldn't justify opening a new thread.

once the thread has been established by the OP, other anons can make requests on the same topic, too. the OP doesn't need to worry about those other requests when he has done his fair share to establish the thread.

also important: the principle of SHARING applies to ALL ANONS on all sharing boards. anons who are not willing to contribute anything (GIMMEPIGS) are not welcome.

>Who can tell. I'm no mod.
anons don't need to be a mod to educate themselves. everyone here is expected to be informed about the correct use of the chan.
here's the information about referring to other boards and posts: https://bbw-chan.link/.static/pages/posting.html
>>45064 (OP)
you're referring to >>>/tits/241834

the rules are defining the original post by the OP when he's opening a new thread.
the idea is that people should not just barge in here, creating an empty thread and saying "give me this, give me that", without contributing anything of value themselves. that wouldn't justify opening a new thread.

once the thread has been established by the OP, other anons can make requests on the same topic, too. the OP doesn't need to worry about those other requests when he has done his fair share to establish the thread.

also important: the principle of SHARING applies to ALL ANONS on all sharing boards. anons who are not willing to contribute anything (GIMMEPIGS) are not welcome.

>Who can tell. I'm no mod.
anons don't need to be a mod to educate themselves. everyone here is expected to be informed about the correct use of the chan.
here's the information about referring to other boards and posts: https://bbw-chan.link/.static/pages/posting.html

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