
(104 KB, 764x1002, 24ce5bf2fbfc4218b8ea244145b1efc0429a2462fa691de6f1aba32a915798f4.jpg)
Hi Gen.

The fantasy of being fattened and reaching immobility is getting the better of me lately, but it's really not in my best interest to gain weight. I'm already overweight and trying to lose, my meds make me gain weight really easily, etc.

But still, I'd love to enjoy the sensation of being very, very full every once in a while. Are there any foods I can do this with, with minimal side effects and risk of gaining weight?

Thanks for your help!
Foods high in fiber and low in calories will make you feel full but won’t really contribute to your calories. Fruits and vegetables really.

By the way this is the antithesis of fast food. Fast food has zero fiber and relatively high calories so you never feel full but keep buying more food and obviously end up fat with clogged arteries because Mcdonalds and the like isn’t really food to begin with.
Very helpful, thank you!

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