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I hate that I can't filter out trans people on sites like feabie. If you're going to let me filter by gender then let me fucking exclude one's I don't want. If someone wants to put female and is also putting in trans then let me filter that result out.

To be clear, I have no problem with trans people existing and interacting with them as normal people. But when I want to jerk off I get to decide what I'm jerking off to. Forcing trans people down people's throats is a great way to piss people off and turn them into transphobes.
>>44863 (OP)
This is such a non-issue, just check off the ones you want to see and leave out the trans options.

For real, why are you looking for reasons to be pissed off?
I clearly stated that you can only make an inclusive filter. If you select female then anyone who puts female will show, regardless of what else they select. Trans people select female and trans female, so they will show.
If seeing a trans person is the worst thing that happens to you today, god bless you dude.

>Forcing trans people down people's throats is a great way to piss people off and turn them into transphobes.
You're already transphobic, no one who uses that talking point is on the fence about it. Just be honest with yourself here.
I seem to have touched a nerve with you. You may be trans yourself and feel offended by this topic. It doesn't make it less of a valid point despite you desperately trying to invalidate it. I hope you find peace with yourself and acceptance from those in your life.
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Kisame here, when did porn become fucking boring? The left and the right became the guy who wants to sue rated M games. You people need a hobby
Not him but the problem with fags is that they became squares and basic bitches. It's like Glee where Kurt was a basic bitch who wants to fuck everybody. I don't think anything comes close to Nip/Tuck where Christian Troy makes a porn star big boobs and gets slapped by 200lbs of silicone cause he makes the not Chelsea Charms a freak of nature.
>>44863 (OP)
So? Alorok and Cross Crescent were trans. It's not like the 90s when people wondered if Shinji was gay for Kaoru in Evangelion. I think a lot of us in MAGA are getting tired of Charlie Kirk, who never held a job, starting the culture war.
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OP, I hate to tell you this but the left hates Diversity, Equity, Inclusion as much as the right. Now that 2 billion in assets are leaving, blue states are asking why law abiding businessman as Hochul described aren't getting perks for congestion pricing like winner sports teams or discounts for the kids? The left is losing cause troon isn't a construction worker and black attorney aren't Joe the working man. The city can seize MAGA assets but investors aren't going to buy it cause communists have no skills.
Welcome to the Internet, friend
I wish I could filter it to only show women who are capable of loving me
>Democrats are the real homophobes
It's true what they say a conservative really is just last weeks liberal
Biden is losing because his own ego prevents him from getting anything accomplished. The error shows Trump leading double digits cause Biden refuses to set foot in battleground states and RFK is stealing men away from the president, leaving him with women. Like Clinton, he could walk away with the most votes and lose to Trump on electoral college.
What the fuck happened with this thread?

Get your political bullshit out of here. I'm trying to scream into the void about filtering options on a fat dating website. Fuck.
Kisame here. Gamers are whining that anime and video games are now censored. No shit, Nintendo, Disney doesn't want fan works of their IP with large genitals. DC doesn't care because WB is too bankrupt to pay a liberal judge to seize fan assets.
Democrats don't even want pornography.
I do apologize for talking politics but my old clients are talking about something called Project 2025, I don't care since they would have to unban me. I am making money elsewhere. Breast Expansion is far too easy to make than hyperpreg
Trans women are women. They just have dicks. If that bothers you so much head to another site
Yeah yeah anon we've heard it all no one likes trans women until you need IT help
Stfu before I cum inside you while you pee all over me
Your strawman argument aside. Feel free to identify as a trans woman and a woman, both are true. Just let me filter that out when I want to bust a nut.
Trans women could also include transsexuals, no?

And I am the king of the moon, I just happen to live on Earth. Bow before me, homosexual in denial.
Yes moon king 🙇
Also, no, women don't have dicks. Only trans women can have penises. The only overlap is if they are both women and trans women. Sorry if that triggers your dysphoria but its just the facts of reality.
>women don't have dicks
>its just the facts of reality
maybe the facts of your reality.

something "is just x" until proven wrong.
when the world around you changes, you can hide behind old, rigid rules - or you can face the world openly and learn.
Sex is different than gender. Gender is a social role and can be played by anyone regardless of sex. Sex is science, gender is feelings.
so you can have big gender for your science partner.

So one is concrete and factual and the other is meaningless and based on stereotypes. I guess that means I was accidentally gay for dating a tomboy when I was a teen. Why did no one tell me that my girlfriend’s personality meant she wasn’t actually a girl?

Very efficient to both clarify your position and admit it doesn’t make sense in one go.
Yes, like, Trans rights and everything but i don't want to jerk off to them. Just let me leave them out of this.
Who the fuck is making you jerk off to them
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if your built-in filter cannot cope with the world, simply use the solution i have attached here:
the magic HIDE button.

(it works even outside of this forum)
She trash for that. Let someone else deal with her dry ass pussy
Please refer to original post. No one is forcing anyone to do anything, it just sucks not having an option that is easy to implement on a platform like feabie. Your knee jerk indignation to a very reasonable take is confusing.

Again, read the original post. Your nonsense is unhelpful. Playing whack-a-mole with every new profile that comes across your feed is a ridiculous solution and not something a person should have to do nor will someone spend time on with their dick in their hand.
>sucks not having an option
>that is easy to implement
oh good, we have a web programmer / db engineer on the phone.

so far you have established on what those sites like FEA do not have, and what the user should not have to do, and how stupid any suggestions have been so far.

so, turn it around: focus on the implementation of what you would do with your easy solution. you might even consider directing your easy to implement solution directly to the dev teams of FEA et al.
I actually am an engineer and work with web development and databases regularly. And yes, I did reach out to Feabie with the feature request and waited 3 months before coming here to scream into the void.
good, you have made the advance, i find that very commendable.

what you describe might be typical for sites that are still doing good business - they have no intention of changing anything. that's a bummer.
also, injecting their database and hijacking their site, just to implement a filter, doesn't seem to be a sustainable option.

well, here in our shared rubber cell you can at least let out your frustration and fantasize about a Feabie dev reading it. we never know who's lurking here. :-)
>>44863 (OP)
You can't filter people into porn categories because it's (supposed to be) a dating website, not a porn site. Are you retarded?
No trans woman are dudes pretending to be woman, which is their choice but that's it.
You are intentionally being belligerent. Replace jerk off with find a dating partner into feederism, some people don't want trans people. That aside, many models use that site to promote and dammit man, you use the content you can find with this kink!
This is the correct take.
Sex is scientifically more complex than any of you inbred, BA degree holding white people can fathom.
Physiologically. Genetically.
But also socially, you really think any one of you 5-foot-something, weak, fat, addicted, stupid and lazy abortions of a boy are in anyway a “man”.
Your tribe of losers could best be described as:
“Biologically male, functionally non binary asexuals”
LOL. lmao even!
no idea why people even use feabie. Most godawful website full of fucking retards ever. Makes facebook users look intelligent. It's slowly dying I hear as it should since it looks like it's trapped in 2005.

Insults instead of an actual argument. Really showing your superiority to those mean anons who dont want to fuck a man LARPing as a woman because they paid attention in second grade science class there. Truly, you are an intellectual powerhouse.
I'm sorry but I will not participate in "suck the dick, bigot" games
Honestly, YOU are the one who has been most inflammatory and bigoted. Nothing you said was backed up by anything, just personal attacks that were, frankly, wildly inaccurate. I understand that you are troll baiting so this is pointless to discuss but I hope you find peace in your life and lose some of the hate you hold on to.
Yeah I'm not biased one way or another, but it is VERY annoying.
since it looks like it's trapped in 2005.
That's a good thing fuck web 3.0 smartphone centric design
Nah, back in 2005 fewer of these women were in their 40s.
Feabies just a place for some childless aunt of some broccoli haired kids to rant about how men aren’t shit.
sounds very credible
I mean at a certain point a fat blob loses all traditional sex and gender markers.
It's true; I identify hetero — dicks, balls, hairy chests, etc repulse me — but when I see a superfat dude waddling around, especially if he's got moobs and a pear shape, it turns me on. I guess that's the definition of a fat fetish.
Well yeah, ultimately fat is feminine. Boobs and butts are made of fat. Its only logical that the fatter the body the more female it seems. Fat cells literally turn testosterone into estrogen. This is biological evidence that women are supposed to be fat.

That's why we need a good filter to separate out fat trans women from biological women on websites.
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They're not going to do that on Feabie because of *inclusion* or whatever. Just slow your fucking roll when you're jerking off to profile pictures and ignore the ones that are trans.
Sorry but I'm never going to agree with this take. I just wanted to vent somewhere, I'm not asking for a solution.
How gay are you that you’d be terrified to get a blowjob from a beautiful massively obese blob you couldn’t be sure wasn’t a man?
So gay you’re scared of a good time.
anything wrong with gay?
I'm confused. You're saying you shouldn't care about gender if someone is fat enough but then saying its gay to care that it was a guy? But if someone were gay then they wouldn't care that fatty was a guy. Your statement makes no sense.
Any straight man with a fat fetish would be happy enough to get a blowjob from a pear shaped bitch with tits and not be thinking about if she had a penis.
Thinking about penises needlessly is gay as shit.
He's using gay as a pejorative, not as a literal term.
No. You are gay and in denial.
Don’t think about penises that don’t affect you Obsessing over if she has a dick when you’re not gonna see any genitalia is a sure fire marker of a closeted homosexual.
ah. i see the problem. you mistakenly think that feabie is a jerking off website but it is actually a dating website. you should try pornhub which IS a website for jerking off. you shouldn't run into this problem there. hope this helps!
You seem to think the only thing that makes someone sexually prefer one gender to the other is genitals. I hope you find some time to educate yourself on sexuality and stop calling people gay on the internet for the lulz.
Here's some things I've already said my friend:
1. I'm not here looking for solutions, just venting.
2. With this kink you use the material you can find, wherever you can find it. BBW models advertise on Feabie all the time.
3. I also want to filter for dating as well.

Thanks for your pointer though.
Nigga, I'm agreeing with you.
*Kinsey scale enters the chat*

If OP doesn’t want to jerk it to a man I don’t think he’ll want to date one either. The point stands.
>Obsessing over if she has a dick

Implying a 'she' could have a dick, smh
Congrats Killotroll. You copped to being so fucking homosexual you can’t avoid the chance to think about penises that aren’t gonna penetrate you.
What happened with your mom to leave you this repressed and angry about being a flaming yet closeted homosexual?
It doesn't matter how many times you call someone gay. It doesn't change the fact that some people don't want to see trans people in a sexual way. You're failing at trolling.
anything wrong with homosexuality?
Reality can be your friend if you just accept her.

Not being attracted to men makes someone gay now? Either I have been seriously mislead about what the word gay means, or you aren’t thinking your posts through at all.

Congratulations on being the least homophobic tran advocate I’ve ever seen though. It’s quite the achievement.
You and me both know it’s gay as shit to sit around pondering about dicks. Especially dicks that no one is trying to make you think about.
I just think you’re all very emasculated men and repressed homosexuals taking out your frustrations on an easy target.
In my case, it has nothing to do with dicks. I'm really just worried about a significant portion of western humanity being in the process of losing their grip on reality.

Gender isn't real: It's nothing but random stereotypes made into an identity. Basing ones identity on stereotypes is pubescent or outright cretinous behaviour, which, in my opinion, is concerning if shown by influential adults.

And furthermore, I want sexuality to happen between consenting adults. There should be no sexuality with immature or delusional people involved.
Most rational chan poster

Maybe these people wouldn’t be thinking of dicks if delusional perverts weren’t, figuratively and literally, trying to shove them down people’s throats.

It’s not gay to think about a dick if you don’t want said dick inside your person. Unless all the world’s urologists and endocrinologists are gay and no one told me.

I’ve been married to a woman for four years, an actual, real woman with XX chromosomes, natural boobs, and female reproductive parts, not a crude facsimile cooked up by a Frankenstein wannabe. I’m very certain I’m not gay.

I think you’re projecting your own homosexuality if I’m supposedly gay, and yet you aren’t when you’re trying to say men fucking men somehow isn’t gay.
> I think you’re projecting your own homosexuality if I’m supposedly gay, and yet you aren’t when you’re trying to say men fucking men somehow isn’t gay.
You see gay sex where there is none. You needlessly project penises at every opportunity. Yet you claim other people are the repressed homosexuals?
Men fucking cis women and trans women is straight as hell lil buddy. You needing to see gay sex where there is none is the clearest repressed homosexuality I’ve ever witnessed. Keep chewing on that cigar Sigmund.

What isn’t gay about two men having sex? Not a man and a woman, but two men specifically.

Because you’re treating man+man and man+woman like they’re the exact same things.
Men are men, and women are women.

Trans women are women in the same way as I was a cowboy when I was a kid -- theiy aren't.

So-called gender transition is but a persistent disguise pushed to an extreme where it permanently hurts the victim's physical and mental integrity.

Let's not foster this cult-like madness, but let's be honest and true to reality: The emperor is naked; trans women are men.
if gender and sex is two different things, two males having sex is homosexual. trying to convert heterosexuals is going to work about as well as gay conversion therapy has.
These are good points all around.

I don't care if someone wants to transition, you shouldn't either. You are not an arbiter of morality nor are you in any position to judge the decay of society. We are fucked on so many deeper levels than "Oh no! Men think they are women!"

Can we stay on topic about Feabie and other sites sucking at letting us filter out what we don't want to see?
> Trans women are women in the same way as I was a cowboy when I was a kid -- theiy aren't.
I’m sorry, I didn’t know the boy from a country that’s not allowed to own guns is the arbiter of whose is and isn’t a cowboy.
Stop gatekeeping masculine identity you skinny little bitch. calling yourself a man is an insult to cis-men who aren’t tiny little women emotionally and physically.
>boy from a country that’s not allowed to own guns

best metaphor for a trans person
FTR, I'm 100% about trans rights and respect for trans and gender nonconforming people. I'm friendly with a neighbor who's a trans man and have worked with a trans woman. Not quite a full-on SWJ otherwise but pretty much. (A few Gen Xish opinions on economics and foreign policy exclude me from that club.)

But I agree that someone on a dating site should be able to filter out trans people. First because these sites go through a lot of effort to match people up with their preferences, and wanting to be with a cis male or female is just that — a preference, not a value judgement. Two to avoid hurt and embarassment for both parties. Though a trans person who isn't upfront about it is asking for it either way.
>Haha you live in country with 0.83 murder rate
No wonder Americans look like real men. Weak men don’t do well in this country.
Fuck even transmen in America are more of men than 99% of European poofters.
A gay-hating trans vindicator... you live and learn.
I think it’s a fair take.
You don’t think women with penises are “women”.
I don’t think most Chan members are “men”.
You are not a man if you are shorter than 6ft (<180cm), weak in body, weak in mind, with a small dick.

Those of you who aren’t incels are lesbians.
Real woman faking orgasms with fake-men.
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>You don’t think women with penises are “women”.
That's because they aren't, retard. I know the US education system is bad, but holy shit lol!

What's next, are you going to tell us sex with a man is only gay if you ask for lube?
What makes you so sure you’re a man?
A tiny penis alone doesnt make you a man. Shriveled unused testicles don’t either bitch boy.
A real man is ready and able to provide and protect for women. You know you aren’t close to being a real man. Gaywad bitch.
You're telling me you wouldn't fuck Jazz Jennings when she was over 200 pounds? Stop lying to yourself. None of this shit matters. If it looks like a duck, walks and sounds like a duck, it's good enough to fuck.

Homophobic and sexist?

You’re checking off all the boxes of why people hate the tran movement and the ideology behind it. Keep it up, I wanna see if you’ll throw racism in there too, since that’s also very popular with that crowd.
Man. You guys have the smallest dick persecution fetish.
You aren’t an oppressed minority for being a fragile cis boy. Stop being a bitch. Stop complaining about trans people and date a bio-woman (if you can pull one. IF.)
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THAT was my point! I just want to filter out trans people from my search!
And bio-women want to filter you out of the human genome.
Let the free market decide who fucks whom.

Funny you bring up a persecution fetish when you’re playing defense for a group of people who had to come up with a backwards, ludicrous belief system that overturns the entirety of multicellular biology to satisfy their own fetishes, persecution likely one among them.

You’re like a flat earther getting mad because someone said the word globe and then accusing them of being delusional and misled. Except even flat earth is somehow more believable than a person magically changing from one sex to the other because some pedo from New Zealand decided to project his own insecurities on the entirety of humanity and put a family through hell to try and “prove” it, hiding what happened when it turned out he was full of shit.

Why don’t you go cry at John Money’s grave about people not buying into his bullshit instead of wasting the time of everyone here.
Too late, already have kids. Y'all need to calm down with the personal attacks.
The most relevant fact about Feabie troons is that 99% of them are "sapphic" transbians (= heterosexual males) competing for the attention of the same handful of biological females as every other desperate schmuck on that godforsaken cesspool of a website. Typically having even less success than most, because no woman with options wants to date a greasy, self-pitying weeb in striped socks.

The positive side of this is that they're even less interested in OP's dick than OP is, so he should relax and chill out. Welcome to life on the Internet in 2024. It is what it is.
Nah, OP is right to be pissed off having to look at them. We shouldn't accept the status quo.
There are a lot of ugly cis people, too. I'm not sure what the real issue is.
>I'm not sure what the real issue is.

Then you're in too deep.
Dude, seriously? You don't understand the difference someone may feel between jerking off to/dating a man, a woman, or a trans person?
I mean, if you scroll through FF AND feabie there are plenty of heinous ugly cis women. I don't see how they're any different than trans people in this instance. Just keep scrolling?
Again, you are implying that an ugly woman and a trans women are the somehow equivalent. That seems like it could be pretty fucking offensive to some. There are some cis women that grossed me out to the point where I blocked them, yes. That's fine, its a rare occasion and you can't filter on "pretty". I don't want to have ANY trans people appear in my search, pretty or not. Why is this so hard to comprehend for some of you? And for the 4th time, I'm not looking for a solution unless you are a dev at Grokio, I'm venting.
Because your insistence about this makes us wonder why you can't just scroll past someone who is trans. It's like 1% of the population, how is this such a big deal to you?
For the sake of argument that someone is just jerking off online and getting upset that trans women pop up, then yeah, I am comparing them. So if you've blocked ugly cis women, or women you're not attracted to, why don't you just block trans women. This just seems like a weird thing to get a hair up your ass over when you could scroll (and have scrolled) and move on.
Right? Like do people he's unattracted to just send him into a blinding rage? Jerking off for this dude sounds like a stressful experience.
Also, I've found that if I just select "female," 99 percent of the results are cis women
This seems like a you problem
Cool straw man you made there. What I said was
>"If you're going to let me filter by gender then let me fucking exclude one's I don't want."

Technology should make life easier, filters are there for a reason. Let me use the filters. I do scroll and move on. I have kids and a job and a life. Every moment I'm spending on automatable bullshit is a waste of my time. And yes, I do realize the irony of how much time I'm spending venting about this.
I'm not worried about offending people on the piracy masturbation board, my dude. All I'm insinuating is that a trans woman is comparable to an ugly cis woman *for you,* so idk why you just don't treat them as such.

The fact of the matter is it does exclude the ones you don't want if they self report, so. Idk, go play ball with your kids and yell at them to make sure they don't grow up to be gay or something .
It absolutely does not exclude the one's that self report, you are just wrong there. Try it for yourself. And if you must be so concerned about my masturbation habits then I'll say this, trans and cis are not the same thing for me no matter how you slice it. That's why I don't treat them as such.
I share your frustration, but you seem to be under the mistaken impression that this is a technical rather than sociological problem. From a software engineering standpoint, it would be trivial to add that feature. Yet they don't. Why?
I'm literally looking at it and it's all cis women. It shows "female," it will only show "trans women" if you select "trans" AND "female." Again, this seems like a you issue, and an issue that can be solved by.... blocking the ones you do see.......


All of grokio's properties share the same layout. They're not going to add or fix anything, especially something that's exclusionary.
I did kinda allude to that in my original post.
>Forcing trans people down people's throats is a great way to piss people off and turn them into transphobes.

I know it's inclusion bullshit. Glad to know I'm not alone in the frustration.
Homeslice, you are just incorrect here. Stop trying to make this about me.
Most women would prefer to have a height and dick length filter to weed out males who are nominally men.
Hey man, I'm not the one with the hyper fixation.
There is a height filter. Dick length would all be lies anyway.
There is a height option though?
>>44863 (OP)
Chances are when you ask them they'll tell you to "fuck off" and then post something so confusing you need literal weeks to parse.
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Phoebe means fear, I am not in fear of trans.

I am revoltingly disgusted by the sterile gaping wound lubricated by the shit-smelling anal secretions that fester and decay from it.
A man is a man no matter what you chop shop and swap. Trans won't date trans. I don't need the migraine of someone whose entire life/identity is their sexual orientation and pronouns.

All these bs genders didn't exist till 2011 when OWS happened and everyone was pissed at the banks then Wall St/banks/corporations got scared and gender politics were introduced to un-unite people who had a common united goal to go after the fat cats on Wall St and the banks. And people fell for it hook line and sinker no thanks to a few commie disrupters sprinkled around OWS to help push "the message". Before 2011 I met maybe 3 or 4 so-called trans in 27+ years up to that point. In those 27+ years, I lived in Orlando, St Louis, Denver, NYC, etc. Yet I still met just 3 maybe 4 trans but after 2011 people acted like everyone was trans. But I guess if the banks make a rainbow logo for a month anyone will let them fuck them in the ass just like they did in 2008 because it's suddenly cool to be fucked in the ass.
>Phoebe means fear
You're a transphoebe?
No, it's the shitty AI that's been in the forum learning and posting nonsense. It's getting better since some are already mistaking it for a carbon poster, but things like mistaking "phobe" for phoebe is a clue.
And true, phobe suffix means fear and no one's particularly afraid of mentally ill people unless they're shooting up gun free zones and having our vile state influenced media cover their manifestos.
phobia = irrational fear
phoebe = pure, radiant

in the age of misinformation and lies, the gap between idiocy and knowledge is widening. that's why mass stupidity groups like maga, flat earthers or conspiracy theorists have become possible.
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OP misspelled something so the whole point is invalid, what is this Reddit? Everyone misspells shit from time to time. My point still stands. No one gave a shit about all these made-up pronouns and genders till they were told to in 2011 during OWS so they turned on each other instead of working together for the common goal of not being fucked in the ass by the banks who screwed them.
no, not OP

>misspelled something
saying "Phoebe means fear" is not misspelling, it's misinformation.

>what is this Reddit?
this is a world where misinformation gets called out out.

and you delivered yet another example of not paying attention to the facts before you and spreading new false information. (q.e.d.)
Y'all are acting real weird over a small group of people you're "not" attracted to. I hope you don't carry that same angry energy out into the world and lynch trans folks.
Stop telling me who I have to see in my own home on my screens.
The difference between feedees and trannies is that feedees can actually get fat
Cry, sob, despair. How will you go on since Grokio, an inclusive property, won't change its infrastructure specifically for you. Sounds like a real sad state to be in.

You don't have to use the website. Just go on reddit or Tumblr to feed your porn addiction.
I don't think asking for a minor tweak to a an existing feature is unreasonable.
You expect grokio to make any meaningful changes outside of their ToS? Laughable.

Really? Trans women aren't women.

They're trans women. 5 years ago all this shit wasn't an issue, and now we get this all the fucking time.

We're heading into a massive epidemic of homosexual boys who are jumping on this courtesy of doctors throwing out blockers like headache pills because a teenage boy is showing signs of being effeminate and says he might like other boys to teachers in school.

The world is fucking nuts.

Doesn't annoy me on Feabie, I have the weight preference set right up too. I reckon I could spot a fat tranny easy enough.
Kisame here. I just don't care for the culture war. I think gays are bored of their lifestyle choices or have no goal after legalizing gay marriage. They're now stuck in suburban monotony and doing anything for stimulation. Trooning and working at kids parties is just them hitting rock bottom. Next they will hit on the pool boy or sleep with the dad behind a motel. This is why Don Lemon quit his day job. He's middle aged and not getting any younger.
What I am saying is gays have nothing resembling ambition and are just jaded jocks who are trying to reclaim their youth.
I'm just saying I don't want to look at trans people when I'm jerking off to fat women. I don't know about all this other stuff.
It fucking happened again, god I hate this shit.
So. You’re jacking off to men? At least for a moment before you realize it?
Sounds pretty gay man.
Cut their overtime. Show them who makes the most. Lol
I'm of the opinion making BBWchan - minues the - - look a lot more like 4chan would keep suckers and losers like >>44864 away from BBWchan.

Just lean into it bro, they are far more attainable and eager to please.
You're not wrong but so are foreign girls from the right countries.
The right countries are British, they’re perfectly gummy, like gummy bear level amorphous fat hambeast.
Not what I meant homie. I'm talking about foreign girls that are attainable and eager to please. I have myself a Brazilian right now.
> I'm talking about foreign girls that are attainable and eager to please. I have myself a Brazilian right now.
A Brazilian what? I got a German shorthair and Patagonian Sheepdog.
It's fun pretending context doesn't exist, isn't it? Don't fatten up your dogs for sexual pleasure.
(55 KB, 640x360, IMG_5450.jpeg)
> Don't fatten up your dogs for sexual pleasure.
You’re telling me you wouldn’t with a cutie like this?
Yeah edwards where is becky
Don't forget about the BAPE
No joke tho. Hot as fuck.
Not a furry or beastiality kinda guy, but the utter depravity of fattening a wiener dog until its legs can touch the ground is top shelf.
Why feedism is a fetish rather than a preference. There was a house on the street where I grew up shared by three single guys. They took in a beagle mix and made her their mascot. She ate what they ate, which was a lot of pizza and Chinese and such and the poor thing blew up like crazy, could barely walk. I can't remember if the dog died after a couple years or we moved away not knowing the outcome, but I'm leaning toward the former.

Anyway I'm no bestiphile either but as a 10 year old junior feeder I was totally smitten with the situation.
It's taking something that can't stop itself from consuming and enabling that thing to eat itself into a ridiculous state. Its especially powerful when you yourself took someone that had self control and changed them into someone that doesn't.

I personally never felt this way about an animal but that just seems to be overflow for some of you all.
It just keeps happening. They shouldn't be allowed to put female. They are not female. Sure, I'll call you a fucking woman if you want but YOU ARE NOT FEMALE! I'm about ready to dump Feabie from my jerk off routine.

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