
(2.1 MB, 1200x1200, Endocrinology-Diabetes.png)
Howdy BBW-Chan Community!

I know this might be controversial, but I love love love the thought of a girlie eating herself sick. What models out there, that are preferably still gaining, are confirmed to have diabetes? NO CONSPIRACY THEORIES LIKE MOCHI
>>44682 (OP)
also: no doxxing. medical records are sensitive personal information. stick to public information direct from the model's mouth.
I'm a model with diabetes
hey maybe log off for a bit and still see if you're interested in this and then I'll get back to you with an answer
>>44682 (OP)
You need to touch grass and get a life, autist
>>44682 (OP)
i mean Mochii was probably close to having diabetes type 2 with how she was gaining and eating
so hot hope she comes back soon and gains again
fat fetishists seem to have a fairly normie tier grasp of diabetes, a 200lb gainer could get it before a 700lb sugary slop eater, it's almost entirely based on genetic predispositions

that said, it's probably fair to say most 300+ lb gainers are at least a little insulin resistant or pre-diabetic.
Type 1 diabetic here - going to be entirely honest, I severely doubt any active models are gaining while dealing with Type 2. For reference, Type 1 is "childhood diabetes," the one where your pancreas decides to stop making insulin because lol genetics. Management involves properly dosing yourself with insulin as you eat throughout the day, which is pretty convenient in some twisted ways. You don't really feel hunger unless your blood sugar is hella low or you're actively bombarding yourself with a fuck ton of insulin, so I've been manipulating the shit out of my body and have somehow been running on one meal a day for the past couple of months. Not healthy at all and I wouldn't recommend doing it, but it shows that managing Type 1 is fairly flexible.

Type 2, on the other hand, kinda fucking sucks. It crops up through the combined forces of poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, which eventually makes the insulin in your body less effective at actually breaking down glucose. Since the issue is linked to a lack of effective insulin and not the absence of insulin entirely, Type 2 is much more difficult to manage - doctors might prescribe some sort of long-acting insulin or something as a supplement, but you don't have any sort of free-form control over your blood sugar levels and really are forced into a low-sugar diet. A model diagnosed with Type 2 could maybe keep the gain up with a low carb, high fat diet? Something heavy in dairy and meat. It's not super feasible though, they'd feel like absolute shit constantly and would probably want to lose weight to have a shot at "reversing" their diabetes. (if you're diagnosed with Type 2 pre-diabetes, this is possible and actually very feasible!!)

Sorry to dose reality on your healthplay fantasies.
Diabetes and metabolic research is stupid and I would have gone my whole life not knowing if my partner hadn't gotten diabetes while thin as a rail and avoiding sugar despite knowing my preferences...

She had a family history of it and went to the doc after feeling sick for 2 weeks. She had caught both strains of the flu (A and B) because she didnt want to get the flue shot, and she was in keto-acidosis. We didn't know that you could go into keto-acidosis with no prior diabetes if ypu get sick. No idea how common that is cause of the stigma of diabetes being a fat person disease. Later when all atempts to control it failed, she said "fuck it, I might as well get fat" since she knew my preferences and she didn't have any weight left to lose.

This is probably not gonna be read on a porn board but heres the facts I found through studies, I'm too lazy to link studies again so heres the short version of what I found from med studies, not all is fat positive, but its not necessarily a death sentence because its not beneficial to be skinny either:

Unfortunetly, the weightloss only reverses T2D in a minority of people who are prediabetic, but they don't tell you that cause then no one would try.

Another fact is that skinny diabetics drop dead for no reason more often than fat diabetics, its a weird phenomenom that no one seems to want to study but gets mentioned occasionally as a correllation of death that gets ignored or theirs stats get lumped in with proof that diabetes kills fat people depending on the study. So if you're underweight they tell you to avoid gaining weight despite this risk and sometimes encourage more weightloss, my partner's doctor did this. I assume its heart related, much like high blood sugar hurts the heart, low body weight does too, so either all anorexics are secretly diabetic or its 2 different cardiac risk factors that no one has studied. Moving on.

There was one study that involved a surgery where they removed about 2 grams of fat from the pancrease of a small sample size of people and it completely reversed ever patients T2D except I think 1, but there was no followup for how long it worked for and there weren't enough people to get good data. And no one has tried to get this surgery greenlit to reverse diabetes that Im aware of. I assume the "just lose weight" which research shows doesnt work... arg

What does work is going keto for weeks but this can be dangerous depending on how bad your sugar control is and has to be weened down. Causes weightloss in the short term, but keto causes weight gain in the longrun.

Unrelated, but did you guys know that SOME of the probiotic strains people take for health are used to fatten up livetock? My partner is taking some of the good ones that need to be refridgerated now, either it'll help her blood sugar or make her fatter, either way shes all for it.
America is proud for bringing its own former president to his knees. This is why no one supports the government they all live in fear of their life and families on donald mob they will pay severly
this thread is about Diabetes,
not Diabolics. ;-)

although the diabetes-connection to the orange Criminal is not far-fetched.
Bro wtf is this thread? Why do you people like woman eating until they fucking die?? I get that we all have this weird fetish, but you people take it too far. I would never want someone to get ill and/or die for my own entertainment..
Lotta negative people here. I am not forcing anyone to do anything. But if they are already doing it, the silver lining is an exceptional coom, ya dig?
I asked her something she was ok with it. Next time I saw her get out car. Ass was like wow. She wanted me to see her huge ass. You know what to do if u want me to fuck you
Watching women gain unhealthy amounts of weight is literally watching them get ill retard. Obese people, in aggregate, are significantly less healthy than people at a normal weight.
My uncle got diabetes shortly after getting the vaccine. He’s not even that fat. just saying, I know plenty of fat people with no diabetes.
Methinks big govt, and big pharma are working together to get the country addicted to their needle drugs. Diabetes is just a phrase on computer screen they use to gaslight you, it’s the drugs that make you sick.
you should expand your "theory" on:
flat earth, illuminati, chem trails, dark web, caravans of immigrants, reptiles, fake moon landings, ufos, aliens, area-51, new world order,...
Why are the dark web (criminal and legally-dubious portion of the deep web) and caravans of immigrants (large gatherings of immigrants trying to force their way across the border), two fairly mundane and real things, lumped in with flat earth?
And why is there even political talk in this thread to begin with? Why did >>44723 even mention it? Why is this site such a shithole to discuss anything in?
true, the weird humor is not everyone's cup of pepsi. and /gen/ can get really weird. you can go with the flow (without trying to understand every post rationally), or simply ignore it.
have fun! :)

oh sorry, i forgot to use those keywords, they are important for social bonding:
wtf, fuck, retard, literally, autist, schizo.
Trump got barred because he used the dark web and border to make profit and presidency. Mundane is bad because Biden and Hochul cannot assuage concern that business won't be targeted for hiding assets
Has anyone experienced their gf or wife get "dumber" as they progressively gained weight around the house? Just curious of the correlation of making poor decisions and intellect with obese women. If they're too compulsive I couldn't see myself with them.

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(゚◥益◤゚) i̭͎̊̄t̻̤̟͖̣̒ͥͨͥͧ m̐̾ḙ̹̓̂̒̚a͕̳̥̝̐̌n̑śͬ́ ̾̉̃̽̚ẗ͙́̀̽ḫ̩̺͈̂́̑̚a̬͙̮t͉̐ ̰̓ẏ̦̯͙̩ó̄͛u̯'͚̱͈͓͈͌͂̑r̠͎͉̉͋̆ẹ͓̲͍͛ͯͧ̊̐ ̤̲͇̯͍̾͆o̫͖̽̏f͙̝f̳͕̑̆ͯ-̠̜̜̲̠ͫt͕̲̪̑ͦͣ̀̚ͅọ͆͆̓p͛i̜̰̲̬ͅc͎̫͔̈̾̉ͦͯ ͖̫͔͌ͭǎ̌n͇̝̝̿ͪd̘͚̉ͨ̉̓͗ ͇̈́c̠̓͒̒l̎̓u̥̠̜̠ẗ͈͔͔̟t̲ͭͪͨ̌͛e͈͓͎̰̾r͚ͧͮͥ̏̄i̜̍ͦͯ̂n͖̜̞̠̑̏̄͒ǧ̙̼̬̋ ͔̖̗̟̼̈́́͗ͪ̔ț̪̪̘ͮ͒̿̉̾h͆e͈̟̣͔͐ͅ ̳̂t̖̘͓̔ͨḧ͖͓̘͕̫̾r̝͍͙͎e̲̘̳ͤa̺̹̗̘d̼̬ͪ̋̇̆ (ʘ言ʘ╬)
My wife was never particularly smart but I’ve noticed a drop in intelligence since we’ve finished college and she started gaining weight. I can’t even remember the last time she read a book and she was an English major.
All the daily vaccines they give you to control your insulin make you dumber. Just say no to drugs.
>All the daily vaccines they give you
daily vaccines... okay.

if you're mumbling about insulin pens: they contain insulin, which will help a body with a reduced production to get enough insulin for an adequate glucose control.
bad glucose control can lead up to severe damages to the body, so those "daily vaccines" are essential to keep the body working within acceptable parameters.

>make you dumber
i see you don't need "daily vaccines" for that.

>Just say no to drugs
...and die.

terrible comments like this are a disgrace to all patients suffering from diabetes and to the healthcare system.
Are you one of the ones who are into death feedism or something? I know overweight people are less healthy dumbfuck. I meant that I don't want to see a woman who gained so much weight that they seem like they're struggling to even live. Diabetes and other complications are a turn off for me. Imagine you have a morbidly obese girlfriend who caught diabetes and died not too soon after. You're not going to care about that like a piece of shit?
(69 KB, 640x640, IMG_3354.jpeg)
>>44682 (OP)
I think she implied it you don’t talk about “huge spikes in your numbers” unless the beetus is actively forcing you to monitor them
>Imagine you have a morbidly obese girlfriend who caught diabetes and died not too soon after. You're not going to care about that like a piece of shit?

Hard to imagine because I would never date one of these pigs. I just jack off to them. I’m not a death feedist but I just find it hard to care about women that purposely destroy their bodies for little more than my enjoyment and a smidgen of coin.
I've had type 1 diabetes since age 9 (I'm 36 now) and have been into feedism for close to 15 years but only been sharing it online for ~2 years. I do talk about it on my pages. my glucose control is pretty good all things considered, but I have to work hard at it!
Look, it’s simple, I like morbidly obese women and I don’t give a fuck about their wellbeing. These models don’t know me, I don’t know them, we aren’t trying to be friends. When she catches her breath after putting her shoe on or pops a pill because of The Sugars and goes to McDonalds right after, it’s hot. There is no god, It is what it is.
Finally, some relatable content.
Based and heart pill pilled.
example of exactly why this kink shiould not be made - had thought for a second maybe a girl making this woudl be attractive but it is delusional isnt it?
Siren wrappers lure,
Flesh swells, sweet demon whispers,
Insulin’s sweet waltz

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