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Does anyone here also worry for there ssbbw girlfriends health at times? She’s pushing 500lbs and has no control on her eating habits so I’d say she won’t be loosing weight anytime soon. I just wanted to know if there’s anyone else that worry’s about there significant others health and if so how do you cope/ come to terms with it?
Yeah I think about this a lot too. My girl is not 500, but she has unintentionally gone from bbw to ssbbw in the span of 3 years, and she’s showing no signs of slowing down. It’s really tough bc she is just now starting to like her body and feel good about her self image… but she’s also on the body positivity train, she says “There is no such thing as ‘bad food’ because it’s all just social stigma”, and then she will have Chik-fil-a for dinner and Taco Bell for… second dinner. On one hand, it’s a wet dream and on the other, I really love her and I want her to be around for many years to come, ya know? Unfortunately I don’t have a good solution, other than saying I realize the only way to get through it is probably to have a series of honest/difficult conversations with her about how we both feel… while accepting that at the end of the day it is her body and her choices, not mine
Yeah I know how you feel, my girlfriend was the same on the body positivity train, she still is all about body positivity except now that she’s around 500 lbs her mobility has taken a toll so she’s just complaining all the time and I do all the running around which I don’t mind for the most part, some days it gets annoying. It doesn’t help that she sits on her ass all day not working, ordering groceries online and barely leaving the house. The last 6 months she’s tried dieting a few times except that only last a week at most before she’s stuffing her face again. Makes me think how much longer will she be around and how it’ll affect my job when I have to be her caretaker eventually. Mind you I find this all hot as hell so I try to just enjoy it, except I can’t help having those thoughts and mixed emotions that I enabled her to the point she’s at you know what I mean
Just get her on life insurance and feed her to death. Next.
Easier said than done when I love her lol, I will look into life insurance though that’s not a bad idea
Everytime she bend over she know my cock gets so hard. Pull it down nice and slow & slam it like wild barn parties
would you want to discuss her and her habits a bit more ? idk on disocrd or kik maybe ?
discussion hijack attempt?
i guess i am just curious about those huge women who keep gaining and their husbands/friends who love this but are still worried
good, then you're in the right place here to discuss. no need to make it a secret session.
Well she has a binge eating disorder and adhd as well, once she starts eating fast food she can’t help herself getting more and more through out the week. eventually she hits a breaking point, tries to diet for a few days then repeats it all over again. I can’t help myself enabling her because I find the whole thing so hot then I feel guilty when she has a break down over it so I’m kinda in the same cycle as her enabling her for my sexual desires and then the guilt of it.
Dude what kind of post nut clarity are you on
how out of shape is she atm ? and do you see her getting to like 550 or more ? i guess you will keep enabling her ?
She’s really out of shape and does nothing to help it, she can’t walk and stand for more than 5 minutes without being completely out of breath, doesn’t help she doesn’t work and orders all our groceries to the house so there’s no reason for her to leave. The way she’s going I can definitely see her getting to 550+. I can’t see myself not enabling her I cave in too easy with her when she starts whining
Isn't she worried that her mobility has diminished that much? Or does she realize and doesn't have enough will power to dedicate herself to a diet?
sounds like a blessing and a curse tbh
she sounds like a feeder´s dream but i get yo want to spend long quality time with her and with hat eating it might not be so long

what does her family say about her huge gaining ?
I twice voiced concerns whilst dating ssbbws.

The first was when I was in my early 20s. She was just fucking beautiful, 350lb and 5ft4, wanted to be 500 and was intentionally gaining, a first for me. When she sprained her ankle we had the conversation. It wasn't about gaining or diet, it was about maintaining being active. I'd read of a model who was doing weights to help when she was heavier. She got it, get muscle strength to help. It really helped her appetite too. I ended up choosing my job over getting serious with her and was working away 2 to 3 weeks a time and ended up drifting. We stayed in touch a little and she continued to gain. Her mother used to really hate me, I get it now, whilst I wasn't a feeder I was certainly enabling. Note to self, if you're going to date fat girls don't date those who live with parents.

A few years later I met a girl on fantasy feeder. She was already nearly 500, she just wanted someone to look after her. I said the same to her and got my fucking head bitten off for being controlling, lol.

I've never had the conversation about the gaining, it's why I want to date superfat girls to start with. The only thing I have mentioned is maintaining hygiene and if they want to get much fatter gain muscle. I'm not about to have concerns about stuffing their face (as long as it's not constant shit processed food), but don't be a slob with it.
And? Why ruminate over this? It’s not like you’re going to snap out of it anytime soon. I bet you’re enabling her right now as we speak
Her family doesn’t really say a word now, a few comments here and there but that’s it. She’s into the whole body positivity and gets pretty defensive when people bring up her weight so her family doesn’t even bother anymore.
I guess I have a bit of clarity every now and then. I literally am enabling as we speak and I don’t see myself stopping, it is what it is
how are you enabling her ? what do you do or say ?
would you want to chat about the situation ?
like we can still discuss it here but would you want to chat about it too ? on discord kik etc ? whatever you have
Yeah sure thing what’s your Kik
>>44507 (OP)
I worry about their mental state more than anything. Much like the girl in the picture there.
lorenzojamal on kik
I somewhat worry but it’s not what she eats or how much she eats, it’s all the meds she takes that are causing her to be close to 400lbs.

She doesn’t eat that much, like a very small breakfast and then a normal sized dinner of snacks and crackers. Her daily caloric intake doesn’t add up to someone who is her size, and she has no need to hide from me how much she eats because she knows what I’m into. So I’m almost positive it’s the effect her birth control,SSRIs, and whatever else she might be taking are having on her.
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First off-- Congrats on the SSBBW GF!

My girl (22f) is 5'4" and about 420 pounds to give ya an idea. She's like your girl too, she has zero control over her diet and has sweet tooth cravings 24/7. Its kinda crazy how much more she eats than me---fucking hot tho lol

i personally am a pretty fit dude myself. At 18 used to be 250 @ 5'6 tall but in just like a year and a half i lost 115 pounds. Im 26M now and am still around 135-140. i run 6 miles everyday. High intensity body workouts too.

Big differences between my girl and i lmfao.

so to answer your original question--

idk what more honest answer i have than we're young and she has a lot of time to reverse course until it gets scary.

Deep down she wants to lose weight but as someone who's lost alot of weight, i know weight loss requires alot of effort and she has just never demonstrated the consistency to do it.

But thats ok, she's my big chunky beebee and she's perfect just the way she is.
would you want to chat about this situation a bit more ?
This is gonna sound corny as hell but while I've been on dates with chubby women, I'd never considered a longterm relationship with a REALLY big girl, mostly out of what I perceived were lifestyles being too different and also some anxiety about being judged (pretty dumb, I know, but it's pervasive)
Until I saw your posts, they're just so damn adorable :)
Wish you guys the best
With the way the economy and climate are going, I’m probably not having kids, so who cares if she piles it on? I’m more of an architect than a straight up feeder, but mine makes it even easier (emotional eater, grazer, and pot head).

And mobility scooters are hot. So I’ve got that to look forward to.
Climate? Do you mean weather?
If you're actually not having children because of perceived climate change, then....

Yes, don't have children. We need to raise the average IQ.
I think he's referring to the political turmoil of the world, or something akin to that rather than the weather.
God how do I make my girlfriend fat as hell I'm Hella jealous hearing about all these huge gfs
my girlfriend of 10 years now weighs 300. she said she would gain to 400-450 for me if we get married, but i want kids too, so i was expecting to have to impregnate her soon and then have her gain after 2-3 kids back to back (i'm 30, she's 28). frankly, i think she'd really lose control and go up to 500+ if i didn't stop her, but i probably would since i really love her. also, my opinion might be distorted by love, but she's a solid 7, possibly an 8, and definitely hotter than most of the women who get posted on this site--she looks like a cross between Jae and LargeNLovely, but just thinner and with natural platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. half german, half english/irish and a tiny bit of french. IQ of 124 (extensively tested because i needed to determine how smart she'd really be if her family weren't evil scum that tortured her into almost killing herself before i found her when she was 18 and i was 20. i had a hunch her true potential was never realized because her life was so unbearable she dropped out of high school, and i was right).

what do you guys think of this? will it be a serious problem for raising 2-3 kids? i have plenty of money, and she has no future without me, and i get the impression she loves me more than she even loves herself.

like i said, i really love her, but i need a real family too in order to be happy in middle and old age. i don't know how well it will be possible to balance these conflicting desires, especially after how much adults she should have been able to trust committed evil crimes against her and fucked up her brain, so if anyone has experience, let me know.

and while i do love her, i also have some very justifiable reasons to leave--should i be trying to get with a younger girl if i'm actually going to marry her, now that i'm ~30 and can look for a girl who's older than just 18-21 like when i was 20? we've been together since right out of high school, and she's only 2 years younger than me--should i be worried if i stay with her for when we're in our 40s or 50s since she'll still be ~400 lbs like her mom was at that age? or do you guys think it's a bad idea to marry a woman who's so close to your own age for whatever reasons? i'm really at a loss for what to do and asking all kinds of people both online and IRL what they think. so please let me know anything that comes to mind if you read this far.

(coincidentally, despite being 300 lbs, her cholesterol, BP, sugar, etc. are all pretty much perfect. doctors are always surprised her lab results are always healthy since more than 50% of her body weight is fat)
>she said she would gain to 400-450 for me if we get married
that would classify as a "trading attempt" on this sharing chan. just kidding.😉
> she looks like a cross between Jae and LargeNLovely, but just thinner and with natural platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. half german, half english/irish and a tiny bit of french. IQ of 124 (extensively tested because i needed to determine

LARP of the year.
>IQ of 124 (extensively tested because i needed to determine how smart she'd really be if her family weren't evil scum that tortured her into almost killing herself before i found her when she was 18 and i was 20. i had a hunch her true potential was never realized
>and while i do love her, i also have some very justifiable reasons to leave--should i be trying to get with a younger girl if i'm actually going to marry her, now that i'm ~30 and can look for a girl who's older than just 18-21 like when i was 20?

Lmao mate you are emotionally deranged, you need a therapist

Life is just too short to deny yourself of dating who you really are attracted to.

I posted above >>44769. I always liked girls with large boobs, it was only when I had a holiday romance with a 400lb girl did I realise it wasn't just tits. If you're dating chubby girls but actually crave heavier girls, chase heavier girls. Especially when you are younger. The blessing of the internet is some of them are seeing all this body positivity and not caring so much that they are fat. Sometimes as other have attested to, the fact that they are in a good relationship with someone who's wild about their figure makes them care so much less that they are over double the weight of most people.
I crave both tbh; chubby girls and SSBBWs. Even muscle mommies from time to time. Long as she ain't skinny and we click emotionally (which is tough rn cause of other reasons but I'm working on my shit), I'd give it a shot.
i don't get it...

this is not a larp. the cost of that color is also that it's really thin like LargeNLovely's, though she does hair extensions for me (i didn't ask, but she likes doing cosmetics and she trades doing her friend's nails for her doing her hair extensions). i'm using it as a reference for anyone who might get what i mean. and all of it is me trying to provide an image in your heads so anyone who for whatever reason might give me useful advice here, because i'm really upset at her for things she did in the first year of our relationship that i don't care to get into, but she feels immensely guilty about now years later.

you don't need to tell me: i have a lot of neuroses, but a therapist isn't gonna be able to fix any of them. but i also have money. and she says i'm really good-looking. and this place is anonymous to all of us but the site owners and our ISPs who probably don't care about me anyway.

but i really am asking for actual advice here. dead serious. i don't care what i sound like. i don't know what to do: marry her or look for another, younger girl, who's brain isn't so messed up that she can't really do anything other than cook, after she cheated on me in that first year, but then became a totally different person who wants to spend the rest of her life proving to me that she wants me and me alone. i can't explain it. no one would understand.

i'm basically asking for both relationship advice and healthcare advice for a 400-450 lb woman if i decide to marry her. and also if i should marry her. is anyone here actually interested in having kids while satisfying this fetish?
also, you shouldn't give a damn at all about what anyone thinks about what you're attracted to. other people can still imagine what she might look like if she weren't fat anyway, and she'd be judged on different factors there. if you have this fetish, the only thing you need to take seriously is their health problems.
My partner is probably bound to break into ssbbw status in the next year or so (~380 atm and increasing on avg. ~3-5lbs a month, some months even more than that).

I'm not concerned for her health due to her weight whatsoever, that's honestly the least of our worries. But she is chronically ill, has been since a young age. She eats healthily, has good labs, can move well and is quite strong... so, her other health issues would be equal concern if she were 130lbs.

The only difference is that her doctors would give her better treatment, which has been a struggle. That part, I'm most concerned about. Long rant short, medical weight bias is fucking real and it sucks for fat folks to get any sort of medical treatment.
I don’t know how you coomerbrained weirdos stand being with these walking health insurance premiums.
I just finished nutting to a fat chick and I’m going to go back to my life like a normal adult. In fact I’ve been overtly teasing and fat shaming my wife in front of our daughters. She’s bumped up above 150 because her jobs stressful and she’s eating, can’t have the kids thinking that shits ok.

You're 5-10 years away from a deflation or life ruining illness.. Not worth marrying into IMO. Enjoy the ride as long as you can avoid commitment.
No: I avoid this problem by using my repulsive personality to insulate me from girlfriends.
>>44507 (OP)
My girl has been on ozempic, down 20lbs to 340#. She has not made any lifestyle changes. I'm always trying to be supportive but she hates exercise. I'm worried eventually she is gonna have trouble dealing with the symptoms and have to come off, gain it all back and more, and kinda fuck up her metabolism. The gain will no doubt be hot, but she will hate it the whole time. I just want her to be healthy.

it's always nice to hear about a high IQ couple - I can tell yours must be near the upper end of the double digits
From this single anecdote I can tell you're an awful husband and a terrible father. Your family would be better off without you. Bye
I’d bet your one of those doormat husbands who watches his wife blow up and let his kids be obesed friendless losers who can’t play sports or find a date because they’re too busy eating Lil Debbie’s. That’s the real child abuse.
BPD is no good, neither is being a morbidly obese 28 year old for starting a family.
I bet your just one of those people that has settled for things in life that aren’t outside the norm just so people don’t look at you different or talk behind your back, I bet your always wondering if the grass is greener on the other side and take your anger out on your family by the sounds of it.
If that works for you, more power to you.
Being normal, tall, fit, attractive, successful and popular literally IS everything in life.
Me and my family are pretty happy winning every contest, getting better grades, being in private school and siting in the front of church.
I got a killer medical sales job that’s 80% playing golf since I everyone I’m pledge brothers with runs a hospital.
Fat chicks are easy, cheap, sloppy and available. They’re basically the fast food of women: fine for a roadtrip, shameful secret you don’t bring home or do in public.
Living with obese spouses taught me that weight is not exactly a thing to be worried about in terms of health.

As long as your obese significant other is not involved in extensive physical labor she is not likely to have health issues or shorter lifespan due to weight.

70+ morbidly obese people are around so it is likely to be okay.

Also, for those who is concerned about weight gain - there is always a plateau she'll eventually hit. And as long as you don't do anything to "brake" that plateau her weight will float around that number.

Stay away from physical labor, drugs, dieting/harsh workouts, excessive consumption of alcohol though.
>70+ morbidly obese people are around

Not many. I visit family in south Florida all the time. It's full of old people and fat people but very rarely the two together.
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total bullshit, absolute moron
Dont buy from neptune seed bank owner is pedophile and collects child porn
Our girls are here for a good time, not a long one. Quality over quantity.

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