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Wanted to make a thread to discuss feeder relationships, everything from successes to fails and everything in between.

My current partner of a year and a half has gone through some ups and downs with her weight before we met. Her low point was 147, but currently she is 265. Now, to alot of ppl that doesn't fall under the description of ssbbw, but she is working on getting to at least 370.

Now, the fastest way she is going to put on weight is through home made high calorie
shakes. She is bold enough to attempt to drink four 10k calorie shakes a day. According to rough math, 40k calories in a day for 14 days is 560k calories. And if it takes 3500 calories to gain 1lb of weight, in theory, she could put on 160lbs, excluding activities like walking, going to work, etc
>>44312 (OP)
Uh... I hope that's a typo because 1 lb of fat is 30,000 calories not 3500... I really hope you weren't expecting a 160 lb gain in 2 weeks cause she would esplode before that would happen.
It is 3500. Google it.
>>44312 (OP)
>According to rough math
>rough math
rough math, the martial arts of math.
with your rough calculations you're already on the way to the black belt. ;-)

this is not about a specific SSBBW, so maybe this thread would be more at home in >>>/gen/ ?
Why would this not be specific to ssbbw? There is no thread specifically for weight gain/feeders

My girlfriend by the end of the month will be over 300lbs, i just don't know the specific number yer
I'm sorry but 3500 is the correct number, not 30,000. Allow me to provide some context to the situation:

1. My girlfriend is 5'7. At her current size, her weight is mostly concentrating in her hips, thighs, ass cheeks, fupa, and belly. Cup size is irrelevant since I prefer ass. Once she hits over 300, her BMI will put her in the SSBBW range

2. The recipe that I found for her to use is roughly 10k calories for 1 liter, all with store-bought ingredients.

3. She is dedicated to this regimen because she Hates being skinny, she has already proven she can consume 4 of these 1 liter shakes in a day and not be ill, or puke, etc. This will be her main diet for the next 2 weeks. Of course, in between these shakes she will eat solid food. She won't be on an all-liquid diet

4. And before anyone jumps in the thread and calls bullshit, I will post photos of her gains at the end of the month. And I will also provide measurements
Zero content thread. Moved to gen for being a waste of time
Come back in 2 weeks when I show her at her new size. You'll be eager to goon to her massive ass

She hasn't proved anything, you fucking autistic idiot. There's a huge difference between consuming this amount of food occasionally and doing it consistently on a daily basis.

Go masturbate somewhere else with your fucking stupid numbers.
Get off my thread you spic. You make alot of assumptions based off what little I've said.

You'll be back in 2 weeks to jerk it to her new size
>Why would this not be specific to ssbbw
not english much?
compare to "this is not about a specific SSBBW"
> 10k calories for 1 liter, all with store-bought ingredients
Kisame here: LARP harder bro. There’s only 8k calories in a liter of olive oil.
>>44312 (OP)
GTFOH. She hates olive oil.

Mainly the ingredients are sweetened condensed milk, heavy cream, whole milk, melted ice cream, cake mix, and chocolate syrup. But there are others that i"ll keep to myself for now.

And FYI, she weighed this morning at 275.1
Idiot child that math still doesn’t add up. To make those ingredients 10k calories it would be like 2 liters.
1L cannot contain 10k. Your LARPing isn’t close to grounded in reality.
Man that fat guy has a hair gut.

Ok then faggot nigger do the math to prove me wrong
I was wondering when you would post her on here. You are a coward.
Math? Dude you’re obviously missing a chromosome, I’m surprised your inbred simian paws can even operate that Obama phone they gave you.
Why did you block her tattoo of all things lol
Ha just as I thought. You ain't got shit to counter me, bitch ass. Take your EBT card having broke ass off my thread
This is stupid. The human body can only process so many calories at a time. You're just wasting money/ potentially fucking up her liver if you're not larping.
Also this inbred idiot thinks he has a gain shake that’s more calorically dense than straight hydrocarbons (8k per L vs his 10k per L homemade rocket fuel).
He is dumb enough to be a mod here, too bad he didn’t impersonate kisame or some mortal crime rather than being a closet-gay biggot whose mom drank too much while he was a fetus.
Perfect milf body.
You better put a ring on that, anon
>He is dumb enough to be a mod here
"He is dumb enough to be a mod here"

You're making no sense, you dumb kike
She is a consenting adult and knows her limits
Everyone took turns
This discussion reads like three completely different threads collided into a dumpster fire.
That's bbwchan, for ya
Here we can document the start of this shit poster. When he was still mildly coherent and just a racist troll trying to derail conversations.

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