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hello all. the big (not particularly) beautiful woman from is back and ready for more action!

thank you to everyone who responded to me the other week. you’ve inspired me to become the chubby bimbo of my dreams!

does anyone know where i can find quality relaxin? i wanna hipmaxx (and not mess with hormones if possible)
waterver fattenin u need i can do i do fatten ur butt belly boobs legs arms face everythin
>>44250 (OP)
Where did you post? I frequent here and haven't seen you yet, but autism abounds.

Qualoty relaxin for the hipmaxxin comes with genetics for the most part, but with enough caloric surplus you should be able to put a few inches on.

i posted here: https://bbw-chan.link/gen/res/43315.html

and i meant relaxin as a supplement. i’ve been looking around some forums dedicated to… erm… curvebuilding, let’s say, and it’s frequently discussed. women’s bodies produce it during pregnancy so the bones can make way for the baby, which results in wider hips. the only problem would be inducing an amount of force similar to childbirth and safely - maybe intense lower body workouts while taking relaxin?
just passing bye randomly, but learning a word new to me: hipmaxx
>>44250 (OP)
Not certain you can get a relaxin supplement tbh - think your best bet would be trying to muck around with hormone supplements if you want to increase production.

Do know there was a lot of hubbub about Apetamin a few years ago as a “slim thick” weight gain drug, but I honestly cannot remember the results of that

> hormone supplements

meh, i'd rather not. i know hormones are recommended a lot on this board but they come with the risk of imbalance, which is awful to deal with and potentially deadly.

> apetamin

i don't really wanna gain weight, just shift mine around. i wanted to know more about relaxin because i'd love wider hips
waiting for a mad scientist to invent a type of injection that — safely — increases fat in desired areas…
I mean, there’s potentially surgical solutions. Demora Avarice has transferred fat from her belly to her boobs iirc? Hypothetically might be possible to shift it to hips?
Assuming you have ovaries there should be no risk in supplementing estrogen. Some women have testosterone levels similar to some men, other women have absolutely none. Trans women take estrogen in huge amounts and are fine. There's really no risk if you do it properly, hormones are not drugs your body knows how to deal with them. That being said you should be aware of the other side effects, and check your levels first because if your E is already very high and T is low then you're stuck with the genetics you got.
HRT increases the risk of cancer. Just that it's a risk worth taking in the case of severe menopause symptoms or if you're gender transitioning. Not so much trying to redistribute fat based on fap-based pseudoscience.

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