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What does BBWchan do for a living? Has it helped or made it difficult to support your lifestyle dating/living with fat women?

New employed UI Designer here. Thankfully nerdiness and obesity go hand in hand, so BBW are easy to engage with. Not where I need to be but I've increased the luxury of dates and ass intake with my new income.
Free to talk about help anons find their career too. We all deserve a secure job and BBW booty keeping us fed.
I'm an ML Engineer.

Well-paid so my wife can fully indulge her appetite frequently. She's hoping to stay at 130kg, but I am hoping that she is 145kg by the end of the year. My hopeful estimate follows her trajectory over the eight years we've known each other.
If she isnt being submissive to you. Then fucking other women isnt cheating. It really isnt. Women wait to get married to stop sucking your dick and fucking you. Men dumbest creatures on planet. Fuck who you want if you not getting it at home

She'll complain on the scales, but she loves the added oomph to her figure and the attention and discussion of her that comes with every added kilo.
You’re still her bitch buddy. She obs hates your dick but enjoy buying pussy loser.
Is she also a STEM major or is she a stay at home wife?
>>44190 (OP)
I got birds but I aint an ornithologist... bricks but I aint in construction... blowing snow but I aint Mr Plow ya feel me... get on my level
I'm so confused. Are any of you even talking to each other? I feel like I missed 100 posts lol.

>>44190 (OP)
Stay at home wife. Why do you ask?
I guarantee this faggot works at Walgreens with ten other side "hustles" and barely brings a gross of $40k yearly, but have fun larping about the white trailer trash you get I guess.

Hopefully the Mods take care of it.
Somehow missed the only relevant reply. Congrats that you can spoil your wife with one income anon. She'll gain in no time and think none the wiser.
Thanks anon! As I said, she enjoys signficant elements of her gaining. I hid the scales away after she complained - I'd rather she focus on her growing bust.
I'm a distributed systems engineer at Netflix. I spent over 150K on feeding my wife last year. She used to be a nurse, but once I broke 500k/year, she decided to become a "homemaker," aka play video games, watch TV, and eat snacks all day.
How big is she?
Give me months until I have enough surplus to donate to this website. Taxes here are horrible.
Until then I'll give you weeks worth of salary for free to streamline this website. I wanted to make my own, although SFW chan before I moved to a place that demands you doxx yourself for hosting your own website.
Give me months until I have enough surplus to donate to this website. Taxes here are horrible.
Until then I'll give you weeks worth of salary for free to streamline this image board. I wanted to make my own chan, although SFW chan before I moved to a place that demands you doxx yourself for hosting your own website.
niceeee, wanna pass along a referral to a fellow feeder in tech lmao. Is me or are a lot of fa's either tech or history buffs. granted i'm in product markets but i digress. godspeed architects
how long have you been in ML? I've been working near it but mor on the PM side (labeling, training, curation,etc) but wanna upskill a bit more.
all good if that's out of your space.
Five years.

Definitely a space worth getting into; every business already thinks it needs ML and the impetus to do so is only going to increase.
Imagine taking advice from someone who’s such a cuck they LARP as their wife’s boyfriend’s breadwinner.
I work out 8 times a week and got a big dick. Women pay my bills.
He's spent $3000 a week on her, so I'm guessing 200 pounds on a diet of Gucci handbags, 50 tonnes on cheap fast food, between 150 and 500 pounds if that's including other things like clothes, and 0 pounds because she's imaginary
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>Is me or are a lot of fa's either tech or history buffs
Kek, I was just about to post that I'm an academic historian. I enjoy what I do, but I don't recommend it for aspiring architects because the job market sucks and the pay is shit. I should have gone into tech.
I'm a STEM graduate student. I have no money and no girlfriend and it's not looking too good in the next 4ish years on either front.
You're in that boat now - but things can change quickly.
I work in management, my fetish has never caused conflict in any way because I'm an overly professional prude so I've literally never had a conversation about sex that wasn't simply: "Wow a virgin"
Art director/graphic designer and I always suspected there are slightly more FAs among creatives as well, compared to other fields. (FWIW I've heard tech types and artists aren't that different, neurologically-speaking — closer to each other than say artists to middle management types.)

I'd say it's been a boon for dating o/a as I work on a lot of interesting projects and meet cool people, including famous names I can drop lol. Dating fat women specifically, I don't know.

My business has been a rollercoaster since I started and so I made it a priority to set myself up with passive income to get me through the dips. It saved my ass in 2008 and during covid.
>>44516 same person who pointed out the tech/history alignment, I used to be more in the creative field (just got tired of the low pay/scene) i think you're right but a lot of the folks in the field want to fit in with the super skinny, waif look, what can ya do
I have a JD and work as a facilitator, meaning I help negotiate between 2 parties in a lawsuit a mutually agreed upon settlement.

It's easy work, low stress, keeps me busy and allows me to have a lot of free time. The income allows my wife to keep her weight on since she's not really trying to gain.
I got a degree in History and Political Science (Double major) - Looking for work for about 6 months with no luck since graduating. Work part time retail and dumb labor jobs in the meantime. Doing a certificate in finance/brokering because FSI has heaps of jobs going in my area and a few RL mates have promised to put my name forward.

Have a longterm GF i'm looking to marry when I get financially stable - she has said after the knot is tied she'll be eating for 2 when we are trying for a baby, nice.

Being a graduate in a niche industry that's going through austerity measures does suck. Hopefully it works out. I like the idea of being at work, and getting whatever lunch delivered to the Mrs. she wants without a second thought of budgeting.
I am a professor at ETH Zurich in Switzerland.
I work in IT as a data centre engineer. I make a fairly decent salary which allows my fiancé to stay at home and run her online business selling wedding gifts. Staying at home has definitely helper her as she's gaining slowly and she enjoys it. Shes currently 115kg and her next goal is 120.
Wrong time zone
Wrong time zone?
I feel you.
I Also have a major in Poli Sci with a minor in history.
Been working the same stupid fast food job for seven damn years.
People come and people go but I'm the reliable one.
Doesn't even give me full time hours and also have a long term GF who finally finished her graduate program but has been stuck trying to find a job after her parents locked her away for 2 years during the pandemic.

I was going to go back to for college this time but...local college has sold out to the point that regional businesses are blacklisting it.
So now I'm stuck trying to find a second job ontop of the usual stuff.
Currently getting my PhD in economics.

Luckily got me a BBW wife that is loving and supportive of me though it all.
Interesting how everyone here is easily making 6 figures a year, yet when the site was on the brink of deletion, nobody wanted to help donate except for one person. You all can spending $100K on food but not $2K to save your hobby.

That's because they're full of shit. I refuse to believe that a systems or ML engineer would be on a begger site like this. Maybe the retail or Walgreens guy, but certainly not someone making 6 figures
Yeah because rich people never steal lol.
Wish I was making 6 figures lol
Can't believe this little black bastard is going to be an ba one day lol

Steal what? Barely anything that gets shared here anyways.
I'm only here for /gen/ for the odd convo about big women. You should be mad at the schizos that frequent every board not contributing to the funds, but we all know they don't make enough money to be functioning adults.
Not really, Patreon doesn't want disorders. They want Vampire Weekend, Weezer and Fall Out Boy. It's a shame cause the 49ers lost to the disorderly Chiefs
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I am schizo and reading the rules on Patreon. I say that new art isn't being made because blue states are chasing away counterculture with their rules. I think Patreon really wants to make Ken Burns documentaries or PBS about fatties without that Koch Brothers deregulation rot kicking in.
You would be surprised how many Americans are needed in Germany to keep their machines running. Your BMW? Manufactured thanks to the supervision by a non-German.
Good to know
I hate it here. Everybody's neuro-diverse and they tell you Americans are wrong. Wrong in what you ask? Americans are wrong. That's it. That's their statement.
Good to know
Political Cartoonist that got the job because of right time/place, but I distain politics. In contact with several mid range bbws regularly because of work, but all 3 are insufferable because they are too Left or Right. Being an adult is weird. I could always go work at the Amazon warehouse but I'd be drawing on all the boxes so I'll take this outlet.
Assuming you aren't trolling. Have we likely seen your work on /pol/ or /co/? Both boards and interested contain plenty of cubby chasers so it would check out.
Kisame here. Only Trump guys with their pickups, Jeeps, Subarus are tolerated politically. Conservatives are boomers who want a Porsche, Escalades, Dodge Rams, Fords while eating McDonald's are too extreme. For the left, the person with the Honda Civic, Teslas are mild. Fat women are hated for being Honda Fit, Minivan driving educated cranks who use the safety features to trap their child inside
german cars suck now
Is this why these cars keep crashing on Peninsula but somehow my relative's Toyota can clear it?
BWMs are for bored black suburbanites with nothing better to do than drift between home and college

Appreciate the compliment of saying I'd post there. Odd thing is that I can't draw fat girls/guys/etc without making them look awful (to my eye but i am a bit critical). I have a very particular style and it does not lend itself well to a "decent" sketch. Unless you think the old Alfred Hitchcock logo is sexy.
I created Li Li when I was schizo but I made sure she didn't look like John Chinaman
Make over 100k every year, no kids. I literally just dump money into my wife’s waistline. She is so fat at this point that it’s absurd, she was 110lbs when we met and now 8 years later she’s easily close to 400. She doesn’t care, if she’s taken care of then she’ll eat whatever I put in front of her, and she loves it. The sex is ridiculous as well.
>be me
>programming computer overlord supreme
>make 50 million £ annually
>my wife is easy 850lbs
>can't donate a single penny or post any pics
>reeeeeee when people call me out on my bullshit
Psychology student here. I guess that not many others are in this field and visit bbwchan. I used to come here for pirating soft-porn, but I now find it quite interesting to read interactions on this site. I can now better understand where reflexions or non reflexions from anon's come from.

I now mostly read /gen and I started to reply to some anon's.

It's interesting as here, there is trust when it comes to sharing questions about being a FA. In real life, building that trust with a psychologist in order to share some deep questions regarding the personal experience of being a FA would take some time and some may think that they would not be understood.

So, being able to be an anon could sometimes ease the other to share what he feels/questions. Instead of scaring off people if I come by saying that I'm in psychology, I can hide as an anon and they would not be scared of me judging or not understanding as I become one of them.
How can I block this fat faggot?
Sqautters only try that with women or weak men. Let them try that shit here. I wont be calling the cops. My machete will make them exit
Every psychologist/psychology student I've ever known was neurotic as fuck or downright mentally ill. Their kids were even worse. It's the one thing L. Ron Hubbard got right.
But somehow youre still not rich or get pussy. So much for knowing it all about human behavior cant even get laid LMFAO
I'm the headmaster of a grammar school and a university lecturer in classics, and my wife is a stay-at-home mediaevalist PhD.

And it feels really, really strange to publish this kind of information in this of all places, lol
Systems engineer in a defence company. Girlfriend is a 300+ pound American.
Trying to be funny?
She is here. Lets troll
Note the spelling of defence.
no. the way he/you wrote was downright inhuman
Not rich but I do get pussy. I don't claim to know everything about human behavior but I can assure you psychologists don't either.
I can see why. Not enough Americans and too many "new Germans" who don't understand why "it's always been this way" doesn't cut it in international trade.
Russians taking over. Irish scared of them

No doxxing!
But in the town, it was well known, when they got home at night
Their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them within inches of their lives
A small update: My wife's mood around her gaining changed over the first quarter of the year, beginning with a dream in late Feb. She has grown a bit faster than expected.
as a singer from my country would say "sou apenas um rapaz latino americano sem dinheiro no bolso".
Post your work.
CS student currently interning a a large technology firm doing more or lesser full stack dev
I work in Healthcare, not a doctor but a manager on the operations side. I get to walk around at my job all day.

One of our buildings has a Bariatric center but it’s on a higher floor and honestly a good 1/4 mile walk from the parking lot. Watching the girls go there and get winded was one of the favorite parts of my job. Before I was married I’d get so many phone numbers.

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