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Seeing that half of treads get derailed by retarded politafags here, I made this. Please act civil so we can all have fun.
What is everyone's politics?
I am a Catholic Monarchist, Integralist, and Catholic Corporatist. Before anyone asks I am not this Das Ritter person.
Half of the guys and gals at Christendom have similar Politics.
This never works
> Please act civil so we can all have fun.
I’m m tired of this sensitive PC woke culture. Fucking libs ruining politics.
Civilities is the politics of the suburban Republicans. They've always been townies demanding codes and cleaning up neighborhoods. I argue America is more conservative now which could help Trump win the White House. MAGA is just a guy with a pickup and no education. Just look at how Boebert is losing cause she acted like trailer trash and wanted sex at a theater in Denver. It's like how Madison Cawthron and George Santos got ousted cause they party too hard. Biden is actually losing to Trump because college students don't approve of the war in the middle east and the radical left teachers are getting fired for calling Israel Zionists.
"LOCK THEM UP!" much?
The privatized news in America are losing in ratings because newscasters have been giving Biden bad advice on how to govern the country. Whereas Fox is full of Reagan and Trump staffers with experience blaring exposition as well as degrees, Democrats have MSNBC where the actors have no experience with journalism.
maybe bipartisanship has divided the US too deeply. everything seems to get more extreme. it follows the natural law of "simple rules for simple minds". "either you share my opinion or you're an enemy".

- black vs white
- democrats vs maga-republicans
- fan vs hater
- winner vs loser
- coke vs pepsi ;-)

on the political level, democracies with more than two parties (in europe) seem to be much less extreme.

will the US find a leader who can actually re-UNITE the country, instead of making things even worse?
That would require electing Trump as president, criminal convictions be damned. I don't watch the news but hoping he gets bumped off hurts democrats more cause without some great big evil to motivate their base, Biden's elevation would fall to Nikki Haley. I am not part of the DC elite cause I am MAGA instead of Kisame so why would I care for a workplace dispute between federal workers?
I argue the problem with the news is that they got rid of MAGA, the gun nut, and it's sucking because the radical left teacher is just not funny. Democrats are getting kicked out of the war because their army of lawyers, politicians, and policy wonks are boring the billionaire class who's funding these institutions. Hindus like the guy in Britain is too busy taxing conservatives to fund the government and Northern Ireland to care about power sharing.
>>44034 women cheat every week. You be ok man.
I am just a cartoon guy named Kisame. I am baffled people are demanding realism in cartoons
I am well mentally. I am currently working
Gen Z wants optimism and happiness. They don't like edgy and subversive material, or anything resembling rage.
I will go back to making $18 Big Macs and use the money to get mental health.
I am racist but politically. I remain skeptical of the value of jewish life.
Based paddy anon, lol.
Way I see race and ethnicity, every group of people has some use in the world if they mean well -- and to be clear, almost every last person on this planet acts in a way they consider moral, even when they do things that harm others -- but the greatest use is to one's own people in the majority of cases. There are a good number of exceptions, and I'm by no means a hard-liner, but by and large, I agree with the Dalai Lama when he says that we should accept (good-faith) immigrants, but that the West-African man who gets a formal education in America should ideally take that knowledge and enrich the quality of life in his home. When the West is flooded with people simply bringing the culture and traditions of their nation to a host nation, the result is a loss in social capitol. The book "Bowling Alone" does a really good job of demonstrating the many causes and symptoms of low social trust.

Now the only reason this is such a controversial issue is because stating any of the above will invariably get you, your family, your friends, and your fucking cat branded as a brown-shirting wehraboo. There are extreme, adverse social consequences for simply acknowledging these things or even being MISTAKEN as acknowledging these things, including but not limited to:
>police arrest and prosecution
>loss of job, blacklisting in career, especially in major industries like IT or locales like California/NY
>violent retribution from vigilante groups like Antifa
>freezing of bank accounts, pay processors and all forms of social media/communication
This is the core of the problem people have on the right. This is why it gets so vocal. This is why people stake their lives on politics, and this is why the actual nazis recruit so easily. If you want any kind of positive change, no matter your political alignment, you have to acknowledge that people usually come to their beliefs honestly, approach them with humility and honesty yourself, and keep in mind that very, VERY few people in this world do bad things because they want to be bad.
my politics are; whatever party will create less fatties doesnt get my vote
>I remain skeptical of the value of jewish life.

What a way to say it lol. I'll bet you think the Israelis should ease up in Gaza too. That kind of cold-blooded anti-semitism is why they can't, and won't.


This country has been diverse since its inception and it's been our #1 advantage ever since. There's zero reason social capitol can't cross cultures in this country. I have friends and neighbors from all over the place. I don't bowl but we eat, drink, watch movies, talk shit, and so on with each other without losing "social capitol," you paranoid ninny.


No, more like "incredibly rarely."

>police arrest and prosecution

How many people have ever been arrested for expressing xenophobia without attaching some kind of violence to it?

>loss of job, blacklisting in career, especially in major industries like IT or locales like California/NY

Saying stupid shit online with your name attached to it has consequences. Welcome to adulthood. I understand completely why employers in a diverse industry like tech wouldn't want a bigot working for them.

When I worked for other people, I watched what I said. Now that I have my own business, I make sure my clients have no idea of my politics. The world is not your safe space. Never has been, never will be.

>violent retribution from vigilante groups like Antifa

How many people have have experienced violence from Antifa who didn't show up at a violent protest looking to do violence? Find me an Antifa victim who was walking down the street minding their own business.

>freezing of bank accounts, pay processors and all forms of social media/communication

You're talking about companies who can choose who they want to do business with. That's part of the 1st Amendment, too. Practically speaking, businesses don't want to take on the liablity of handling money for or posting the propaganda of groups who support hate. I shouldn't be amazed at this point how mindbogglingly naive and ill-informed people like you are.

>this is why the actual nazis recruit so easily

Do they? Very few "actual nazis" in this country, though fascism has always had an appeal to the mediocre. Strength and power by proxy. You're one baby step away with your Blood and Soil Lite rhetoric.
>will the US find a leader who can actually re-UNITE the country, instead of making things even worse?

Biden is about as down the middle as you can get on most issues. Straight polling on policy has a majority of Americans supporting pretty much the same stuff he does. I don't know of a politician who's more centrist, he's been a bridge builder/capitulator his entire career.

However rapid technological and social change and the extreme upward flow of wealth has lead to fear and anger that no president has the tools to fix, at least not alone.

Anyway when Americans argue politically it's overwhelmingly online, and the disconnected nature of the internet is the cause of it in turn. Actual political violence is far less frequent than in most of the country's history, though I think it's 50/50 that will not be the case by this time next year.
instant sign that someone is larping
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>This country has been diverse since its inception and it's been our #1 advantage ever since
Is that why the founding fathers were extremely suspicious of even slight ethnic and cultural differences affecting American culture to the point that certain Europeans were banned from immigrating? And why it took until 1965 for us to even consider allowing certain other groups in? And why even when we freed the slaves we strictly limited their citizenship status and voting power? Let's not retcon history just because it's unsavory to us now.
>There's zero reason social capitol can't cross cultures in this country. I have friends and neighbors from all over the place. I don't bowl but we eat, drink, watch movies, talk shit, and so on with each other without losing "social capitol," you paranoid ninny.
Individuals aren't trends. And the trend is that there was once a time that the average American town had enough trust that doors were left unlocked and there was no concept of 'stranger danger' for kids to hide away from. A time when getting change to use the payphone, something that literally comes with zero cost to either party, wasn't locked behind making a purchase at most stores. My point in the very beginning of the post is that exceptions exist and that's great for them, but in terms of *trends* people suffer in both small and large ways when social capital goes down. A major part of Robert Putnam's book involves community service, the church, and boys'/men's groups as non-racial, non-exclusionary methods of retaining social capital.
>How many people have ever been arrested for expressing xenophobia without attaching some kind of violence to it?
You keep equating ideas with xenophobia and other loaded and politicized terms to justify things happening using the edge cases. You are comparing something quite soft and peaceful such as Jared Taylor's speech to a schizo shouting to gas the kikes and racewar now. It's aggravating to be forced on the back foot in every discussion by being forced to defend people I do not like, and I'm trying to be sincere and straightforward, so I feel it should be pointed out here.
On the topic of police/justice being biased against perceived racism that either doesn't exist or has no impact on the event, there is a plethora of high profile cases of such. A favorite one of mine is from the 90s. A man in Texas defended himself on a subway against three muggers, all caught on camera, all clear indications of self-defense, and he was put in prison for 15 years on hate crime charges because they happened to be black. No further evidence was needed to take 15 years away from his life. All because people assumed ill intent.
>When I worked for other people, I watched what I said. Now that I have my own business, I make sure my clients have no idea of my politics. The world is not your safe space. Never has been, never will be.
Great. I'm happy to agree on this grounds. So I suppose this means that you're against political actions being taken by corporations unless explicitly and unanimously agreed to by the employees? That you're against, for instance, employee onboarding having a very specific political slant and endorsing specific political goals?
I already know the response. Those are in the name of Progress, Tolerance and Love, and nothing anyone to the right of it believes or does has the same motivations. I reiterate my previous point: people fail to see the motivation behind these beliefs, or as it seems in your case, the beliefs themselves.
>Find me an Antifa victim who was walking down the street minding their own business
I'll do you one better. Here's an antifa victim who was not only minding his own business, but mediating people in the name of understanding and peaceful discussion.
>fascism has always had an appeal to the mediocre
I disagree. It's had an appeal to people who see society itself being, in their eyes, dragged down by people who don't see greatness the same way as their forebearers and nationfolk did/do. It's an issue of people having very different social systems in place, coming together in very unhealthy ways. Communities, large and small, have a culture all their own. When something contradicts or counters that culture, there is friction. Sometimes this friction is for the better -- I think counterculture has a place in society to force it to question itself -- but when the very core of a culture is not just questioned but ripped out against the will of the populace, there is serious risk to social cohesion. Change has to be gradual if it is to remain democratic or prevent violent upheaval, and instead of that we're seeing massive, sweeping changes to the culture and people of the country, being imposed from outside. We're seeing people being used as chess pieces, moved with the sole intent of stuffing cities full of fresh new voters to steer in their direction by promising benefits for them at the cost of others.

You think you're talking to a pimple-faced, unemployed permavirgin who hangs a confederate flag on the wall of his mother's basement. You think people can't have serious concerns with the way things are unless they hate other people. But in reality, I got these beliefs from traveling the country. From coast to coast, and inland too. North and south. Black and white and all in between. I don't wish to harm anyone. I don't see myself marching the streets and curb-stomping minorities to make America huwite again. I want to live my life as a simple tradesman, and form new, localized communities of trustworthy and kind people. I've lived, laughed and loved, and frankly for someone who's not even 30 I've got a lot more perspective than I think a lot of people my age do.
And before you ask, yes, that love extends to outgroups. I have French, black, British, and Mexican friends, and I spent a year trying to lift up my ex and de-radicalize him from his anti-natalist black-erasure belief system. I don't WANT to see him or his folk suffer. It's the last thing I want. Because I believe that the connections we willingly make with other peoples, cultures and ideas do good for us. But it has to be self-directed, and it has to be consensual. We can't just mash people together against their will and force them to make nice.

I think I'm done with this topic. I don't really think arguing it is productive past this point because it seems your mind is set, and I don't like having to do this back and forth like you're my enemy. Because you're not my enemy. You just think you are. Instead of continuing, I'm gonna post an image that sums up my belief system, which was screencapped from a surprisingly deep video on bodybuilding culture.
>What a way to say it lol. I'll bet you think the Israelis should ease up in Gaza too.

20k dead children suggest Hitler was right and the Jewish people are a net loss of humanity.
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Why should we care at all what some dudes 250 years ago were suspicious of? They all drank from the lake of shit and most of them died from it.

I absolutely do not see greatness the way my forebears or nationfolk did. My grandfather and all of his brothers poisoned themselves to death spraying DDT all over the place in the 50's. Then the boomers blew up the social contract in favor of consumer goods.
>I spent a year trying to lift up my ex and de-radicalize him from his anti-natalist black-erasure belief system.
You're a fan of Jared Taylor, but you have a black ex-boyfriend? That's an, uh, interesting combination.
I don't know what you mean. The radical left teachers are getting fired from the news, university, and art schools cause it turns out that schools reliant on federal grants will not tolerate extremism. MAGA has enough pastors and truckers traveling to see the border for themselves.

I will be nice to Joe Biden. The problem isn't the guy but the fact he has to restrain himself cause his wrath can eviscerate Trump and Netanyahu for being genocidal maniacs. Keep in mind that Biden hails from Pennsylvania which carpet bombed the Black Panthers out of Philly while making the local GOP commit suicide over a corruption. Nobody is going to mess with a boomer who has a Dodge Challenger. People forget Democrats were the chain smokers in a dingy car before they became Cadillacs and Escalades suburbanite
I have anarchist sympathies but I wouldn’t call myself an anarchist because only the most retarded people refer to themselves as such. I think syndicalism is a good idea, but anything within that realm is obviously utopian and will never work. I guess I would just say that within the realm of US politics, I support democratic socialism.

1. US military industrial complex is a huge waste of money and it self-perpetuates by creating more problems in the long run. Defending your own territory is acceptable but US military bases being present in 80+ countries, many strategically placed near states that we don’t like, quite obviously makes us the bad guys. Also, dissolve the CIA.

2. Healthcare should be free for everyone. If you want to, you can buy premium healthcare. But as a poor person I should not be charged $8000 (three months income for me) to spend two hours in a hospital. I just received bills from such a visit, luckily it ended up being a workers comp thing otherwise I’d be fucked.

3. There should be a cap on net worth. There is zero reason why any one person should own more than $1B of shares in any given company. Shares should be redistributed to employees.

4. For-profit banking should be explicitly illegal. Interest rates should only exist to cover the cost of services provided.

5. The federal government mostly consists of useless bureaucrats who serve no purpose in creating efficiencies, but rather work to create an inefficient government for the sake of their own job security. Public sector as it currently exists is a scam, tax dollars need to be more directly injected into social programs rather than an endless pyramid scheme of administrators.

6. Term limits for every federally elected position. Age limits for presidency. End the two party system. Either end the electoral college or fix it so that it properly represents each state’s population. Overturn the Citizens United ruling, heavily cap election financing.
Oh, also:

7. The first amendment is the greatest thing any state has ever accomplished and anyone who tries to limit it wants facism. I hate associating with many left-wing type people who are perfectly fine with the idea of restricting free speech.
> The first amendment is the greatest thing any state has ever accomplished and anyone who tries to limit it wants facism.

Sorry, I think you meant the second amendment. First amendment doesn’t exist when Jewish Snipers target journalists.
Free speech only exists when it comes out of the end of a bazooka.
I don't know what you mean. DeviantArt is shutting down fetish artists because artists don't want fan works of their characters inflated.
They may not like the fat suburban geeks spending their parents money on art, but they were reliant on people watching Star Wars on cable and enough free time to attend streams. Just look at how Star Trek can't sell the show without Kirk or Star Wars is bloated without Lucas. I say this cause adults aren't distracted now so they're blaming Biden, Disney, the NFL for selling remakes. Everyone's watching Netflix now and it eats the radical left up that they got old and nobody's going to pay $100 to see a movie.
1st Amendment doesn’t exist at all in Israel, because it’s part of the US Constitution lol. Weird/stupid/Jewphobic example, except you’ve unintentionally explained why Israel fights back hard against anyone who threatens their existence.
100k dead children next door in Syria thanks to the Assad regime, allies of Hitler. You’ve really got this figured out lol.

(PS: you don’t GAF about Palestinians)

Does your mom still powder your nuts and put your baloney sandwich in your X-Men lunchbox?
No my cock is huge ready to make your walls wet & numb.
Moot point. Blacks and Latinos don't support Dems anymore. It's too progressives and drawing the moderates to Trump
Blacks and Latinos see themselves as conservative and want tough immigration reform and crime.
I'm fucking 30 and live in a studio apartment in Norfolk.
MAGA hates apartments. The city is suing Adams just so he can take vouchers for apartments in NYC instead of letting their workers live out in the middle of upstate or LI like most of the workers.
Adam’s is taking away our schools and giving them to migrants so they can learn to code.
The Justice Department and Supreme Court spell out that the left aren't geniuses but suffer from poor memory. Their argument was so poor that they couldn't keep Trump off the ballot because lawyers couldn't stop fighting with Kavanaugh, Kagan, and Ketanji, the very people they're trying to flip. If Trump does win, itd because the left are bigger carnival barkers than the Donald
Good Fuck, Dave the Artty Marine is still letting me live rent free in his head.? For fucks sake man, I haven't been on this site in six months. Why are you obsessed with me? And bully some Random Italian dude because he is a Monarchist Christendom Alumnus? (Okay that in itself is the surreal shit I've ever seen another Catholic who loves fatties from the college I want to go to after Trade school on the GI bill) Before you ask I have a full time job and go to trade school, there''s nothing worng with living with your parents. I pay half the utitlies
This fucking faggot is a Baptist pastor's son who has an Armenia cumdumpster on par with Caitidee for a wife. he also admits that he is drug dealer who makes $100,000 (basically Leatherneck Jessie Pinkman) He has a hate booner for me since I kink shamed him for having a shit fetish and loving anal.
That and he groomed his wife into being a slut on par with Caitidee. Or he just made her worse. He doesn't like being kink shamed, so he belittled me for me out for being on unemployment a few years back. "You're a malingerer, kill yourself faggot" etc.
Also I never had Tourrets. I had mild bipolar that was misdiagnosed. Off my meds with a clean bill of health now, going to gym a few tines a week, I'm doing pretty good, when I get certified by the welding Association I'm all set. Dated penty of nice Catholic girls, even a freaking Catholic radioglist who wanted to be a feedee. No joke. I ended things with her, she was sweetheart but we did not that much in common. We are still friends though.
i'm pretty good man. Go home to you wife and your three kids man A random dude on the web on the living rent free in in your head since I showed you the Bible and the Church say sodomy is an abomnation shows your now I'm right and you trying to wound e since it a way to justify your faggoty gross behavoir.
$100,000 a Month.
>This Nigga is Coombrain Walter White.
Why else would care what I think? If you didn't care, you'd ignore me and move on with your life like I have
Also lest you think I am making it up, she is a Nerdy 5'0' Indian girl with glasses.
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Basically this with a cute double chin and a lab coat. Fresh out of med school
It's called being a decent human being you sheep fucking nigger bastard.
>This was sarcasm, please be civil everyone
Sorry about things not working with your girl Ritter, I am single too, and it is really hard.
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What the actual fuck did I just read.
Okay this nigga is fucked up
I'm happy you're off the meds man
Caiti is fucking vile but I admit I have talked with her in the past. I have bile in the back of my throat while I speak with her. I won't scandalize anyone but the gals do use sexting sites. I have pissed a ton of money away on hookers.
Also, I was reading Star Wars Comics when this guy was deployed, how old is he? 40s? I was 8 when the Iraq War started.

It must be difficult living with this many alter egos to distract yourself from your sad and lonely life. It's actually quite funny to see you interact with successful Italian welder LARP or whatever it is you're doing here.

And I didn't belittle you for being on unemployment. You need to have been fired from a job to collect that. You admitted that you never had a job and that you were still living with your parents, still very much dependent on them while watching anime most of the day and "writing" your comic book or fantasy novel. I highly doubt you've been successful with women since you couldn't even get a whiff of success from a mid and depressed Italian girl. I just don't see you ending things with any girl, considering your history of inceldom.
Gonna sniff my wife's Armenian asshole for hours tonight, btw you fuckin' degenerate incel piece of shit. Enjoy crusting over your poor mom's bed sheets.
It's hard to discuss politics because Joe Biden is just state sponsored elder abuse. Ben Shapiro branching out to make furry cartoons and movies was good. Suozzi got reduced to screaming about abortions and guns yesterday. Seb Gorka got called out by being the fat guy by Alex Jones even the MAGA are fat men in suits.
Bro that is wasting your hard-earned money. Don't do it.
He is 39 now.
Wait you an OG Dark Horse fan?
Shit man, did we just become best friends?
I can see Trump winning because people want to see criminals put in jail. My neighbors talk about El Salvador and how it went from crime to safe cause of that president. It's only America that refuses to change
Aye. I mean I support annexing Mexico all the way to Panama so we get the Canal back and fix illegal immigration is fixed at the source by making them US citizens with Dual ligaulism. The Former Mexican Empire in its entirety will be the US's Quebec. Hopefully with Canada being Annexed too so we get triple lingualism. Ideal we would rejoin the Commonwealth with Trump as Governor General.
The third is a bit of a stretch. But a lot of Canadians love the Monarchy. it would be wise since we are an Anlgophone Nation anyway
I'd like Desantis or the El Salvadoran guy as PM if this takes place
I flat don't know because the current election is very free wheeling despite Trump and Biden being the leaders of the party. Democrats just come off as incompetent as their plans to derail Trump falls apart. There's a lack of contingency in their gambits.
bullshit argument, violent crime in the US hasn’t been this low since the 60s

it’s just the coverage of it that has exploded in recent years due to the advent of cellphones and the internet
Crime in America is violent. It just shifted away from organized syndicates to chaos. Crime is down in Nassau County cause the exec hired extra cops. It's only high in NYC because the mayor cuts cops in favor of business. Same goes for Oakland and San Fran.
As a Trump voter I say that you're just describing Dinkins voters who complain Guliani took credit. It's like people forget black mayors were war vets who busted out the military units to wage a war on gangs, or the napalm to deal with Black Panthers

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