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Other than the great one himself, what other Famous people are FAs. I know George I and George II of Britain are, as horrible as they were. Also that Turkish Sultan in 3000 years of longing.
Anyone else?
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>>43972 (OP)
D'Angelo dated Angie Stone, a larger woman, in the 90s. Unfortunately, the media scrutinized them relentlessly, to the point where some believe it contributed to their relationship ending.
>>43972 (OP)
I looked them up on. George I's wife was normal-sized (as far as I can tell) and his mistress was so infamously skinny that her nickname was "the scarecrow". George II had several mistresses but I couldn't find anything about any of them (or his wife) being fat.
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John Cena famously fucked a 280lb fan after a dare. He did say he enjoyed it.
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Connor o’Malley is married to Aidy Bryant. SNL has been unwatchable for a very long time now, but it’s even more unwatchable now that she’s not on it. There’s some lite-nudity stuff out there from her TV show but I wish it were a little more graphic tbh. She’s beautiful!

Imagine watching SNL at all. Rebel Wilson at her fattest can be the host and I still wouldn't watch that horseshit.
Queen Caroline( George II's wife) eventually got so massive that she was unable to walk when she hit her 50s, and she needed a wheelchair. She was normal-sized in her 20s about low 400s in her 50s. His enemies referred to her as "the King's Fat Arse wife:.
Aidy's a babe.
She lost 100lbs and is still cute.
It was good during the Obama years.
it was leftist dogshit from 2016 onwards
I remember how beforehand, we had a thread about creators who could be one of us. One speculation was if Seth McFarlane is one of us, or George Miller, or Don Bluth, I wondered if the makers of Super Duper Sumos were us. Though I imagine there should be ground rules for how a creator should count beyond just speculation.

While Miller certainly had BBWs in some of his more recent stuff, is his wife a BBW? Did he admit it in an interview? Is there a director's commentary where he says "I'm into BBWs" or skirts around the question?

For McFarlane the consensus was initially him being one of us, but then after the Orville, it becomes clear he isn't into BBWs. Also after seeing Ted the 2012 movie and the series on Peacock, it's clear he's not into bigger women. For Family Guy and the Cleveland Show, I would say that while his fat female characters are beautiful, I don't know if it was intentional. Plus they're more used for cheap fat jokes versus treating them as beautiful or as well rounded characters. Maybe one of the writers is into BBWs and just goes along with the fat jokes just to have an excuse to have fat women in something.

So what should qualify a creator to be one of us?
With Bluth, he may have had a few BBWs in various projects he did, but it doesn't feel like he is super into BBWs. if he gave the women more screen time and had more characters, that would suggest something.
Would a creator having BBW characters and them treated positiviely count as them being one of us?

I also realize with TV shows, since it's a collaborative effort, it's hard to say if the creator is into a particular thing. Different writers come on board with their own ideas for episodes. They can have different ideas about what is sexy. I also imagine that stuff can get shot down by other writers. Like I doubt most writers want a story where a fat woman is nude, has her belly and boobs fondled, etc.
Sometimes you just need a retarded show to watch when you’re drunk on a Saturday night and trying to unplug your brain. Weekend update usually has a couple good jokes, the rest is just background noise while I fuck my fat wife.

That Seth consensus was always retarded. The guy hasn't written an episode of Family in almost 2 decades. Whoever took over after he went to work on American Dad has a fat fetish.
Plus every woman he's dated has been stick-thin. His cartoons feature a lot of fat people because they're easy to make fun of and easy jokes are the MacFarlane universe's heroin.

George Miller's wife is skinny too. I'm guessing the milk maids in Fury Road and the 3000 Years harem are because he's fascinated with fat women, like a lot of non-FAs are. Or he's in the closet, or he fell in love with his wife for her personality lol.

John Waters created Hairspray, one of the most FA/BBW-friendly movies ever, and his greatest muse and longtime collaborator was a 300+ lb drag queen. Is he an FA himself? Doubt it, I think it's more about celebrating weirdness and skewering mainstream middle class prejudices (fat among them), as he does in other ways.

A long time ago I read an interview with John Leguizamo where he copped to being an FA. Can't remember the context. He used Rosanne Barr (who was then at her heaviest) as a gauge of the kind of woman he likes. He then mentioned his own wife was chubby when he met her but lost weight.

Mentioned in the last thread on this topic, Raymond de Fellita is the only "out" FA director I know of.


His movie City Island has a subplot with a young FA (Ezra Miller!) perving on and then befriending his 400 lb feedee web model neighbor.
Can gay creators fall under here? It is a thing in gay circles to be into fatter men. So would John waters count since he had a fat drag queen in his movies?

The thing with McFarlane is true, his role on Family Guy and American Dad is more approve/disapprove of episode ideas, jokes, etc. So it is possible one of the writers is into fat women and maybe goes along with the jokes just as an excuse to have fat women in a show. TV Writing is collaborative, ideas get shot down and not everyone can be on board with certain things.

There probably are FA writers on shows outside of Family Guy, it's just hard to convince other writers who aren't FAs to do plots that focus on fat women, and have more fat female characters in a show/movie. With Family Guy, using fat women as punchlines is the best way to include them in a plot. It is unlikely that the other writers would be on board with a plot where a fat woman is near nude/full nude, has lots of sex has more to her beyond being fat and owns being fat and appears in a lot of episodes. Using fat women as jokes is the only way to include them in stories.
I also figured that figuring out who amongst the writing staff wrote the episode would be hard because different writers come and go and figuring out who specifically was into bigger women would be hard to figure out unless someone is up for a search.
I think Orson Welles had the feederism fetish. I don't think there's an explanation otherwise why he got so huge.
It could be classic eating a lot and not exercising, especially when you get older and metabolism slows down.
People sometimes speculate that the filmmaker George Miller is an FA because multiple of his movies include scenes about harems of fat women, both Mad Max and, as discussed in the Movies/TV thread, Three Thousand Years of Longing (https://bbw-chan.link/bbw/res/132472.html#136925).

I will say, though, having just recently watched TTYOL, I worry that Miller is more morbidly fascinated with fat-love than into it himself. In that movie, there are great extended scenes with nude, very fat women, but the fetish is presented as the pathological preference of a freakish man-child. Similarly, in Mad Max: Fury Road, the fat women are the harem of Immortan Joe, the petty dictator of the movie. In both cases, fat fetishism is displayed as the preference of corrupt or mentally ill people.

So my guess is GM straight-up hates FAs. If he is an FA himself, he's a self-hating one, IMO.
I did remember two mangaka that are us, aside from synecdoche, hanao tabi. The latter did a manga with a bunch of WG scenes and the female lead in a bikini, the proportions are better and a manga they did later had a WG scene as well. Hanao tabi's manga is Melt Away! Mizore-chan! The basic plot is of a Yuki-onna and she gains weight as she eats more ice. I definitely believe that Tabi is one of us.

For synecdoche, my hope for the upcoming Plus-sized elf anime is if it can be many creators passion patties. The work that has them realize their love for plump women and they decide to do more works with plump women in them. Here's hoping we get more anime/manga with plump women being sexy.
>>43972 (OP)
The author of MHA likes meaty girls
I learnt of another possible writer who may have been one of us, Robert Heinlein. A man who wrote in support of libertarianism, nudism and polyamory.

In stranger in a strange land, it is mentioned of women that are pleasantly plump. This story talks about the importance of polyamorous free love. The issues with the story is that is comes across as a teenage boy's bad fanfic, where women want sex all the time, they don't mind wearing little to no clothing, are all 20/30 somethings, and want to sleep with every man who they come across. As well as no gay people because this is a straight boy who wants to go on and on about the beauty of the female form and doesn't want to think about the male form or of men getting it on. It also has messed up ideas concerning consent. That stuff that is clearly rape isn't treated as rape and does victim blaming.

Anyway, are there other books that he wrote that also describe plump women as sexy?
'plump' is pretty vague, to some people it means fat whilst to others it just meant being shapely. I doubt Heinlein was an FA, he probably just liked big (but not too big) boobs and asses
So like curvy but not super big belly and thighs?
It was mentioned in a passage of a characters sexy harem of secretaries that some are thin, others are plumper.
I think i read him say Mirko was his favorite character, but I can't find anything saying that now. She is somewhat buff
By the early '60s plump was plump — fat.

"Curvy" meant Mansfield and Monroe.
So Heinlein was describing fat women being beautiful and not women that were curvy?

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