
(11 KB, 300x450, mastkuh2 fat german lady.jpg)
My opinion of the female sex is not good, However I am purely heterosexual.

The worst thing I can think of to do to somebody is to make them morbidly obese, akin to handicaping them while they don't get any recognision for their condition even if in this case it was forced upon them as in a majority of cases this is self induced.

Have these two things correlated and given me a feeder fetish so that I can turn women into unsightly, unhealthy, wheezing sacks of meat?

And all of this despite me hating fat and fat people considering them hideous and wastes of space.
You are drastically sick in the head. Seek therapy for being an incel. Thankfully you probably don’t shower so nobody is gonna fuck you.
You're turned on by your sadistic disgust for fat. It's common.
>>43567 (OP)
It's not hopeless, there are female death feedees in the wild that either don't care about being more ugly, want the warts and all, or can warp it into some sort of shame kink. As long as both parties consent, legally there is nothing wrong with it. If someone decides to smoke, ultimately it is that person's choice to stop. You can just tailor your profile on Feabie and see what happens, and if it goes well, maybe it will change your mind or hers and you can make better choices; the only immoral part is conning someone into death feederism through gaslighting, and it can easily be turned against you legally.

This also applies to gay people and everywhere in between. Of course, if you can just larp it for power dynamics, that'd be the best case scenario, but sometimes it can be a tough sell.
>Thankfully you probably don’t shower so nobody is gonna fuck you
You said this yet at the time you were posting at I was in the shower
This whole post is me asking wether my feeder fetish is because I am a mysoginist and want them to suffer. I am not a death feeder.
I dunno man. Ask yourself maybe where is that attitude towards women coming from, I think that's a better place to start digging at
It's easy to hate women and it's hard to love them. Still, you have to try. Try and remember how retarded and weak they are. They pose no threat to you and are rather full of self-hatred in 99% of cases. This hatred can be turned outward so they can appear dismissive and bitter and "stuck up". It's just a defence mechanism because they cannot be happy.

I say that you must love them because, while they are terrible, they also make life worth living and are required for the only thing of meaning in our meager time on this planet. Enjoy, anon

Least misogynistic Italian
Typical incel showing a clear case of brain rot from consuming nothing but porn, Discord and Gab.

Check yourself into a mental hospital or take a steel jacketed antidepressant.
Oh wait, you're a gypsy. Now it's making sense.
34 trillion doesnt matter with a 5% gdp most countries fall in the same category. With about 2% inflation. Rate cuts in the future is expected no way around it. Wall street getting horny saying who the fuck is this kid he is smart as hell.
In other words your confidence should be restored for next 6-12 months.
Do you have to make them a blob? My wife is like 5'6, 300lbs, and that's enough for me, there's already mild issues with walking around, stairs. etc. I'm not at all a death-feeder either, I wouldn't be mad if she got a bit fatter, but, I don't want to see her get hurt/unhappy. She's currently happy at her weight, very comfortable with my lovingly teasing comments, etc, I don't know if that'd be the case at 400-500lbs though. You're not a monster, at least where I live there's lots of women who get fat fetish level fat on accident, and there are women who are comfortable being fat and don't mind gaining as long as they continue to receive love/respect from their spouse.
What area in America is this in particular?
I live in flyover country, there's lots of fat women here even young ones. When I say "fat fetish fat" I mean 300lbs and over, that's not really that unusual, you can see that everyday all day at Walmart, and surprisingly lots of very fat women at the lake in the summer, not caring at all what people think of them wearing two piece swim suits.
Maybe to you.
>nobody is gonna fuck you.
This is how you know this poster is female.
Yes youre correct I live with her.
>>43567 (OP)
could you give a poor kyrgyzstani some sauce on the thread image?
idk about you guys but I love fat women and that's why I fuck them
That's the irish flag
Does it really matter. Drunken waxy Catholics vs drunken oily Catholics.
You say “Itite” I say “potatah”.
>They pose no threat to you
As if lying you raped them poses no threat.
Least productive comment award goes to
>imagine how mentally ill you'd have to be to let yourself get obese

>now imagine being attracted to only obese girls

>keep in mind mental disorders are correlated with each other

>your dating pool is limited to mentally ill fat retards

I fucking hate this kink
>imagine how mentally ill you'd have to be to let yourself get obese
there's your problem. if the premise is wrong, the result will also be wrong.
Have you ever simply just tried not being attracted to solely hogs? I primarily jack off to huge fat bitches but am still able to find normal size women attractive. Very petite women are also attractive, think 50 kilo small Asian women.
NTA but nope. Only morbidly obese women and up can get me erect
i definitely see thin women that have beauty and so on, but anything that isn't AT LEAST chubby is impossible for me to be sexually attracted to

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