
Yeah they all fell asleep on that coast tick went down. Im going to be very quiet tomorrow. Push this down to the bottom. They will appear I want you to destroy them on here for me. Thanks A million.
>all fell asleep on that coast tick went down
Can you translate this to English please
Buy the dip.
>>43459 (OP)
honestly met more bbws w/ wooplus, they may not be into feedism but love that we love their huge bodies.
feabie hoes just want money
Then post some wooplus stories then
23&me data breach again
>>43459 (OP)
I made an account on this site 4 days ago and fuck me everyone seems extremely retarded.

You have these types of people:
- Hoes just using it as their vent space
- Hoes just using it to shill their onlyfans
- Extremely degenerate drug addict poly hoes
- Autistic men who can't control their urges, posting retarded sub-human babble
- The worst looking men imaginable (usually trannies)
- Gigachad looking men who are too socially awkward to get anything
- Average men who don't stand out so get ignored

You definitely lose iq points the longer you browse it seems. Maybe it's because everyone is american lol
Knew he was fucking her lol
>>43459 (OP)
Years ago I had a profile, got a lot of mehs until i sent PM of my 10in white jean meat and then all of a sudden, "Like oh my god! You're cute. We should talk!"

Literally said fuck that site and stuck with banging my wife, no side hoes from afar.
(76 KB, 600x803, IMG_4188.webp)
> Years ago I had a profile, got a lot of mehs until i sent PM of my 10in white jean meat and then all of a sudden, "Like oh my god! You're cute. We should talk!"

>Literally said fuck that site and stuck with banging my wife, no side hoes from afar.

> Gigachad looking men who are too socially awkward to get anything.

Kisame here: This and unironically— more like 7-8” and 6’3” yard work built natty-chad with a great job not Gigachad.
But yes, I can confirm the narrative. Feabie girls exchange nudes with me, while extorting meals from the men they might date as they gathering rent funds from substructural troglodytes. Worst of all these cottageindurstycore sexworkers dont report tips and services in excess of 200$ to the proper federal department of cheques and balances.
I am in a major city and have checked out woo plus a handful of times over the years, it's dogshit. I'm out of the dating world right now but I picked up fat chicks on all the major apps (feabie included) except wooplus. it's always just been dead/sparsely populated as far as I can tell.
Fuck it, I'll bite. I was in eeeeverybody's DMs on Feabie for a while (AMA if you want) but the most interesting friend I made on there was VanillaHippo. I posted about her in the old gossip thread which wasn't that long ago so I won't rehash it, but we used to snapchat a couple times a week, usually when she was just smoking and drinking on her couch watching shitty horror movies. Vaguely flirtatious but I lived several states away and nothing would have ever come of it. She was much more lucid and witty than reality TV made her seem but definitely trashy/depressed/etc. One time she was pretty hammered and I asked her how much it actually took to get her drunk, to which she sent back a picture of a full wine bottle and said "I'm gonna go put this in me", and seconds later "NOT LIKE THAT" lol. This was all pre-modelling and My600PoundLife so she was not nearly as big as she grew to be. Watching the show years after we lost touch I realized I knew basically nothing about her but I still feel bad, she's genuinely a sweet woman and things really spun out of control for her.
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>>43459 (OP)
This one just happened
>girl hits me up only late at night for about a week, obviously when she’s horny
>into death feedism which I can take or leave but that lets me know she’s into it
>asks for pics of my cock and oblige
>give her my snapchat with zero pressure, ball is in her court before I go to bed
>wake up next morning and im blocked
post nut clarity’s something huh
Here’s another while I’m thinking about it
>start talking to one of the elite BigCuties models
>*she* offers to talk on facebook messenger with her personal profile
>flirt and have genuinely nice conversation for about three days
>sent me sweet video/audio messages
>ended abruptly and hasn’t responded in nearly a month
she joked about me “being her rebound” but I guess she wasn’t joking
I don't know what this imposter is saying. The internet is regulated now and adults are snowflakes who can't handle energy drinks
Became passive friends with Kioymi, SadWorld, and a few other models. Wasn’t trying to date. Most interactions were nice. Stayed away from all the other shit. Kioymi was actually cool.
Shit, nice. I know you're not going to give a name, but maybe narrow it down a little? Weight range, defining feature, something?
Not him but based on “bigcuties elite” and “rebound” I’m guessing Chloe or Beccabae, they both had relatively recent breakups. Jae might’ve as well but I don’t think she’s on Feabie/I may be misremembering her current relationship status.
Jae was in the earliest days, as was pretty much every notable Bigcutie and a few former ones too. I randomly shot my shot with Chloe years ago - I know she was engaged but I was 25 and stupid as shit, lol. No response but I have to imagine her inbox was constantly full of idiots like me.

I was also friends with ThickSadWorld, a lot of people on here have shared positive things about her in these threads. Cool girl.
Orgies, tbh. There's plenty of quality girl/girl out there but I need to see five or six 500 pound girls in a big sloppy pile of indiscernible flesh.
apologies, meant to post this in the premises for content thread
This is pretty accurate. You just forgot the hoes only there to feed off of the affirmation they get from the simps. And the ones who don't create any content, but still have the audacity to post their cashapp link
Heather was known to be very accessible in Feabie DMs and for dating around. I know she wa married but it's not out of the question she could be on the prowl for a rebound after something fell apart with a guy. And if we're talking "elite", well, who's more elite than the queen bee of fat fetishism?
Heather that fucking slut. Lol
I just wish it carried over into her shitty softcore porn empire. Her Feabie private folder was more lewd than anything she ever shot for bigcuties. No nipples or anything but still much more revealing and sensual.
If one of you starts dating Becca, please for the love of god tell her to grow her hair out like it used to be. Sorry but she looks like shit with short hair
So like every other dating site lol
>A couple years ago
>Actively seeking out new people to talk to on there
>Stumble onto a profile of a girl that's pretty huge, even by Feabie standards, somewhere in the 600lb range
>Decide to message her
>We start conversing, pretty standard fare
>I eventually bring up memories of one of my late dogs, specifically him being a coomer
>She uses this as a springboard to straight-up admit to being into bestiality
>Try to be polite about it, despite my disgust
>It starts to get late, so we both pop off for the night
>Feel no desire to message her again
>I don't wake up to a message from her the next day, nor anytime beyond that
>Crisis averted
I've come across a fair number of pieces of work, but I think that might be the worst I've dealt with in terms of women I've PM'd on there. I'm not sure if that means I've comparatively lucked out, though.
Which girl. I’m pretty into puppy play and think this might be enough hope to not rope myself. I’m begging you.
You sure she was talking about literal bestiality, >>44536?

I had an ex who was into puppy play. I was weirded out at first, but eventually it clicked for me that it wasn't about literal dog sex, it was about roleplaying a master/pet dynamic, and once I realized that I was able to have a lot of fun with it. She was engaged and creative in the bedroom and kinky as hell, by far the best sex partner of any woman I've ever dated.
For me it’s all about the dog stuff and barking. A bbw into dog stuff is the things a man freaks for.
Reminds me of my long correspondence with one of YouTube’s old-guard gainers when she started talking about wishing she could get raped and force fed as a little girl. Seriously offputting but like your scenario, she was nearly or over 600 pounds.
It was a couple years ago, so I don't remember at all what her name was on there, or if she's even still on there. But it wasn't puppy play, that much I do clearly remember. She flat-out stated being turned on by dog sex.
Only thing I miss about feabie is katerugburn’s private folder. That girl would be top of the iceberg on here if she didn’t have her shit together (lol that’s a big reason why she’s so hot to me) and did OF/clips4sale.
Also puppy play girl sounds like lunalovefood/lasagnadelray to me. She’s deeply submissive and into DDLG shit
I miss flirting with her, actual hog.

She loves to hump the bed to cum with her fupa and that's one of the hottest thing i've ever heard, stuffing her face and humping, edging, fuck.
It's neither of them. I checked the location I vaguely remember her being in, and didn't find her. So I'm either remembering that part of her wrong, or she doesn't have an account anymore.
DdLG == doggie time? I didn’t know that but that would be big if true.
I log into a dummy account every few months just to see if there's anyone new or interesting around but secretly it's just to see if Kate ever posts new pics lmao. She's unreal
I've been talking to a local blank profile feeder for like 2 years, and she sent me a face picture yesterday and she is a 0/10.
Hope springs eternal, Anon
At the peak of my dumb coomer phase I was hitting up purplewings919 on feabie before she got into modeling, this was when she popped on YouTube doing stuffing vids in her car which to this day I maintain are pretty hot. We got to the point where she was sending me tons of nudes on Kik and she once told me she used to be 6’2 before she got so fat she lost 3 inches which made me laugh more than it made me horny tbh. Girl’s not bright and I’m not surprised she pivoted from porn to Twitch and weight loss/mom vlogging
Anyone know anything about this girl pastajunkie on feabie her body is absolutely insane
Anyone know anything about chickenugget? Girl is at least 40lbs heavier than her pics and her stated weight would let you believe
greedygluttongoddess sent me a picture of her big fat tits, they're amazing. she's becoming poly because I think she's unhappy w/ her fiancee that she met on feabie lol
I have had no issue getting pussy on Feabie. It's quite easy. But granted, I'm rather good looking and not desperate. I'll like a photo here and there, but last thing I'll resort to is simping on hoe's random post nodding my head blindly to whatever shit is coming out of her mouth that given day or hour. Lot of these guys are sad as fuck.
>>47399 with the way you're talking about women it sounds like you're sad too buddy. seek help
> but last thing I'll resort to is simping on hoe's random post nodding my head blindly to whatever shit is coming out of her mouth
10/10 take.
It’s questionable if any Feabie hoes even date the walking doormats that engage with their duckquacking on feabie. They themselves don’t believe a word of what they say but Feabie is a safe space for 2010s sex-worker-positive feminism that intentionally non-intersectional but instead Obama style pro capitalist moderate-liberalism.
Every “liberal-progressive” bbw/feedee has a track record of dating cis-heteronormative white men with daddies money.
>>socialist garble

Can we please auto-ban the socialists going forward. Socialists and lesbian zoomers, joining hand in hand to post the cringiest shit known to man.
Socialism is fine. It’s working pretty well for Canada and Europe. If anything the techno-futurists, wallstreetbros, BAP and cyrpto-capitalists are top-5 jargon generators on the blogosphere.
Working for who. Government yes. The rest of us. Hell no

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