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I'm a 21-year-old virgin college student with no shortage of fat girls around me. I've never tried to go after girls in my life, but after sitting next to a really hot fat girl in class I changed my mind.

How do I stop being a virgin and maybe even get a gf?
I was in your position (albeit slightly younger); really if there's one that you think is hot and who is literally right there, you have one of the easiest problems known to man, my guy. Hit her up, get a convo flowing, preferably if you spot something on her that gives away an area of interest, open up with it before expanding the conversation. It's like tennis.

Ask for her social media at the end and then when you start speaking over there as well as in person, make your move and ask her out whenever you feel ready (although I'd say 3-7 days before is the sweet spot)
Be yourself someone for everyone
I will not communicate with her on social media because I am a friendless loser who only has like 20 relatives and grade school friends following me.

Honestly I appreciate your advice, but I don't think having a gf/hookup is really meant for me. I'm too much of an autistic freak and I don't have the looks to make up for it.
Do you at least have a voice that is smooth and sweet like honey to make up for this?
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Nonsense; I'm an Autistic weirdo and I get tons of love from girls.

If you have that sort've mentality you seem to have then yeah, you probably aren't gonna get far but what'd you expect me to say to you? "Keep doing the same thing and expect different results?" C'mon, man!
Why is this anon focused on that. Projecting.
No, I believe my voice is the opposite of that
This. The op is too young to understand everyone's a weird mess in college and in their early 20s. If you're a perpetual autistic mess the rest of your adult life, its be as "dumb" as you can early to see what sticks because most young fat girls are in that same mindset.
Not my fault you missed the trump run. U fucking democrat
Welp the schizos found your thread. Best of luck OP. Remember to ignore and engage with the relevant comments.
This is more or less correct. College is pretty much an ideal time to play catchup on learning how to relationship. There will likely be no shortage of rejection and awkwardness, but each rejection presents itself as a learning experience. Learn from that, and learn from those around you (Especially if you want to avoid potentially being accused of harassment). It may take upwards of years to get into a good position, but if you keep working at it, you should be able to get it eventually. I say this as someone who wasn't too far off from you back at that age, and nowadays, I have a long-term fat gf.
Confidence in yourself and who you are, being able to carry on at least a mildly interesting conversation, personal hygiene and a good cologne. That's in general. Now, use that confidence to stride over to the large ladies and chat them up.
Constant improvement and shoot your shot. Do it
I don't think you guys get it.
You are "awkward" in the sense that you have slightly worse social skills than the average normie. I am an actual freakish creature.
Epic defeatist mindset. If you're so beyond saving you wouldn't have made this thread. You can even find another freak like yourself because they're more than likely fat and weird as well. You have to try and accept rejection as a part of life, no matter where you're at on the spectrum. You're also overestimating the expectations in fat girls. They'll be at least amused someone is interested in them while everyone else goes for stacy. Everything said so far in this thread is pretty much all you need to better yourself.
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I literally have an Autism diagnosis dude. I was so insecure about putting on a mask that I just ended up pushing people who liked me for me; as soon as I stopped doing that and just let myself be myself, I realized that yeah, I'm pretty desirable quirks and all (corny as hell, I know, but don't be so resigned. If I can pull consistently, so can you)

aight, listen in. i existed as like 5 michael ceras for most of my life. like, you couldn't even talk to me unless it was about video games. i was beyond detached from "normie" existence and pretty much viewed myself as a goblin among people, but then decided in my mid 20s to go outside my comfort zone

before this, i had never drank, never been to a party, had zero friends near me, and effectively just played LoL in a room until this point, but for an entire year, i went to bars, raves, festivals, clubs, meetups, whatever alone just chatting up strangers

it was humbling af, honestly painful, and i have enough cringe stories to fill several novels, but soon enough, i am no longer afraid of talking to people compared to when i'd be trembling in line to have to talk to the trader joe's cashier

i now have tons of friends that social obligations are starting to wear on me, and gotten my dick wet plenty ever since

the most wtf moment was when a 9/10 said to me, "i love how you can just talk to anyone" which blew my fucking skull off based on how i was before.

the point is, you're young and you'll find your place. all the social pain you're feeling right now will serve the fuck out of you once you get the hang of socializing, whatever form that journey may take. you've been honing emotional acuity and empathy like a knife that dudes that were born confident and adjusted will never come close to

so when you're ready, maybe now, maybe 5 years from now, just dare to be cringe and farm social exp, you won't see yourself like this forever
In a similar situation right now. 20 but turning 21 this month, I not a virgin (but I don't count escorts) and I can't seem to pick up a girl to save my life.

I have some mental hangups from my middle & high school days but I legit can't seem to close on any girls. Getting rid of my V card helped but I can't seem to motivate myself to get back on dating apps or going out to parties.

I'd say it all comes down to improving your looks and socialization. Those are the two things that separate you from normies. Improving your looks will give you more confidence to go out to develop a social circle. It's really hard to get out of the situation you're in, but I have made major strides to improve my situation (not fat anymore, improved my social media, developed a friend group, etc.). Let's hope that 2024 is our year anon!
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Dude you came asking for help. Then when someone gives you help you automatically shut it down. Why even bother making this thread in the first place? This mentality is why you don't have success with women. NOT YOUR LOOKS, but how you see yourself.
if you are too anxious to initiate a conversation with a woman you aren't ready for dating yet, you're doing the dating pool a favor by not engaging. the motivation to approach a woman comes from within and happens intuitively in my experience. for some it happens at 16 (the low inhibiton types) for others at 21. i'm assuming you don't want to brother women and that's fine but you need to balance that empathy with your own self interest, that's what woman do too.

I think what can help you is priming your libdo by exercising and/or nofap/porn and experiencing some things so you have something to talk about.
Ask professional boxers about libido strength go months without fapping
>>43361 (OP)

Based on everything you've said in this thread I reckon your best chance is attempt a closer friendship with her and she if she reciprocates anything back. Get to know her a little, ask her how you come across to a female letting her know your condition. You'll either get some form of flattery from her or you end up with a cool fat female friend to lust over. If you don't try, you don't get.
>ask her how you come across to a female letting her know your condition
What does this mean
Then kill yourself faggot we don't care
nigga wtf is wrong with you? I was trying to hype up OP by telling them that more often than not, Autism isn't a death sentence in these types of situations, and if you feel yourself, the girls'll come knocking.

I expected this type of mindless faggotry from 4chan, not here lmao
Get your looks up. Start lifting, dressing better and maybe even consider plastic surgery. Fat chicks want hot guys too.
I really like this response, since I feel like I'm kinda in the middle of this process. As probably most people in this thread I had never been social, only had a few close friends but I always felt like a bystander and not a real part of the group. This was around the age of 15-19. Now I'm soon to be 22.

What helped a lot in my case was getting a job that I actually enjoy and pays well and also forces me to talk to people on a regular basic and work in a team - something that I hated at school.

To the point - about a year and a half ago, I managed to get a girlfriend around 120kg (260lbs) - well, she actually got me, but I went with it because she was kinda hot and fatter then any girl I ever met. Fast forward a year and I'm trying to break up with her - well, I did already broke up with her but she is still too atached and likes sex (ngl me too), so we hang out a few times a week.

She is generally nice to be around and likes to eat a lot, including feeding (even though I never told her about this fetish), but I'm pretty sure she's got the idea that I'm into bigger girls.

The thing is, she always talks about things like family, kids, marriage etc. and I feel like it would be a waste to end up with the first fat girl I ever met. Heck I never even had sex with anyone else. I feel like a totally selfish prick and I'm probably going to regret it later, but I just wanna try more things in this life. Since I got better at talking to people, I feel like I have a change to explore a bit more.

What I wanted to say that I always wanted a gf and once I actually got one, I realized that I never needed one. Don't get me wrong, it's nice for some things, but I mostly enjoy the sex and cuddling, but I'm tired of all the other relationship bullshit that is bound to happen.

TLDR; step out of your comfort zone, talk to people, go to places, even if it means you'll get into akward situations, but it is what it is - afterall we're just gonna die some day so why not make the best of it
No fap doesn't do shit when you don't have social skills, it just makes you more fucking miserable.
I got pretty into the alternative fetish and drug addiction scenes. You can usually find someone with their own shameful secret, sometimes hers isn’t even that bad (DDLG, doggy play, furry, crushing). Then you just simp for simp by enabling each other.
Just saw a godlike fat girl with perfect boobs at Dunkin' Donuts today.

The problem is, I'm not attracted to 99% of girls my age because they're usually skinny. So I don't have much of an urge to self-improve and care about my appearance and stuff.

But when I see the 1% of girls who are hot it lowkey hurts ngl.
Okay now this is just sad
> The problem is, I'm not attracted to 99% of girls my age because they're usually skinny.
Biggest cope in the world. If you had more self esteem, you’d take care of yourself out of pride regardless. You’d only have it harder with this attitude trying to date normies. Get that depression checked out by a doctor.
Get a different mindset, the self-loathing is instantly picked up on by just about anyone, girls especially.

It gets better the older you get though. Dunno what else to say about it.

Try and try and bash your head against the wall til you figure out just being an honest, down to earth version of yourself is what makes girls come to you.

That, and looking like you can take care of yourself. Financially and otherwise, comb your fucking hair once in a blue moon.
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Is the flag because you're using a VPN in Osaka? If not, where tf in the US are you that only 1% of the girls you run into are fat??? I'm in one of the thinnest cities in the country and it's at least 25% in every age group, every demographic except East Asians. (and that's because they're more like 10% — fucking Vietnamese are more than 1%)

Anyway some constructive advice: By working on yourself for its own sake every aspect of your life will improve, including possibilities for romance. Everything from diet and exercise to grooming and clothing, keeping your living space clean and organized, reading books rather than social media posts, forcing yourself into social situations even if they're uncomfortable or unpromising, etc etc.

(I know, I know... Jordan Peterson is a tool and a scammer but his core advice is correct.)

Another good step is doing something for others. It can be volunteering or just helping a neighbor or relative. Not for ego gratification or Good Person Points (though why not, if you earn them), but that it gets you out of the death spirals in your head by focusing on external problems that are tangible and solvable. It's all well and good to worry about Biden or Trump or Netanyahu or Sudan but I guarantee there's an organization within 10 miles of your house who could really use a hand. It's also an excuse for some low-pressure socialization.

I know this feels impossible when you're down, where even washing a sink full of dishes feels like climbing Mt. Everest. But it's tiny accomplishments, one on top of the other, that will improve your confidence and reset your brain. Drugs are a cheat and will bite you in the ass eventually unless you have the $$$ for really good, holistic psychiatric care.

All that said, jesus fucking christ will your generation stop with the bullshit autism self-diagnoses? Because if everyone is neurodivergent then it's not really "divergent," right? I'm not even saying you're not — maybe you're on a short bus beating your head against the window as I type this. But here's some more constructive advice: life is about finding the workarounds for the shit you weren't given, whether it's wealth, looks, talent, charm, intelligence, athletic ability — and a normal-functioning brain.

If it's any comfort, very, very few of us are dealt a royal flush at birth. It's all about what you do with the hand you're given.
Stop looking around colleges. Sure, there are far girls, but if you wanna up your chances, you should go for the ones with fewer options and less social mobility.

Some 20-year old with no plans, living in her hometown, working a dead end job will welcome the attention.
OG meme?

Also who is the model in pic?
I made the meme and I don’t know who she is.
Vpn evading whole website
Be a good person, Show empathy, show some genuine interest in her.
asg suedisötnosen...
recipe for cuckold! thank you swedecuck!
Don't be a retard
This is one of the best tips I have seen on the internet.
Which is both funny and a bit sad considering this is a site full of fetishists.
But anyways thanks for the advice.
>fat girl in college I liked
>started talking to her about her classes and helped her with a problem
>gave her my email address and said add me on MSN
>we started talking
>went out on a date and saw a movie
>she invited me back to hers and we banged
its easy just don't be a thirsty fucking weirdo
Tbf there are definitely a lot of fat Autistic girls too, if Anon wants to even the playingfield
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Okay, different problem than OP's: I'm not socially inept or ugly, and I do fine with fat girls when I find them.
The trouble is FINDING them in the first place.

>college-aged but not a student (no classroom meet-cutes)
>currently unemployed, but my industry is remote/WFH anyway (no workplace meet-cutes)
>live in a small town of ~50,000 with no gathering spots or places to "hang out", it's a deep south nightmare that's just churches and restaurants for miles
>more or less every straight woman within 100mi of me is extremely chaste and conservative
>dating apps don't have weight filters, and specialty "SSBBW" dating apps have been overtaken by failgirl sex workers who aren't actually trying to date/fuck
>any fat girls I might meet online (at least, ones who flaunt it/make it obvious) are extremely aware of chubby chasers and thus have higher standards than even equally-pretty skinny girls

Is there like, a secret social media tag I can use, or a code phrase, or is there a specific strategy I'm not thinking of, or what? I really don't want to try the "take a day-trip to a city 3 hours away and just try to pick up girls" maneuver
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One I've heard has some use is putting "Body Positive" in your profile; if they're not overweight at first, it might allow you to produce an environment where the girl putting on weight is acceptable.

Speaking of, thinking of giving Bumble a shot: How does the line "I like my women like I like my books: Well-read and thick as hell." sound. Too goofy?
you will be humbled
It is amazing.
You should start any conversation with a woman by saying that.
Just make sure you leave some women for the rest of us.
I'm wise because I've been humbled, trust me.

dude, move to a city. not just for the fatties but for not wasting your 20s


why even mention it? dating apps are full of horny fat girls not necessarily looking for a chaser, it's so unnecessary to specify
Seriously. Every dude whose able to fuck casual is complaining about fucking fattys regularly.
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>>43361 (OP)
>tfw made a kill before losing virginity
It's inexplicable, drowning feeling, you are hyperaware of everything and all your very own self simply blasts through the roof.
Anyhow, I don't know how to view this.
>It's inexplicable
Get some help chud
And how do you make it obvious to them that you mean women which are cultured and not women which are "well worn"?
>thick as hell
Wouldn't work here, such lingo doesn't exist here. They are still stuck in the 2000s where flat and skinny is the norm.
Neither sure what equivalent there would be. Any other expressions like this? I thought of using butter as in "slightly sweet and full of fat" which works better in Romanian than in English but atleast when translated to english you can still understand what it means unlike your expression when translated to romanian.
>If not, where tf in the US are you that only 1% of the girls you run into are fat???
Romania has one of the lowest rates of obesity in europe for young women.
>And how do you make it obvious to them that you mean women which are cultured and not women which are "well worn"?
Would people misunderstand it that way? In other words, would a woman think you're talking about a "well-read" book, that's become frayed and damaged from being read so many times?
Maybe you could phrase it like "full of knowledge", or "verbose", or "thought-provoking" -- these are much dorkier, but they might sound more romantic
>Wouldn't work here, such lingo doesn't exist here. They are still stuck in the 2000s where flat and skinny is the norm.
That's hard to help with, alas. Since you're seeing these girls in real life, you may just have to forget the suave lines and approach them
They're fat, and you live in a country where being fat is considered unattractive. They probably get very little male attention. If you flirt with them in real life, you have a good chance.
Meanwhile, I'm in America, where being 'plus-size' is a popular beauty standard now, and even 500lb girls have an easy time getting dates. Compared to me, the odds are in your favor
Go get 'em, vampire, we're rooting for you
I'm autistic and I've dated about 6 times in the last 5 years, and 2 girlfriends I've had even liked my feederism fetish. I believe it's more about taking the initiative and making mistakes until you succeed.
Men have to be strong enough to weather rejection. We're the ones that have to shoot our shot or stay lonely. No one is going to gift you a gf. If you need confidence, lift or get good at something. Learn how to converse about interesting things. Aim for women higher than what you're comfortable with and you might be surprised. Just do it.
In two years I've went from not getting a glance from anyone into going out with different fatties of all sizes.

I thought that all that bullshit about being tall or born handsome was true at first. But it really isn't. What keeps you from find a fat gf is yourself.

Try to do new hobbies that get you out, start to take care of yourself physically and mentally, and try doing small talk with random strangers.

No matter how tall the mountain. Just take a few steps and you'll be surprised when you make it to the top.
Sound like u have less then 10 bodies on your resume.

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