
You have to be built for this website softy lmao
Mr & mrs smith type shit!!!!!!
>>43327 (OP)
And yet they still come. I'll be sure to up my toxicity to extra spicy from now on.
>>43327 (OP)
This guy is just being a colossal pussy.
>>43327 (OP)
He's not wrong. This place is like 4chan for tits. I tend to skip the retarded comments and focus on the images. I get plenty of the toxicity over at /pol/. Nothing is beyond their reach.
BBW-chan is toxic and that's a good thing!
People come here for unfiltered and politically incorrect discussions.
They come for being entertained by flamewars and other users thrashtalking the models.
Nobody cares about "wins" (there's much better sites for them)
Now it would be good if the jannies understood these simple facts and stop deleting posts and threads they don't like (tallyberry's threads comes to mind)...
The fact this is a grown man in his 20's or way older crying about shitposting and trolls is sad. You either ignore those retards or just hide the thread.
Good, any faggot who uses the word toxic should be gatekept from chan style sites. If you really want to come here just to look at nudes and get triggered by someone goin off, that's on you, like nigga close your eyes, move the scroll wheel a little bit. Making a buthurt thread about toxicity is the most pussy thing you can do with your time
ehh.. in a way he kinda right, my hands on my cock im tryna see big ass tits not 40 year old bald retards crying
if you come to a tit forum to talk to guys you need to change your life. focus on the pictures, skip the post. no need to delete anything, JUST IGNORE IT
You're all a bunch of mean, cruel bastards though. Stop focusing on the TiTter and look within. You see the mirror, you know who you are.

And it's fucking messy and glorious. Could use less single post wHo iS sHe???? posts but the janitors get there eventually.

Fuck you all, you evil cunts. I love you.
IS THE EARTH FLAT????? PILOTS?? NASA ELON. Tell us the truth.
I found this website by mistake reading comments on pornhub. I wish I never found out about this place lmao
I need to use /tits/ more often, lmao.
he's not wrong. sometimes I question if all the free porn has been worth coming to a site like this for years

(it was, but still.)
Less boards, less work for moderation.
I like how he a specifies the board as of every part of this site isn't like that

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