
(38 KB, 960x960, r meth user.webp)
>I download wooplus
>I make a profile and start swiping
>I run out of swipes
>Get no matches and 2 likes
>All profiles are in other states or 100's of kms away
>Delete wooplus
>Repeat every 2-3 months
This app is garbage, I live in a major city and can't get any matches.
Either lower your standards or go outside and be social. Hit up a club or bookstore or something.
> PFP: Australia
> All profiles are in other states or 100's of kms away

Man you gotta get out of perth lmao
>>43165 (OP)
Yeah it's only good for Americans in major cities. Sorry Aus bro.
Attempt personality maxing, American maxing and US army maxxing. And no I'm not saying this so I can get promoted.

Perth feels like the worst city in the world for being into BBW / feedism

Literally every chubby girl I've dated has hated her body and been actively trying to lose weight and one time I mentioned feedism she flipped out. Everyone being fit and outdoors year round doesn't help
holy shit perth mentioned

man im living in canada for a few months in the coming yr and I genuinely cant wait to engage in feedism in NA (even if the likely realisation is the fact that my struggles are self inflicted)

I'm moving to Canada in a few months too.

I'm not expecting it to be easy to find women into this shit but I'm sure it will be easier.

I was on feabie for about 4 years and in that time literally just a few feedees appeared in Perth and they were all weird or disappeared quickly.

Last month I matched with a girl on bumble who said she's a feedee, she was a cute south american looking girl and I thought woah this could be good if I play my cards right. I asked her what she meant by feedee and she said she has an instagram of recipes she makes then she unmatched me lmao.
>I asked her what she meant by feedee and she said she has an instagram of recipes she makes then she unmatched me lmao.
What would this make the woman involved, dumb?
For a language barrier? Are you dumb?
oof she must have meant foodee, in all honestly, my advice is ignore any and all signs of feederism even if they are upfront and out there, don't react to everything right away
Finally someone said im replying to you two weeks later lol

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