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Monkey combine and tell a fellow Chan user what i should do...
How deep iam in the Rabbithole if iam not attracted to my woman (5yrs together) anymore but rather watch porn and fantasize about dating bigger woman than her? (shes 200pounds) aaand dont want to gain since she doesnt like it haha not funny -.-
Maybe you got depression. Or something effecting your affect and making you less horny.
How cucked are you exactly? You sound like a bitch— are you her bitch? Do you care about yourself and your penis?
Do you love her? Care about her happiness? Like hanging out with her? Look forward to seeing her when you’re apart? Does she feel the same about you? Then you can build back your sex life with honesty and effort, including weaning yourself off the porn. 5 years is a long time to be fucking the same person, it’s easy to go sour on her. It doesn’t have to end things unless you actually just don’t want to be with her anymore.
What makes me less horny is her losing weight and not wanting to gain passt 200... what is realy a bummer
i dont know in wich worl i sound cucked or a bitch wtf is this sentece
>>do you love her
not as much as i used to
>>Care about her happiness?
hm yeah, but iam not happy about her weight
>>Like hanging out with her?
No we live together, i love it if we are sepperate for few days, but we arent, so the close space between us annyos me
>>Look forward to seeing her when you’re apart?
Yes thats makes the flames go higher. Love to see her after not seeing her for a long period of time what never relay happens...
>>Does she feel the same about you?
she loves me with every inch of her body and dont want things to end because of my fetish or her weight loss, what is understandable, but i dont feel attracted to my GF anymore whats the point?
Nah bro the priest would only lead me to God
She loves you with every inch of her body? How many other girls will you be able to say that about? It just sounds to me like you have zero libido. Is your test low? How often do you fuck? Is it boring to you? Do you have ED? Do you feel comfortable enough to ask her to change something in bed to help you? If she really does love you, just tell her you’d like to try something new. At least see if that changes something before you just give up on a girl who seems to really care about you.

Is she ugly? I just don’t understand why you’d want to leave her
Short answer, i hate the fact she loses weight... iam not attracted to woman who are skinny and especialy not if its my GF... i want more and bigger Girs is the only thing in my Head rn...
> i dont know in wich worl i sound cucked or a bitch wtf is this sentece

All of your responses make it clear you’re a complete bitch. You can’t pull women who are attracted to you and who you are attracted to.

Instead you’re here whining she doesn’t want to gain weight for you, instead of doing something about it. You’re a horrible as a loving partner, and probably not able to pull casual sex with fat chicks.

Reap what you so.
Why are you confused: you come here bitching about how “my lady doesn’t do what I beg of her” and get called a cucked up bitch.
>>43152 (OP)
OP here! Moderator of this Website please delete my Post since i dont think i get any answers. Thank you for you service!
You got the answer. You just didn’t like it.

You got your answers just fine, you just didn't like them. You also got your ass bitch slapped a little which was a little more revealing.

*Your relationship is stuck in a rut.
*We're all big fish , you should be swimming, but you're on a beach, try to get back out in the sea.
* I can see you're German, these are dark months, that's doubling the effect. Make the effort to get outside when there is sun. Search your local herbal store or ebay for st johns wort, take it for 3 months. Whilst you're at it, get some generic viagra.

Go book a holiday with your woman for a few months time. Get to the canary islands for a week away. She might love you with every inch of her body but that flame is well on it's way to burn out if you don't get it fuel it again.

My wife is significantly smaller than 5-6 years ago, I look pretty exclusively at /ssbbw on here, it doesn't stop me wanting her. Not one bit. This place is film rental shop, sometimes you need a fix, but you're going down a slippery slope fast when you need that fix more than your woman.

If it doesn't work, you can't say you didn't try. But you need to make the effort for yourself just as much. Don't get worse, you'll end up at the doctors who will throw you on a years worth of tablets which will really test if she really loves every inch of your body.

* and yeah, fucking typos and bad grammar. Fat fingers on a mobile screen to blame..

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