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Thought about him for the first time in forever because I came across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8MF3vl0U_o

Anyone else old enough to have thoughts? For those too young, foreign or just out of the loop, he was a fitness/weight loss guru from the 80s, into the 90s. He was energetic and flamboyant (this during the don't ask-don't tell days) and mostly focused on women, though he did make a special cause out of one-time fattest man in the US, Michael Hebranko.

He was ubiquitous when I was a kid, on daytime TV and prime time/late night talk shows as well. As a cub FA I looked forward to his appearances because he sometimes brought along women of a size you didn't see often in the wild in those years, and certaintly not on TV. He'd sometimes do aerobics demos accompanied by fat ladies in workout gear — another very rare sighting.

He claimed his interest in helping people lose weight was because he'd been a fat kid himself. He made a shitload of money but also walked the walk, as hundreds of women talk about him reaching out personally and privately to help them, and on a sustained basis. But as I got older I sensed something beyond empathy, that maybe he was a bit of an FA himself. No evidence, just something about the way he talked about and interacted with his fat fans. There seemed to be an obsession beyond helping people and his own experiences dealing with weight loss and weight bias.

He seemed to disappear all of a sudden, and there was a weird controversy a few years ago where a bunch of people were convinced he'd been kidnapped or was otherwise being controlled against his will. It was indeed strange how a publicity-hungry, extremely public and outgoing person became a hermit, seemingly overnight. He had to release a statement finally saying, No, I'm just retired and keeping a very low profile. He's come out of obscurity again to say he doesn't endorse or have anything to do with this new film.
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>>43064 (OP)
>Richard Simmons trutherism
I can't say I ever got that secret FA vibe off of him, but I want to believe. I always figured his sudden disappearance was some combination of him getting too old to make new content, him having enough money to retire from the spotlight, and just the ordinary cycle of a gimmicky celebrity losing popularity as people get tired of him.

While we're on the subject of 90s infomercial diet gurus, how about Susan Powter? Because I'm aging rapidly and can feel the cold breath of the grave whispering over my increasingly bald scalp, she sometimes merges in my memory with Camille Paglia and I have to stop and think about how that makes no sense. If people remember her at all today it's for being the guest on the first episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
For the most recent thing to reference him was a paradise PD Episode where the character Dusty starts a fat cult and the character Randall wants them to stop being fat and throws an exercise bike through their window and then Richard Simmons to try to get them to lose weight. There was a point in the episode when they go around naked and the character Gina can't help but masturbate to these beautfiul naked fatties (anyone feel the same way if a fat cult walks around naked?).

Perhaps it is as you said, he is probably still alive, he just is the case of the celeb who was famous and all over the place at one point and then just loses fame the next to the point where it's decades later and hardly anyone remembers or talks about them.

I do doubt that with weight loss coaches, maybe a handful are FAs who are trapped in the closet and force the beautiful fatties to lose their beloved curves to be around them. Maybe it would have been somewhat of a thing around Simmons's time for some FAs to be weight loss coaches to be around the sexy fatties since it would be hard to find and be around fat people in Simmons's time.
I'm also guessing when movie comes out, they'll be background bbws for us to gush over
(OP here) I have zero hard evidence, more a vibe, and more “lipophile” than FA. By which I mean he’s into fat people in a quasi sexual way — like he’s drawn to them even if he’d never fuck a fat (or any) woman. And then there’s the cliche gay–bbw connection that might be at play. I was just saying his interest went beyond selflessness and/or making money off them.

I remember Powder and Paglia. (I laughed at the juxtaposition.) She was the “tough love” type contrasted with Simmons’ empathy. “Stop whining and start exercising and eat less!” What a plan. Me being me I remember Kirstie Alley goofing on her on SNL, Alley already on her way to BBW status and looking super-juicy in spandex.

Whatever tf you’re talking about with paradise PD, I’m going to check it out so thanks. Simmons was a big, guileless target and he let people laugh at him, all the way to the bank. And yeah, I’m definitely looking forward to the supporting cast in that movie. (Actually a short film.)
One thing I brought up is if there are fat admirers that are like gay homophobes. In the sense that they don't like what they're attracted to and are all grumpy and crazy because of their self loathing to what they find sexy. That focus and obsess on the thing of their sexual hate because they can't accept their feelings and accept themselves. For the gay homophobe, it's obsessing on homosexuality, on how the gays are bad and evil. Perhaps because those gays have accepted themselves and can't accept that part about themselves and present this macho man image or being "acceptable".

For an FA like this, they would be obsessed wit big bodies and belittling fat people, saying that they're disgusting and gross and that you shouldn't see big bodies near/full nude or having sex. They internalize what society teaches them. That fat bodies are gross and disgusting and you ought to marry the thin super model with a thigh gap. When they love big bodies, they fantasize about rubbing bellies, and thighs and planting their faces on a fat person's ass. But this creates this self loathing where they obsess over fat people not willing to accept that they find fat bodies sexy. Creating this self-loathing repression complex where they lash out at fat people and create this image of anti-fatness.

There's some speculation if a one-off fat camp counselor in a Simpsons episode is this. Where Bart gained weight ad learned his lesson. At the end of the episode Homer is forced to go and insists he doesn't need to lose weight. With the conversation of the counselor, he said that he and homer are going to need to go to a motel and stand naked and snaps at Homer eating a cheeseburger. The counselor is shown to be eccentric. I wondered if he is one of us and hates that he finds fat bodies sexy and surrounds himself with big bodies in tight stretchy clothes with their flab jiggling. And is also unhappy that he has to starve them to death in his evil fat camp. Again and again starving them thin when he'd much rather fatten them up or having them be happy fatties embracing their size.

Does anyone think there are fat admirers who are full of self-loathing and repression and lash out because of these feelings? That they become weight loss gurus to be around their sexy fatties and are unhappy at starving them thin and making them lose their curves and their bellies?

For the episode it's Showdown at the O-bese corral. Basic plot is fat cop Dusty is told by chief Randall to go to weight watchers and lose weight to keep his job. Dusty turns the participants into a fat cult embracing fatness. Randall antagonizes the cult on the basis of obesity to be a killer. They go around wearing robes and those get banned by him and in response they walk around nude in public. Another cop in the show is Gina, a woman who finds fatness sexy. She masturbates a lot to Dusty and his cult in the episode, damaging herself and needing to restrain herself. I just joked if her reaction to the cult going around naked is what our reaction would be to seeing a fat cult embracing fatness and going around nude without a care. If we, like Gina would masturbate a lot.

The bit they had with Richard Simmons was the Chief throwing stuff through the cult's window encouraging them to lose weight. The first item was an exercise bike with a note saying their robes are banned, the second was Richard Simmons encouraging them to exercise as a one-off joke
I also wonder if anyone will post any of Simmons's workout stuff with background bbws here
No. It's just that gym culture shifted away from flamboyant physical fitness to over the top masculinity thanks to Connor McGregor, Tyson Fury, and Andrew Tate acting as a father figure.
I just thought that given him being mentioned and it being said that fat women asked him to help them lose weight. If any of his work out stuff had BBWs in the background.
I can see that, the idea that a "real man" needs to be strong and ripped. You can't be campy and flamboyant. You need to be serious, loud, macho, brag about how much you've worked out, how many women you've slept with this week, and how much protein and muscle powder you ingest.
Being flamboyant and muscular somehow means gay.
I also now wonder how such people like Simmons and Susan Powter feel towards there being more and more fat people and less and less of them desiring to lose weight. That they don't want to do programs like what they did. Or people like us lusting after fat bodies.
Good point. I think their “get your shit together” method was a failure but then nothing else has worked, either.
I looked up Susan Powter and she crashed and burned at the end of the 90s — got sued by her business partner and went bankrupt. She came back with another book in the early 00s but it sounds batshit and didn't do well.

Interesting tidbit: She came out as a lesbian big surprise) in the 00s and dated comedian Jessica Kirson for a little while. Kirson was pretty hefty at the time and is still a BBW. She talks a lot about her binge ED in her act. So one point for Powter maybe being an FFA.

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