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Yo Dawg, i heard you like ergonomics...

Every time i think about ergonomics i check keyboards because thats what causes me the most discomfort whenever i burn high doses of lifetime on the net. Then theres chairs, tables, etc. At first i get the hype, i find the recommended products and shit and im like making a mental spread"shit" of what to buy but i always end up buying nothing.

Im not a cheapskate, i just question my decisions a lot, as well as other people's POV (outside of porn, lol). I find that programmers use regular keyboards, in fact they use keyboards that look more painful to me than my big booty 11 year old cm storm and i wonder, if those guys/gals spend 18 hours a day, on this keyboards, typing john wick Gay-ass fanfics in dick shaped calligrams...why on earth would i need an ergonomic & expensive piece of junk at all? Because thats the thing, everytime i check ergonomics & quality, im already over 100€, its an ergonomics tax which i find ridiculous.

I got an ergonomic mouse around 2016 cos one day my hand petrified after wasting my youth chopping wood in Black Desert Online for days and it hurt like hell for almost a whole minute. It worked, it was weird and hard to be precise with it but it worked, worked so well that i bought a second one once the first broke. And none after that because i wanted a cable mouse and the battery weight was annoying, ive got a bit of an obsession when it comes to that sort of thing, i softly bang things against the table every now and then and thats no bueno for a wireless mouse. Right now im using a mouse that's not "ergonomic" but has a better shape than a regular cheap mouse so my hand doesnt hurt anymore.

When it comes to chairs i think theyre just a fucking scam, i understand good chairs are expensive to make but theres no way in hell you can justify charging me more than 250, maybe 300 € for a GOOD ass plastic & metal chair, not the most expensive materials, just a decent ass chair, its not handmade woodworking FFS! i might end up buying a chair but im definitely not buying a fucking HailMann Miller. And keyboards i just explained before, once i forget the hype and check what heavy keyboard users buy im like " :/ well that's that..."

Tables, lately ive been wondering if the table's surface inclination matters, i had a class with architect tables back in the day and it was less taxing on my elbows and forearms so i was wondering what if i get, or make, a tilting desktop? would it be better for my arms and back? Im using an L shaped table at the moment, and its awesome for my mouse arm and back, but now i notice my left arm pain more because the elbow is still on the air without rest unless i give it a break every now and then, also i find myself leaning towards my right side in long sessions because that way i take some tension off my back, althought im not sure leaning helps my back at all it might be just a mental fart due to exhaustion.

In the end i have to ask myself, does any of this shit really matter? or maybe its just a way to bypass practicing good posture and spending less time on the chair and having breaks in between? the part of my body i try to correct the most is my neck but im more worried about the whole package.

What do you guys do? and im asking things that work for you, not hypothesis, ideas or opinions on what *could* work but rather what *do* work for you AND/OR what doesnt work for you. Are those things gamechangers for your hands, neck and back? or you barely notice improvements?

Thanks, and fuck you too in advance.
Gave myself really bad carpal tunnel from all the cranking my hog. These days I use a trackball mouse but for real my hands can’t even close around a dollar bill, I wipe my ass with a sock on a fist.
Im going to say no right now. Have to be leading the site. With friends like you who needs luck now fuck off
Took you long enough and with a lot of weird angst but you got there at the end: posture, posture, posture. Knees and elbows at right angles and elbows supported. Shoulders in a straight vertical line with your hips, head upright, looking directly forward, chin very slightly tilted upward so your neck is curved back. You can accomplish this with a $100 ikea setup if you use books to raise your monitor, pillows at your lower back, etc properly.
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Espananon pic related, you could have easily reduced this post to a single sentence: "Anyone have ergonomic advice for my workstation so I don't keep fucking my arms and back up?"

I'm in my 40s and a lifetime of using a computer mouse has made my right shoulder and wrist pretty gnarly. I got a high quality trackball for my work computer and learned to use it with my left hand, which has done a lot to keep things from getting worse. Very fine motor control with a trackball in my off hand can be tricky, so I still use the mouse when I have to do close detail work in Photoshop, but for everyday computer use it's done a lot to take the strain off.
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OP here, thanks for ALL the advice, ill try to keep it short next time.
Ive only used a trackball mouse once in a girls room, it was really weird to use but i was young and didnt care at the time, i guess its time to give it another shot.

I like the painting.

I've used a right hand ergonomic mouse for years, a 'no clack' light type keyboard and it kept everything in check. I get issues from high vibration work tools where I need to really watch what I'm doing or it's murder the next day.

Chairs, completely agree, no point paying over the odds. Grab a lower back support, as long as the chair is deep enough all is good.

The biggest thing I've noticed is desk depth, mine is 85cm, at the start of covid I made my wife a desk from a kitchen worktop and within weeks she was in pain.

Don't let an employer push you work wise, the five minute an hour rule is there for a reason. I make a point of 'flapping' my hands and arms loosely every hour. If you get persistent issues, fuck work, most employers won't give a shit about you.

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