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How many of you guys have pulled it off and have happy relationships with you gf/wife? I am so tired all the vile stuff on this site
I want wholesome stuff.
Like that Asian dude with a 450lbs half Filipa gf;
That was downright adorable.
To be honest, married over 10 years, wife started at 230, now over 350. I take care of her, cook almost all the meals and tell her daily how pretty she is and how much I love her. We're both happy. Good days and bad, lots of compromise. 10/10 on the whole.

I come here because my sex drive is insane and need to crank the hog a few times a day and I don't expect to force myself on her with a family and a full time job. I like upping free pr0n for others to appreciate. Also tbh I enjoy watching the degens in here argue with each other.
There's been a lot of encouragement in my relationship, what I like to refer to as "training". Just letting her eat whatever whenever, encouraging public displays of gluttony, wearing sexy clothes, lots of burping.

I suppose I understand the architect thing to be more in secret, but I'm very open with my gf about all my interests, and she knows exactly what I'm doing and thinking. It's all about letting her feel comfortable and know I'm commited.
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Kisami here: These days I keep a low profile but life’s good. Moved downtown, got a nice job with benefits at Trader Joe’s. Even met a lady I liked enough to marry. We met on the apps, so many post-lockdown new fats—chubby consumer grade women who like to get slapped, strangled and humiliated are basically ready-made-feedees. First date belly play, basically Good Night Irene from the getgo. I’ve egged her on to gain a hundo in a few short years. She’s got her own lazy girl career so my Apple Baby is happy going Dutch as long as I handle the yard work and stay yolked as fuck. Fat women despise Humpty Dumpty shaped fat men and cant handle yard work.
Otherwise I man the cooking and she handles the uncontrolled weight gain. Applying my mind for number words years of working in the industrial food biz makes it so easy to keep her on that midnight train to Georgia.
So her sex drive doesn't match yours? How often do you do it nowadays?
Who is this guy with the 450 gf? What thread was it in?
Nah man being an open Architect is fine,
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Awww man, OP you made my day!!

Btw im mexican but that doesnt matter
Yeah I saw you respond on the old page you lucky bastard.
haha, again, this made my day man.

Things are still fantastic between us. We're planning on heading to South Florida near Vday for a little getaway. She's already been modeling me some of the outfits and swim suits (two pieces 🥵♥️🥵♥️) and i just cant wait to flyout (Shoutout Southwest Airlines for supplying my GF with a free 2nd seat)

She's also pretty much dropped her "new years resolutions." Like she hasnt been to the gym in two weeks and she's back to her old snacking ways :)
How the heck did you meet her. Spill the beans
We met at a bar in our college town (it was a big state school) at Halloween of all nights.

She was 18 and a freshman and i was 22 and a senior.

She was dressed as a cat. Very basic but cute. Her thick black hair was pulled back in a pony. She was wearing cat ears. She painted her nose black and gave her self little wiskers. she wore a black tight tank top and a medium length skirt (her upper belly was exposed too ♥️). I think i mentioned in the threads she was like high 200/low 300 my guess.

She just looked so hot dude! I had never really made a move on a girl before but she was just too perfect to ignore.

I basically just forced myself to talk to her and thankfully enough she was very talkative and responsive with everything i was saying. Even laughing too. We planned our first date right there and the rest is history
>She was dressed as a cat. Very basic but cute. Her thick black hair was pulled back in a pony. She was wearing cat ears. She painted her nose black and gave her self little wiskers. she wore a black tight tank top and a medium length skirt (her upper belly was exposed too ♥️). I think i mentioned in the threads she was like high 200/low 300 my guess.

She sounds adorable
>>42959 (OP)
Nothing too crazy. My wife and I have been together 15 years (we're both 34). She's 5'7 and was 107lbs when we met. 4 pregnancies and a lot of encouragement and she was at her peak 215 post baby 4 and is currently around 170. She has gotten a lot more comfortable as a fat girl the past few years, she eats quite a bit but this woman has a very high metabolism and a low tolerance for things like shakes and just calorie bombing, so I've been just waiting for years and years for the metabolism to take a nose dive. She jokes about it because she knows once it does she's going to blimp dramatically and she says she's cool with it at this point. Her sister has been around 220 since I met her and was always the "fat sister" but for a short while post kid 4 they actually looked related and there was plenty of ribbing at family events, but my wife always lost a lot breastfeeding so it was short lived.

Still, she takes her gut out and smacks me in the face with it when she wants sex, and refers to herself joking as "tubby" so she's pretty comfortable. I asked her what her limit is if she blimps up and she said probably 250 but she'll see when she gets there.
>Still, she takes her gut out and smacks me in the face with it when she wants sex,
Would love to hear more about your wife.
You watch porn. I own your mind. Genius. I know thank you same time ok talk soon
I met my current fiancee about 3 years ago on the apps and from the get go I was honest about my fetish. I’ve never asked or pried about her specific weight because body image is an ongoing issue for her, but in three years she has gone from an XL to an XXL shirt size and outgrown most of her clothes.

She probably put on at least 100 lbs in 2 years bc she is just naturally lazy and likes to eat. Her self esteem went from being really high as an XL, extremely low as an XXL, and now she’s slowly starting to feel herself again as an XXL. Lots of good and bad days. But interpersonally we hit it off like magic and I always tell her that I will support her if she ever wants to lose weight. But still she is slowly taking up more and more room in our queen size bed, so only time will tell
Is that why she sneaks out of bed to listen to conversations then runs back into bed out of breath.
... What? I have no clue what you're trying to say
He is either a jokester or a madman. Ignore him.
I can't stand this austist but if he is telling the truth, whatever.
>I can't stand this austist
Kisami here: Shoveling snow is a great way to build muscle and clear your mind. Doing it with proper form will protect your spine.
Fat bougie women just want you to wake up early, dust the snow off her Acura and give you a blowjob for cleaning up the icy walkway. I can do that while listening to podcasts!
I don't know what you mean anon. I just came from the laundry
I am a normal bearded guy with glasses dressed in red flannel, jeans and boots outside the internet.
This nigga gives off the same energy as the Potion Seller.
I'll respect their privacy, but I dated a lot of nice Catholic Girls on Catholic Match.
Smallest was around 180lbs. She was a Catholic primary school teacher, Irish American girl from Texas We are still friends though.

Thank G-D the Lord shank that sissy Ron Desantis and elected a presbyterian like Trump to put those freaks in their place
The fuck?
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> Doesn't know Melania and Baron are Catholic.
> Yes I know Melania was formerly bisexual
>Trump Praised Thomas Beckett
Trump and Melania visited the Shrine of Saint John Paul II
>Anon is confirmed to be retarded
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>Destanis drops out of race and endorses Trump.
>Could it be anons?
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Also, this is for Arcthiect success stories faggot.
Not Catholic bigotry or politics.
Any Latino or Black Architects here?
We have our resident Mexican chad here.
Anybody else?
Sorry fur posting Fred Trump. It's the only pick I can find where he looks human or like Palpatine and not Animus entropy in human form
Bro im going talk to you in person to let u know I know its you.
Probably the only black non schizo booty lover here. Had an amazing SSBBW GF I was going to marry. She was pretty built. Big PCOS belly where she would point out how pregnant she looked that got me so hard. Also had a huge ass that looked, smelled and tasted like gourmet any day of the week, it ate up her panties and turned them into thongs, and I would lick them clean when I got a hold of them. On top of that, she had a cute thin face and was pleasant to be around, I would have been in support if she decided to drop the weight, but things are over now.
I'd only be into relationship weight, not actively feeding a person for rapid gain. I'm patient. Something about a long term GF gaining weight demonstrates a sort of love and loyal that you'll take them however they look is something women respond to, as opposed to linking up with her when she's already fat.
TMI but I am happy you liked her, sorry things didn't work
>>42959 (OP)
I didn't even really try, she knew from the jump that I'd dated bigger girls but I never came right out with it.

We were in college when we got together 7 years ago, since then she's been on a slow but steady path towards my ideal body type; I'd guess she started out as a bottom-heavy 130, now pushing 240 (I only know this because she told me she lamented that she's "the biggest she's ever been" a few weeks ago with numbers to back it up) and looking better than ever. Wasn't really an intentional push on my end she just started getting big after she stopped having access to a free gym.

We also moved up north and she's so cold-averse that she won't go for runs unless it's 60+ degrees out so for 9-ish months out of the year it's a no go. Can't complain, a few weeks ago she finally threw out the size 8 jeans she used to wear.
Wife or girl friend?
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>>42959 (OP)
I managed to make my gf/future-fiancee/future-wife more bottom heavy than she was.
We had a kid around the middle of last year and the pregnancy plus baby weight widened her.
And I've been encouraging her to eat more, her breakfast are mostly now an avocado toast with an egg with a cup coffee with milk. Which is doing wonders for her figure, I tried to get her into weight lifting, but she doesn't enjoy it, recently she returned to swiming and it believe it also helps with her figure and self-esteem.

She complains every now and then that her ass is throwing stuff and that she's bumping against every thing, but I reassure her that I think she's looking sexier and more beautiful, as I send her memes like pic related.

Sex hasn't been great though, it's really hard with a baby around, plus, her breastfeeding destroyed her libido and whenever we get around we have to use a condom+lube and be done with it fast because the opportunity windows are small, we lack sleep and she gets sore because she doesn't get wet like she used to due to hormonal changes for the nursing.

But I have faith that we'll get around and enjoy ourselves more when we get past this period.

And I welcome this god blessed body recomposition that she's going through. I have faith that her thighs keep getting thicker and fatter, as her ass and hips widened even more.
Met years ago online and just chatted, distance and money was a thing and we didn't hook up. Cut to 2011 and I was single and got a short lived social media invite email from her.

Never split up after meeting back then, married 5 years later.

I wish she was the size she got to in the first few years but she's still clearly fat. She also looks far bigger than what she actually is weight wise which is a bonus. Get her in the right mood after a night drinking sparkling wine and she's all over the bedroom with zero inhibitions.

She knows I'm all for big tits on bigger women and as much as I'm clearly fascinated by her huge tits it is the fact she's fat more than anything. All her diets are pretty futile and her weight yo-yos but she keeps to 300 instead of 400 when she was younger. 100lb less is much easier at 40. I'm 45 and 210 and I know when I've put a heavy days do-it-yourself in on the house I'm fucked, so I'm never gonna be that creepy cunt that wants her to gain or I'm outta here. Besides, feeders are all creepy fucks.

I come here for the bonus lbs and to stop a wandering eye. When was I was younger I regularly hooked up whilst working away, no way in the world am I doing that now, but still a horny fuck, probably the mixture of wellness supplements I take, I still want to fuck at any opportunity.
Well I am really conflicted guys.
I met a cute girl, but she is clearly aspergers.
She is a nice Catholic girl, she wants to be a housewife and stay at home mom.
She is very naive and sweet, so getting her to let me architect her until she balloons to 400lbs like our resident Chad Mexican's gf should be fairly easy She loves being doted on, so she'd likely enjoy it. It shouldn't be too hard.
But I feel kind of gross dating a girl who isn;t playing wit a full deck.
Idk why it's always all or nothing. I would also feel bad about making her 400 lbs so... don't. Fatten her up to a nice 230 or something. 400 is a huge weight with a lot of challenges, why not just be satisfied with a plump heifer instead of a morbidly obese food addict? Not that the latter ain't nice to think about sometimes but practical speaking... nah
I couldn't agree more.
I'll follow your advice, though 250-300lbs is my preferred size.

I used to kinda be like y'all--having the preferred size be closer to 250-300 rather than 400+ but man 400 vs 300 is still such a clear difference in the bedroom. The fat itself is just so much softer and jigglier.

Like i remember what my gf used to feel like at 300 and its different now, just so much better.

It helps i guess that she still upkeeps herself nice and remains femine. If she devolved into a sweat pig, id be very very out.
How's the mobility in the bedroom at that weight? Can you still achieve most positions? I'd also be worried about her flexibility and stamina where she physically can't submit.
wait what is the architect joke I don't understand

In my experience it depends on how they've got to 400lb. If they hold down a full time job and remain active to keep their lifestyle together, you'll find they're fat and carry weight also from muscle mass and strength.

It didn't take much for my now wife to lose 100lb and become physically capable of 10 minutes on a rower up to 20 minutes every other day within a few weeks.

She would regularly go on top, it's really all about positioning yourself so you can do the penetrating. 300lb is much easier and her stamina is much better. At 300lb she is far more active and happier for wearing clothes that have a more flattering shape to them.

400lb girls are fun, but the downside is most aren't happy at that size. I slept with a few 500lb girls when I was in my 20s and being perfectly honest, waking up to someone who then doesn't take care in their appearance or hygiene really isn't fun. The date was amazing, the day after I was amazed she just found her underwear and threw her nightwear back in that didn't stay on long the night before. 3 hours later after Id showered and bought a little bit of breakfast food in and ate she'd made no effort to wash or look presentable. Superfat girls are better left as fantasy sometimes. The other really big girl was much younger, doesn't tend to affect them as much.

Shoot me down now everyone....
>>43396 Nah, I think I am in agreement with you. I think that's why as a feeder you are 2 parts lover 1 part caretaker. This is a reality that most here don't want to live. Like if you want a supersized gf, you're going to step up a lot. She's not going to go to concerts, you're going to have to pull the car around so that she doesn't have to go too far. Accommodating is just the basics though. As a feeder who wants a super sized gf, I'm trying to learn how to better do my part to be a good partner, even if I don't get a ss bbw gf (because it largely depends on the girl agreeing to this lifestyle too) then being prepared isn't a waste. It would probably be a part of any normal relationship as well.
I haven't been that high, but the difference on my gf between 285lb and 350lb is huge at 5ft4. When we first got together she was about 330. Went up to about 350. I loved how huge she was
In public she was basically almost always the fattest wherever we were. She just felt so huge and soft in bed. Just so much to grab and so much to see in motion.

She lost a fair bit through stress and I miss it greatly. However, she has got back up to nearly 310 and I think will definitely get bigger, maybe even back to her all time high. I'm excited!
Sounds rough. 300 might be my limit. Thankfully I don't have a feeder fetish and just enjoy women of overweight size. But then again, there's thinner women just as lazy and unhygienic, so it's all about finding quality women. I'll only hope she maintains the heavy weight as I meet her and it won't get out of hand.
My gf is about 288 right now, but she's also almost 6'0. She honestly carries it well and it shocked me when she told me, and she showed me a pic of her at 320 and the only real difference was her thighs looked bigger. But fuck, I really wanna see her get to that level again. She knows I'm into this stuff, and she'll text me how stuffed she is sometimes. Here's to the future.
Tallest girl I was ever with was only 5'8", but I was still shocked that she was over 300 lbs at the time. I imagine the hottest weight for a towering six-footer would be like 400 at least
>>43388 Pierce Brosnan married Keely Shaye Smith in 2001, ten years after his first wife died of cancer in 1991. 20-ish years went by, and compared to when they first married, her body has definitely fattened up, which garnered some attention with 4chan's /tv/ board, along with sub-memes like Bond Burger, and literally "The Architect" accompanying the theory that Pierce is one of us and that he fattened his wife.
Kek he's a real one.
Damn they killed her husband. I miss sucking on those tities. Pussy like that make any man crazy. #RuthlessBoss

There's literally nothing worse than poor hygiene. Ive really only dated one thin girl, the more we dated, the more I realized she had no pride in her home. She once wore out all her underwear, swimsuit briefs and spare briefs I bought her before she did a wash claiming she was too busy with work. I suspected she was taking recreational pills on nights out and saw her out when I was out with work colleagues. I was out after work with work colleagues, saw the state she was in, getting ignored by her work 'friends'. Ended up taking her home, put her to bed, told her flat mate I couldn't do it anymore. Stayed an hour chatting to her and left.

A girl I worked with jumped in the taxi we took and had text me, checking if she was ok, I ended up back at hers and had an on off fling for a few years with her. Easily the biggest girl I'd been with. That was it, full on FA after that. She was short, 5"2 and just didn't care she was always getting bigger, she either got off on it or got off and the fact I loved her figure. Either way, what a woman.

Don't top out at 300.
I wonder if anyone somehow convinced a 18 year old to be a fat ass
>>42959 (OP)
I grew my wife from maybe ~220 pounds when we started dating to ~400 pounds today. It's been a long time though and she spent most of our relationship around 300 pounds. I basically encourage her constantly and she likes doing stuff like eating cupcakes while I play with her fat. We have two kids together, life's good bros.
I've been dating my fiancé for a little over three years now, we're planning to get married later this year. She's probably gone from around 150 to 250 nowadays and she's looking amazing. Hoping she can make 300lbs in the next couple of years. I hear marriage really helps people let go.
Make sure those guys in dm not still cracking it. Word on streeet.
Hi, the internet certainly helped me understand my kink but also gave the illusion that the ultimate girl was right around the corner and that interfered with my dating life. A close friend who has always liked me (and me her-but she had a BF)has gained about 125 pounds and it just made me insane but during covid (she was now BF free) we started sharing our neuro-diverse traits and built a deeper relationship and started really enjoying each other's company and now have wonderful fun together always and are quick to work things out if either of us gets triggered --- I finally grew up and realized this is a keeper!!!!!
Congrats anon. Treat her well.
Been dating my formerly anorexic gf for 3 years, she's gone from 80 lbs to 140 and is growing all the time. I told her about my kink early and a flip switched in her brain. She only cared about being skinny and looking good for me, so when I told her I liked bigger girls she immediately started to eat. We almost never fuck now without me feeding her cake or chocolate. Hottest was feeding her a pint of melted ice cream straight from the carton. She loves it and is fantastic at dirty talk. Feels good

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