
(60 KB, 540x510, tumblr_3b2fd2c3404e40f08718b861b4ceaa1a_e966b253_540.jpg)
By far one of the hottest fucking fatties online. She does death feederism and irl slob, into mutual gain, and does so many videos for free. I want to be adopted as her daughter and become a greasy obese death feedee slob. Why is she so slept on?
349 days left. I will expose SEC for MANIPULATION each & every day. I have time & money. Lets go
>>42908 (OP)
Agree that she's slept on. Main reasons are no face and the fact that she's on Tumblr. Not showing face is understandable for privacy purposes as a non-pro model, but makes it harder for some people to get off, especially when there's that tantalizing but of double chin just at the edge of the frame. And Tumblr is a pain in the ass - there are a LOT of amateur hotties who only post there (especially for mutual, oddly enough), but you have to wade through a lot of garbage to find them.
tbh i dont even need face with that chin lmfao. I'm seeing all I need. The tumblr thing is fair, the format and searching fucking sucks and every other model on there exclusively kinda fucking sucks. Know any other good ones on there?
Neil Breen, is that you?
she has a corner of the internet she's comfortable being active in and stays in it. not like some who have 10 different sites they post to. doesn't try to please people into things she's not into or set high expectations she can fail.
>>42908 (OP)
Some people have already brought up these but here (in my humble opinion) is why:

-Tumblr is a more esoteric platform where it's harder to stumble on people without being in the circles of reblogs and asks and everything. She's only on Tumblr

-No face. This just gives her content a more disconnected feel and makes it harder for her to stick in your mind if you casually stumble upon her

-She doesn't push herself to other platforms. Other girls on the scene will push out dozens of platforms and accounts to build up to an OF account. It's a deliberate marketing strategy, albeit one executed with great mediocrity, but she isn't trying this at all

These are all factors that aren't bad things about her (some, especially the last, are actually quite admirable and indicative of her genuine enjoyment of gaining) but they do all contribute heavily to her relative obscurity
>She doesn't push herself to other platforms. Other girls on the scene will push out dozens of platforms and accounts to build up to an OF account. It's a deliberate marketing strategy, albeit one executed with great mediocrity, but she isn't trying this at all

To be fair, she's pretty clear that she's not a "content creator," just an amateur posting occasionally because she gets off on sharing her gain. A lot of Tumblr girls are like this, because like you said the algorithm/feed makes it easier to stay in a particular circle of likes and follows.

Some other hot babes on Tumblr right now: this-is-hedonism, ohsoplump, gluttenousgoddess (sic, the misspelling makes me die slightly), alaskanffa, paperfeedee. All of them are amateurs with no faces, but they post good stuff.
(103 KB, 1080x754, tomboys.jpg)
The dark side of feederism Tumblr is the sheer number of "gay trans man" feedees who are obviously just socially awkward fandom girls and would be cute if they hadn't cut their tits off and grown a testosterone pube beard. May be more of these than there are non-transed fat girls. I think of meme related every time, the system doesn't want you to have a cute autistic feedee waifu
If you're actually finding more trans feedees than regular you're doing something wrong. It's higher than other sites but not enough to outnumber the girls

>hotties who only post there (especially for >mutual, oddly enough), but you have to wade >through a lot of garbage to find them

Do you have any recommendations or favourites?
Nigger it's tumblr, its nothing but zippertits at this point.

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