
(262 KB, 1920x1080, Plus-Sized Elf.jpg)

(BTW, I didn't know if it should go here or in BBW anime thread. I choose here since it seemed more general, even if fitting for this chan. If mmods want to move it, go right ahead
I was shocked to see this series is getting an anime adaption. You think, with its leaning on soft-porn (tasteful nudity with nipples and crouches getting covered up), much less its fetish material, that it would be very low on the adaption radar.

But it seems to be really happening. My guess is they may do some more censorship than the manga (but its understandable), such as keeping ripped clothes on enough to cover up rather than using "stickies" over full nude characters.

Of course, I have to see what it'll look like when the trailer drops. (since good manga can still become badly animated) But I have hopes for this
I know damn well the only ones that will be watching is us freaks and i'm all for it XD
Does she gain in the plot or is she just thick? This is the only anime I will ever watch
Erufuda is chubby due to her obsession with French fries (elves are vegan in her world so oil cooked potatoes is a luxury to her) The premise is the male lead, a dietician, tries to help her lose weight with real world health advice because apparently the doorway doesn’t work if you’re fatter than you were when you first came. Erufudas weight does balloon up and down, but she’s generally chubby all the time
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I am a /ck/ and dietitians hate roasties. I think Red Dead 2 is more accurate where the cook is ready to kill the housewife forcing Arthur to intervene. Japan fails at writing fat chicks. It's like how Sailor Moon is written as fat but Goku isn't criticized for being fat save for eating bugs, or Naruto doesn't get criticized unless he drinks milk out of date. I think Manabu from Amane is more accurate in that he needs the blood rushing to his groin to focus on his studies instead of going after the kendo chick.

I think they're capitalizing on the fad involving elves as MCs and Isekai shit. Better than the past where fat was a sign of being a die hard military Otaku.
Anime doesn't have the budget to do expansion scenes. The bishoujo genre died cause it's more reading and kids don't like to read. There's also censorship in anime now so I doubt they would make fetish characters.
Several characters have weight gain and loss situations and some characters bulked up with muscle. It's very grounded. So no one is going to inflate, hulk out into a giant, nor become hyper fat.

One arc Hitome and Oga ( a cyclops and oni) both try to be slick and work out harder, thinking they can keep their vices. They end up getting huge due gaining muscle and not loosing fat.

My hope is the show aggressively abuses jiggle physics. Because there are a lot of pants ripping, button busting, and sports bra exposing scenes.
Anime is censored in Japan. Bleach got censored when the adaptation of the Blood Arc got started to comply with regulations.
Nope! I am a normie!
Look Canadian bro, I don't know who's shilling politics on /inf/. I am heading to sleep and sitting out 2024
i never expected this, my only question is how? is this series actually a lot more popular than i knew? is there some architect benefactor funding this? is it gonna be low budget ai slop?
>>42815 They probably won't do that since they have to emphasize she's a dark elf compared to Erufuda being a wood elf (and thus part of why the two fight so much)

Most of the time the characters aren't shown getting physically bigger. Its more like a little fast-forward happens and then we see them change.

Most of the focus is just on the fact the fantasy girls are all overweight, usually in a specific are due to their new bad habit they picked up in this world.

Erufuda: Stomach from fries.
Kuroieda: Butt and thighs from lack of exercise and constantly standing for hours on end with her job
Melo: Arms from lack of swimming due to her job (she's a mermaid)
Oga: General fatness from binge drinking

Most of the fetish work is just an emphasis on their plus-sized bodies, like close-ups and jiggling. They tend to stay the same in each episode/chapter.

The MC's boss is also a plus-sized woman (and he's attracted to her btw). Plus there's also some fan-service of him (like his boss has fantasies of him in a swimsuit)
Can anyone explain the surgical process to get a weird ass crack similar to Caitidee? Refer to /ssbbw/ for more but I need to get an answer soon
Like I said, anime skips the transformation and transitions to focus on the plot.
No. Anime is dictated by planning committees who pay animators below minimum wage.
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>>42806 you got the source for the last image?

Also, for those who have read the manga, what's your favorite/s of the cast? Mine's Oku, Erufuda, and Oga.
I suppose if you get a pilonidal cyst, you'll end up with a surgery that causes a weird butt crack.

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