
I am barely on this site. My current job wants me to travel to Israel.
"Crime" is fat women stealing burgers and retail.
Have fun because I am offline during Winter.
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Kisalami here:
This “artwork” is derivative and fails to challenge any middlebrow sensibilities. It looks like some sideburned art student at Vassar took acid for the first time and thought hyperbolic geometry applied to golden era Batman was a pretty trippy fractal. It isn’t.
Real fractals are the result of mathematics run amok and are capable of breaking the barrier between man and mind, between theory and reality.
What's a Vassar? I am an ignoramus and dyslexic.
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Kisame here. As a Conservative Democrat from Long Island, I don't know what you're talking about. Art students just want to invest in Urbit stars.
I flat out don't know what Urbit or art is. I am a nobody now.
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Have fun with chan culture cause I am hibernating for Winter
My IQ is 80
I really wish I understood this "Kisame here" thing. Can someone explain ffs
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Kisame here. Kisame is an annoying shitposter/schizoposter known for derailing threads with factually untrue political non sequiturs and a distinct set of obsessions (90s/00s cartoons and anime, being a black guy from Long Island, working in food service.) Many posters on this website (such as myself, Kisame) find him unbearably annoying, so in threads which are already dying from his cancer, we shitpost by pretending to be him. He has a distinct syntax which is easy to recognize but hard to imitate perfectly. Park Slope Liberals are voting for Ben Shapiro because they hate Eric Adams. Chun Li wouldn't have sex with Krillin. I just want to drink Schlitz and repave the Northern State Parkway.
Kisame here. These are lies about me.
I don't know. I have an IQ of 80. I am strictly formula to the chagrin of artists who want to be suave sophisticated types. Transformative politics just don't sell and I have less demands now than I had 10 years ago.
Inflation is on the decline cause artists want to own the rights to their OCs. Autistics like me don't care for change. I've said Pulse was better when Annie was a geek with big boobs cause it adds a layer to her personality just like how Rikku in Missing Materia worked better as a geek with big boobs. Now they're just generic heroine who fights because cape shit is mainstream. I think my OC Li Li is just that last bastion of geek that hasn't been commercialized or made gay, transgender, or whatever fad urbanites are chasing. I had sweet potatoes yesterday and I am far removed from the inflation community and MAGfest
It's the same reason they hate Li Li as a second rate Chun Li. They're still mad Chun Li in spandex can sell and fight Yor whole their DnD knockoffs can't sell despite DEI blowing 100 million on 60 fps consoles. I am replaying Red Dead Redemption II and watching Yellowstone.
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Kisame here: Not only are you lying, but you're also guilty of interfering in a government investigation. My job is to make sure hyper preg arts don't like to the US Treasury. Since many revenue exceeds 200 dollars yearly, that is taxable income that must be reported.That’s it.
This pysops campaign to discredit me is critically testing my patience. I am merely good at hiding my bad manners and temper and I am trying to keep a low profile. Keep testing me and I can extract all your personal data down to the IP. I can leak it to your work place and have you fired from your job if you keep this up. I can also have you fined, and give them your Patreon Account, Discord Number and email.
I don't represent the government under Biden. I am a nobody now.
I don't know what you mean. I barely know what Biden is thinking. He surround himself with neocons
I dunno what those are. Maybe some woman is impersonating me cause federal workers have been swatted.
I am an IQ of 80
Why are there crappy Kisames ruining every thread with low effort Kisame posting.

Seems to have been out of control since that Jewish-supremacist copped to beating his meat to child torture porn.
Nobody is buying fetish art.
Supposedly black YouTubers can pay 50k for online art.
If I may be on topic, fetish artists are mad that Viziepop gets paid 50k to make an adult music video with black YouTubers while their projects still languish. The thing is that blacks don't care for frat bro humor or redneck humor as long as they're not the butt of the jokes or another flawless token.
I am trying to say blacks are the only group with disposable income and fetish art man can't sell their agenda cause the blacks don't care for high culture or dungeons and dragons. The mythical middle class aren't coming back
It's why hyperpreg cannot fathom why or how Andrew Tate has 10 children from three women, something that's common in black households.
What are the best online jobs that pay over 50k for 2024. Millions of people waiting to hear your reply.
I don't work online
I flat out don't know what Amherst is. I went shopping for groceries.
It's been peaceful and boring
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I might vote for RFK Jr. Trumpies and Biden boomers are getting boring
It's been peaceful on Long Island. I haven't seen the death, destruction, or carnage that people promised. I am using PTO soon to travel. Hyperpreg is just mad crazy people can change even experiencing different culture
I might quit the internet to see the world

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