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>Starting in July 1972 with an event called The Alien Brain, COUM staged a series of increasingly outlandish and shocking performances at art galleries and mixed-media festivals across Britain and Europe.

>Typical components of a COUM performance included P-Orridge placing severed chicken heads on top of his penis
and masturbating, or P-Orridge and Tutti engaging in simultaneous
anal and vaginal sex using a double-pronged dildo.

>Various combinations of soiled tampons, maggots, black eggs, feathers, and syringes
full of milk, blood, or urine figured as props. For instance, P-Orridge
might stick a hypodermic into his testicle and then inject the blood
into a black egg.

>Or for a piece de resistance, he might give himself a
blood-and-milk enema and then fart out the liquid, splattering the
gallery floor.

(Quoted from a book I'm reading about the post-punk scene.)

My question is; how come artfags will do so much weird shit, and yet there's never been some kind of feedist-related performance art? It could literally just be some shit where they lay out a feast and have a few beautiful hamplanets go at it.
Damn, formatting is fucking shit. That's what I get for phoneposting kekw
>>42499 (OP)
It's a good question and I bet it exists, but a lot of that sutff was never well-documented because it was underground by nature. If COUM hadn't evolved into Throbbing Gristle and then Psychic TV it would probably be lost history.

As a young NYC hipster I attended all kinds of wacked-out performances in lofts and basements. I know I watched people do food-related stuff, eating like pigs and smearing themselves with it, but even chubby folks were rare in the scene at that time, much less fat ones. I remember people cracking on Lydia Lunch for being fat, while today she'd barely be considered "curvy" today.

The only real FA-friendly performance I ever attended was 500+ lb Katy Dierlam (RIP) performing as "Helen Melon," a circus fat lady. It was at Sideshow by the Seashore, in Coney Island when it was still an abandoned shithole. It was like an artsy old fashioned carnival thing with a tattooed man, a guy who pounded nails into his face, a fire breather, etc. She did an SA-type monologue that my FA self found really hot.
>>42499 (OP)
Genesis porridge or whatever her name was was also a loony troony
I meant his name. I didn’t read the post fully and thought he was the one with a vagina
Yes and totally irrelevant.

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