
(12 KB, 270x186, download.jpeg)
Is anyone else having trouble accessing stuffer DB and the content theirin? I'm getting 404 errors all over the place and I don't know a good way to report it.
(3 KB, bbwchan-gallery.user.js.txt)
Wrote a userscript for displaying all images in a thread to a scrollable. Install with a userscript manager, like violent monkey.

button appears when in a thread on navbar

contributions welcomed, stay mentally ill fetishists
No it's not. I'm having issues too
ya im getting 404 and 403 errors too

Does anyone know or is there a way to contact the webmaster or anything like that? It's been going on for a while and then fullscreen/swipe function has been busted for over a year now
I think the site is finally dying.
Link is down, do you have another one?

Link works fine for me.

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