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Body positivity influencer @roseybeeme posted on Tiktok that she was happy to have lost weight, because she can wipe her own ass again. This led to much controversy in the fat acceptance community, including among former models who have pivoted to activist influencing. Discuss.
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Using muh scooter makes me healthier.
The people complaining that she can wipe her own ass again are the same ones who can't even change a diaper and don't clean up after their dog while walking them.
Everyone is allowed there own experiences and relationship with their own bodies and lives. Fundamentally, if you are a Body Positive influencer, you should be more than fine with losing weight if you want to, no issues there. People who jump down your throat for losing weight as assholes and should be annoyed.

Including a line about being able to wipe yourself is a pretty dickish thing to say, given several reasons. Not only is your audience probably made up of a good chunk of fat people, but it's something that a lot of people who are fat struggle with, and often don't like to be reminded of or have mentioned publicly. I don't necessarily think it's "ableist" to say it, but it's definitely something you can get people being annoyed at.

While this reply does have some stuff that often marks hallmarks of SJW stereotypes, they're kinda not wrong here tbh. Mobility aids can actually be a necessary part of healthcare, and she clearly knows that "hey you're so fat you can't wipe your own ass" is something that is pretty humiliating to have brought up.

Like be as proud of your weight loss as possible. Seriously, it's good that people have that control and can do something legitimately tough. Just don't be an asshole and pull the drawbridge up from under you.
You always hear the memes but you don’t expect to see plus sized influencers openly discussing wafflestomping
Kisame here. More like she quits cause doctors don't accept HMOs in America and they know fat influencers use medical equipment for performative theater. SJWs want everyone to be on government health care and not getting thay taxes would have to be raised so they can LARP.
Its as I said, activists have no cause to fight for. They're fighting amongst each other since there's no religious right or MAGA to fight.
>>42427 (OP)
Never heard of rosy bean before. Checked out her IG... ugly af
BS, she could wipe her own ass. Can't pretend to know all the new shit expressions but she's basically pivoting away from being a plus size influencer (aka a fucking free loading beggar) into whatever new gig she can get out of it by doing so.

Influencers can basically just go fuck off.
I scrolled to her old posts when she was bigger and I have the same body type as her (no ass apple shape etc.) And am bigger than that, yet can still wipe my own ass withou struggle lmfao. I think she's just saying that shit to piss people off because she's obviously bullshitting about that.
> And am bigger than that, yet can still wipe my own ass withou struggle lmfao

Maybe you’re not very thorough?
She's probably just saying it as a grift and for attention IMO.
I mean I get what site I'm on but like as a guy that worked retail and vividly remembers days where people would unironically sit in their cars for potentially hours at a time waiting for a mobility scooter, I genuinely don't know how that wouldn't be a watershed moment of self reflection and begin thinking "It's time to lose weight", like the idea of being so fat that it actively cripples your life and you somehow to to just pretend it isn't a problem is insane
>remembers days people would unironically sit in their cars for potentially hours

I remember the days when the young people in mobility scooters and wafflestompers were doing it ironically. Now this is just so pathetic I’m horny. Sad.
You know who really ought to weigh in on this controversy? Caitidee
I love the fat acceptance movement, the mor fatties, the better. But that is purely for selfish fetish reasons lol. The actual fat people that believe in it are obviously using it to cope. The fatter you are the worse it is for your health. And yeah I know it people are affected by it differently, but generally it’s bad. Being huge like that don’t just impact your health directly but it also, as other people have mentioned, impact the things you are able to do.

But hey, I’m all for it, I just wanna nut
Yeah but still hot when you consider half of them probably bombed a drive thru right after that ordeal to self soothe.
> half of them probably bombed a drive thru right after that ordeal to self soothe
Just one drive thru? You gotta wonder what all this greasy fast food does to the quality of a persons defecation. Probably contributes the to toilet problems and smell fat women have.

The answer is, and always has been, bidet attachments for your toilet. Why is it that the fattest country is the one that struggles hardest to understand this? You can get one for like $25 shipped online.
I stand by the claim that fat people shit in the shower because they’re gonna have to shower off either way. The obese population can fit on toilets ok enough when they have to, they’ll just smell afterwards.
Fat people are just lazy and it’s just easier to shit in the shower and stomp it down than shower after shitting and wiping.
Dude just admit you're into scat and piss play.

As a 500+ pound woman - you're a fucking retard. Literally. Ever heard of a bidet?
>As a 500+ pound woman - you're a fucking retard. Literally. Ever heard of a bidet?

Firstly, plenty of fatties have too much meat in the way blocking the nozzle.
Plus, bidets only spray the shit around more.
The problem is all the buttcheeks compresses the turd on its journey out, smearing it around.

It’s possible to pull off, but it’s advisable to shower after if you don’t want to smell. Fat people who think they don’t smell usually smell pretty sour, you can check by sitting down on a crowded bus and watch peoples noses.
you spread your butt cheeks before you sit down and get a bidet that aims, it takes finesse
After spreading it slap it up?
Holy shit this book is about me. Lmao
Yeah? You saw people sit in their cars for literal hours huh? That sure sounds very plausible to me
> LARPing or genuinely a mongoloid.
You know someone has no facts on their side when they resort to such hatefilled and vile ad-homemade attacks.
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Biden is spreading his cheeks wide open. He did this you mother fuckers.
Toilet bowl country thanks to Sleep Joe.
Can someone at least provide better instructions on how to wipe my fat wife’s ass? She’s struggling so I’ve stepped in to help.

Wash/rinse it with water in the walk-in shower, over the toilet or in the bath.

I have no idea why anyone who has running water would keep using toilet paper at home. I get it as a camping solution. It makes sense in retsurats and other public places where full washing might be inconvenient.

But why, why would you ever think of wiping when you can wash it right there and then?
> I have no idea why anyone who has running water would keep using toilet paper at home

Big money Ukraine here to brag about the lifestyle he affords his concubines EMBEZZLEING US MILITARY AID. Fucking nazibag Voldormort with Olha Yuriyivna Mishchenko abusing her post ,robbing the National Bank of Ukraine.
>Wash/rinse it with water in the walk-in shower, over the toilet or in the bath.

Is this before wiping (wipe at all?). I was thinking about using a wet rag instead of toilet paper. I agree toilet paper is kinda harsh.
definitely do use toilet paper. when almost everything is removed then you can tear sections of paper towel and dampen it to get everything. if you want to do an extra good job then drip some iodine on the paper towel for really good antimicrobial protection.
Thank you. This is really helpful to talk thru. I think the iodine is a great suggestion, I’m not quite sure what I’m seeing, skin tags/boils/butt-zits. She’s def embarrassed and I’m glad I have you to be descreet but I think she’s thankful.
Bidets are kinda expensive, are the conversion kits suitable for extra large individuals (I’m not small myself, like 320).
Kisame here. Honestly, I used to be. I grew out of it now once I got more into video gaming. I’ve been playing Persona 3 Reloaded this whole weekend. No scat and piss play in the game but they removed some stuff against trans “people”. I’m MAGA so I don’t have to tell you how I feel about that.
I don't know what this imposter is taking about. I guess their lives are pathetic and ordinary. Have fun with Zoomers Kisame
Kisame here. Why are you pretending to be me? People these days have no respect to posters
Whichever one of you is actually Kisame needs to pay for their fucking art commissions.
I am not Kisame
What art commissions are you talking about? I haven't ordered anything from the preg community in five years.
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Pic related is your Kisame. The loser who owns Chounyuu and lives in Canada.
Have fun with white Kisame cause I am on vitamin B-12
That's it? He's just some middle of the road BE art commissioner/site host? Why are half this goddamn thread's posts started with "Kisame here"?
I dunno. I think people are impersonating Kisame17. I am not part of any of those online communities
Kisame here. I don't know what you're talking about
Kisame here:
> “just some middle of the road BE art commissioner/site host”
is clownish terminology that maybe describes Andy Warhol. Theifs and cheats like yourself should be messing with a man with my positions of power and personal connections in the tax authorities. No wonder you can afford bidets, you’re stealing from the govt. Jokes on you, bidets only spray poop directly into your beefy vaginal folds.
Anon is right, BE is middle of the road. I don't think Chounyuu appeals to zoomers
> bidets only spray poop directly into your beefy vaginal folds

Can anyone confirm if this is actually true? I want to get my wife a bidet but I’ve heard this same point repeated in the bbw community.
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I don't know whether to be impressed by the level of shitposting going on or pissed off that this takes up so much bandwidth on the site.
I think it's one guy with a lot of his time in his hands impersonating Kisame17. I am working six days now with no time to browse the internet
>>43910 WTF who keeps insisting this? yes, it could happen under the right circumstances but can be easily prevented with strategic sitting, spreading, and a bidet that can be aimed with adjustable water pressure.
No one would bother impersonating kisame, it’s just too stupid.
Of course preg would impersonate Kisame. Chan culture is dead now. I am a normies now trying to double my income
Loutish behavior is outright forbidden from the modern workplace.
No offense but this milquetoast Kisame impersonator must be a woman.
I agree with the wiping stuff being unnecessary. There’s so much “pick me!” Shit with these influencers. I dunno if it’s because of the inherently vapid nature of what they do or what, but some just nakedly chase approval. Same thing with these “weight loss journeys”. Lose weight if you want, but why pander to Facebook reels and the chuds who watch them?
> I agree with the wiping stuff being unnecessary
You fat people are gross af.
Democrats. Ukraine and inflation started and got worst during your regime. Trump will fix it.
TLDR: A handful of influencers are talking about needing to do the waffle stomp they got so fat.
>>42427 (OP)
>Lose some weight
>Lose your clout
It's like her fat ass was basically all what she got, she could be a narcissist dyke but that juicy fat ass will always put her in the spotlight. The slippery slope of fat women.
I’ve heard this same story from many models.
so you had to necro-post this old thread for that...
>>42427 (OP)
I need help. My wife smells like shit. She m says bidets are for Europeans and faggots. She’s made me wipe her a few times and it’s not fun. What works for you people and don’t say bidets I’ve tried it.
Get the bidet with the amiable attachment.
We tried skimping on price and it just spread the poop around more, the poop water was getting in the fat folds in her legs and it smelled like death.
this is your ninth post
Tell your wife to clean and shower. Never been in such dirty basement in my life holy cow
> Tell your wife to clean and shower
Honestly, if you have a private on suite, just skip step #1 and go straight to #2. It all goes out the same sewer drain. Saves money on water costs too.
Really you gotta eat more fiber. The same thing was happning to me and it’s not the bidets fault. When you eat a diet of meat, cheese and processed carbs it shows up in these slimy soft clay poops that smear and make a mess.
Adding fibers not gonna do much for my girls diet tho. She eats like a hog.
Fiber works but i get you.
At that point, the best thing I can say is after making my girl start drinking cups of oil a day. At that level it’s gonna be Old Faithful either way. Which that works well for some folks and prevents what’s we call “Chumbawambaas” (tub thumpers) that sometimes require a knife/pallet scrapper.
> do the waffle stomp
Everybody's doing a brand-new dance now
(Come on, baby, do the waffle stomp)
I know you'll get to like it if you give it a chance now
(Come on, baby, do the waffle stomp)

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