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>be me
>very open and transparent with my kinks and fetishes with my partner.
>one day, I mention that I'd become more beast than man if she were to ever put on more weight (she knows about my kinks).
>she says she's curious, and that she wouldn't mind if I attempted.
>due to work and whatnot, I only really see her two days out of my week.
>from when we first agreed on it, up to two months ago she remained the same weight. (About two months we flirted on the idea).
>her relationship with food did slightly improve, which was a cool bonus.
>fast forward to a couple weeks ago.
>we start bringing stuffings into bed, she's super into it. She enjoyed it much more than what she even thought she would.
>she only likes it when I stuff her by hand, and never by herself.
>I generally keep conditioning her during those stuffings exactly what I plan to do with her in the future, which she likes.
>fast forward to NOW.
>she mentions she started going to the gym with her sister so she can get some stronger arms.
>I told her straight up that if she doesn't watch out, I may just sabotage her plans.
>She says she's entirely curious about how I'd do it, challenges me to it just to 1-up me. Says the idea is hot that I'd just say I'd do it. If she gains, we'll see how we feel about it but aside from that it would be mine to claim. (We're long term).

So, this brings me to now. I'm here to absolutely fucking win. So, with that all out of the way, I am in dire need of tips of how I would achieve this. Whether it be when we hang out, and I can stuff her to my liking, or potentially encouraging her so she can cover what I cannot when we don't hang out. She's very aware that she's in the driver's seat for all of this, so she's not particularly uncomfortable with it. If she doesn't like it, we just quit it easy-peasy. However, my chances are looking pretty good.

Any tips, resources, or stories from others fattening their own S/O's would be fantastic.
Good for you, man! That's a hell of a development, and sounds like honestly, a fun challenge for both of you. https://youtu.be/lgadDML8QJ4?si=JKCgFgHRWdSwOAY_

So, I'd suggest introducing protein shakes in her diet. If she's going to be working out semi regularly, recommend you guys grab some packs/powder of protein shakes... You could go a couple ways with this. With my partner, we just integrated them into her schedule, and she has one of those single-serving cartons of a protein shake with her morning tea/coffee, followed by her breakfast, and eating everything else normally. That really helped keep her base caloric intake every day to be almost always at a surplus. A win for her, is that she feels better in the mornings, and it helps her build muscle much easier, without having obsess with intake and diet. Simple, works, can be expensive to buy so many packs of those cartons, though.

Second option, if you guys are playing into sabotage, you could buy the powder and make shakes for her. That way, you guys could engage in making her shakes even more calorically dense (with her consent, of course). Could always prepare her morning beverages for her, so she'll never know if you're making a standard shake, or one that would make her gain a pound just looking at it. There are definitely ways to do it without changing the flavor/viscosity too much, too i.e. changing out milk for Ripple protein milks, real peanut butter instead of PB powder, chocolate syrup instead of cocoa powder, etc. you can play and have fun with it.

Another thing you can start doing is more of a passive effect, but just absolutely LOAD your home up with her favorite treats every time you go shopping. This one's extra effective if she's a weed smoker, in which case you can also maximize that by looking for strains for her high in myrcene and CBN.

Take her out to restaurants and encourage her to go nuts. Sometimes, it's all a matter of suggestion. If you guys aren't usually the type to go for apps or desserts, suggest things you'd think she'd like especially. Again, the more you can encourage weed smoking before dates or big dinners, the better.

Also, buy her clothes that make her feel nice in her body, and confident in her appearance. If she has a wishlist, grab her some clothes, maybe even size them up one size so she feels comfortable enough to not worry about outgrowing a particular garment, or, if you do this frequently enough, she won't notice her own gain until many dozens of pounds later.

I could go on. Lol
Heavy cream. Make a latte with heavy cream topped with a shot of espresso.
Add butter to bread and toast it before mayonnaise a BLT made with all the bacon in a pack. Etc
>>42402 (OP)
All previous suggestions are good. I would also suggest a1-2 scoops malto_dextrin for the shake, blend it well. Any post-shake calories will go straight to fat cells.
I think the mind thing, psychology, is powerful. What you've done so far is golden. I suggest during sex to edge her with increasing amounts of food and have her repeat back to you the fantasies you have told her. There's something about saying it out loud that willcement it in her psyche.
Also, no completion unless she's always stuffed. Always.
Good luck. Keep us updated, I'm super curious to hear how this plays out
Hey hey, I'm back. I plan to sort of bounce in and out of checking /gen/ here and there since I don't truly expect the thread to just blow up. Seems to be question answering time.

5'1" @ 218 pounds. SW when I began checking was about 205 pounds. We plan to just feel it out with no goal in mind, but in my mind I would go fucking insane if she were anywhere near 260-300 pounds.

The mental angle of all of this is quite a strong factor into why this has worked thus far honestly. We brought food into bed last week and she seemed to really enjoy it. Beginning with some chocolate devil cake (which admittedly was a bit dry so we stopped after a while), however we got a little messy with it. It was her second time being fed in bed, so I told her to act like a smartass brat, and that I'd shut her up. Not like she can really talk on a full mouth. Eventually swapping to some popcorn, smaller and a little more enjoyable for her. She cleared half of the bag actually. We also found out that if she overdoes sweet things, her stomach hurts like hell.

After all was over, I poked and prodded her brain about everything. How she liked it, what did she enjoy the most, what I am going to do next time...etc.

Plan for next time is that I've bought a large bowl, and plan to force her to eat on all fours while I do my handiwork elsewhere. Hopefully all goes well.

She be lactose intolerant, so that's a hard maybe..

I appreciate the ideas a ton, so far it's been interesting. As for the updates regarding her and my own plans I already have in play:
1.) Typically I've leaned into taking her shopping with me lately anytime I go. I may make slight jabs at what I plan to do with her, but generally she's loaded on snacks at my place.
2.) I plan to start taking her out to restaurants a little more often. Due to a schedule change with work, I got weekends off. That means more time with the gf, including possible nights I spend with her.
3.) She's made it abundantly clear that she's been eating much more than normally lately. Typically her relationship with food is anytime from 1-2 times a day tops. The last week sounds like she's been stuffing herself a bit. Not to an insane degree of course, but enough where I know she's upping her appetite slightly.

I see her tomorrow night, so before all this snow packs in I plan to take her to IHOP so she can go nuts.
Thanks for the updates. I love this as much as pics.
Sounds like a really fun situation overall. I had a relationship where my GF asked for something similar, and this is what worked for me:

Not to make it sound romantic, but really getting to know what she finds irresistible is the key here, and then keeping it ‘accidentally’ at her fingertips. Chocolates and crispy fried things were her weaknesses, and I kept her place and mine stocked with it. Whether it was very fattening or not, the fact that goodies were always around led to lots of mindless consumption.

We also went in fun food dates—indulgent places that I knew she’d love. She liked international cuisine, so we went out to lots of Indian and Ethiopian places with tons of creamy and buttery dishes. She knew what was up, but was very game.

I’d let the gym thing play out. Those things typically don’t last; there is no need to be the bad guy. Just let it run its course as your attentions to her ‘weaknesses’ ramp up.

Have fun!
honey roasted almonds

I make my protein shakes with almond milk and a pinch of coconut oil. You could use a lot.

For shakes, you could probably make some fancy ones with a ton of sugary fruits (mangos, pineapple) and she will think its healthy. You could even add some carrots, and sneak in a hefty dash of honey. Peanut butter, or even better, cookie butter, will really fill it out.

Buy starbucks giftcards those drinks are all heavy and the caffeine will increase her appetite. Leave snackable snacks at her house, or have them fall out of your pockets in her car. Let nature take its course and godspeed, friend.
Shake recipe:
1 cucumber
1 handful of kale
1 bunch of frozen pineapple, oranges
0.5 cup olive oil
0.5 cup sugar

Tell her it’s healthy.
I hate to be "that guy" but are there any updates to the situation with your gf? It's been about 2 was since last post
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Hey hey, currently not so much due to work demands. I've been pretty busy and my schedule has been pretty flip-floppy for about the last two weeks surprisingly. I'm now back to a relatively normal schedule.

Now, as for the updates!
She plans to move a little closer to me sooner, as it stands she's about 30 minutes away. Soon that'll be about 3. Pretty big difference right? I'm going to use that to bring her food much more often. Until then, I typically see her anywhere from 2-3 times a week. She's also got a new food place she really likes, so I could use that to my advantage..

About two nights ago, we had ourselves a little fun with some home cooking. Just cooked up some grilled cheeses, and afterwards she was munching on some chips mindlessly as we watched a movie. After she was done, I pretty much got the best pillow in the house reserved to myself for the rest of the movie, which I'm noticing is looking a little bigger than usual I think..? Perhaps from my own stuffings, perhaps from her birth control, and perhaps because maybe some of her habits changed? All being good signs for me in the end.

We've got a date at IHOP tomorrow before we go visit with my parents. I also don't believe she goes to the gym much anymore, or hasn't lately(?) because she doesn't mention it. Guess the habit didn't stick? No clue. Still, we're a month in on this plan and I'm winning. I haven't taken a weight yet since the last, being 218 lbs. I'll see if I can't get that soon. As always, I'll keep somewhat updated.

Coconut oil is a no-go. She's allergic.
As for the snack ideas, typically I've got my place loaded on gf-snacks. The last experience being some chocolate mint cookies I fed, which she basically ate the whole bag in one go. She noticeably eats a lot more if I feed it to her myself by hand. She's even given me the okay to feed her even if she says she isn't hungry which I use to my advantage a lot.
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Relatively short update, but possible happening.

Today, we joked about the idea of finding something to stuff her with. She mentioned she absolutely loves pie. I told her that I'd be surprised if she could clear the thing in one whole go. She doesn't think she can, but being the believer I am I asked if she wanted to try it. Her reward is basically getting me to do anything she wants after the fact.

In any case, if she clears the whole thing it'll definitely be a massive turn on for her. She's into stuffing from past experiences with me, but we've never stuffed her completely to the brim yet in one sitting. I'd like to break that streak.

Till next time.
Live that feeder life! Awesome news.
We are all rooting for you, friend.

For max fat accumulation its better to focus on overall calorie increases. Larger, more infrequent stuffing sessions will have less impact on the scale than many more smaller stuffings, or simply increasing daily calorie intake.

Find out what sort of calorie-filled drinks she likes and stock up! Bring some over to her house and leave them there!

I think a fun way to "check in" on her when you're apart would be to text her pictures of your food or of you eating. See what kind of responses you get!
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Update time once again.

In the state we are currently in, we're still at a standstill on the plan. She's currently 213 pounds, and she's lost weight since then. This isn't due to working out or anything, but a new consideration. Her eating habits is the giant I've got to conquer.

She's still a month away from moving closer to me, and I only see her so much in a given week due to work schedule. If I wanna tackle her habits, I gotta tackle it hard. Mainly it's an eating disorder thing, but if her appetite is affected she may ease up on it. The way she eats currently is that she may only have 1-2 meals a day. Mainly if she knows she'll have a good dinner later, to then cut out her lunch and pack much more in later. She's still very much in on the plan, so tackling this beast is the first concern. One good thing is that she's given me the go-ahead to give her food even if she doesn't ask for it or says no. She says this because since I'd be the one feeding her, it helps her ease up on her own disorder a bit and let a little loose.

I did give her some ideas to think about as well on maybe messing with her eating habits, and getting past this plateau.

• fitting in a third meal often
• just more snacks within the day, probably while doing something mindless like watching a movie or playing games
• I feed her when I see her sometimes.
• Eat when horny, and challenge herself.
• When she's closer to my place, I'll drop in with food more often.

The horny idea came from a place of, well she won't do it ALL the time but if she did it here and there it may help her gauge where she is, experiment, and see where her mind wanders. Possibly to challenge herself on food too, maybe seeing how much she can eat in a given sitting. She particularly enjoys when I do things for her, so her figuring it out by herself might enhance the experience when she then comes to me for it.

Any ideas on how to tackle this thing?
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Sorry for the negativity but man it's fucked up.

Being into curvy/chubby women is hard enough where i live in a city full of fit women with a definite fat shaming culture (and being fit looking myself has actually made this harder)

But the focus on bellies is enough to break most women's brains. I was once discussing kinks with a girl I was seeing and she disclosed that she had a rape fetish so I thought I would be open about finding bellies sexy and she flipped out.

It's something that the body positivity movement has done jack shit for, because women seem more ashamed than ever. My biggest turn on is their biggest insecurity.

I haven't ever mentioned the stuffing / weight gain shit to anyone and probably never will.

I've also passed up opportunities to be with thinner women because I wasn't very sexually attracted to them and it feels like I'm looking for a unicorn.

And I feel bad because I want my partner to be healthy and I know that whatever way you want to spin it this shit just isn't healthy.

Anyway I've tried many times to get rid of it and it ain't happening so the best I can do is just find a lady with a naturally chubby belly and do without the stuffing and weight gain shit.

I thought about bringing it up with a therapist but I don't really see how that could help.

I'm just venting here but if you have any advice or anything you want to add feel free
You're hijacking this thread, grabbing the steering wheel and all.
Not dismissing your concerns, but worth a different, separate thread. I think one on that topic exists
Canned coconut creme or creme de coconut is calorie dense if she’s lactose intolerant.
lactose intolerant AND allergic to coconut
fuck wrong image
>>42402 (OP)
All I got was women inviting me to inflate them.
>my gf invited me to inflate her best friend
We're not the same.
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Update time:

Since then, gf hit me with the fun factoid that she’s put on 40+ pounds since she met me last year. Putting her from 180lbs to 220lbs.

Pretty nice, mainly relationship weight.
Anywho, downside is that she’s mainly decided to prioritize her health more lately. She’s mentioned the last time she got weighed, she lost 4 pounds, and she’s trying for more. Her goal is 180 where she started before.

I don’t think I’m gonna interfere with this, since it makes her happy. She knows I won’t be mad about it, but obviously it goes that I do enjoy the extra heft. She’s mainly trying to lose it because she says her joints give her issues, possibly due to her weight.

If it works, cool!
If it doesn’t, no clue where I’ll go from there. I just wanna be a nice boyfriend.

Anywho, figured I’d throw it out there.
Watching a woman yo-yoing can be fun and sometimes the weight sticks a little bit extra to some parts of their bodies.
Her ass is huge wtf why so shy
Honestly at this point if shes more concerned for her health then probably just stop trying to make her gain weight. At the end of the day it's more important to have your partner be happy with themselves and to help them out.
Definitely, plus it was entirely her call on if I continue or not.

I gotta respect it. No big deal.
Weight loss only goes so far and then slows unless she combines dieting with gym or running. Few women have the fortitude to keep it up. Let her have her weight loss, but remind her periodically of the fun of stuffing. When she gives up you can then see if she's open to certain challenges, like fast food only week, or stuffing weekends, or ice cream before bed every night. She might be open if she has good experiences with you. Thanks for the updates and good luck!

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