
Bro, don't. Considering your luck, it will just make you a super fetishist
It definitely works and you don't even have to go to the bughouse to fix your fetish. Just take a bath with a plugged-in hairdryer.
I thought electroshock therapy just destroyed parts of the brain with electricity. It didn't actually do any good.
You are correct electroshock "therapy" is medically useless. It's just torture in disguise.

However Electroshock "therapy" might be effective at curing people who have the electroshock-therapy-suggestion-disorder.
>However Electroshock "therapy" might be effective at curing people who have the electroshock-therapy-suggestion-disorder.

Perfectly said, lol
(142 KB, 800x800, IMG_3776.jpeg)
> curing people who have the electroshock-therapy-suggestion-disorder
>”electroshock "therapy" is medically useless. It's just torture in disguise.”
> “electroshock therapy just destroyed parts of the brain with electricity”

Never seen people so confidently incorrect:
Applying a voltage across the brain does, *something*, that changes brain chemistry in a way that treats several diseases of the mind and brain. Some doctors even advocate electroshock as a first line treatment for depression, I’d start with ketamine.

(There’s some history behind the idea of “shock” therapies of 1800s Europe that did intend to shock the madness out of the patient thru extreme measures. Michel Foucault's book History of Madness delves into this but it’s really not applicable here.)
if it worked you bet your ass it'd be done far far more often, I would do it
It’s about and effective than antidepressants. Maybe better side effect profile than SSRIs.

First line treatment should be lifestyle:
Have you tried regular exercise, eating right, sleeping right?
You sound like an idiot and a bitch. This depression is your own doing. Annoying fucktard.
You’re depressed because you sit around eating Cheetos making unresearched scientific posts on a fetish website.
>>42372 (OP)
Why would electroshock change your sexuality? That's what I never understood about regular conversion therapy either. If I wanted to change somebody's sexuality, I would emotionally manipulate them to associate their fetish with bad things, and the target sexuality with good emotions.
Fat fetishism is caused by depression. Medical fact.
I agree with this. When I'm down, nothing can quite cheer me up like cuddling with a 340 pound woman. Good as anti-depressants.
>Source: my ass
>>43093 absolute bull
If not depression it’s some sort disease.
Don't act like we should all be wiping our wife’s ass be we compulsively fed her into a disability.
U want weak women oh ok let me next time u need bsck up
It is actually a side effect of high T.
For real? Because I’ve got every other symptom lol.
>>42372 (OP)

My basement. 8pm. You provide the nipple clamps.
Dont forget oil to keep your attitude down 👀🤡
Hedge fund managers vs Business Agents. Who makes more
You're stuck with it, just feed women until they're morbidly obese. All you can do bro
He speaks the truth.
Get comfy with it
>>42372 (OP)
this could backfire and make you even more aggressively into it.
Get an extension cord and some wet sponges and give it a try.

I used to be like OP and legit looked into shock therapy.

What am i doing now? Saving up for a wedding ring for a woman thats over 420 pounds and about 3x my size

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