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Like many of you here, I'm in to a wide range of women. So if I tell people I like bigger girls and they ask to see a picture of how big, I'm usually just showing them pics of the lower end like London Andrews or Sofia Rose if I'm really feeling daring. I had a mate ask me to tell him what's the biggest I'd go for and I wouldn't say. He showed me a picture of Tess Holliday and asked if I'd smash and I sheepishly said yes. For what it's worth, he didn't think it was that big of a deal to like fat women. That made me feel somewhat relieved but I don't think I'd ever tell people that I think girls like Roxxie and Boberry are hot, at least not at this point in time. I openly dated a girl that was 300lbs for a few years so I think that's kind of made me not care as much anymore.
Usually i don't bring it up, it just comes up naturally in conversation. Anytime I've spoken to my friends about it, they've been supportive, if maybe finding it a bit amusing which I don't mind. I don't think there's a "right" way to say that you like big women, just keep it simple. Probably just say it's a preference, and don't go into the more fetishistic elements.
>>42370 (OP)
It rarely comes up but when it does I just say low to mid 200's which is typically met with something like a "holy shit, I thought you'd say something like 160". After a number of reactions implying anything over 130 was too fat I stopped answering. My current GF is about 260 so I get plenty of shit for it but its basically the lowest I can go with any degree of attraction.
show, don't tell
In America it's easier than ever with this body positivity movement going around these days. When I elaborate on liking "thicc" women all I have to say is "Lizzo's my limit" and normies immediately understand and move on.
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Not hyper related, but felt like sharing. Was out drinking with a buddy and I mentioned to him that a girl we both know was clearly into me, but I said I wasn't interested in her and he asked me if it was because she was fat. Before I even got time to tell him that I didn't mind fat girls he said he really liked the idea of having sex with a fat woman. This came as a huge surprise as all the girls he has dated has been very skinny, and I have seen absolutely no indication of him having that preference. I've even been jealous because I've seen big girls openly flirt with him and he just brushes them away, but I don't see why he should lie about something like that either.

He once hooked up with a girl years ago I'd say was very fat even by my standards but I just assumed it was him being down bad, I mentioned this and he then claimed that she was small compared to another girl he had sex with but before he could elaborate we were disturbed by his girlfriend. How he is obvious to my preference however baffles me, all girls I've dated that I've told him about have been fat and while I haven't told my preference explicitly I would have thought it was pretty obvious. Only thing he noticed is that most of them have been blonde. Perhaps this proves that others don't really give all that much of a shit about your preferences.
>>42370 (OP)
Doesn't usually come up. When it does (has a few times) I'm just honest and say "200-250 pounds. Maybe 300 if I'm feeling crazy"

My attraction is not something I broadcast often so if I ever find myself doing so there's not reason to try and soften the blow. It has led to some crazy shocked reactions though especially from any women I tell lol.
It's not really brought up but if someone says something like "She's hot" I just say "Heh, she's not fat enough for me" in a joking way and most people can't tell if I'm being serious or not and then when they see my wife they're hardly surprised.
I've learned other people don't really care and if they do its just another quirk I have that keeps me memorable.
he sounds well adjusted, no? liking both slim and fat women. a preference is okay but if your only willing to date >300 lbs women your creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. men are wired to like certain proportions, and those can be found on multiple women along the weight spectrum to a certain extent.
My limit is 500 pounds; minimum. I tell this to everyone, too, especially the girls. If they did under 500, I'm not paying for them or touching them anymore.
unrelated but that bleach was the best smelling thing ive ever had in my house. it smelled amazing and the fact it is limited is disgraceful
>I'm not paying for them

we all know you're quite literally paying for these hypothetical girls
I've used the same answer that got me into big girls to start with, 'depends how big her boobs are'. It will shut anyone up if you don't want to progress with the conversation.

I married a girl who has gone down to 280 but was as much as almost 420. If they don't know I'm into fat chicks there's something wrong with them. I've never bothered telling them I slept with several girls heavier and was steady with a size UK36/US40 whilst I lived away from my hometown in my 20s.

I honestly couldn't give a fuck what friends, family or colleagues think. I'm happily on my first marriage and can't see it ever changing. Fat wives rule.
>>42370 (OP)
It's frankly nobody's business, but "I like thicker girls" when prompted or even "pretty, but too skinny for my tastes" when friends (although, a lot of them share my preference lol) start drooling over a thin/petite girl, is usually enough
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My girl [22F] is over 400 pounds so that cat is pretty much out of the bag at this point lol

Only my best friend of 20+ years knows how deep this kink is for me (we drunk confided in eachothers shit one night, he told me he was bi and liked butt stuff)

I basically showed him vids of Boberry cause she's my favorite model and he was just like "damn" and then asked if i wanted my GF to look like that and i was like "Yeah, i honestly would fucking love that" and he was like "damn, well, im rooting for ya" and we both laughed.

Outside of that one moment, iv never really felt the need to blurt out my sexual desires but im always ready to defend my stance

>My girl [22F] is over 400 pounds so that cat is pretty much out of the bag at this point lol

I agree that it should be obvious, and most of the time it is, but I'm often surprised at how oblivious and or simple minded people are sometimes. Some people can't fathom the idea that there are guys who are sexually attracted to big women and therefore assume the relationship is built primarily on something else and that a sexual component doesn't even exist.
>>42370 (OP)
When it comes up, I'm just up front about it now.

I wish I had been sooner.
I never really talk about my sexuality with anyone except my girlfriend. Never really understood the general openness of casually discussing sexuality with friends, I think it’s better off as a mystery. But everyone just assumes that I’m into fat chicks, because my girlfriend is 275lbs and every girl I dated before her was at least 200lbs.

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