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Not posting pictures so don’t ask, but wondering about other people’s experiences with this.

Met my girlfriend about 2 and a half years ago when she was 310 lbs. Her face was a little chubby at most, but compared to the rest of her body her face was slim for her size and only had a double chin from certain angles or when she was slouching laying down, so I genuinely thought that if she got bigger her face would stay relatively slim for her size since it already was.

Now she’s over 360 lbs at only 23, and holy fuck her face has gotten so fucking fat. Jawline completely engulfed in fat, completely smooth from her temple to the bottom of her double chin that now covers over half her neck from most angles, and her neck completely engulfed in her double chin and shoulder/chest fat when she lays down/slouches. She herself says it looks like her face is melting into her chest and it’s so fucking sexy. Crazy to think about how much fatter just her face could get when it gained this much in just 50 lbs. She went from definitely bigger than chubby but still traditionally cute to visibly super obese and people definitely perceive her differently. Literally slightly chubby face to over half her neck gone standing and 3/4ths the way to the “Breaking Benches” meme guy when she’s slouching. I don’t really care what other people think and honestly everyone’s reaction just makes it hotter to me.

She’s well aware of the change in perception too and it’s making her lean into degradation kink way more, you can tell things like seeing people she hasn’t seen in a while and them being visibly shocked turns her on, because even compared to a year ago or just a few months ago her face wasn’t *that* fat when compared to now. One of my friends recently privately asked me if I’m honestly happy with her because she used to be fat “but hot” and now she’s “honestly a lardass” and I said “Honestly yeah I am and I think she looks good” and he left it at that. Told her about it and she laughed and asked me to call her a lardass later when we were fucking.

Sometimes a part of me feels I fell deep into a fetish rabbit hole to think this is hot but I honestly can’t imagine getting off to anything else. Watching her “ruin” herself is so fucking sexy.

Anyone have similar stories?
>>42110 (OP)
I almost came just by reading this 1bfd5a
takes so little with some people, doesn't it?
Met my Gf a year ago and she was a big girl to begin with. She was 330lbs and I told her I want her bigger. She has been all for gaining since we’ve been together. Have her up to 395 and can’t wait for her to break 400lbs.
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>>42110 (OP)
Stop larping and watch a better show than the slopranos while you're at it.
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slopgurgler the phantasizerific, dark chief of the larp horde, demands that stop lying about ever interacting with a female of the species in any other way than jerking your pickle to stolen porn 😬
This should go to /elite/ or /gen/. Not bad btw.
oh, I fully agree; it's not bad, it's irredemeably, tragically, mind-bogglingly, childishly bad
Welp since we are with the stories, here goes mine...

Meet my gf 9 years ago, she was already a big gal, around 280lbs and 5' 11". She told me she was bigger before and was trying to lose weight but could never stick to diets and stuff, kind of an on and off thing.
She was never into gaining or being fat, I never told her I'm into big girls and stuff, yet as years passed she kind of let her go up to around 360lbs, I hardly knew her weight because she was really shy and embarrased about it.
Sadly, around 2 or 3 years ago, near the start of the pandemic and the lockdowns, she started a keto diet and lost it all, to around 160lbs in like less than a year.
Lately, some real life stuff happened and she is kinda struggling with the diet and bouncing between 200-220lbs, but rapidly goes back to dieting and is super conscious about it. Now wants to start the gym to not be sedentary. Bad ending and glory days are long gone.
Just cum in her mouth.
Yeah, you’re a faggot.
> calls the Sopranos slow
> picture is screenshot from Mad Men

Neither were bad for their time of release, both outstayed by a few seasons. Sopranos is just a bad cliche now.

And yeah, fat girls have a tendency to get fat faces, you'll find this out for real in a few years time when you're old enough to visit bars OP. Til then, you're in a good place for some fine fat contend
"Never told her I was into big girls"

Yep, you fucked up. Could have prevented your whole suffering.
I wouldn't use the term 'ruined' for my partner, I think she's as hot as she's ever been at her current, ever-increasing highest weight.

I met my partner about a decade ago; then, she was an exaggerated hourglass shape. Huge hips and boobs, thicc legs, and a decently large butt. She's decently muscular, so even at around 275-300 lbs at that time, she just looked extremely curvy more than anything.

She's been up & down over the years, but the last 2-3 years, she's gained well over 100lbs. She has a GI disease that makes her reactive to most foods, and essentially always keeps her body in somewhat of a starvation mode, so what little she actually could eat basically added to her frame, even when barely eating.

Long story short, we recently found treatment that helps, which includes NEEDING to eat enough to keep the efficacy of her treatment. Now she's able to eat like a normal person without reactions for the first time in 10+ years, but the starvation mode her body goes in is still seemingly intact... so she's blowing the fuck up.

While she's required to eat quite a bit, she definitely overachieves. After decade of having to eat like a Dickensian street orphan, now she's making up for lost time by stuffing herself every day with the foods she missed over the years. Before, she would eat maybe 1000 calories a day on a good day. Now, one of her three meals a day is more than that. Plus snacks. Plus soft drinks. She even throws in protein shakes and protein milk for good measure. Smoking tons of MMJ for pain management also makes her cartoonishly hungry all the time, too.

She went from 2X-3X sizing in most stores to 5X and 6X, and sizing out of some plus-size stores entirely. Her physique has gone from something akin to a thicker Christina Hendricks, to nearly a carbon copy of Roxxie near her peak.

She's gained so much and so quickly that she's terrified every time she has to see a family member or friend for the first time in a while. Thankfully, the reaction is always the same: 'yeah, you're huge, but you look happier, healthier, and you're actually able to eat' is the consensus.

So, it wasn't my influence on her, more than she was kind of destined to get fat as hell on her own. I certainly don't help matters, since I keep her stocked in MMJ and I always keep our house's pantry stuffed to the gills with tons of her favorite snacks (watching me take in the groceries must be hilarious). She also knows I prefer women ssbbw to ussbbw sized, so she's enjoying her food and is mostly just rolling with the massive weight gain that doesn't seem to be stopping. She still thinks she looks amazing (and she does), but mostly just hates the fact the the world isn't equipped to handle someone her size. Cars, theater seats, chairs with arm rests, most clothing, desks, and her fatphobic doctors are the biggest hurdles. Thankfully, we're getting around most of these by planning ahead.

I'm ecstatic, since she's the love of my life AND I've never been more attracted to another human being before. I'm just seeing how far we can ride this wave; she's easily over 425 at this point (we don't have a scale, and she refuses to have her weight taken at doctors' offices so they don't focus solely on her weight whenever we visit), I wouldn't be surprised to see her at or over 500 by next year, if she keeps her current momentum. Fingers crossed.

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