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Last thread bumplocked, you know the drill. Post hot takes and general absurdities, laugh at how ridiculous people are. Even if a number of the shitty people on the site seemed to have fucked off.
Feabie really seems dead these days. I had long since given up on seeing actual content there, but for a long time I still logged in regularly just for the fun of gawking at the dumpster fire on the newsfeed. Even that’s gone now. Most of the lolcows who made the site such an entertaining shitshow have either left or gotten themselves banned, and now it’s all just kind of bland and pointless.

Possibly related, there seems to be a moderate uptick in activity on FF lately.
It's definitely slower than it was in the yesteryear. I honestly don't necessarily consider it a bad thing. As the people who made the site a shitshow are starting to leave in a domino effect, it means a lot less fuckery for the people that just want to enjoy what the site's intended for, whether it be people indulging in fat-related kinks or people just admiring fat in general. The only downside is that beggar problem has only gotten worse over the years. At least there's some degree of community policing over fresh accounts immediately asking for shit, but that hasn't really actually pushed back against the issue.
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I think a lot of the screeching pinkhairs went to that new feedist.net site. Of course, I wouldn't be caught dead joining LonLonRanchDressing's website, dude creeps me the fuck out.
The begging is exacerbated by the fact that any girl can sign up and start casually saying shit like "Wanna feed me?? DM me!!!" regardless of whether they are verified or not. Not to mention they will literally verify anyone if they meet the criteria, hell one of the tiktok scammers is a verified creator, even though they have zero links to any of their content in their profile.

Why must mentally ill dudes force their retardation on everyone else online? Jesus dude, it's a fat fetish website, fuck off lmao. You're not a girl, please stop larping.
I got off feabie a while back. I used it pretty transparently just to hit up every model and quasi-internet famous fat chick and see what happened. It was fun for a while but you could start to sense it dying about a year ago.

Also agreed that LonLon is a supremely creepy individual. Not shocked that he's the one who started the other site.
I still find incredibly hilarious that the point of the site’s existence is for screeching bluehairs and soy drinkers to huddle around in an echo chamber with other bluehairs and soy drinkers. Not to mention that they were the bad actors that made feabie a drama farm to begin with. Someone should’ve told LonLon that if him and his buddies wanted a private place where they could commence in ye ole circle jerk, he should’ve just made a Discord server. He didn’t need to drop a grand and some change on web development.
>I think a lot of the screeching pinkhairs went to that new feedist.net site. Of course, I wouldn't be caught dead joining LonLonRanchDressing's website, dude creeps me the fuck out.
Hey, if they want their circlejerk, they can keep it there. I've never had any sort of interaction with Lonlon, but the combination of the sorts of people allegedly joining that site and the fact that it has real face pics as a hard requirement is, frankly, unsettling, at the very least.
>The begging is exacerbated by the fact that any girl can sign up and start casually saying shit like "Wanna feed me?? DM me!!!" regardless of whether they are verified or not.
At least people seem to be equally-allowed to call them out on their bullshit.
>Not to mention they will literally verify anyone if they meet the criteria, hell one of the tiktok scammers is a verified creator, even though they have zero links to any of their content in their profile.
Didn't know that. Then again, I just immediately skip over anyone with a Verified Creator tag, since they aren't on the site for the same reason I am. That goes for most people whose profile descriptions are primary wishlists/cashapp links. Guess people will just have to research people individually in that case.

> the fact that it has real face pics as a hard requirement is, frankly, unsettling, at the very least.

only on a chan would a requirement for a face pic be unsettling
Consider the type of people that site would be drawing in. The types who would gladly attempt to ruin one's life for daring to step out of line, or, at bare minimum, encourage such behavior. That's where the concern lies.
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Not Feabie, but wtf is this text post-tease spam BS? Most posts are on 5 or 6 subreddits and almost always a text post with no body
Idk what's going on with LisaLou specifically. I heard nothing about Gigi being added to the site before her debut, as if she showed up overnight. LisaLou has been in previews since beginning of this year.

I don't think you can put a positive spin on that.
Is grommr any better? I've been using it for 2 years and cant find any feeders and in fairly attractive
The only time I auctually found a feeder was on discord or someone who followed me on twitter
I’d like to see a post-mortem on feabie, because it really is interesting how it started out fairly electrically as a more modern, social media focused version of other fat fetish websites but has had a fairly sudden drop off in the last 18 months or so, practically as a direct result of the social media aspect. Now all of the prominent profiles have open begging on them and most of the newsfeed from the ssbbws on there is the same.
>>4208 (OP)
She's in a realaltionship. obviously
Anyone follow dumplin on feabie?
A year ago, this post probably would have turned into a battlefield, instead of OP just getting mobbed. Color me pleasantly surprised either way.
has anyone seen bootywrangler post anything slightly positive or do they spend all their time crying about their pretend problems?
Bootywrangler is one of those terminally uninteresting people who’s had to make up shit about herself (I’m non-binary! I’m non-monogamous!) to seem interesting. The reality is that she’s lazy, poor, and stupid, so you’d have to be completely out of your mind to be interested because there’s literally nothing interesting about her. Her transition is completely horrifying too, I can’t imagine anyone’s paying for her shit-ass content when she’s just grown a bunch of hair. Surely she doesn’t look down at her beer gut covered in hair and think that’s what she was going for.
Good to see some big-brain takes from the Feabie gals. Been a while since I've seen one of those; I almost missed them.
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Surprised she got so much flak, maybe Feabie isn't completely retarded after all? Also gotta love the black chick ripping into her so she can't pull a race card. Man do I love privileged white women getting bucked off their high horse.
Never, ever. So many of the girl larpers on feabie complain so much. I suppose I would do if I was so deranged I actually thought I could pretend to be the opposite gender.
That's a man. He will never be a woman. But I agree a lot of these dudes have literally nothing going for them, so to get some sense of importance they put their fetish at the forefront as if it's a personality trait.

>go somewhere where there's a shitton of people, but it's their fault you might get covid.
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If she was scared of catching Covid then why was she there protesting?
Whatever happened to feedist.net?
What do you mean? Seems to still be up, did it flame out or something?
don't you think it's kinda lame to be trolling other websites for "sJw BaD" content? like i would at least somewhat understand if it were here on the chan, but why go out of your way for this petty shit lmao
because most people are on bbwchan as well and see this shit on a daily basis. It's really not going out of the way. I could ask the same question as to why you put effort even writing here.
because i'm here on the site? me asking why you're doing this is not the same as you going to a different website so you can take screenshots to complain 💀
>Another #FreeX hashtag is topping the most searched
Let me guess, someone in the in-crowd thought they were above the rules, violated them, justifiably got tempbanned, and now people are screeching about it?

On the upside, first time I've seen it happen in months.
Apparently they said something sarcastic/satirical and admin took it at face value
Because it's a site dedicated to our interests and its infested with annoying idpol bullshit
I hate Feabie. I’m mega fat, I just want to find a long term relationship but every message I receive is cringe. I was hoping to find friendship with other women but they are all so radically left it’s sickening. Lonlon and his little group dislike me because they’ve labeled me a “trump supporter/racist” lol basically anytime I say something against the status quo I’m attacked and it seems most of the men have become cucked and drank the radical left koolaid as well. The entire site is one big disappointment from the virtue signaling all the way to the constant begging and influx of mediocre people who make an onlyfans and suddenly think they’re hot shit.
Oh hi skitsy. Glad to see you're still active in the community. Major props for putting on more weight without even trying than most of these "true feedees" who constantly (and ironically) try and gatekeep the community (without actually gaining any weight)
Tbh FullofFlowers is such a transparent, manicial narcissist I'm shocked she hasn't gotten banned before this. If anyone thinks her out of proportion response and the incredibly insane crusade she launched were altruistic in nature and not just a ploy for attention, you're delusional/stupid. Frankly, I think it's a good thing both of the freaks mentioned in the post destroyed each other.
fullofflowers is the exact sort of "never grew out of being dramatic from high school" type of buffoon that I just cannot stand on any level. she's permanently one of the ten blocks I'm allowed.
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The fact that lonlon runs that other feedism site means I will never ever sign up. Isn't he dating someone over 10 years younger then him? what a creep lmfao.

Here we see one of the original tiktok scammers shaming people for wanting to feed IRL, yet goes on vacation to south america during said pandemic.

If you give money to any of these girls who claim they won't meetup during covid, you're being lied to, and you're a retard.
Queenjay is dating Cms. He loves to brag about how loaded he is but can’t feed or fund his girl.
This is what I don't get. If you're supposedly so loaded, why would you let your girlfriend sell herself on the internet? Idk I'm pretty well off and I would never date anyone who sells content, lolz. Let alone a girl who joined and brags about "making thousands"(lol) by scamming creepy dudes.
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It's reasonable to be cautious around grayfaces, and obviously if you're forming a one-on-one relationship with somebody but they won't show their face even privately, that's a huge red flag. But I have to laugh at this exchange. The guy is a Wal-Mart manager and he still shows his face on the sex site, so what's your excuse?

There's no way to say this without sounding like a snob... but whenever this debate comes up, it's clear that people in working class service jobs genuinely don't understand the extent to which white collar professionals in the age of Google are expected to have a respectable and noncontroversial Internet footprint. The Internet's not the Wild West or an obscure nerd hobby any more. Facial recognition algorithms and reverse image search are a thing, and by this point everybody should understand that doxing is a real threat. If you're a lawyer or a doctor or an accountant, or a professor or a journalist, or an entrepreneur trying to attract clients and investors... then oversharing with your real identity on a website devoted to an obscure and controversial sexual kink is a very bad idea.

I actually know an SSBBW who went all-out to erase her online footprint in the fat scene, to the point (I think) of hiring a reputation management company to scrub it from her search results, as she completed an advanced degree and moved up in her career. And that wasn't even anything sexual, just size acceptance stuff that came across as cringy and embarrassing once she wasn't 22 any more.
Genuinely lmao at the former Wal-Mart manager.
The profile pic and name are the cherry on top.
Yep, you’re right. I don’t blame models at all for going faceless, they just tend to make shitty content. Not all of them but most.
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>Sent lewds to her mother
>But it could have not resolved in a perma because of Udderly's statements
Good riddance to that unstable ball of drama, but the absolute STATE of this site's admins.

This is one of those dumb things where feabie is prob afraid of losing half of the chicks that frequent the sight because an appalling number of them want FullOfFlowers unbanned even though she literally broke the fucking law, so they're trying to capitulate.

Demographics on that godforsaken sight are like 10/1 Males to females, so If they lose their lifeblood of fat chicks, they cant lure in horny dudes anymore, and their sight tanks.

The real question here is why are fat chicks so dis-proportionally bleeding hearts? I feel like I've never seen a fat chick online that wasn't a giga bleeding heart.
>inb4 thread gets derailed by "why are fat girls such SJWs?"
>women under the age of 30 in current year generally lean left politically
>body positivity and fat acceptance are very much associated with the left
>conversely, the alt-right is generally rather hostile to fat people (e.g. r/fatpeoplehate and the occasional fatphobic post on r/politicalcompassmemes), especially fat women
>take the stereotypical "fat woman who is unnecessarily snarky/brusque due to being bullied for her weight" dynamic and add a political twist
>take all of the above and factor in that these people spend most of their time online
Feabie posted by a Filipino account on TikTok which praises Feabie as a dating app for larger women. Now the subsequent influx of new Filipino members is being greeted with predictable REEEEing from the usual suspects. Very entertaining, worth logging in for.
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If someone wanted to troll the newsfeed right now, the obvious tactic would be to point out the shameful history of American imperialism in the Philippines and accuse the white girls complaining about new Filipina accounts of being racist Beckys who need to be decolonized. Just sayin'.
Oh that would be beautiful. I may have to write something up, hope others will do the same.
Seems like most of the Filipinos have now been removed. Feabie is now ethnically cleansed!
Also add to this:
>Fat girls are socially pressured by other fat girls to become left-leaning, and are basically excommunicated if they aren't

Pretty much on the money otherwise.

I really can't say I feel bad for the admins. They're the ones that kept caving in to the tiny, angry mob. This shitshow is 100% their own doing.
I'm guessing Feabie's gotten pretty cultish now as that seems just weird. They freak out when Mama Horker mentions it in a DailyMail interview and freak out when they get any new influx of members as people learn about it in other countries. Only people who will be there will be Western lefties since everyone else will get banned or driven off.
Why are so many of you threatened by women you're attracted to having different political opinions than you?

for so many of them: tfw when no fat Nazi wife ;___;
mama horker did a daily mail interview? that sounds hilarious ngl
I don't feel threatened by SJW women, I just think they're fucking annoying
this is probably accurate but also so stupid it actually hurts to think about. any alt-right retard who thinks he's going to find a fat woman who shares his reactionary views will be sorely disappointed
Yeah, it was probably over a year ago or so now. Basically mentioned Feabie by name in the interview, which was about the feederism kink in general, caused the usual suspects to go batshit crazy and demand she get permabanned from the site because bringing up the site openly makes them feel unsafe (whilst they pissed and moaned about people not having face pics on the site potentially for similar reasons without a single iota of self-awareness). The admins caved and did just that, whilst adding making openly mentioning the site in that way a bannable offense.
The first rule about Feabie is you don't talk about Feabie (apparently).

It always astonishes me how some sections of that site can immediately assume what the intentions of new accounts are and that those assumed intentions are almost always negative.

What we saw yesterday was a significant amount of people from the Phillipines understand that there is a place for them out there where people can enjoy their body type and meet people that enjoy that enjoy their body type. They come from a country, I will broadly assume here but I may be wrong, this often isn't the case. They finally found themselves a place where they can truly be appreciated or appreciative. And yet Feabie denied them that!

I saw many posts gatekeeping the new joiners fatness (these new girls ain't big enough for this town), complaining about grey faced accounts that were only minutes old, their perceived age (Asians can often look younger than Westerners) and worst of all, posts making fun of the fact that they are Filipino, i.e along the vein of mail order brides and 90 day fiancés amongst others.

I'm not one for critical race theory talk but one could certainly describe what happened as neocollonial. I've never particularly cared about Feabie but I can say with certainty now that that is one disgusting site.
Also forgot to mention that one account, the one I believe FullofFlowers was trying to defend after someone said something racist to them (although I can't remember), describe Feabie as a 'zoo' that day. I assume as a response to the sudden influx of new accounts.
>bringing up the site openly makes them feel unsafe (whilst they pissed and moaned about people not having face pics on the site potentially for similar reasons without a single iota of self-awareness)

This. As a man, if you even say or do *anything* to piss somebody off, you get publicly ripped apart, doesn't matter what it is. That's why I don't even bother showing my face. Couldn't even wish people a happy 4th of July without catching shit. God forbid you say anything.

On top of that, I sometimes see girls on there insisting and declaring that "it's a fetish site, not a dating site". Cool, so I can just be there for the fatty pics and not show my face? Sounds fine by me.

On the contrary, I'm more than happy to show my face on WooPlus and to be seen with a BBW in public, I just don't want any toxic shit. I'm just there for the pics, nothing more.
It’s not just men either. I’m a woman and I’d speak out anything against what the majority of these super sjw women and their orbiters think, I’m attacked as well. People gossip about me all the time now.
I just love how these threads have always been perfectly fine but when I attack more famous BBWs for their political beliefs, I get attacked.

Serves me right, I guess
Something tells me that not everybody on this site is of the most sound mind.
lol this is a good one
I've known a few women who were willing to go against the tide. One in particular sticks in my mind. Back when #menaretrash was trending, she pushed back against it, talking about her several positive experiences with male friends, and, unsurprisingly, got dogpiled for holding such heretical views. Needless to say, she left the site wholesale after a couple of months. Real shame, she was a pretty levelheaded person. One of those people I really wish I established contact with outside of the site. Also seemed to have a positive relationship with her family, which was probably a huge factor in not being batshit crazy.

That goes without saying. Despite several drama conduits leaving/getting perma'd, it's managed to get even worse over the years somehow. Not in the "Bullshit drama happens basically daily" sense, but in the "The site feels even more like a minefield" sense.
At this point it’s like...who even cares about their politics? Oh no a bunch of minimum wage losers making $10k/yr in their 30s are upset!! How will I recover?! You should only go on feabie to jack off in the first place, talking about politics is a way to filter yourself.

Context from what I remmber as I followed FullofFlowers (What fap material is fap material). Flowers is / was claiming to have some mental issues at one point actual conditions that explain some aspects of what went on but not fully.

Her as other girl end up getting into some shitty arguement and FullofFlowers apparently insulted girl pretty badly.

Underlysensitive responds back with "I hope you suffer a misscarrage" (Extra context FullofFlowers claims to just want a normal stable family and to settle down with a husband and kids)

Full of Flowers flips out and starts yelling about the girl and calling for action against her etc on the timeline for the misscarriage comment. Tries to get the mob going

enough happens that underlysensitive then tries to talk peace with FullofFlowers, it goes sideways at some point and Underlysensitive uses a racial slur likely in reference to anothe Feabie member whose joined FullofFlowers angry mob.

Full of Flowers having failed to get whatever bullshit peace agreement she wants then floods the newsfeed with claims about Underlysensitive being a huge racist. Like a torrent of them.

Admin step in to investigate.

Investigation is taking a while cause they're checking with both sides etc.

Full of Flowers not seeing instand results uses what info she has on Underlysensitive and tracks her info down and find her mother, then sends some of Underlysensitives feabie photos to her mother as revenge for the misscarriage remark.

Yes both of them got banned because they got into a blow out and it escalated and escalated

Underlysensitive's ban is seemngly for things said in private or supposedly private which were made public so it's kinda a BS ban cause again people said that shit in private so people only feel unsafe cause it was made public to begin with even if I'm no fan of racist I think private comments shouldn't be getting a person banned.

FullofFlowers is banned cause she's too stubborn to apologise to Underlysensitive for sending the photos to her mother.
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uh oooooooooooooooooooo
"Relationship status: It's complicated"

Ain't gonna be complicated for long lol
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Okay but: Consider her but morbidly obese

that's the best argument for cultish alt-right crypto-fascism I'VE ever seen

It should be pretty self-explanatory why most people don't want whores lecturing them while they're trying to beat off.
lol what? just don't look at their political posts when beating off you dipshit. No models I know have ever stopped their videos mid-belly play to lecture me about the evils of capitalism. What kind of models are you beating off to >.>

Strawmaning is such a faggy tactic.

What about all the other women who are only on places like Instagram, and don't do the pure fetish content. You're going to have to see their stupid, eye roll worth opinions no matter how hard you try to avoid it.
..you seek out instagram profiles instead of explicit porn to beat it to and then you get mad when it's not all pure fetish content/contains their personality and political leanings? You have strange expectations of people dude. Just stick to porn

hey now you know that isn't fair.

Whores are at least somewhat respectable. These are Ethots people don't like.
it looks like you're the sensitive one. ex. i have no problem beating off to sitsky in spite of her holier-than-thou bullshit and typical trumpist "bawww i'm the real victim" larping.
Here we go again, someone has an opinion against the socialist herd that makes up the most of this site by not wanting to be talked down to for not fitting into the sociological nightmare the world is full of today and he gets shamed because "just jack off and shut up". Life isn't as simple for some of us lmao, this take is ableist as fuck
Get a grip weirdo lol
how the fuck are they being ableist lol. Are you saying being an intolerant idiot is a disability?
Lol, the FullofFlowers stan got his thread deleted.
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Ma'am pls
Oh, the irony of this, given the context of this site. Not a whole lotta gems on that site in terms of partners in general either.
>see a girl i went to hs with
>bio say "casual encounters"
>we didn't really get along in hs
bros....do i?
You do
This girl's been on my local feed forever so I've seen her complaints. She's the typical sheltered tumblrina type who has no idea how the world really works due to having spent 10 years in academia.
>She's still complaining about people not wearing masks properly.
go the fuck outside you retard.
Yep, that bitch be crazy. Dude's 18 and already knows more about women then the 30+ year old soyboy cucks like SugarBeard and KingsHawaiianRolls. Based.
You do it.

I don't know how it's possible, but somehow feabie just gets worse and worse. It's just camwhores advertising, and their beta orbiters. Most of the semi normal people have or are abandoning the site. Hell, any woman I've talked to that isn't a camwhore is sick seeing all the onlyfans spam.
Can i play video games with you?
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Feabie dot com, ladies and gentlemen.
Sugarbeard has a sick wife at home who “ can’t have sex”- remember that when talks about his polyamory..... you’d be surprised how many of the most vocal SJWs on there are morally bankrupt.....
I honestly don't understand the SJW being open to polyamory. At least Jimmy Swaggart asked for sex with a prostitute
Speaking as a married man who has been polyamorous for years, it is absolutely not for everyone. It almost requires you to have more compassion and understanding for your primary partner than without, because there exists that lingering fear you or they will find someone better. It's a sensitivity that these people, by and large, don't display often.
My most noticeable experience with polyamorous people is that they are unattractive. Such theories as to why include my favourite; they compensate for a lack of normal sexual activity caused by said unattractiveness.
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I'm average and my wife has no shortage of guys wanting to hump and dump. I'm short though so I'm not on anyone's priority list. I have my charm though and get enough attention for my taste.

So, thanks for your input I guess.
My comment wasn’t knocking polyamory per say- just knocking the “woke” men who are clearly just as scummy as the ones they always rail against.....
Not trying to attack you personally, poly poster (if you feel your situation works for you then it's none of my business), but all the "polycules" that I know in person, at least the ones involving actual biological females, follow the same pattern:

1) An unappetizing dangerhair who's ~nOt LiKe tHe OtHeR gIrLs~ because she's a geek/gamer/weeb
2) A responsible primary partner with a steady job (probably in tech/IT) who lives with her and pays the bills
3) One or more secondary partners who show up for sex and hobbies but don't contribute to the household

For better or worse, these kinds of poly relationships seem to be a stable supply/demand equilibrium emerging in response to the fact that there are a lot more guys desperate for a girl who shares their hobbies than there are girls who are sincerely into nerd shit. But I find it distateful. I'll admit to being biased because one of my closest friends is a male in category 2, and he's getting horrifically exploited but lacks the self-awareness to recognize it.

I have more faith in the "swinging" type of open relationship, where the partners are frank about wanting sex/excitement with other people, than poly arrangements which are supposedly about being enlightened enough to have deep emotional connections outside of boring conservative monogamy. From the outside that often looks like cope to me.
We're more swingers in that sense. We're both gainfully employed (though I'm in business and she's in arts), normal presenting, we just enjoy having other partners. We don't mix our worlds, we don't have other people living with us, she's more in for sex and I like a mix of romance and sex. It works for us - we have our rules and a No Judgement emergency off-switch.

Stable people can have alternative arrangements. Not saying that in defiance to you, but to the spectacle polycules that end up getting Snapchat story specials. There's definitely more guys than girls up for participation but when has that ever not been the case in the dating world?

Fair enough. I tend to associate "polyamory" (the word) specifically with subculture/lifestyle poly people, not just open relationships in general.
No worries. My heart goes out to your friend though - I know I'm the financially stable one out of the relationship with my primary but thankfully we're on the same page with what we want and we're not stupid with our money.
>>4208 (OP)
>person from Portland is mentally ill
Stunner. Absolute stunner.
What’s Lonlon gonna do now that his site has flopped for the 2nd time?
>id 1000
yeah his website was a collection of the worst people from Feabie, what did he expect was gonna happen kek. I've heard from people who've been members that it's just even more cliquish and cringey then Feabie.
>>7213 what happened?
LOL wait I'm gonna need some more backstory on this. I quit feabie around the time he launched or was building his site.
Fair enough anon, thanks for clearing that one up; whenever I hear "poly" I immediately think of that one article about a hambeast surrounded by 4 other disgusting unshaven fedoralords
I know which one you're talking about and frankly I cringe whenever I think about it, especially since she is pregnant. I'm not a complete beta - if my primary got pregnant with someone else I would go scorched fucking Earth and demand an abortion or I'm out.
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I dunno man, even Mike Tyson cannot put up with fat girl drama. That Carol Episode was a deep meta commentary on how annoying fat girl drama is
Welp, it's my game to play. She's not getting pregnant though and we'll keep having our fun until we feel otherwise. Cheers!
Didn't she get pregnant some time ago, pop out the kid, and have one of the guys beat the kid or something to that effect?

Sage for off-topic.
sugarbeard was cheating on his wife with bexx for years before they went public with their relationship. they're both scum.
I heard the wife still doesn’t know
Presuming for sake of argument that this is true, and frankly, given what little I've seen of them, it would seem in-character, why on Earth would you go for someone like her if you're going to cheat? I'm hard-pressed to think of any legitimate redeeming qualities.
I could make a list of all the gross-ass, morally bankrupt twats on there- some of whom are the loudest SJWs
Many of them live in California and Texas. New York is Puritan Lands due to the Settlers forming a Covenant with God
Do it, I'm curious as to how it compares with my mental list.
Bexx and Sugarbeard-already discussed
Bexx’s husband, also gross and uses his autism as an excuse to be a creep on Feabie.....
Amatrix-rape apologist and general pick me bitch
Rape apologist? What’s the story behind this?
Continuing this:
Murphy- dude who creepposts on almost every girl there, yet has a girlfriend. Will constantly simppost and whiteknight women yet is friends with fatandsassy IRL due to her being friends with his girlfriend. if anyone is a morally bankrupt SJW, it's Murphy.
kingshawaiianrolls, obesegeese, bentleyjet, gabbaghoul, hedonismbot -basically all the same kind of people who all try to comment on any womens status/pictures for shreds of attention. They might as well all be the same person.
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Imagine being this person. Is her brain so scrambled by social media that she has completely lost the ability to comprehend not oversharing in a public forum? Or is she low-key trying to sell content to scat fetishists? Either way, social media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I don’t know much about the Fatandsassy drama honestly - was late to the game......

NY is Jews, spics and dagos
Amatrix stuck up and vigorously defended someone who assaulted Corgifairy…… didn’t even deny it……
wait, what? what the fuck happened?
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I wasn't there for this drama, but until and unless I see receipts, my hunch is that girls who have beef with her are using "rape apologist" to mean "she suggested there might be two sides to the story and didn't immediately rush to judgment about a situation she didn't have firsthand knowledge of."
>many of them live in texas
You mean Austin?
(277 KB, 1536x1025, o-GEORGE-CARLIN-facebook.jpg)
Not Really. Austin is mostly for people who can't make it into Los Angeles because they aren't funny, or San Franciso because they're not wealthy. It's like how New York is home to a lot of Jewish People who bicker over Palestine and Israel, and the Middle East, but don't want to fight in the War. We call them, pussies
I was friendly with Amatrix back in my feabie days but honestly nooooo other girl in the scene seems to have anything good to say about her. Dunno what to make of it.
also not going to make fun of anyone for their purported SJW-ness but yeah the Murphy/Christov/Hedonismbot/LonLon hive of nicecore feabie bros are a joke. they're probably all on here pirating porn anyway so hey fellas
(68 KB, 768x528, Michael-Jordan-last-dance-meme-2-768x528.jpg)
It's okay to make fun of the SJWs. Black People make fun of them, the WNBA, and Lebron James for their wakanda forever and thirsting of Black Women. Republicans buy our product too.

I heard Murphy was actually the A Nonny Mouse or whatever the fuck his name is.
The issue is less with SJW/ politically minded people- but the people of Feabie. I think it’s been discussed before about the majority of the women being low achieving- the amount of Onlyfans accounts on there is just pathetic….

It’s more about seeing posts from people like Bexx, Sugarbeard etc constantly chastising others about perceived insensitivities ( pronoun usage, etc.), while knowing he strong armed his sick wife into a poly relationship so he can sleep with fatties ( his profile awhile back made it abundantly clear his wife is thin and not willing to gain). Sorry, but I’m not gonna take any guff from you……
That right there! Feabie has become a classified ad for OnlyFans and a place where people pretend to do all this “epic activist” shit so they can get praised. An echo chamber of metaphorical back pats for the low achievers because it’s not “PC” to blame them for their own failures.

That’s interesting because I heard from a friend of Bexx that she was the one who strong armed her husband into a poly relationship.
The two are supposedly related.
There's a certain subset of people that use the whole virtue signalling thing as a way of making it look like they're a good person when in reality they're absolute assholes.
sucks, that place had some great potential when it first showed up. FantasyFeeder, but a little less rough around the edges. Had some gr8 d8s off Feabie but I haven't been on in a loooooong time. Even then you could tell it was kind of moving that direction.
It’s always funny how all these peoples “friends “ talk mad shit about them. Kinda sad really…..
(19 KB, 1367x104, DONTDATESEXWORKERS.png)
I know I always post about how I would never be caught dead dating a whore, but now they're telling us to not date them. Thanks! We weren't going to date whores anyway aside from a pump and dump of course, but it's nice to know we can come to an agreement on this!!
sex workers have ruined feabie. every loser living in a doublewide they can barely leave thinks they're going to strike it rich releasing mediocre content on an onlyfans nobody subscribes too.
I've always wanted to know what real sex workers think of girls who take photos of their tits and post them online calling themselves sex workers.
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Only Fans are for people who cannot make it into New York-New Jersey or Las Vegas where a lot of these strip clubs are. Traveling and Health Cost take up a lot of their expenses. I think they are taking advantage of Chelsea Charms retiring to open up. Too bad many of these teachers get kicked out of schools for doing Only Fans on the side
not to derail the thread but tbh I'm still bummed that Chelsea Charms said "aight I'mma head out" so abruptly. her content had been awful for years but she unlocked basically all my size fetishes in the early/mid 2000s, sad to see her go.
>Most SWs, regardless of how loose a person defines them, tend to be a cocktail of mental illnesses, something that I avoid in a partner like the plague anyway
And nothing of value was lost. Guess I'll just, at most, whack it to whatever scraps they end up putting out for free, if even that. Most aren't hot enough for me to get over their personalities.

Also this. The community shitting on the people trying to gatekeep the site from people just in it for easy money was a terrible mistake in the long term. Also pretty much killed any semblance of bash/social gathering scene, and the Coof sort of put the nail in the coffin on that.
It’s baffling how much models talk shit on their own clientele.
Going back on toxic people of Feabie. Besides sugarbeard and everyone he talks to. KingsHawaiianRolls for fucking sure.
Bleu who loves playing victim and throwing her friends at people who don’t agree with her.
I think these porn stars are dependent on parasocial relationships. It does not really work on me, who is neurodivergent, because we are not driven by emotions. This is why SJWs hate us because don't buy into their passionate pleas

Said this in another thread already, but the worst thing about Feabie is the way it blurs the distinction between camgirls and regular users. (I'll say "camgirls" rather than "sex workers" to avoid the debate about whether that counts as sex work.) This tension has always existed in BBW and feedist communities, but it used to be that on sites like Dimensions and even FF there was a clearer separation between professional content creators and people who were there to socialize. Feabie breaks this distinction down with social features like private pic folders and a metricized follower count, Amazon/Venmo/Onlyfans make it easy to do, and the crabs-in-a-bucket site culture encourages women to take that step. "Men are going to treat you like trash anyway, so why not make some pocket money / free food off it?" But real life isn't Pretty Woman, especially if you're fat, which is not conventionally hot. You don't get stock options that you can cash in to upgrade one of your customers to boyfriend status when you decide you like him, and if you're getting fed online by men you're not in a relationship with, that makes you a camgirl and the guys your customers. Sorry boo but it's true.

And to be fair, loser men who treat every female user like they're a camgirl are part of the problem too. But at the end of the day it's the individual woman's choice whether or not to those guys get to her.

More Feabie users should pay attention to the fact that the women who didn't get sucked in to the "I hate all men and you should pay me to talk to you, but I still want a boyfriend" circlejerk, and who projected a pleasant, dateable personality -- girls like LunaLovefood, Frog, and Spooks -- have used Feabie to successfully pair off with decent guys. I'm just there to wank anonymously and gawk at drama, so it's not something that personally affects me, but I feel bad watching women get sucked into the circlejerk. Fat women are already facing an uphill battle to find a good man, and unless they're literally Boberry, doing online porn will permanently wreck that possibility for them.
I feel like that blurred line is partially user-created and partially site-created. The "Verified creator" feature, in addition to at least attempting to crack down a bit on scammers, creates at least some sort of distinction for people on there for monetary gain, and by proxy, people I can automatically avoid. Besides that, there isn't much of anything. Really should be an option in the "Looking for" section to explicitly state that sort of thing. The current options don't really have a way to explicitly state that. Even though I would imagine it would create some sort of legal gray area if they did. Plus, explicitly normalizing content selling would likely deter growth from people who just want to make friends, find relationships, etc.

>the crabs-in-a-bucket site culture encourages women to take that step. "Men are going to treat you like trash anyway, so why not make some pocket money / free food off it?"
Funny enough, content creation just creates a self-defeating loop. The guys who feed into this sort of behavior (no pun intended) likely aren't exactly of the sort of people of sound mind, otherwise they probably would already be in happy relationships. So the "Men are trash better make money off of them" mindset just makes it more likely for men to treat them like trash.

>More Feabie users should pay attention to the fact that the women who didn't get sucked in to the "I hate all men and you should pay me to talk to you, but I still want a boyfriend" circlejerk, and who projected a pleasant, dateable personality -- girls like LunaLovefood, Frog, and Spooks -- have used Feabie to successfully pair off with decent guys.
Can't say I really had any interactions with any of the above, but from my own experiences, but yeah, if people actually are seeking out a relationship, keeping a pleasant mindset is definitely the best way to go about it, as hard as that may be. Unfortunately, a lot of women in this category tend to get chased off by the angry "Men are trash" crowd, which has only made things worse. Used to be an emo-type girl I talked with on there. Had a good relationship with her father, was consistently pleasant to talk with, all that jazz. Think she got into something short-term while she was still on there, but she eventually left the site some time after #menaretrash trended, and she took that tag to talk about how good some of the guys in here life were, and got promptly dogpiled. Wonder what she's up to now. I'd wager she's with someone at this point in time, too nice NOT to.
lunalovefood and frog were a steady source of nudes before they met their significant others. luna in particular, hoooo lord that girl is horny as all hell and one of the most legitimate filthy feedist/gainer girls I've ever encountered
y'all this is not directly related but i'm sure at least one of you knows - what the fuck was that feabie alternative that was kinda circulating a while back? i made an account and i wanna check it but i cannot for the life of me remember what the fuck it was called
it was called feedist.net, no? that whole saga was around the time I called it quits.
DAMN sad to see it gone. A feabie lurker had some fire pics on there. Carb something
>>4208 (OP)
>super hot fatty who's super SJW and has a profile saying they despise anyone who isn't 'hardcore left' messages me
>finds me really hot, wants to text on an app outside of feabie
>I specifically stated i wasn't really interested in dating atm
>few days later she asks me on a date, I decline, she gets upsets and says so many guys out there would go out with her since she's model level
Honestly, I would have, but since her profile started out with politics, and since I'm somewhat right leaning, it would've gone downhill very fast moment we went out. I don't mind the idea of dating left leaning girls, but same can't be said for them wanting to date someone who isn't.
Regardless, thats feabie in a nutshell.
And then everybody clapped.
can we talk about one of my favorite phenomena in this scene, girls who exaggerate their weight? not in that jokey ha-ha-i-listed-myself-as-666-pounds way, but for real. one that I know for certain is Asstronomy who had been advertising their weight as a quarter ton while they were really hovering in the 350s.
I’m starting to think that the more balanced people on that site are the women who weren’t always fat- the lifelong fatties have too much baggage. The “super hot” girl (and most of the women on there” will fall for anyone conventionally attractive to make up for being ignored during their adolescence……
Not sure what all there is to talk about. It's basically the fat fetish equivalent of guys who exaggerate their dick size, except it's more obvious if they're bullshitting. Honestly haven't really paid attention to the ones that clearly exaggerate their size in quite a while.

I still believe it's the vanillas who are there because it's a more favorable environment for their body type that tend to be the most balanced. Can't say I'm familiar enough with the childhoods of people on there to really judge based on your metric.
Pump and dump you bible thumping faggot
No. You should never put your dick in crazy.
(17 KB, 474x296, MalcolmX.jpeg)
It's not Virtue Signaling. Juneteenth is a Conspiracy made up by the NAACP and White Liberals to get out of work and party. WEB Dubois made many arch enemies out of Black People like Booker T Washington, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr, and Malcolm X, and the Black Panthers, and the Tuskeegee Airmen for his respectability politics. It didn't help that he pretty much fled to Africa during the Montgomery Boycott, leaving Civil Rights Activists getting killed left and right.

Say what you want about us Northers, but at least we like Bumpy Johnson, Frank Lucas, and Malcolm to the point that we caught his assassins.
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Pic Related is what a Real Black Woman looks like, it's Madame CJ Walker of Irvington New York.
Sorry, I am a Queens Resident and we are a Sojourner Truth, Ella Fitzgerald, CJ Walker people.
who else has nigger exhaustion?
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>Non-black person telling other non-black people how to treat black people
>Effectively demanding people give black people special treatment to solve racism
>Lives in California
Checks out.
Sometimes, I think Alex Jones hasn't been arrested because Texans use him to scare away Californians
The Government isn't doing reparations. They can't even pass a voting bill. I just watched Senator Schumer screech autistically at Republicans
Fucking lmao why are white liberals so pathetic?
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black fetish moment
black fetish moment
Real answer, liberals don't understand the common man or popular culture. This is why CNN and MSNBC are tanking in the ratings. Americans don't want to be ruled by a Gentry
She wanted to date and got moody when I declined. She was not interested in fucking unless we went on a date (and probably more). And no doubt she would've immediately brought up politics since that was the core of her profile and nothing else.
What leaf said. Never fuck crazy. Moment she feels 'used' is the moment she'll obsess on destroying you and trying to outright humiliate you on social media.
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There's no way this is fucking real. This was funny for half a second and then I realized that I know people who would do the same fucking thing.
Blame Madonna for turning these chicks crazy. Material Girl in a Material World.
You’ve surrounded yourself with wusses
Its not feabie, but I saw KellyBellyOhio on Instagram and boy is her life sad. I feel bad for her kids.

Please elaborate
Instagram are for women who can't make it into the Strip Club or Night Club because they are ugly.
Not going to bother screenshotting because she posts about this like twice an hour, but Littlepumpkin is SO MAD about skinny women asking to be fed on the newsfeed and she absolutely cannot let it go. I think she really is autistic and I feel sincerely sorry for her.
her profile literally says she's autistic, you dullard

Well duh, that's "really is autistic" as opposed to "not really autistic and just self-diagnosing on the Internet."
Big deal, I have ADHD and dyslexia and I had tutors to help me when I struggled with subjects.
Since it’s the 4th there’s tons of idiots spewing anti-US and anti-white rhetoric.

Ironically these are the same people trying to get at me on dating apps. A straight white guy. It’s sad.
It's just the African American poet laureate trying to get laid singing Lift Every Voice And Sing again. Ignore them, that's how I made it to High School with my sanity in tact.
Point of order: Feabie user "cha0s" is a passing trans woman, right? Their entire persona and writing style screams "trans" but their photos look believably biofemale enough to get me wondering
the easiest way to spot a transgender person is to spot the Adam's Apple in their neck.
Her ‘kids’ are her sister’s children who Kelli took in because her sister passed or something. She has a few partners and is polyamorous, live on a farm and the kids seem really happy. Her life seems incredibly happy and full, actually. Sad by who’s standards? Those kids would be in foster care and not surrounded by love without her. She seems like a great ‘mom’ for the circumstances (having kids dumped on you).
Actually I think chaos will come out as trans FTM since she almost exclusively follows straight women. Weird for a lesbian.
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I think they're trying to Emulate Ru Paul and Grace Jones, and Gay Fashion Icons like Elton John. The thing is, Ru Paul has said that Drag Culture will never be mainstream. May Gay Icons died of a drug overdose during the 70s or 80s. It's just easier to do silly dance routines and enjoy the lust for life
increasingly convinced littlepumpkin is 5 years away from becoming bleu. They’re already both losers who sleep on recliners and live with their parents.
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Seems molly is throwing a tantrum again.
That "Cattattack" is an asbolute maniac wth

-squints closer- ohhhh that explains it. Lord have mercy
Imagine the death threats you’d get on there if you posted that you supported Trump. These people cry for tolerance, yet are the most intolerant people you’ll meet. And Bleu’s a fucking psycho- defending her ain’t the Hill I’d wanna die on……
>Who hates someone this fucking much
>Literally 4 posts later
>Very explicit murder fantasy
>Literally 4 posts later-er
>Less explicit murder fantasy
Never change, Feabie.

(FWIW, the original message WAS some cringy edgelording, but I'm not gonna pretend a good chunk of the people in the comments are much better)
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Trump Supporters are just nerds who act afraid of an ever changing world. Rather than have an equally scrawny White Father Figure to act as Principal, Black Men have taken the role of authoritarian father figure. Unfortunately, Suburban politics is cutthroat with Suburban Women doing porno, forcing Black Men to do triple duty as father, pimp, and gangbanger.
I am quite confused by ninjah and cupgayke. Do they actually think they’ll get married? They’ve been engaged for quite sometime and I struggle to see them living in the same country given they’re both unemployed and seem to have dim prospects.

I'm not even an actual Trump supporter, but one time I made a burner account called "I_Voted_For_Trump" just to see what would happen. Dozens of people blocked me as soon as I logged on, turned out to be an effective way to eliminate the most obnoxious posters from the newsfeed without having to spend a block.
People just like or hate Trump because they project off of him
I hold a degree in Graphic Design and follow veteran comic book artists. Bakshi had this theory that a lot of people who take political positions are poseurs. Considering that he made a fool of Al Shaprton with Coonskin, and angered R.Crumb by turning Fritz the Cat into a college dropout saying edgy stuff, he might be on to something.
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Because I have a spot of the 'tism, I decided to compile some quantitative data on how often Feabie user ch0nky/clevergirl/pigmantha complains about the low quality men who message her. In the past ~36 hours (posts dated with "X hours" or "1 day"), out of 26 total newsfeed posts, 11 were grievances of this variety, including a couple of multi-post streaks.

What possible explanation could there be for why she only gets messages from creeps and losers? Is there a reason that she never gets messages from thoughtful, emotionally stable men interested in fulfilling her deepest desires and touching her soul on a profound and heartfelt level? It is a mystery.

This exchange definitely falls into the "both sides are equally retarded" category, but if Molly has kids who he's dragged into his troomer coomer fantasies, that's pretty fuckin' reprehensible.
Wow another tranny who’s built like a linebacker and is a hyper sexual degenerate with nothing positive in their lives? Damn it’s basically a stereotype.
Just ignore them. That's the best I advice I can give as someone who used to work as a Bartender in Manhattan serving them.
I know you're being facetious, but it is quite fascinating that a number of women who just have public emotion dumps on a daily basis still can't figure out why they can't find anyone worthwhile.

The good men are generally finding good women, and vice versa. By the time you hit your mid-20s or so, you really have to compromise and/or think outside of the box, because the "best" partners will have been long-taken by that point. I've noticed women in particular generally acknowledge this around their late 30s or so.
I am 30 and I am looking for a partner outside of my limited social circle. I think women acknowledge this at late 30 because they spent their 20s partying. Guys stop partying after 30 and start making compromises.
I honestly blame the positive self esteem movement in public schools for turning them that way. They need constant reaffirmations, which is something anti-social people like me don't want to do.
It's not the schools - teaching kids to have confidence and find what makes them special isn't the problem. That's a bit much to assume out of people that have to ask to use the bathroom.

It's this Internet culture that's so blatantly OMG EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL AND FABULOUS that's so toxic. People start to realize they're not the protagonist of history by their mid-20s and just want a comfortable life. Tumblr and now Twitter are hellbent on making everyone not cis & white feel not just valid and appreciated but deserving of worship, regardless of what they say and do. It's not enough to settle for human decency.
I guess I don’t get all the “Molly” hate- there’s some pretty terrible people on Feabie, I’ve never heard of Molly being terrible….. and it’s a fetish site. You’re all “sexual degenerates” ………..
The kind of toaster-bathing mouthbreathers who go on and on about 'degeneracy' always conveniently place the bar for it just a couple of steps down from what they personally do. Sometimes they'll even go so far as to basically ringfence whatever sordid shit they're up to.
The morality blind spot is always fascinating to see.
Because having public meltdowns every day on social media is fucking embarrassing and obviously a cry for attention.
You hate to see it.

This woman is bugfuck nuts. I reacted to one of her public posts, and she DMed asking me to feed her. When I said no thanks, she got really angry, because apparently my following her public newsfeed and occasionally looking at her profile meant that I owed her a pay-for-play feeding session.

And all this in response to a profile which was obviously just an anonymous wank account. If she's scraping the bottom of the barrel by messaging complete randos in search of a feeder, I'm guessing that's a sign that she's already burned through most of the male Feabie regulars who might have been willing to simp for her.
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Feabie is a playground for the mentally ill. There are very few interesting people that I actually enjoy talking to and see as a real person instead of a receptacle for pity/praise (depending on the post).
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The mentally unstable "sex workers" of Feabie have made me realize why pimps and madams were a universal part of the sex trade until the Internet changed everything. Intimacy isn't actually a commodity that you can emotionlessly exchange for money, human emotions don't work that way. Which is why if you're going to do it you should probably have a pimp with a strong hand (or, alternatively, a no-nonsense older madam with good business sense) to keep your hoe-ass mind on the money.
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That's because Pimping requires a good deal of self control, and control over others, something that gets lost in modern adaptations. Free Love is just a gateway to mentally unstable people getting into bad relationships, or looking for love in the wrong place.

>Pimping requires a good deal of self control, and control over others

So what you're saying is that pimpin' ain't easy?
One reason why I like Heather and Boberry. At least they don't use Feabie as a soapbox. All the other sane girls are usually chased away by the thirsty autistics and the mentally ill ones stay because they themselves feed off of them and the shitty activity log.
The smartest "content creators" will use the site primarily as a platform to sell their "wares", whilst keeping their day-to-day complaints to a tasteful minimum. This sort of presentation makes such people appear much more approachable. If I'm gonna throw money at someone, it's not gonna be someone who pisses and moans day in and day out.

Definitely does suck that most of the cool women on there, porn creators or otherwise, ended up leaving for one reason or another. Actually had a long-time friend pop on for the first time in over a year the other day, but they haven't logged on since. Hoping it wasn't just a one-time thing. Ditto for another friend who messaged me for the first time in months some days back then just vanished.
Has anyone noticed how deranged spike is? She posts a series of bizarre lies. Today’s is that she will be forced to live in a storage unit.
is her account some kind of deranged performance art?

It maybe late to add on but Christov is the British version of Murphy. Total simp and somehow liked on Feabie.

Any other men do what those two do and shit hits the fan and women rip on them!
Do you think they'll give memoney if I lie about being black
Malcolm X was right

Revive the Liberia Project
Wait til you see it still holding beer but naked

those two have something resembling a personality, plus they've been a part of the community since the mid-2000s

it may be dumb as fuck but building a name and reputation actually works sometimes
I recently made a new profile and hopped on to see if the rumors of how bad the site had gotten are true after not being on for almost 2 years. Holy shit it’s really not exaggerated. It’s either some random profile advertising their onlyfans that they just made to exploit the simps of feabie, or the loud minority of personalities endlessly whining about the inconsequential bullshit of the day that was their panties in a twist. Such a shame considering the potential this site had in the beginning, I highly doubt there are any people looking for a genuine connection left in that cesspool.
when i first discovered it 4 years ago, I was so excited. finally, a place where i can meet people like me, not just women, but maybe even feeder guys to become online friends with. a chance to feel like i was just a normal sexual person in a community. i truly thought i might meet "The One" there, and if not, at least I could have less awkward sexual encounters, and more often, and skip all the explaining the fetish to sheltered selfhating fat girls, politely declining skinny girls, having to put up with "desire me DESPITE my size, not BECAUSE of it", etc etc fucking etc

so it just makes me so sad what a toxic, cynical, unwelcoming place that site turned into in such a short number of years. you would think men and women belonging to such a small sexual subculture would make it work just to have a functioning community.
I don’t think you can argue Murphy is winning when his gf looks like that…. Rep for what? An ogre who’s bestie is fatandsassy?
Murphy is the biggest shit stirrer who cries to his abortion gone wrong of a gf to have her do all the fighting for him
who’s his girlfriend?
Tbh it's kinda one of those reverse GAB situations. All the normal heavier girls, go to normal websites, leaving all of the mental handicaps in search of a place where they can be obnoxious and not have it affect their prospects. Same way most normal people use ""normal"" websites like twitter, but if you go on stuff like GAB, while it was never intended, it became just a complete clusterfuck because although the free speech website was a good thought, without the widespread userbase, you just get a bunch of concentrated autism and nutjobs

I mean, back in the day Feabie was actually kinda good. The idea was "Fat girls are liked here" meant that you could find a variety of fat girls without the bullshit of most other dating apps. I met a really good friend on there, but she left the site a while ago because she was a bit more right of center, and dudes are horny and creepy af on that website, because it's admittedly a fetishbait website.

After a while it stopped being a dating website because all the normal people looking for relationships realized the website's full of either creeps, or insufferable fags. In the end, all you're left with is the girls that either sell themselves for the creeps, or the girls who are desperate for attention and the insufferables made it a great echo chamber. It slowly drained the website of sanity until it was left with modern day Feabie. Shame that, I really liked that website a while ago too, but unfortunately, it just became a shitty place of onlyfans shills. Like, if I need fap material I come here. Feabie was where I went to actually socialize and try to find relationships.

I think it's too late for Feabie to change though, unless they start moderating and removing the onlyfans / amazon wishlist shills, try to get rid of the excessively horny creeps, and try to bring the website back to the more social dating aspect, it's as good as gone imo. Curvage is just too shitty of a UI for me to get behind it, plus there's a lot less people on it, so idk if we'll ever get another like feabie for a while
There's still people of that sort there. They're either usually very inactive or are naive and new, and quickly get scared away. So your best bet seems to be to lurk "new members" and roll the dice, it seems.

Blame the admins for letting the cancers of the site fester and spread instead of just killing them early on. If they banned some of the worse parts of the site in the first two or so years of the site's existence, then I think it would be a much better community in the long run. But they did the exact opposite.

Gab's a bit of a different situation. As far as I'm aware, most of the shitty people on Feabie aren't hard-banned from "normal" dating sites, whereas a large contingent of Gab (and other "free-speech" platforms) are there because they're simply not allowed their speech on "mainstream" platforms. They did become echochambers for similar reasons, though, with a certain "in-group" driving out the more sane outgroups. Real shame, early-stage free speech platforms are comfy as fuck.
>I met a really good friend on there, but she left the site a while ago because she was a bit more right of center, and dudes are horny and creepy af on that website, because it's admittedly a fetishbait website.
I think any girl that openly isn't super-lefty will be shit on for her political opinions. Used to knew a fairly apolitical girl on there some years ago who was dogpiled for having the gall to say that she made some great male friends on there during the time #menaretrash was trending. But yeah, if it's not politics, it's the army of creepers who poison the well for the shrinking number of sane, non-simp guys on there.
>I think it's too late for Feabie to change though, unless they start moderating and removing the onlyfans / amazon wishlist shills, try to get rid of the excessively horny creeps, and try to bring the website back to the more social dating aspect, it's as good as gone imo.
Given that the people running the sites are basically simps, as hinted as earlier in this post, I don't think it will change. I think the admins would have to ultimately realize that with the way things are going, the site's basically kneecapped in terms of site growth, and they'd have to purge the current core of the site, which would massively sting in the short-term, and wouldn't see positive net returns for upwards of years, particularly given the reputation the site's had within the FA community. Definitely sucks that there likely won't be any better platform for quite a while.
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The most success I've had with girls who have a fat fetish is by meeting them on Tumblr of all places.

(Yes, really.) Keep in mind though that I find Tumblr is the best dating site in general (again - yes really!) and I say that as someone very right-leaning, though biased because I'm an autist and most normie women range from annoying to nauseating to me. And if a girl has this fetish anyway on a genuine level like adipophilia/actually turned on by fat instead of just a BDSM thing, there's a higher chance she's on the spectrum too.

As for Feabie, the best fortune I've gotten is by chatting with European chicks. I almost hooked up with this kinda-meh-looking girl who liked me in my state, but because of my morals I passed on it. You REALLY have to sift through the dirt though there, even more than on Tumblr.

The whole fat fetish/gaining/feederism/whatever scene of course shrank on Tumblr because of the Porn Ban Exodus of 2018, but that also raised the average quality of the woman on the site since so many nuts fled to Twitter. And while there are some good quiet FFAs on Twitter, the absolute flood of demented furry transgender anarchists and the like (Tumblr is more plagued by "bears") you have to wade through is very annoying. Like your best bet is to be a gainer/artist yourself and wait for followers, though that also can apply anywhere else.

In essence and my personal preference, overall, Tumblr is the best site that isn't dead or (unbearingly/in a bad way) insane to find a lady who is into fats. If you're an autist with some actual charm and patience, you just might be blessed. Or maybe i'm just an outlier spewing anecdotal garbage. If you're more of a normal guy I think you're better off just praying for someone good who just so happens to share or at least tolerate your broken brain's indulgences.
>there's a higher chance she's on the spectrum too.
What's the cause of this correlation? It's kind of disturbing
Media fandoms tend to be disproportionately autistic in general (See also: Homestuck, MLP, Undertale, Smash Bros, etc.), and Tumblr was basically THE site for such fandoms in the early-mid 2010s, so I wouldn't be surprised if that aspect of the site still exists post-porn ban, even though other sites have since gained larger user bases for that purpose. There's certain aspects of certain IPs that cause autists to flock to it, though I couldn't exactly put my finger on what, exactly, those things are. So it makes perfect sense that Tumblr's userbase is disproportionately on the spectrum.

Though I must personally admit that the past couple of years, I've become more drawn to more "normal" women, since person for person, I find autistic girls to be more grating to interact with. There's still that "Ideal autistic GF", but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that they simply don't exist.
I meant why people with this fetish are disproportionately likely to be on the spectrum. I guess autistic people are over-represented among those who have a lot of odd fetishes. Seems odd
What's odd about it? Autistic people are bad at internalizing social cues and so they wind up forming their own weird behavoirs. What's considered conventionally attractive is in large part based on social cues. For instance, in old cartoons when there was a scene depicting someone eating and getting all fat and stuff the artists wrote/drew that under the assumption the audience would already have the prebaked in the assumption that "haha fat people funny". Autistic people don't tend to have any of that prebaked stuff in them so let's just interpretations differ.
Surely we can all recognize most of these people aren’t actually autistic or ADHD, they’re just unemployed losers looking for a way to validate why they’ve achieved nothing in life aside from a small following of creeps on a fetish site?
well ,we’re all kind of looking to figure out different ways to validate decisions we’ve made in this life
How the hell do you even meet people from tumblr? I'd feel like I'd just be stalking someone if I tried to do that.
>What's considered conventionally attractive is in large part based on social cues.
lol cope
yeah true
I'd say most of them have legitimate mental/neurological issues, but just use them as an excuse to act like shitheads and expect the world to cater to them instead of actually working to improve it.

The irony being that these fat women have better health practices than antivaxxers willing to turn their own lungs into Slurpee?
If that's your idea of "better health practices"
Cope harder dude lol
Fupatrooper deleted?
That’s what all the fatties are doing right now
Most likely. If she was banned, I would presume there would have been some sort of #freefupatrooper tag. No huge loss regardless.

Speaking of bans, apparently Littlepumpkin got banned for having multiple accounts (at least that's what the admins are claiming), and people reee'd about it, because heaven forbid the in-crowd ever be responsible for their actions.
Crexal went the hardest about it. Every hour or more they post about it
I’m not surprised, it seems she’s found a stable and fulfilling relationship that she’s been in it for a while now since she moved out west. It’s hard to stick around and wallow in the toxic, man-hating cesspool that is Feabie when you’ve actually found (I’m assuming) a good man. Plus even though Fupa is pretty liberal she’s never been a super man-hater like some of the users on there, so again not surprised she finally deleted
fupes is low key a really cool, down to earth person even if she seems kinda bitchy and confrontational online. stoked she's doing well.
Can't say I've really kept up with her, so that's all news to me. But yeah, if you're in a good relationship, there's no real reason to stick around, on top of all the other good reasons to leave. I recall her being very hit-and-miss on her hot takes, though I definitely recall her going against the hivemind a good couple of times, albeit in, as >>10259 says, a somewhat bitchy and confrontational manner, which is why I ended up not paying attention to her after a while. Never really talked 1-on-1 with her to any meaningful degree, so I can't really say much outside of how she presented herself.
Who has the most followers on the app? I know bigbellybridget has 5.2k and fatmisst has 5.1k. Wondering if we could put together a top 5?
Feedist for fat liberation and the people trying to argue feabie was founded for fat liberation are some of the most flagrantly retarded people on this website and I hope they all stub their toes.
lol the mullet in the second pic.
Can't say I've even looked, surprised they don't have a page that shows a list of this. Boberry has 4.6k as of the other day, so that's likely potential top 5.
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I don't even know where to begin with this one lads.
Still beat thoooo

Ah, obnoxious performative bisexuality, a perennial Feabie theme. Funny how the excuse is always the same: they'll hop from dick to dick with bottom feeding guys, but when it comes to women they're just too ~*~shy~*~ and ~*~awkward~*~ and ~*~uwu~*~ to actually go out on a date with a real life lesbian and get their clam licked.

Girl, your problem isn't that you have mommy issues that get in the way of your super special queerness, your problem is that you're a trashy attention-seeking straight woman. I feel bad for the small population of actual lesbian FFAs who have to deal with these thots.
you should be forced to have gone down on at least one pussy before you're allowed to make edgy wannabe lesbian posts
>I don't even know where to begin with this one lads.

That performative bisexuality nothing I'd mock, tbh. They're doing the same thing as all the Hot Topic girls did in our high schools in the 2000s did; fake being alternative until you are, because you want to be different and unique. They want attention like the rest of us and clearly want something caring and loving, but they aren't getting it from whatever boytoy they have (if at all) and so, make posts like this one.

I don't ever mock these people. They don't realize yet that the truly unique individuals have long ago realized that wearing your interests and hobbies on your sleeve and being open about them is what makes you different, and that every human needs a stability and a sort of "mediocrity" in doses for our health and wellbeing. I hope they all get a good relationship soon, sounds like they're long overdue for good cuddle time on a couch.

Based and thoughtfulpilled. You're a better man than I am. Still, a lot of these women need to take a long look in the mirror about how they're the cause of a lot of their own problems.
seethe femoid
I wonder if it has ever once occurred to her that she’s a yet another lonely virgin crying on Feabie not because of heteronormativity or whatever the fuck, but mainly because she has a dogshit tier personality?
All she does is bitch and moan about how lonely she is but blame heteronormativity ok
Unfortunately for them, the very structure of Feabie effectively prevents genuine self-reflection, thanks to an established culture of "Everything bad that happens to you is always someone else's fault", so rather than improve themselves, they would rather just screech at the world to cater to them as-is. Granted, there are some aspects of society that are actually bullshit and should be addressed, but there's always that aspect of self-improvement that's always necessary. The best women I've meet off the site are ones that either recognize that their flaws are things worth working on fixing, or genuinely coming to terms with them and the consequences such acceptance brings, rather than hiding behind a mask of acceptance.
The correct term is femcel.

These types never once consider if they're the baddies.
is bigbellybridget still on Feabie, posting?
I love how she thinks she's actually going to attract somebody with that attitude.
The only men who will interact with that will be incels looking to argue or con artists who can play the simp for a little. Every time, you see them complain they were fooled by the polished turdthey found desperately looking through what they say is a trash heap
it's always weird watching this shit as a British person, because I've never seen drama from the UK on the same scale as what seems to be the default for America. is that just me? are there unhinged people on British Feabie?
Well, I got a 7 day ban on there today. I posed the statement about dating being a farce, and people having the inability to stand a thought process that doesn't mirror theirs identically.

Some nutbag automatically assumes I'm a "racist, misogynist, etc" because my profile "lacked anything of substance". I spent two hours debating this nutball who also told me misandry doesn't exist. I make the statement my original comment was bait-y. We go round and round, and six hours later I get the email from the staff I'm banned for 7 days for shitposting. I love fat girls like the rest of you degenerates, but this "men are trash" shit needs to stop.

>trying to use reason and logic on these hoes and expecting results

I'm sorry for your loss bro, but you should have known better
Unfortunately, the admins tend to be a lot more lax towards said nutbags than those that speak out against them. It's been a slow burn over the past couple of years, but I think Feabie sorta dug itself into a hole where they can't really do anything meaningful about the Men are Trash crowd.
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>Be me
>Getting the no gf blues
>Go on feabie
>scroll down timeline for 5 seconds
>Jesus christ it's bad
>Go to search bar
>New Members (30 days)
>Absolutely nothing besides amateur modelers and amazon wishlists. All good girls are >Last seen: 28 days ago

Lads, is there some secret website I don't know about that does the same thing Feabie does but without the aids? Is this just what dating websites are like in 2021? Tinder fucking sucks and is designed to make you waste time, proper dating sites are filled with divorcees in there late 30s, Feabie is... feabie... I know I'm a bit picky, but Jesus it really feels like there's nothing of substance online anymore
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Haven't been on there in awhile and I understand why again now. Same old same old with the woke bullshit ad nauseam. People talking about covid, blm and all the same shit; basically anything but what the site is there for. A virtue signal a thon.
I think part of your issue is the way you're looking for women.
The people who regularly post stuff on the timeline are the same sorts responsible for garbage like >>10738 >>10740 Actually decent women tend to not post there super often.
>New members
This section is rife with scammers and people just in it for the financial aspect in general. Seldom do good people pop in here.
My advice is to try to utilize the site's search function. You'll still have to dig a bit, but it should at least be able to somewhat tune it so you can more easily find women of your preference.

As far as I'm aware, there's no Feabie minus the AIDS. Best bet is BBW-centric dating sites, or vanilla dating sites, which have no shortage of fat girls by proxy. Hell, I'd even almost suggest Fetlife, but you have to dig through even more garbage, and unless you're super into kink stuff, you're gonna have a real rough time finding any sort of relationship. Online dating in general is in a rough spot, mostly due to the pool of available people. It's largely shit, and that pool tends to ward off any actual decent prospects.
Honestly, I hope non-meme communism does actually happen, so all these types get sent to work in a tractor factory. There'll be less fat girls once we hit the famine phase, but at this point I'm prepared to take the hit.
Trump tried to do a dang coup less than a year ago. People do actually remember things that happened relatively recently
Oh yeah "the coup" at the building which engages in bombing other people's countries? That coup? "Over throwing democracy!!!" LOL. You still wetting the bed over it every night while dementia pres in office is talking about how his butt's been wiped, space aliens and the man on the moon?
You are so upset it didn't pan out the way you wanted it's palpable. The deflection, the anger at the current President, the downplaying.
Literally no one was killed except for someone part of the group. The security guard people claim was killed died days after from an unrelated heart attack. The leftists did something similar a few weeks ago and it wasn't treated like an inserrection even though both sides pretty much did the exact same thing.
Mald, cope, seethe.
The leftists did something "a few weeks ago" that was "basically the same thing".

I feel like I'm being gaslit. Is this another Bowling Green Massacre?

I don't give a shit that people died during that. Only politicians are using that as a talking point. No one died during the assault on Fort Sumpter but that was widely considered the start of the American Civil War. One person died on 1/6 but it's the fact that an angry mob burst into the Capitol with the intent to overthrow an election and possibly kill members of Congress and the VP that actually matters. Whatever made up story you were told to push on how "bOtH sIdEs DiD sAmE" is probably retarded.
Nobody cares for the boomer who died of a heart attack. You got to understand, Millennials like me and Gen Z are not going to die just to save Boomers and their failed policies. Lefties voted for Biden, who is not as sharp as he was in 2008, mostly out of peer pressure. People my age just don't have that kind of relationship with Biden, Biden is peak Boomer
I've decided I think it's the hottest thing ever when a bunch of 400 pound feabie in-crowders gang up to bully a smallfat girl on the newsfeed. Not joking. It rules.
Why's everyone on feabie mentally ill? I'm out of the loop
100%, they get to go full popular mean girl and still shovel down thousands of empty caloriesin the name of 'body positivity'
>Site's made for fat people, as well as people into fat-related kinks, two groups already vulnerable to mental illness
>Early on the site was a pretty healthy mix of the mentally ill and sane people
>The mentally ill turn the site into a dramafest, with the admins unwilling to actually tell them to fuck off
>The sane people start to leave, as the minority becomes a bigger portion of the site
>This effect compounds onto itself
>Fast forward to today, where their behavior remains unchecked and becomes a repellent for more "normal" people
Don't get me wrong, there's still a decent number of mentally sound people here, you just have to find them. And they tend to not last super long. Actually was talking with a sweet vanilla older lady from Europe for a few weeks, and she sort of vanished not too long ago.
Hot off the presses.
>Black girl PMs guy, guy ends up dropping N-bomb in the convo, getting rightfully tempbanned, as is clearly laid out in the site rules
>Said convo gets openly posted, as is also allowed
>The peanut gallery starts to reeee that he wasn't perma'd, almost certainly the same people who complain about white people and/or men on a regular basis without repercussion, since site rules effectively allow you to shit on said groups, and only said groups

I really don't feel bad for anyone involved, outside of the girl involved in the original conversation. The admins have spent literal years coddling them, yet it's never enough. Basically just builds on my previous post.
Never under estimate thirsty men
I think Murphy going on a 9 post spree about this was probably the saddest thing I've ever seen. Dude has no life.
wtf is even going on in this thread holy shit
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The Black Manosphere: incompatible with this kink community or not?

(no racial slurs, bigoted banter or some incelish-sounding nonsense, please) .
sincerely do not understand how Murphy and Christov have the ability to like every single post and picture on feabie. Private folders too. They're in all of them.

I don't think so. Thinking of the circlejerk beliefs and practices of the black manosphere, let alone the general manosphere, feederism and/or being into BBWs isn't a kink that would be tolerated, at least if I'm thinking of the Kevin Samuels and likewise of the world looking down at everyday people.

Best case scenario, I'd see a guy being told to feed, fuck, and leave if he wants to get his rocks off, but that's it. Not to mention, the women who preach the "treat-me-like-a-queen" song are frowned upon, and that's even more likely with larger women, especially black fatties.

I will say this: from what I've seen, I'd like to think your average black man tends to be more accepting of pounding a BBW, if not, a woman with potential to be one who's upwards of 200-250lbs. That includes me, who's had decent success dating women on Feabie. Most of my dates involved black women, and only 1-2 was upwards of 300+...the rest were just thick or slightly chubby.
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Please stay in your own thread, I come to this thread for retarded feabie drama, not whatever the fuck the black manosphere is

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I want to bone some babes on feabie but a lot of them turn out to be really fucking weird or of another ilk that I'm not familiar with; e.g. many of their ex boyfriends turn out to be trans, blind, disabled, or deal with an entirely different ball of wax most people arent used to, and honestly I'm so fucking boring, I dont think they would like that.
you must understand that easily 95% of Feabie men are insanely awful. we focus on the women on this thread but honestly, the kind of guys that site attracts are no better. it's a feedback loop, and if you can find someone who isn't either a. currently reeling from another guy sending/doing something really awful or b. on an insane power trip from being the object of attraction for the first time in her life, you're probably gonna bump to the top of her options just by being generally nice, polite, and not immediately going wild about your fetishes without her consent.

I'm in the UK, but I didn't have much trouble hooking up with someone who's both hot and shares my main kinks, so it shouldn't be that hard even if you think you're boring. above all else, remember that a lot of those dudes (like eg Christov) are incredibly fake, and most girls notice that. be sincere, be polite, and your chances are very good
Who are the most dramatic or annoying feabie couples?
I’d say Fatandsassy and her man, but she’s disappeared…… Bexx and Sugarbeard have to be up there….,,
Boring isn't necessarily a bad thing, unless you're one of those people that compulsively half-asses conversation and seems utterly incapable of writing more than one or two words per message. I think the only time you should be concerned with exes is A. If they were abusive, because that shit can take a long time to come close to recovering from, or B. They have several of them, in which case, the problem is likely on their end. There's no shortage of really weird chicks, it's one of those things where you kind of have to dig for anything decent. Ditto for finding dudes, really.

Can't say I know many Feabie couples offhandedly, but might have to second Bexx/Sugar. I have no idea how on earth anyone could even fall for the former.
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>and honestly I'm so fucking boring

Dude, the closest thing to "boring" I ever met was an EMT manager of mine who didn't listen to music whatsoever. The man put 3 kids through college and never missed a minor league baseball game, and was reliable as fucking gravity.

Don't fall prey to the alpha-deouchebro talk about "HUURRR BORING MEN ARE TEH SAFE OPTION". Think about the sheer volume of people that go through awful lives, or have family they have to care for full time, who wish they could have a boring, stable ass counterpart to support them. Think about how nice it would be for someone to go from an abuser whom they don't know if they'll get Jeckyl or Hyde when they get home, to a dude who texted them if they were okay with pizza because he spent all day sorting the garage. "Boring" is a dude who that woman doesn't have to WORRY ABOUT. And that's not even getting into how all our expriences of "Boring" are different person to person...

How does she keep collecting partners
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>Don't fall prey to the alpha-douchebro talk about "HUURRR BORING MEN ARE TEH SAFE OPTION". Think about the sheer volume of people that go through awful lives, or have family they have to care for full time, who wish they could have a boring, stable ass counterpart to support them. Think about how nice it would be for someone to go from an abuser whom they don't know if they'll get Jeckyl or Hyde when they get home, to a dude who texted them if they were okay with pizza because he spent all day sorting the garage.

I gotta politely push back on this one, Skellybro. Obviously you don't want to fall into the manosphere circlejerk of thinking all women are gold-digging sluts, but there absolutely are women out there who'll take advantage of a naive and romantically inexperienced "good guy," epecially if they're hitting a certain age after making bad life choices in their younger years, and use him as a beast of burden while contributing nothing much to the household. I've seen way too many cases of this in my own friend and family circle to think it's just an incel myth.

Real recognize real. If you're a kind, reliable guy, look for a kind, reliable woman. That doesn't mean a squeaky-clean virginal meme tradwife, which is an equally fucked-up myth in the opposite direction, but I do think guys should exercise their self-preservation instinct around women with a track record of bad decisions. Being the caregiver for a relative obviously doesn't count. If anything, that kind of family loyalty is a huge plus, as evidence of good character. But if all her previous boyfriends were ~evil horrible abusers~, and she ~looooves~ her new man because he's such a ~caring sweetheart~, and no, she still hasn't gotten a job, she doesn't have the spoons for it because she's still ~recovering from her trauma~... just use some common sense, is what I'm saying.

While image searching an image for this post, I learned that E-40 owns the copyright to the phrase "Captain Save-A-Hoe" and has sued multiple urban fiction authors for using it as a book title.
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Feabie is horseshit
How are you able to have a meaningful connection with a hottie on a website full of oneliners; Most statuses are only a sentence long.

There's no community beyond a select group of self-aggrandizing weirdos who've all moved to feedist.net, which is also shit
Its like the site is the giant collective morning turd of every single member on the site, and its probably filled with turd corn. Every login is like taking another bite.

I have to hand it to Grokio for trying to make money off all the member n00ds because there really is nothing else out there, and latching onto the weirdest fucking part of this fetish is probably what brings everyone together.

And it's absolutely so fucking weird.

Damn you, coming at me with the Ball Street Journal.

Yeah, I needed that knock off my "Youre actually cool" pedastal a bit lmao, but it's also easy to NOT be borning >>11935. Like not to harp about passions and shit, but they genuinely show and mark *who you are* and soon become things that you just do, apropos of anything else. That final detail is crucial- you will, no matter what, be doing or fucking around with or exprementing with something, wether others are with you or not.

The second detail is just being interested and doing things. Anytime some girl writes "Random adventures!" on her profile? It's because she wants someone who has the guts to say "Fuck the map, lets just walk around the city and see what we find." I can barely get my best friends to do that, and we're all in bands for god's sakes.
Okay, now least annoying feabie couples?

What the name of your band
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Pack it in, lads, I've found the king of the low-effort catfish.

>I know it's probably pronounced like "Poleechay" but I did lol at the location name
Getting the no fat gf blues again. I wanna rejoin Feabie, but that place still seems like a mental asylum ran by the inmates, and Fantasy Feeder is still a relic from the past. There really is no other option is there?
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I don't know whats worse, wife abuser predator SugarBeard dolling out health advice, or 500+lb hedonismbot dolling out health advice. It's been two years of this, lol. Something about insanity and doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results...
hypocritical, sure, but if you're as fat as many feabie users you absolutely should be getting the jab. most sizes of people can probably survive omicron unvaxxed, but if you're 500lbs you're gonna have trouble breathing even without any coronavirus
The lack of self-awareness and intelligence in these posts is hilarious. Grandma is going to get the ‘Rona no matter what now that the virus has mutated to a more virulent, less lethal variant, as anyone who has taken an undergraduate microbiology course could tell you. But good job exposing themselves as literal authoritarians/fascists/nazis/whatever other buzzword you prefer. Replace ‘anti-vaxx’ with blacks, Asians, Jews, or any other type of group and it’s hilarious to see how far off the deep end these supposed paragons of justice and liberalism have fallen.
how about replacing the unvaxxed with, for example, communists? seeing as both are personal choices

in all seriousness, while I don't want to defend these guys too much, feabie and the like almost certainly have the worst cardiovascular and respiratory health of any online community, so it's obviously super vulnerable. it's understandable that they're yelling at people to take the vaccine, since they genuinely need it more than most
anybody actually have any positive interactions on feabie to talk about? women who are actually cool to talk to? private folders you don't have to jump through hoops to get in?
Got into this around 06/07. YouTube was just beginning but a lot of content on there. I think I found Cherries on YouTube in 2008/2009.

Other than that Tumblr was kinda the go-to.

Clips for sale has always been around, but I remember the formats were shitty. Only WMV I think.

I’ll say what’s actually easier and nicer (for the models not my bank account) is being able to use CashApp or similar to send money for food/etc.

When I started with this Big Cuties was really the only game in town if I remember.
I think the real kicker is that the very things that they accused the antivaxxer community of, the "Glorify obesity" community is every bit as guilty of.
>Denying mounds of scientific research in favor of cherrypicked information that specifically supports their narrative
>Taking away valuable health care resources in order to support self-interest
Amongst other things. Also, bonus points for presuming that everyone that isn't interested in getting vaccinated wants everyone else to not get vaxxed. That's the biggest projection here.

As someone who has no intention of getting vaccinated anytime soon, I can't really disagree here. It's very much a "It depends on the person" sort of situation. Last I checked, obesity significantly increased the chances of being hospitalized/dying from Covid. So it's as much a risk factor as things such as old age or having major pre-existing health conditions.

Devil's advocate: All the groups you listed can't exactly change, nor hide their circumstances. That said, it really is unsettling that they'll gleefully drop the pretense of human rights when it comes to the unvaccinated. Thankfully, they're very much in a minority that seems to be shrinking by the day. I've had the "Are you vaccinated" question pop up a few times with people I met through Feabie, and they seemed to be fine with me being unvaxxed. Or, at bare minimum, weren't argumentative about it.

I've had plenty over the years. I'm not gonna name names, but there's a handful of girls on there I've talked to for a good couple of years now, who are generally chill in convos, at least with me. All of my IRL meetups off there have been neutral-to-positive. In fact, one is pretty much the measuring stick I've used for subsequent meetups. Similarly, there's a handful of private albums out there where they'll explicitly say on their profile that you're welcome to request it. Just gotta dig a bit, on both of those fronts, really. If you can get past the garbage on the feed, there's some gems to be found on the site.
they really need to work on the Euphoria physics engine
>if you take this thing and replace it with something else completely, it makes you look like an asshole!
gigabrain take
If you don’t mind wading through a lot of garbage you can find some good dating material on that site. I met a very nice woman there, we went on a few dates, unfortunately things never really matured into a relationship but it definitely could have gone that way
yes, I’ve found quite a few very normal acting women on there and even some of the famous models and past tumblr famous chicks, tons of them were extremely cool and not crazy.

Datfatassdoe is actually an angel and a very very sweet woman, hope she’s doing well actually
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Why do people make these stupid fucking virtue signal posts? How nasty are you that you can't wipe your ass? And if you're so mentally ill you can't wipe your own asshole you belong in a ward.
>>12436 She seems like a moron. Either be a sassy clapback kween or a pureblood smug saint of all non-white-men. Don't try to be both in one post, the two tastes don't even go together
>As someone who has no intention of getting vaccinated anytime soon, I can't really disagree here. It's very much a "It depends on the person" sort of situation.
I thought I was in this exact boat with someone up until recently. I had spent almost a year talking to a girl on Feabie, and two weeks ago I got blocked over this very issue out of the blue. It's good to hear that most girls don't seem to have an issue with it. (I already had the coof, so there's no point for me to get the jab.)
>yes, she specifically stated my position on the vaccine was why it was over, I wish I was joking. She had already got her jab over half a year ago, and I was still talking to her so I really don't know why it suddenly became an issue.
>she will also read this post, sup.

What most people in this thread said, you have to wade through a lot of garbage. But there are some cool people, they're usually less vocal.

I just love how she's covering her own (probably just as disgusting as the people shes complaining about) ass with her list of exemptions.
I wouldn't want to be with someone unvaccinated. I'm not scared of them, I just don't need that level of retardation in a relationship.

Fine for something casual though.
Why would I get gene therapy for a disease I already had?
>britbong education
I'm not the type of person to share certain political opinions or takes on hot topics on social media. I don't even share those views on Facebook or IG anymore. I'm not saying that I'm alt-right or alt-left. I don't want a post of mine to be taken out of context and it bites me in the ass one day.

Feabie seems to be full of people virtue signalling and voicing their opinions. Just stay away from those types and you'll be fine. I was on feabie for a few months and did manage to meet someone decent and normal. It didn't work out in the end but it was a good experience.

Don't be weird and creepy. Also don't immediately jump into feederism stuff when you initially talk to someone and get to know them. The bar is really low on feabie because the majority of men there can be rude as fuck. Personally I do not care about private folders, so I don't have much experience with that. You'll be fine.

I'm getting the >tfw no gf blues again lately. Maybe I should hop back on feabie one day. I'm gonna need a hazmat suit.
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>anorexic 110 lb girl in her binging phase that signs up to Feabie as a feedee and puffs out their gut and pretends they're getting fatter

Aa gaaan duun m’own re’surchin’ awn them there vac-seeens an stuff. Aa tell ya it’s the all the Jews, aan thuy’re chaayngin’ ‘ur DEE. ENN. AYE. so y’aint gettin’ inna heav’n no more. Aan when thay dun switch aan they spayce laysuh, damn chips an’tha vac-seeens gan tell’um who’du shoot.
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Par for the course for Feabie.
>get the vaccine and you'll be 100% protected
>get the booster so you'll still be protected
>oh now you need 2 more shots or you won't be fully vaccinated
Yeah man wow it's almost like viruses mutate and change over time or something, but of course that can't be true, only people who watch MSM nonsense believe THAT hahahahahahahahaha
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>he thinks viruses are prone to becoming more lethal through mutation
>he doesn't understand that this isn't good for the viruses survival if it kills the host
>this is why Ebola doesn't spread like wildfire, it literally kills it's hosts too quickly
I bet you felt really smart typing this post up, too.
there are degrees to lethality you dumb fuck. there is a wide range of health outcomes between "nothing serious" and "kills within days before you can spread it to others". You anti-vaxers parade around your kindergarten level knowledge about medicine and pretend you're learned geniuses lording over the stupid masses. you're not an enlightened independent, you're just so stupid you don't know you're stupid.

I bet you felt really smart typing this post up, too.
>a virus who's sole purpose is to spread to as many hosts as possible definitely wants to mutate to kill its hosts guaranteeing that said virus will become a genetic dead end
mate are you okay? Take a biology class.
the primary problem of covid is not the direct deaths from it at this point - those are pretty low compared to the start of the pandemic. covid hospitalisations put strain on the health system, drive up wait times for other conditions (such as cancer treatment, surgeries, routine checkups, etc.) which generally degrades the quality of care given to the public. the real positive of vaccination is that it dramatically lowers the risk of you being *hospitalised* from covid. it lowers your chances of catching it a decent amount but the real thing that matters is reducing hospitalisations. the virus may mutate to be be more lethal and the primary result of that will be more hospitalisations. if you're a healthy young or middle aged adult you're unlikely to die from covid, but you can still be hospitalised if you're unlucky and every hospital staff occupied by a dumb unvaccinated covid patient is a person not devoting their time to other non-immediate patients that exist regardless of covid.
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Piggyfan got her account deleted and came back to make more sad sack posts like this. This is all she fucking posted about - how much she hated her kink, how she wanted to get fat but can't and how she's oh so sad about it, etc. Possibly one of the worst accounts on Feabie. 100% approval seeking behavior from the horny men on feabie that think they'll get somewhere.

also it's kind of hard to believe that some died from a weight related issue at 350 lbs as young as 18. Seriously doubt her story.
How do you think your body fights off diseases it doesn't have a vaccine for? Lol thanks for parroting the mainstream narrative for the last few months, you'd get upboated on leddit for sure! Already forgot when the vaccine was 100% effective huh?
>How do you think your body fights off diseases it doesn't have a vaccine for?
what are you trying to say here? that the vaccine has no effect? do you seriously believe that the unvaccinated fight off covid just as well as those that get the latest vaccine? jfc you people are delusional. I'm not going to bother replying further, it's pointless arguing with people so stupid
>>12532 why did she get banned in the first place?
Your bodies immune system has evolved over a millenia, thinking leaky gene therapy is equivalent or better than natural immunity is literal retardation, but yeah just conveniently ignore the months of propaganda saying the vaccine was 100% effective.
>Dr Peter McCullough talk about this very thing, don't take my word for it.
>t. Had covid in 2020, am fine. Haven't worn a mask in over a year. still go visit my grandmother in the nursing home and nobody seems to drop dead.
You're an idiot who fell for propaganda.

Getting back on track, she seems kinda dumb, but her posts probably piss off the majority of feabie lifers so, I'm fine with it.
probably reported for constantly going "wahh wahh feedism is so dark and bad and awful!!!"
I'm a regular feabie user and it really annoys me because they never post anything but how sad and fucked up they are because of the kink or whatever

You know what they say. It’s like playing chess with a pigeon. It shits on the board and then struts around triumphantly, knocking the pieces over. Maybe we should start saying it’s like trying to talk sense to an American? I think I’d prefer a game of chess with the pigeon to be honest…
You don't see the irony in your statement?
>he thinks viruses are prone to becoming more lethal through mutation

Hmmmmmm. I don't remember making this claim. It's almost like you're a dipshit with an endless supply of thought terminating cliches pumped into your brain by angry YouTube weirdos. So you never have to actually put thought into the things you say, beyond the effort required to find screencaps taken by your favorite "owning the libs" accounts. God forbid you have an original thought; much better to pretend people said something they didn't say. That way you can regurgitate whatever "le epic FACTS AND LOGIC" talking points you decided to shat onto your keyboard like an incontinent parrot and use the appearance of "reason" to convince yourself you're smart.

But nah man I'm sure you are the great Vaccine and Virus Understander, sorry to have opposed you, good luck with the creeping dread of cognitive dissonance haunting you at night!
>t. failed high school biology and is now parroting narratives to make himself feel superior
Kek you can't make this shit up, it's funny that everything mentioned in this thread required outside thinking from the mainstream, yet you think you're a genius for specifically not using your brain. Lol. Keep masking up and boosting bro, I'm sure you won't get myocarditis or cancer from your nuked immune system. Have you even left your house in two years? Lmfao. These are the people dumb enough to get gene therapy for a cold.
Tell me you get your opinions from 4chan without you know the rest.
Lol christ the projection is so strong I think you might actually be able to show movies in HD out your asshole, my friend
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On one hand, I understand that shaving your pussy is probably an act of gymnastics when you're morbidly obese, but this comparison just seems retarded.
looking for info on feabie user "TheFinalBoss". wanna get in her DMs but can't 100% tell if she's legit or some dude cosplaying. pics blurry, persona seems very exaggerated. still curious tho.
I know a non-zero number of men who do not wash the tops of their ass cracks and in one case actually had to get an in-grown hair surgically removed a couple years ago. Basic hygiene isn't common in this fetish (even though it should be); fat people are high maintenance.
100% a woman but probably not worth it.
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Were you around when "she" had a "daughter" with a separate Feabie account who was also a feedee and who "she" was posting flirty messages back and forth with? That account is gone (maybe the person running them realized it made the catfish too obvious), but unless you have some sort of conclusive proof otherwise I'm going with "obviously fake."
holy shit lmao tell me more. I guess I wasn't around for that. as soon as I asked the question it dawned on me it was a "if you have to ask, you already know" type deal.
any other finalboss stuff we should know about? that's wild lmao. Why would you catfish as a fat girl lmao
Wasn't her daughter called InvaderAri? She's gone too? She always seemed off, with the blurry pics which probably weren't even her

Yup, InvaderAri. They had the exact same interests and writing style and would occasionally post flirty comments about how they were totally going to pig out together and how hot it would be. Not much more to say (or screenshot) since that account was deleted, but it was an obvious catfish. Kind of surprised the mods didn't ban one or the other as a sockpuppet, but maybe that's what finally happened.

Also, just skimmed "her" profile again and the fact that a 42-year-old woman who describes herself as a former high school athlete has the pop culture interests of a 42-year-old man who was a high school nerd should be an obvious cause for skepticism.

tl;dr obvious fake and I'm laughing a bit at OP for ever thinking she was real, but it's a friendly "I've been there too bro, sometimes you see something that's too good to be true but you still want to believe" kind of laughter.
I'm as anti-Rogan as they come, but this guy thinking he's making some kind of grand declaration here is killing me. you ain't Neil Young, dude.
>ACAB/BLM social media white girl
>black facemask with huge red lips
If this was on anybody else I wouldn't even notice but it kills me lol
Oh wow a tranoid is mentally ill and performatively anti-male?? What a unique combo.
I don't care for Spotify or podcasts. This Anti-Rogan hysteria sounds like Baby Boomers throwing a tantrum because they are no longer counter culture and envy Rogan's popularity. Neil Young is right up there with Jimmy Buffett as a monument to Boomers overachieving for basic decency.
I genuinely hope she finds happiness one day, because being that much of deliberately miserable person has to be exhausting
So I asked a girl if she had IG cause none of her pics showed her face clearly *didn't respond* so I waited a few days before asking if she's real as to not seem pushy *blocked* I legit hate women, acting nice to them doesn't make any difference.
I've been following that Delilah Boopity or whatever her name is - simply because she's one of the biggest nutcases I've ever seen.

Is she legit crazy? I saw a vid she put up yesterday that was of her going into her apartment, and the inside of the place looked very intuitional, and then there was one of those racks on the wall by the door that would hold your chart, like at the Dr.s Office. Just wondering if anyone knows - I could be way off base here, but it seems like it could add up.
Icecreamslut? She’s pretty unhinged and gives a play by play of her life on Feabie whenever she’s not complaining on Twitter.
She's legit crazy. Anorexic turned SSBBW - would turn anyone insane. Sounds like you're living your worst nightmare.
She posted a video of her blowing a tinder date, and in the same day was complaining about how dude's won't take her seriously as a partner. Lol.
Yeah, she's not right in the head. I've seen videos of her masturbating in the bathroom at her psychiatrist's office and at the gym. Hard to believe she goes to the gym, but maybe she just goes to film herself masturbating in the shower lol. She also purports to be an unintentional gainer, yet gains like no tomorrow. As someone who works in the field of pharmacology, I think (given that she's seeing a shrink) it's possible that she began unintenionally gaining as a side effect of some psychiatric medication. Even with that in mind, the sheer amount of weight she's put on is mind-boggling. I have much less authority to assert the following point, but I'm going to do it anyway: Given that she clearly has a lot of issues and struggles with eating disorders, I imagine her promiscuity (as referenced by >>12929, though I should add I have seen several videos like this) and her being in the webmodel game itself stems from some need for validation. On the point about eating disorders, I personally find it utterly fascinating that someone can swing from one extreme to the other - to go from being anorexic to developing BED and quadrupling their body weight.
>Anorexic turned SSBBW
Many such cases!
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>be woman with huge tits
>make your name on a fetish website about your tits
>become content creator thus selling your giant tits
>constantly post about your tits
>also constantly post about getting objectified because of your tits
Is this girl legitimately retarded or am I missing something?
I swear to god sex workers on social media are the living embodiment of "having your cake and eating it too".

All but 5 fans you interact with are only doing so because you're attractive to them. That's it.
I'd imagine she wants an interaction that has nothing to do with her tits, she wants MOAR

I'm not a horse whisperer
lol she has me blocked. I think I called her hoarding behavior nasty. If you didn't know she made an entire post about how shitty her house was because she's a food hoarder and too lazy to clean.
Good lord she posted this on feabie? Like a site for dating? Who wants to date a girl who is an admitted horder?
I mean, look at some of the women on there who have managed to get into relationships. Some guys are legit desperate.
I wonder if it's a chicken-and-egg situation here. She's probably going to have a lot of guys ogling her tits, sex worker or no, so I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to just monetize it since it's gonna happen either way. Obviously it isn't going to help her opinion of guys in general, since that just causes a higher amount of exposure to particularly shitty ones. Part of me feels for SWs hopelessly trying to change a customer base that's fundamentally disproportionately scummy, but the other part of me realizes they knew damn well what they were getting into.
To your second point, this always strikes me as them trying to have their cake and eat it too. Her profile is littered with shit about sex work, how can she not expect that to be the overwhelming majority of her interactions? My guess is that she’s mostly upset dudes are forking out the dough to tell her she’s got nice tits.
I have her private folder and bullshitted with her in DMs long enough for her to send me a "nude" - the folder is four blurry pics of someone else and the nude she sent me was a cropped pic of bigcutie summer. have no idea how she hasn't been banned yet. I saw coldstonesteveaustin comment on one of her pics once and I thought she was on the verge of calling her out but it didn't materialize, unfortunately.
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Imagine not only having roommates in your 30s but having to “scrounge” up the $100 or whatever to keep the lights on. I have no idea how people spend their whole lives like this.
let me know what else you guys want to know about me. I'm sure I can help you out. Straight from the horse's mouth
Which pic? I used to be a fan of hers, wonder if I would have picked up on it.
If anyone is wondering about Fupatrooper’s sudden wealth, and new man, turns out she’s shacked up with the old guy, in his 60s, who has previously bank rolled Amatrix. Puts a whole new light to those posts about her man doing labor while she sits on the sofa.
I mean good for her, I’m sure it’s a dream come true for her being able to sit on her ass and watch it get fatter. Besides having some pretty retarded political takes she always seemed like a pretty nice girl. But my only question is wasn’t that same guy amatrix was with incredibly abusive?

Yeah but she's lost a SHITLOAD of weight since she's been in Vegas.
I was wondering if anyone else thought she was sizing down a bit. Hard to tell from her newer pics.
I noticed that too, which is interesting. It must be for health reasons, because she was piling on weight consistently for a few years, wasn’t she close to 450lbs at one point?
She probably lost weight so she could get pregnant and entrap her 67 y/o bf.
That’s a good point, wouldn’t be surprised if she was trying to go that route
I don't necessarily disagree, but that's kind of my point. Sex work, as it stands, basically brings out the worst in both parties. It's entirely reasonable to call it out and push for a less emotionally overbearing "work" environment, though most SWs will only be willing to call out the other side, whilst ignoring their own issues.
that creep? fuck that guy
It's also a Catch-22, which I learned firsthand when a fellow Paramedic I worked with revealed their past as a stripper in Nevada to me when we had a relationship; the money is nuts. Some of these women pull 6-figures no problem, like in her case she could easily nip 4 digits a night thanks to her ~40Gs and being astute about her clients. Problem tho, you begin to look at men as a resource and not as people or even as possible friends or romantic partners- the whole act of sex work honestly, is very exploitative and dehumanizing and I wasn't shocked when later, she was abused by her BF.

I'm very attracted to this woman physically from what ya'll are describing, but I'd also love to just, get a fuckton of drinks with her and let her relax and bitch about shit for hours. I imagine that like most, they've found how much of a drug money can become. So >>13065 +1.

Could be Seroquel. It's a great mood-leveler for bipolarism and other manic disorders, but it makes you pile on weight and hornier than all hell in some cases. I have a friend who went on it for his Bipolarism, he thankfully turned it into an addiction to weightlifting and ameture wrestling.
But it's not my place to psycho-analyze over the internet. I just hope she gets to a better spot in life- I tried to hit on her over Wooplus RIGHT when she was in a relationship that seemed to have lasted a weekend, only because I found her Tumblr and she posted like, an update an hour about it. Really broke her up.
Anyone here remember Sunshineinabag? She was a short, very fat blonde girl on Feabie who used to talk about how much she loves feederism and wished her husband was into gaining but he wasn't. I remember talking to her a few times, probably back in like 2016-2018, but I took some time off Feabie and when I came back, I couldn't find her again. She was very vocal on the feed, so I assume she's off the site. Also, if it helps, her and that Lon Lon Ranch guy were like besties.

>Problem tho, you begin to look at men as a resource and not as people or even as possible friends or romantic partners- the whole act of sex work honestly, is very exploitative and dehumanizing

Yup. I always think of it as being like joining the military. It's not "just a job" like delivering pizzas that you can quit with no consequences when something better comes along. Even if you go back to civilian life, it will permanently alter the way you see the world.
That old creep almost killed amatrix, she had proof up on her snapchat about it. I dont remember how it went down cuz it seemed retarded at first but shit... makes sense now.
Feabie is so shallow. I really prefer FF; people are actually decent there and will hold conversations without being assholes
I remember sunshineinabag
She left feabie a long time ago.

A lot of old beans have retired, got banned (like littlepumpkin) or just left the site
Asked around, he apparently does taxes and gets paid in content for like every popular model

Does fupi tropi have a thing for felons because he's a felon and can't even do real accounting.
Is her partner that MJMoore-XTAXPROS dude?
Is it possible that feabie has almost turned me off of fat women entirely? lol. So much of their "confidence" is less than skin deep and if you even look at them the wrong way they blow their lid.

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