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So many of these "caught being an FA" threads tend to have a negative or crinfe ending, but I don't think it should always tbh.

Honestly, while a major resolution of mine is to be more upfront with my preferences, I've mostly been very don't ask don't tell to begin with. I think there's only been one time I've been explicitly caught on something BBW related, and it was browsing Wooplus. A friend was looking over my shoulder when I got a notification, and when I gave him the "skinny" (ironic choice of words), he was like "dude, I'm so glad you told me. I think big girls are really hot too but I thought you guys would think I was a freak for it so I never brought it up". A third friend chimed in with similar sentiments and we had a reallt nice chat. Just a funny and surprisingly uplifting situation over all.

Anyone else have positive stories of being "found out"

Anyone else have similar stories with good endings like that?
Just date a really fat chick and always be shoving hamburgers down her throat.
Imagine having the balls to sling racial and homophobic slurs here all day, then turn into a mouse when someone irl sees you eyeballing a fat chick.
There was a time in high school that a friend of mine and I mutually agreed that we didn’t mind women with a “few extra” curves, which was my first weakling foray into admitting it to other people. But then he ended up gay and was just going along with me to stay in the closet about that.
got that Call Of Duty Online Veteran energy behind it.
I've been caught like once watching a video of Isabella from stuffer31, but she wasn't stuffing herself and her belly wasn't showing, but I haven't really been "caught" liking fat girls.

The closest I've been to revealing liking bigger girls was I was talking with people on Díscord a few years ago about girls for like a few minutes. I said that I'm cool with a bigger girl, as Ling as she ain't ugly, but I was referencing thicc and curvy more than "fat".

Don't think I can really mention this to anyone without suffering the judgement and numerous questions as to "why".
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I don't; I just don't make liking fat girls my personality like a lot of people do.

Shit like this is cringe af.
I think a few people pieced it together when I started dateing, then got engaged with, then got married to a gorgeous, outspoken 300lb woman.

I had told a handful of friends about my preferences before that. It wasn't the earth shattering moment everyone seems to envision. Most of the time people didn't make a big deal about it, and the one friend who did is the type of person who makes jokes about everything so it was kind of expected. If I hadn't told him about that it would've been something else.
>>42071 (OP)
I've been "found out" but never met a fellow FA that way. But the worst I've experienced is light ridicule, that like 42108 says was no worse than any other ribbing a guy has to deal if he has male friends lol.
I've been waiting for such a thread to share this story.. it's a bit long and rambling but it's a good one.

Back when I was in high school I worked at a couple movie theaters for about 4 years and this was around the time I was discovering I liked my women a little bigger than just "chubby".

I was standing at a podium with my mid 30s nerdy coworker as an usher and directing people to their movies when a VERY large woman came waddling down the hall to our side of the theater.

This woman was around 5 foot, easily in the 400+ range and audibly winded just waddling from the parking lot to the podium. She had a very large purse that was obviously full of snacks and soda bottles.

As she approached the podium she was checking her phone and I looked her up and down for as long as I could before she stuffed her phone back into her purse and looked up to the two of us.

She had a wide apron belly stuffed into her far too tight leggings and every step she took caused her thick legs to shove her belly left and right. Every inch of this woman's body wobbled and jiggled with every step she took and it was driving my teenage hormones crazy watching this woman simply approaching the podium.

She hands me her ticket and I smile and tear her ticket then hand back her half and tell her where her screen was and she began the slow waddle down to the far end of the hallway. I looked around and didn't see any other customers coming towards us so I looked back to continue watching her shelf of an ass wobble as she walked.

After she entered the room I turned back to look down at the podium and my coworker clears his throat to say "You like that kind of thing or somethin?"

I quickly turn to him and stuttered "Wuh- What to you mean?" I was so distracted by this woman that i had completely forgot he was standing there waiting for a movie to end so he could start cleaning it.

He smugly grinned and said "you know what I mean, you like big chicks, don't you?"

I was probably bright red in the face when I lied to him and said "I was just wondering what was in that big purse and if I should have had her open it for me"

He laughed and said "Nah man, I saw you totally checking her out."

Then he said "it's okay man, I won't tell anyone because I was also checking her out. Your secret is safe with me dude."

After that every once in a while when we were working together he would say stuff like "Oh, you got a customer coming.." and I would turn my head to where he was looking and sure enough there would be a 200+ woman coming down the hall.

Eventually I started saying it back to him when I spotted one and he would mutter something like "nice." before going back to wiping down a counter or tidying up somewhere.

One day I caught him on a dating app (almost positive it was wooplus) and he showed me a gal he was talking to and just from her profile picture I could tell she was probably quite large. I complemented him on his find and wished him luck on an upcoming date.

As part of their date he brought her to the theater and I just happened to be working that day and when I saw them walking towards me my eyes almost bulged out of my head when I saw how large she was easily around 400 and looked a little like Foxy Roxxie now that im thinking about it. They approached my podium and he introduced her to me as "his absolute favorite coworker". She was a very sweet lady and I was happy he found someone so attractive and clearly very sweet to him.

Years later after I left the theater I saw them leaving a steakhouse as I was driving around looking for parking and I genuinely felt happy for him to have a long lasting relationship with her. I wish I was able to find parking sooner because she was looking bigger than the last time I saw them.
I had sort of an unspoken "oh, you're an FA too!" moment with a female friend. She and I are alike in that we're both slim, heterosexual and into fat partners. All her boyfriends over the years were big, and her fiancé is a SSBHM.
When she first started dating her fiancé, I was also at the time dating a SSBBW. The four of us met at a party and she (meaning my skinny friend) was much friendlier and happier to see me than normal. She didn't outright say it but I think there was a tacit thing going on where she was like "oh, anon likes super-sized partners too" in a positive way. The next time I saw her, she gushed about how gorgeous my gf was (without directly alluding to her weight) which she never did with any of my previous exes. I don't know if I've explained that very well.

I also had a positive experience with a SSBBW coworker. We were on good terms and sometimes went for lunch together etc, even though she was engaged. When I started dating the aforementioned SSBBW (who was about the same size as her), I flat out told her. You might think that's weird, and I suppose it was, but she reacted very positively. She thought it was great that I was an FA, and from then on she was very open about telling me about her binges and stuff like that. As odd as it sounds, I think she liked having a friend who she knew didn't judge her for being fat (or for having no interest in losing weight etc) to talk about food and fat stuff with.
My mental health has skyrotted when I just shrugged and admitted I liked bigger women to friends that asked. I wouldn't really even call myself an FA, but I don't feel any attraction to women under a particular weight, otherwise it's like a typical relationship. Reality's always more forgiving than the consequences you have in your head.

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