
(29 KB, 128x128, 8858-pepekek.png)
>I hadn't checked BBW Chan since last year kek

Now seriously, we all know that having resolutions for the new year is pretty stupid. I just want to know what goals do you have in mind for the next 12 months. Do you want to finally stop being hoeless? Being one of the bunch that wants to “get over this fetish"? Hit the gym? Become rich?
Personally I'd like to get a driver's license, and if possible have a serious relationship once and for all
-I want to get a driver's license as well or at least start lessons
-Obtain physics and math certificates for university (2nd attempt)
-Pausing or rejecting anything that has been an easy source of dopamine for me, porn, mastrubation and reading up on current events and exchange them for sources that are more of challenge (sport, fasting etc). I think the longest time I held off doing these things last year was 2 months I want to extent that to at least 6 months.
In terms of fun things, visit the cinema more, I saw SMB movie & The Boy and the Heron last year and really enjoyed those. This year I want to see Memoir of a Snail and maybe Ferrari.
I met someone who worked at a bank. Her goal was to make 250k per year. This was a while ago. She even wrote it down on paper. She is the one. If it wasnt for her I wouldnt be so fucking money hungry. I hope youre proud of me. I made that & more. You motivated me. And I wont stop here. Im chancing millions now. Im leaving alot of people behind. Good luck.
>>41964 (OP)
Yep, working on my L (fuck COVID), as well, also perhaps a research position at my school's psych lab. I also want to bring my conscientiousness up from the 20th percentile to at least 50th, cause that'll help self discipline across the board.

Finally, and most importantly I'm going to kick Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria in the balls.
I would definitely like going to the theater more often, that's why driving would actually help me.
I want to read more too, I didn't read a single book outside of school purposes. Felt bad about it because I used to read several books a month. >>42008
Go get bread mate, and when you get it, don't forget about us.
I'm actually curious about what you mean on the last one, how do you plan to bear RSD?

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