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I need y'all to help me with this because I'm only looking for fat hoes as a girlfriend and not regular girls, cuz when I've beaten my dick to girls before its always been morbidly obese sweaty pigs and not it models. The bigger issue is I'm not trying to get embarrassed dating a lizzo cosplayer. I already know I'm gonna get clowned if I'm in public with a fat hoe. But then when I fucking beat my meat (used to since its a new year) the erection starts going down. Plus after seeing my 600 pound life I'm not tryna end like that so I need advice to stop being attracted to these fat fucks that look like fucking shrek, and be a normal human being for once.
>>41963 (OP)
it's not a fetish
which means you can't get rid of it
so stop being embarrassed, you little bitch

I know this European retard isn't speaking here
I can tell your a degen so why don't u gtfo unless you're gonna give me actual advice instead of "stop being so embarrassed you little bitch."

Fucking retard. Gtfo lil bro
>>41963 (OP)
What are you rambling about? If you're attracted to skinny girls then you can date them and not bother telling people about your fetish. There's nothing wrong with dating bigger women, I can assure you no one cares about you dating a chunky lady. It's not the 90's anymore, so much degen faggotry is commonplace these days, liking fatties is pretty milquetoast. The women you see on "My 600lb Life" are anomalies in society so I doubt you could even date one if you wanted to, so that should be the least of your worries. When I was young, I was embarrassed to go out with fat girls, I always was worried about "what would my dad think?" or "what if the kids from school laughed at me?" But you can't concern yourself with what others think, it's beta and gay. If I listened to my dad I'd be dating a 100lb blonde girl from Australia. What's the fun in that? Time to grow a pair of balls anon.
Whatever you say old head
Whatever lil' nigga. You'll come around. If you're already posting on bbwchan then the only way you're getting rid of this fetish is when you kys. But that would be cringe. Why don't you have sex with a few skinny women and see how boring it is? Even normies admit sex with chonkers is better. Cope and seethe
Who ever complained fucking a huge phat ass only someone with a small cock.
Y'all niggas aren't helping at all bruh...
Finally, something came out of your mouth that wasn't pure soy. You forgot to mention big fat bellies, huge thunder thighs, fat soft arms, and fupa's. No one who's packing ever complained about those.
I made this to get offer my fat fetish and y'all niggas are fucking freaks.
Get rid of*

I can't fucking type
Im new here. Im agreeing with you dont know the other guy complaining about big booties bellies and phat arms. I love to fuck women like that and watch all the fat bouncy around. Its always the big bitches with the best backshots & creamy pussylmao
Nigga who is you??

And I'm the nigga complaining btw
Yeah we know retard moron. Dont you have a college thesis to type at an associate degree level. Whats your problem with big women with phat asses bellies & big arms. Those are the hidden gems on this planet you moron. You can keep your high class big boob skinny women. We like them big soft and jiggly with alot of macaroni and cheese sounds
Maybe the issue is I'm just slightly fat myself but I'm trying to pull in thin hoes so it doesn't look awkward that I'm dating a fat one
I'm not in college...
Dont get caught. Dont text. Texting is number reason men and women get caught. Phone calls & texts can be traced through third party websites. Burner phones is your best bet. Oh and be yourself. Women dont see weight first. They search for confidence that 99% men lack. Only 1% of men get women of all sizes and personalities. I can tell you that from experience. Dont try to fuck all at once unless you know how huge your cock is. And that pretty much it. If she likes you show her ur cock. Make her laugh then show her what your working with. I never met a woman get mad at me for showing them my big dick when theyre in the middle of laughing or in a oblivious good mood. Not one. So time it right fuck head
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Imagine being on top of her, having super passionate sex, looking into her eyes while you obliterate her fat vag. You have so much meat to grab onto and fondle, whether it's her chunky legs, big jiggly belly, whatever. Doesn't that sound more fun than having sex with a twig?
Imagine making her laugh so hard. Then you pull out your cock. Ball is in your court. If she gets mad then your penis is small & you just dont have that freakinees that she longs for lol
She for the streets then dumb highs
I might as well cheat behind her back at that point
I meant dumb nigga

Trust me buddy, I don't lack in the size department. But nearly every Asian woman is impressed by a 6 incher. I grew up in a town with tons of exchange students from Japan so I know from experience that they're easy to please.
You could always try hypno therapy
>>42000 what the fuck is the nigger on about. Ur emotions make ur weak. Women want a man to take it. Most men dont afraid of catching a bill cosby case. Thats why I said only the 1% get all the women.
>>41963 (OP)
Literally just btfo everyone who might give you shit over it. If that includes your friends, than lets becreal they weren't really your friends to begin with.

Tbh up until last year or so, I was super embarrassed by this preference, and even as I grew to accept it as part of high school, I'd downplay it as me "being into personality" or some shit. Nah, just own it, bitch.

Also helps that I'd say a good majority of my social circle pretty much coincidentally came up to me admitting they liked bigger girls too lmao. You might very well be surprised.
Fuckin loser mentality. Own who/what you're attracted to and quit being a bitch that cares what other people would think of your partner.
>>41963 (OP)
Here's my advice: Go see your doctor about getting some testosterone injections. That way you can own who you are and not be such a fucking coward.

Also: Don't write in fake ebonics/wigger jargon. It's almost as cringy as the self-hatred you project on the women you jerk off to, calling them Shrek and such. You're such a transparent incel, you make me sick.
I'm not an incel thank you. I just don't want to be attracted anymore to bitches that'll die of heart disease before old age
Bro. Old age sucks, why do you think people get a midlife crisis? Because all a person can do is watch themselves become old and useless. Better to have lived a life worth living then a long boring life with the later half full of regret.
She's enormously cute
Fat people who work out and are healthy exist. The only bitch here is you
>>41963 (OP)

So you're scared and embarassed of your preference for fat women, and instead of coming to terms with it like an adult you turn to a BBW porn aggregator's general discussion page to ask strangers (who are also attracted to fat women) how to pray it all away?

Very sad.
So you come to bbw-chan for advice because obviously we — guys who are by definition into heart attack bitches — know the secret of how to do that? Makes a lot of sense lol.

Just date and screw the women you're into, grow up and stop being afraid of what people think of them, and worry about old age when you're old. Nobody lives forever and I'd rather be on my death bed at 65 knowing I'd lived my life how I wanted than 90 and full of regrets.
As someone who's trying to get over this too, the things that I've thought of are meeting up with a skinny woman who is nice and hot in her own way to sort of recondition yourself. Also, there's the fact that women generally put on a lot of weight as they age, so dating one a little thinner than you like is playing the long game.
Being exclusively to fat women is cringe af and quite frankly, a mental illness. Don’t listen to these low class degens itt OP. Try hanging out and dating more normal weight women. And stop consuming porn
Men who like skinny women are gay pedos.
It’s a mental illness. And one that’s indicative of a very sick degeneracy.
You have a porn addiction. Seek help
Step 1: GTF off this site. It's like an alcoholic hanging out in a bar.
DONALD TRUMP IS ABOUT TO CRUMBLE AMERICA GOVERNMENT !!!!!! Look what you have done! If he wins your in big trouble.
if he wins, the entire world is in trouble ("revenge politics", installing dictatorship, bonding with russia / china / north korea, economic disaster, ecologic disaster, civil wars, global wars).

Oh, rubbish. Having a ruler who's above the law for life is just what America needs. It's been without a king for too long.
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king D.J.Tantrum I.
such a sensible idea - and it sounds so familiar...
Why is there a picture of a dog at the top of this fetish thread. Is it about dog fetishes? I think more fat women are into dog fetishes, furry shit, etc than normal sized women for what it’s worth.
>>41963 (OP)
One thing for sure is that if you dig deep down around the echo chambers that welcome the terminal online with open arms, it'll weaken your addiction, I mean it's so fucking embarrassing seeing neckbeards with autogynephilic tendencies who identify themselves as preschoolers. Other thing has to be when they get political, cringe culture died, but that doesn't mean manchildren should be taken seriously.
Democrats are losing because they keep spending money on Trump's properties they claim to hate making them hypocrites. Trump could make Nikki Haley VP because Biden has no charisma.
Charlemagne the God said the quiet part out loud: Biden has no energy. None of these bland mediocre moderates can sell gun running to Israel and Ukraine in exchange for a cut going to the border at the Rio Grande. This is why I don't care for Adams. How do you make giving illegals prepaid debit cards sound so boring?
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I want to believe this but Dems can't even motivate their base to believe Biden is a poor man's Oliver North. Bill was right, the left sucks at selling pussy to paratroopers.
>>41963 (OP)
>and be a normal human being for once.
Are you even white?
As if Italians are white. Fucking Mongoloid Catholics think they’re aryans because Mussolini was Hitlers bitch. Drown on olive oil you genetically contaminated waste of eurozone: short, bulbous-nosed lazy peasant people in a corrupt welfare state.
Not white like mayonnaise but maybe an aioli?
>>41963 (OP)
Not really sure what advice you want to hear. The way I see it, you have 3 options: give in and get with a fat girl, get with a chubby girl who maybe isn’t as embarrassing for you, or, recondition your sex drive.

I understand not wanting the health risks if it’s a long term partner you’re after, but what’s embarrassing? Are you afraid or your family or strangers opinions?
No man. I’m white and from a country where people actually work for a living.
Don’t ever claim to be one of us you fucking genetic abomination:
Drunken fat toothless peasants, shaped like fucking minions, with no contributions to the world except losing wars.
The only decent genetics left in Italy are from when Russian managers and American GIs raped your mothers during WWII
Wow. Italy quietly taking the unlike how loudly and enthusiastically their moms took American D.
Shut up wop. You’re not in charge of who is or isn’t white.
I do really love the racist ayrans to love to talk shit like anyone actually takes you seriously.
Def taken more seriously than Italy or Israel… basically the Egypt of the west.
Collapsed society idolizing fascism while huddling around rotting monuments from thousands of years ago.
> Shut up wop.
That’s so wrong. WOP just means “without papers”, Dago was the slur.
Hes a “WOP Dago” because Italians fleeing their failed state were basically synonymous with “illegal immigration”.
>>41963 (OP)

you never get over it. It is part of who you are. It is up to you how you express it and use it.
>Lol gringos insulting
Now qualifies Mexico. as if he were a Mexican
I won't get angry. Consider that my hispachan died

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