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Let's post what we like about the website and how we can improve.
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I'll start.

Can we try a more efficient site design please?
Thematic boards made 2chan and 4chan big and popular, but wastebin boards make an image board slow to a crawl and go offline.
I don't want that to happen to us.
2chan's and 4chan's design are the best in terms of space, moderation, and user interface.
My goal is less boards.
Less boards mean less work for moderation.
Too many boards split the userbase.
Unintuitively named boards confuse new posters.
Crossposting is good and should be encouraged.
I can go on.

Currently we have 14 boards, 400 post bump limit a thread, 200 threads a board, and 6 attachments a post.
I don't see why BBWchan can't streamline its design.
Let's say we reduce unused space to 6-7 boards, 300 post bump limit a thread, 150 threads a board max, 5 attachments a post, and we can add an archive for 1-10 threads that've been recently bumped off.
Please correct me but I think my humble suggestion reduces space to 1/4th of the current bloat. Pun intended.
I hate the trend of chan's going offline one after another.
You can't tell me 4chan is "over-optimized" and that draw and write threads for every subforum isn't a major deal of their success.
And let me continue with how much I resent the trend of image boards decreasing and disappearing.
So how do we stop this?
Currently most boards are flooded with low count threads asking for the same things - Spam is rampant.

First let's make the frontpage less cluttered - mascot, list of boards, and donation link.
Here are my board ideas.
/bbw/ - BBWchan, the site itself, general discussions, suggestions and compliments and complaints, only board with IDs
/c/ - chubby, smallfat, pudgy, slightly overweight, not yet unhealthy
/f/ - fat, bigfat, overweight, obese, definitely unhealthy
/i/ - inflation, because, but also everything boobs and butts, also pregnancy
/s/ - slob, lack of hygiene, smells, farts and vomit and shit and piss - ban threads outside of this containment board with contempt
/z/ - furry, everything non-human that's clearly based on an animal - see directly above
No furry outside of /z/
No smells and smelly substances outside of /s/
No board-specific subjects in /bbw/

Do you know where a requested 3dpd board can be placed? Beyond /bbw/ at the beginning and /z/ at the end and /s/ to force smellfags into, I didn't think any further than "I want normies to *get* this place."

Next on the list is cultivating healthy forums.
How do we invite newfriends without the pressing need to explain every single currect board?
How do we get new posters who can draw or write to check out the site?
How do we deal with newcomers who make a new threads for literally every little thing?

And here are my thread ideas.
>post #1 - board-related sticky image like pic related for /c/, the board mascot for /bbw/, Snake saluting for /f/, the guy who shouts UNF at a circle for /i/, the braaap guy for /s/, etc.
/draw/ thread, include rules like "don't bump requests"
/edit/ thread, also coloring
/write/ thread
/cap/tions thread
/gif/ and animations thread, for gif and webm and video files, but not irl
/games/ thread, also modding, but not official gaming franchises
/beg/ thread
/lost/ content thread
/art/ists' thread, because most artists don't fill 300 posts much less 400
/irl/ real life thread, same as above but for real life gainers or inflaters
/rp/ roleplay thread
/mime/ing thread, for pretenders and fat suits or fursuits
/ai/ thread, report posts outside of this containment thread

Pre-posted generals are meant to make it clear to new posters that mods can and will warn them for spamming threads and ban them if they don't stop. I have more but I think 10% of a catalog is more than enough to force newbies to behave. Warn them if they start a duplicate thread and ban them for 24 hours if they do it again. Also demand a subject for making new threads. In that way we can reduce dozens of over specific threads to a handful highly concentrated ones.

Next on the list is three tools for the userbase: sage, warn, and ban.
Make them visible.
I think it'd be funny to read USER WAS BANNED FOR NOT CHECKING THE CATALOG in red bolds.
Keep the "report my post" replacement filter.
With these tools it'll be much easier to tell new posters to check available threads before making a new one for a subject like navel fucking or a prolific artist like Axel Rosered.
Otherwise it's free real estate.

tl;dr - Rename boards, reduce their number, turn the home page into an alphabetically sorted board list, replace stickies with a relevant funny tongue in cheek image, make "bump" a warnable offense, reduce catalog size to 150, add an archive for 5-10 recently dead threads, reduce attachments to 5, remove IDs except for /gen/ aka /bbw/, and add a sage and autosage function so bad threads can serve as a buffer.
Make one last archive of the whole site and start fresh, or implement the above step by step starting with board names and removing the least active ones.

>Are you a German?
I wish.
>Am I a German?
You wish.
>Do you regularly drive >100mph?
aww geez not this shit again
A problem with that is that there will be a lot more arguments on who is chubby, fat, etc. Also majority of us here only wants to see women and are men or lesbos. There's rarely any straight women here but if they are having a bhm thread is still nice for them, and whatever LGBT shit that likes that over bbw. I'm pretty sure nobody wants to see trans fucks and fat men when they are looking for female feedee content. It'll make the site like thisvid at that point minus the scat.
>>41857 (OP)
remove Kilotroll once and for all.
U ppl complaining about things that doesnt effect your life one bit. Miserable humans
I'm just saying straight men would rather keep things separate instead of realizing they're jacking off to a man. You calling me miserable just tells me what kind of person you are.

This and the dude that puts Halt whatever response posts
Happy. Just like watching porn. Thats all lol
The Halt guy would stop when Kilotroll stops. How you and others manage to lump the two of them together as equally annoying is fucking wild.
You say you're not German but this is a seriously German post lol.
Ban K I S A M E.

He/she/it does nothing but derail threads with nonsensical schizoposting.
stop allowing doxxing? that would be a good start
Mods do generally discourage that when it comes up, we just have a bunch of obsessive types here who think just because they legally can discover the info, they should.
Kisame is a singular person?? I thought that was simply a greeting some of y’all mfers used on here to start a post.
I would love a "dear penthouse forum" section. They're my favorite threads in /gen/, although maybe it's not popular enough to justify it's own section.
can we stop using the shitty file sharing services that have short expirations like its some industry standard?
I can live with WeTransfer, but anyone who uses MAB should be dragged out behind the barn and shot. Such a pain in the ass of a browser crashing shit website.
I got so upset with MAB that I just went ahead and bought the cheapest subscription and it's been like that for a few months now. It takes like a year for 1 gig to download.
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I don't know what these moochers are talking about. I became a Pentecostal. I think anon's self coup and double crossing made them paranoid and thinking Kisame is an avatar of G-d. This is what happens when trad-caths read those Tom Clancy novels and LARP as Oliver North. Fundies aren't going to take away your Pokemon, Power Rangers, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings. Besides, evangelicals don't believe in the Catholic Church, the Matrix, or Star Wars. You just watch too much television and Fox News. Even Gutfeld admits the narrative about fatherless homes is gone cau society is changing. You just got old, fat, and coveted powers like King Lear.
I don't know. Sambo down in Florida is steeped in chan culture and bio tech talk. When you remove United Healthcare from the state, it's full of inbred hillbillies who need government aid so their cheap property doesn't get destroyed by a hurricane. It's why people are relocating to the Midwest or the Carolinas, or Virginia where true southern culture begins.
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Just like my mom, United Healthcare may want me to be conservative but they need my liberal spending to pay their bills. I could just stop spending. Hyperpreg likes to whine about 2019, but their ratings have plummeted cause they keep venting on 4chan about the past. It's like Trump who's obsessed with the past and not the present. I doubled my equity to 30k by working hard. I will double it in ten years. Hyperpreg fell for the myth of the yokel sticking it to the fat cats whiles being the scrappy Catholic union man. It's why Biden is going to make huge gains this November and why Fox is hiring psychics to beg MAGA man to be positive to win.
Ffs, Florida's surgeon general is such a quack he makes Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Maury, and Ms. Cleo look reasonable.
+1. And if anybody knows another place where that kind of content is available, please share.
I know this thread is probably starting to decline a bit, but since I often end up uploading content, probably worth a few of my views.

In general, big fan of a of of how the new site has been managed. lot less spam material and dodgy illicit links that nobody likes. The new url has cut down on some users no doubt, but it's pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

I've never been a fan of the board splitting of BBW and SSBBW, but I do see it's merits in terms of having more page 1 paces for both sides. I'd like to see a lot more just clamping down on discussions or comments on "Oh this belings in /bbw/ instead of /ssbbw/ or vice verse". It's a pretty lazy comment and regardless of the merits, even in terms of discussion it's a dead end.

Kinda agree with some of site sharing comments, but only in a narrow sense. Like Myairbridge is annoying and has been throttling content for a bit, but it's pretty safe and does have a really high threshold for content (20gb verse 2gb for WeTransfer is helpful for some of the uncompressed files/longer clips). Stuff like D00d or those other links that just take you to pages littered with viruses however is annoying as shit, and could probably justify intervention.

I do wish there was a better more direct way to support and donate the board. Like I get how hard it must be, and often crypto and other direct funds are sometimes the only ways to support the thread, but man I do wish there was a more Normie way to get peope to donate. I know this is a lame thing to say, but it would be appreciated.
White conservative just want all the welfare and socialism for themselves.
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Happy new year, BBWchan!!
Good that you mention this.
Keep in mind that arguments are GOOD.
I had more generals in mind to increase 1/10 to 2/10 catalog space.
One discussion general and one general for male focus coming right up.
Keep in mind that, sadly, male content is so rare that unless you really need to, male on male and female on male will need to be included to save catalog space.
Don't mind the NPCs.
Everything that isn't pollyanna is le bad.
Unless it's them that complain and call something toxic.
Do you want to know something? I was transfered to this place because they needed logistics. Memes aren't real.
Once I have the money I'll donate.
This is a good post and you need to post more.
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More generals for all boards.
/dis/cussion thread - board-related discussions, e.g. where to draw the line between chubby and fat
/men/ thread - due to scarcity of content this generals's for male, female on male, and male on male
/con/fusing - unclear, neither male nor female, or trans

The following are up to debate.
/west/ern <> /eas/tern
/vid/eo games aka vidya <> /tv/ or /vis/ual - i.e. cartoons, anime, cartoons and manga, and books, because shows and movies

Some more to help with content pressure.
/nin/tendo - because they have enough to fill up to bursting at the seams. Pun intended.
/ar/ - Axel Rosered, because he's a prolific artist
what about adding support for image formats that give better compression, like jxl?
I think merging /preg/, /inflation/, and /bbfurries/ into /bbwalt/ would be a good first step. Remove /ee/ since I don’t what what it’s there for.
I disagree. See above.
Easy mode's to archive the website and reboot it.
Hard mode's to archive and decommission only /pregnant/, /everything else/, /erotic literature/, /bhm real & drawn/, and /bbw alternative/.
Please destroy AI categories, those are just filling up space with garbage
Why don't we just make a category for fucking transsexuals? I see by now all /ee/ and /alt/ is just fucking transsexuals. Please just put them all in their hole so I don't have to see them there, alt and ee are for more niche fetishes
Do something about the spammers in BBWDraw. Especially the BWS thread. It's been like this since the second day of Christmas.
Already absent and abandoning the next ad Kisame17 to go to therapy
Why cant Banksy paint shit like this, instead of all that boollshit he stains the walls with.
easy answer. more jannies to remove dumbfuck shitposters, schizos, and political posts where they don't belong. everything else is fucking fine. the problem is there's a huge issue with cp so no one wants to be a jannie because it fucks your mental health and no one in their right mind wants to do that for a thankless bunch of coomers

absolutely fucking not. of course the spaghetto is retarded. it's already contained in its own board, just don't look at it, moron.

agree on making trans its own thing, though I'm not coming from a place of transphobia. it just seems big enough to deserve its own space.
I am barely on this site despite being Kisame17. Preg got rid of the fat nerds with the faded shirts , North Face jackets, and timbs for the artsy fartsy scene. Now they're mad the government isn't funding their indie projects.
I don't know anon. It's snowing where I live. I just slept for 10 hours and woke up around 7 today.
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See, I am barely on this site and Pregchan is talking about me. My mom is a native of Florida and I out crazy the lolcow.
Do something about the schizo-spammer!
Vpn and no sign up trolls are undefeated.
>>43032 thats what discord is there to bann trolls. But the reappear
Discord laid off it's staff cause it turns out, boomers don't buy their products
I refuse to believe it's one person at this point. Must be bitter coomers that are getting together. Either way, the only solution is this >>42983 But the CP problem scares away any consistent moderation to take care of lesser problems like this.
I am barely on this site. I spent the better part of the day doing laundry and making lunch. I am also prone to sleeping during the winter.
Most of my digital assets belong to artists so it's up to them to stop pretending to be Kisame
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The "READ THE *RULES* link above the post button has been borked for months and now just redirects you to a malware site.
I don't invest in electronics anon. The Staples in my area shut down years ago. You are just stuck in the past.
Why do you faggots think I, an American who gets paid to make things more efficient in fucking GERMANY, ask the admin to redesign the website?
I love image boards.
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After reading a couple of threads that are exceptionally prone to de-railment, I've become much more in favour of "quarantining" a thread being an option.

"Quarantining" is a bit overdramatic, but basically it means you treat messages and engagements in that thread with much more scrutiny or punishment. If you're in a much less derailed thread, a few jabs or tangents might be alright, because clearly it's not causing harm or derailment, but if you're on a thread that commonly get's messy, derailed, or controversial, that thread get's strict scrutiny.

Full disclousre, this is in relation to ChubbyChiquita/Mary's thread which has been derailed on a daily basis, and led to actual people spamming engagements with her about stuff on the thread. It's almost all pointless garbage, and while you can have some more jokes in, say, idk the UdderlyAdorable thread (just using her as an example because I love her too) it's not *as* bad, but for Mary, it's clearly reached a point where the thread is deserving of more review.
Every board should have a general for discussions, complaints, and suggestions, seeing how almost nobody uses /gen/.
Full disclosure: Your idea is very welcome in light of how quickly changes to the status quo are shot down without consideration.
>>41857 (OP)
Unpopular take but we need more moderation. There's no fucking reason I should ever see a single post discussing politics of any kind on a board dedicated to fat women. I am currently going through my master's in political science, I work for a political organization, I am not afraid of politics, but I am so fucking sick of seeing this shit infest even my pornography.

Also all the unfunny fucking joke spammers, like the fartcakes in the fatmissT thread or the absolute shitshow that was the chubbychiquita thread. Once or twice, fine, whatever, it's a chan board, say nigger and get your rocks off. But when every other post is the same fucking bit it makes me want to pour hellfire on the internet.

Just fucking talk about fat women on the fat woman board. You want to be a fucking comedian go talk to your actual fucking friends. I'm here to jack off not scroll through mind numbing idiocy.
Shut the fuck up pussy
Graduate high school

Here's some! A catalog possessing 21025 threads.
How about the mods be less of fascist little dick Zionists and censure this board less. Go mod a Reddit you fat bitch tits loser.
Why not? I'm giving away a week salary for free out here. Give me months and I'll donate.
Ah the enlightened moderate. “Say the n word but please don’t derail conversations with political discourse”
Must work for the Biden campaign
The mods here need to wield an iron fist to stop the kisame imposter. We need to tighten up our security and drop the ban hammer more.
Ill shoot you dead before you reach the parking lot.
You’d best not miss.
Open the gate.
I’d rather people didn’t say that shit, that kind of racial obsession is symptomatic of a deeper brain rot, but I also understand this is the internet and you have to set the bar pretty fucking low.
Why not? I'm trying really hard.
>>41857 (OP)
I'd argue that the use of dood links should be a ban worthy offense. They are completely worthless as a file sharing platform. Anyone posting them is basically spamming the board with links to malware by virtue of incessant popup ads even with a blocker.
Dood links aren't contributions, they are malware hiding as contributions. Dood links ought to be strongly discouraged
Do you except more decent, high minded intellectuals like yourself to share stolen pornography with mealy mouthed bigots?
Mods shut down politics but leave up hate speech, gets surprised when their jackboot culture only spawns trash humans.
/booty/ needs better policing from stupid ape retards begging for content or asking who someone is when there a threads dedicated to that shit.
just ban them
basically a "policy against stupidity" ?
i guess the whole world could use that, not just /booty/. ;-)
One new thread per day.
Some boards are too damn fast without using existing threads. Generals would incentivize users to report and subsequently see spam threads banned.
I believe some bots posted cp in the bbw real board.
I don't wanna look at it again, can anyone the mods take care of it please
Whose dick do I have to suck to get the url changed into Bbwchan without the hyphen? Bots need the correct address so changing it will break them. 2chan used to do that frequently during the early Internet 2.0 while 4chan banned IP ranges for limited timespans.
Less boards, less works.
Change the url to bbwchan without the hyphen.
I don't know why my posts keep disappearing. One was trips, too. I'm trying really hard to help.
>I don't wanna look at it again
you're not an exception.

>can anyone the mods take care of it please
they are. just try to ignore those threads (you can even minimize them) and they'll vanish soon.
>they are. just try to ignore those threads (you can even minimize them) and they'll vanish soon.
Horrible advice. This is how image boards get unlisted. You need to report them and brainstorm ways to keep them off this site.
i know you've dedicated your life to "helping hard". helping a little less would help a lot.
You Europeans don't understand the value of free speech and the boon it's brought to the world. I keep seeing image boards slow to a crawl and die, get unlisted, or go offline over a lack of funds. With more users the website can start a patreon to cover the costs and who knows, maybe one new poster is the next madman who pays for a whole year?
you believe that some rich idiot might come along, thinking he can buy bbw-chan and make it his own "Reich"?
We have a sticky dedicated to "some rich idiot" who was amazing enough to pay for one whole year of continued BBWchan. That's twelve months. I can come up with one and that friend paid twelve.
I'm seriously starting to consider renewing my contract and staying away from wherever you are. I may have been nothing if not the nicest troll but you're a menace to my brain cells. Do you even use 2chan much less 4chan?
>a sticky dedicated to "some rich idiot"
maybe you see him like that. your choice.

to make this clear: i see the current generous donor as someone who genuinely cares for the chan, doesn't want to interfere or force any plans of restructuring on the site. thanks to him and to the tireless work of the admin/crew of this chan has kept going.

>starting to consider renewing my contract and
>staying away from wherever you are
your decision. interesting that you mention this. yes, please think about the way you want to "help" this site, and do it in accordance with the people in charge.

>nicest troll
how about NOT trolling at all?

>you're a menace
>Do you even
sure, if confronting you with some other perspective is too much for you, i'll let you take a break.
You sound German.
>a sticky dedicated to "some rich idiot"
maybe you see him like that. your choice.

to make this clear: i see the current generous donor as someone who genuinely cares for the chan, doesn't want to interfere or force any plans of restructuring on the site. thanks to him and to the tireless work of the admin/crew this site has kept going.

>starting to consider renewing my contract and
>staying away from wherever you are
your decision. interesting that you mention this. yes, please think about the way you want to "help" this site, and do it in accordance with the people in charge.

>nicest troll
how about NOT trolling at all?

>you're a menace
>Do you even
sure, if confronting you with some other perspective is too much for you, i'll let you take a break.
>thanks [...] to the tireless work of the admin/crew this site has kept going.
How about reducing the work to make it less tireless? Have you thought about that?
>please think about the way you want to "help" this site
Counting all instances of "fuck off" as one, I have revized my suggestion since the first post in the now defunct end of bbwchan thread.
>how about NOT trolling at all?
Are you from California? I had the displeasure to instruct new graduates NOT to use outdated design philosophies.
You sound German.

Actually, it's the opposite.

By having a load of fringe shit on here it keeps the main bbw and ssbbw boards more focussed to you know, fat chicks instead of BHM, furries and all the others most aren't interested in.

Makes sense
I think we need a sexual thread for the young but barely legal fatties. Like 100% college age passing women. This place is all about free speech and some of us just hate these mature old women crowding up bbw and ssbbw.
Have you even seen my proposal? I make a living thinking things through and this is no different from my paycheck. Yours is an outdated design.
6-7 boards means one mod could keep an eye on all of them in one sitting.
Furries and fringe shit have their own boards so as to allow users and mods alike to discriminate with prejudice, and /gen/ would become kinda the socialization board so as to make politics a bannable subject on the other boards.
My latest idea is restricting thread creation to one new one every 24 hours.
Bad troll.
>I make a living thinking things through and this is no different from my paycheck.
Whoever is paying you is getting ripped off.
>6-7 boards means one mod could keep an eye on all of them in one sitting.
Oh fuck no, condensing /booty/ and /tits/ to just one chubby board and /bbw/ and /ssbbw/ to another while dividing up /draw/ among them doesn't fix any problem, you're just throwing buffet trays into two big dumpsters. It would be chaos as explained to you so eloquently before.
>Furries and fringe shit have their own boards so as to allow users and mods alike to discriminate with prejudice
They already are. You're proposing a solution to something already solved.
>/gen/ would become kinda the socialization board
It already is you gaping retard
>make politics a bannable subject on the other boards
This is how I know you don't manage anything. There's containment threads on /tits/ and /booty/ for exactly this reason, but politics are pervasive enough where it will rear it's ugly head. If it's civil it's fine, if it's not then we deal on a case by case. Same with the schizo posting. It's such a common occurrence users need to learn not to engage, otherwise mods get accused of policing and more shit bubbles up.
>restricting thread creation to one new one every 24 hours
And who gets to decide what threads go up? Why do you want to throttle the user experience so badly? For an American living in Germany, you're more like them than you claim otherwise.

Bad proposal. Just make your own chan with blackjack & hookers, Kraut.
>My latest idea
the world needs many more of those.
>Oh fuck no, condensing /booty/ and /tits/ to just one chubby board and /bbw/ and /ssbbw/ to another while dividing up /draw/ among them doesn't fix any problem, you're just throwing buffet trays into two big dumpsters. It would be chaos as explained to you so eloquently before.
Clearly you need to read more hardcover books.
/booty/ and /tits/ go into /infl/ if e/x/pansion won't be and /bbw/ become /c/ while /ssbbw/ become /f/. Every board should have its own /draw/ thread. Chubby artists can try obesity while still having a "home" to call "home."
>You're proposing a solution to something already solved.
There are still fart, diaper, and scat threads in other boards.
>It already is you gaping retard
>There's containment threads on
No it isn't. /gen/ a catch all for subjects better suited for /c/ and /f/. By making /gen/ solely the socialization and politics board there won't be containment threads in other boards. That way the accusers can be told "Just go to another board."
>And who gets to decide what threads go up?
No one in particular? By restricting thread creation, spammers are then forced to participate in existing threads. Sooner or later they'll learn and not start new beg threads.
>Why do you want to throttle the user experience so badly?
See above. I want to *increase* user experience by making it easier for invites, harder for spammers, and more intuitive for normies who have an inkling how 4chan works.
>you're more like them than you claim otherwise.
They're autistic but they don't think things through and that's why I was promoted and transferred.
You made my day.
Draw wouldn't be on board with that since artists have their own threads. It's almost insulting to have art relegated to one thread per board.

Combining booty and tits to any one board is still a recipe for disaster. They're two of the highest traffic boards here.

You're forgetting how reviled inflation is among normalized threads. Throwing it in with booty and tits is asking for fighting.

Slob, scat, and diaper aren't anywhere near populated enough to warrant their own boards. It would literally just be one page for each. You're hiding way less threads with the current setup than you would be under yours.

We're already relegating discussion that doesn't belong elsewhere to here.

This is still a bad proposal. You're autistic because no one else would cling to their vision this badly knowing none of it would be adopted.
nicely played
>It's almost insulting to have art relegated to one thread per board.
You're a menace to my brain cells.
Thematic boards, thematic draw threads, artists and writers go to the place they're interested in. This is literally decades of experience on 2chan and 4chan. Want to draw a vidya waifu? Go to /v/. Want to draw an animu waifu? Go to /a/ if SFW, /e/ if lightly unsafe, /h/ if NSFW, and /d/ if fetishy.
>Combining booty and tits to any one board is still a recipe for disaster. They're two of the highest traffic boards here.
Because they generate new threads on the run and which is why there's a max threads per hour limit. Only these two have this limit.
>You're forgetting how reviled
I know. That's why my original had /x/ for expansion and which doubles as a inside joke for 4chan's weirdo board.
>You're hiding way less threads with the current setup than you would be under yours.
With the set up I'm proposing there'd be no need for hiding and all the tools to report on sight. Crossposting is good and should be encouraged.
>This is still a bad proposal.
This is a "fuck off" proposal if anything. I'm in no position to expect a website I adore to take up my educated and trained improvals. How you imagined I can """force""" hands is unfathomable. For your information you should "cling" to things you like if you don't want to live a mediocre life.
the thought also crossed my mind. asperger autist with a pronounced narcissistic tendency, a considerable social deficit, the belief that only he can save the world and the obsessive need to always have the final word.

nicely played
Exactly my gripe with this continued discussion, even to the extent of trying to force it by posting on all the boards. We saw that and immediately cleaned it up. It REEKS of "I know better than you" without realizing this setup is a natural evolution of how the site has been working for well over a decade. We've added boards due to proliferation of new content and removed boards due to redundancy or lack of function. GermAnon needs to lurk more and shut up if he wants his porn fix.
>everyone who doesn't let things be the way they are is le bad
You would do well here in Germany.
>posting on all the boards
Why yes, I wanted feedback by users who don't visit /gen/ as regularly.
Come to think of it.
Finnish Anon has posted the exact view Germans perceive Americans with almost verbatim. Is this more common?
I've explained this site is the way it is because it's developed naturally that way, not because some outsider thinks he can fix the problem because he's "an expert". That's my final word on this.
Developed naturally from a poor design philosophy? I hope you consider lurking 4chan and seeing for yourself.
4chan has 75 fucking boards, doesn't limit thread creation, and anytime someone posts something slightly out of line in a general everyone collectively pisses themselves. I don't know what point you think you're making.
New Moot has introduced most of the new boards. Threads aren't limited because spam is dealt with by more active threads. You should try fake anger, it's really fun. My point is: I have successfully invited normies to BBWchan by comparing it to 4chan to English speakers and 2chan to non-English speakers.
I want this website to thrive. Grow. Bigger.
I was Kisame17. The internet culture was limited to millennials like me. Now it's made up of boomers who think the Super Bowl was rigged cause of the satanic colors, Gen X who think they made it cause Usher is dancing, and millennials like Post Malone who just want to play guitar.
I think Henry Morgenthau and Robert Vansittart had some intriguing policy ideas that would improve the quality of discussion on this website
There’s too much moderation in this community to let it fly. If you stopped policing free inquiry so much the CP protests might lose steam.
i tried to avoid those dark thoughts, but couldn't deny seeing some parallels.

my observations are meandering between those lines from above:
>I'm in no position to expect a website I adore to take up my educated and trained improvals
>I make a living thinking things through

and repeated:
>I wanted ...
>I want this website ...

this is serious. i trust the site owner to keep this wanna-be-messiah in check and never get involved in any sort of deal.

You'd do better to fuck off and stay fucked off you kraut loving kunt.

You want this place to thrive yet you're painting the shittiest picture of it. Fuck off and start your own chan, that would be healthy, give this terrible place that you keep slating some competition.

Are ye mad full of it? Take your meds and get tae fuck!
>>41857 (OP)
We need a board for feeders, feedees, and weight gain in general
If she has daddy issuez she watches porn. So if u want to destroy her mentally do it now. While she is in here.
reading recommentation: Trolling For Dummies.
Does he wear pull ups mommy. Fucking at front door after night out
(169 KB, 872x900, four-leaf-clover-steve-percivalscience-photo-library.jpg)
Why yes, I want this place to thrive and becoming bigger. How could you tell?
What's the problem with that?
This is the best place and one of the few remaining good places.
To give a better response to >>44443 I'll give a quick rundown on the single biggest and most popular image board and one of the most influential websites of all time.
4chan has 75 boards divided into safe for work "blue boards" and not safe for work "red boards."
We're here to discuss fat chicks and big boobs and not video games or comics unless they have fat chicks or really big boobs in them.
For obvious reasons we'll consider only the red boards. Because.

There are 20 red boards. That's less than one third of the number you quoted.
/d/eviant - alternative hentai i.e. fetishes (you find fat, expansion, and inflation here) Beware the shitting dicknipples.
/aco/ adult cartoons - a new board for cartoons and comics (here you find fat and expansion, but inflation's rare)
/gif/ adult GIF - real life adult movies and webms (sometimes you find fat and very rarely inflation) Beware the gore generals.
/e/cchi - lightweight anime and manga lewd
/h/entai - anime and manga porn
/s/exy beautiful women - irl women
/hc/ - hardcore porn
/hm/ handsome men - male-centric and gay porn
y/u/ri - lesbian anime and manga porn
/y/aoi - like y/u/ri for gay anime and manga porn
/t/orrents - torrents
/hr/ high resolution - self-explanatory
/r/ adult requests - self-explanatory
/b/reddy random - we don't talk about /b/
/r9k/ Robot9001 - known for a post filter that stops you from posting what's already been posted
/pol/itically incorrect - infamous
/bant/ international/random - originally an Aprils Fools board and brought back by high demand
/soc/ cams&meetups - camgirls and meeting anons
/s4s/ - this is a nice board :D

As you can clearly see the suggestions posted above ITT collapsed these boards listed above into 6-7 boards and 15 generals for each, taking 1/10th of each boards' catalog, for BBWchan's purposes. Most boards above will become threads instead. We can advertize on the red boards above to gain more traction and invite old posters back into our folds. Pun intended.
>What's the problem with that?
your method.

>I want this place ...
exactly. you're talking about what you want.
within your field of perception, what do you think the site owner, crew and regular anons (really) want? have you noticed any of that?
>your method.
Please post your suggestions. I want your honest grievances. Hopefully you can start using /d/ draw and edit threads with their many talented and generous artists and editors and see where I'm arguing from.
> you're talking about what you want.
Go on. Please don't cut out the context.
I want normies to *get* this place.
I want to *increase* user experience by making it easier for invites and more intuitive for normals.
I want this website to thrive.

With all respect I don't see who doesn't want more users and less work.
Less boards = less tabs = less work.
More users = more lurkers.
More lurkers = more posters.
More posters = more contributors.
More contributors = more mainstream appeal.

Within my field of profession it's vital to check for faults and grind for improvement. I wish I could be a neet like you, BahamAnon.
>I want your ...

>you can start using /d/
no, i will not discuss your take-over plans. they are irrelevant.
find the consent of the site owner first, then we can talk.

>I want ...
>I want ...
>I want ...
>I don't see who doesn't want ...

my question ( >>44647 ) remains unanswered.

>it's vital to check for faults
good, you know where to look. >>44647
Site takeover plans? You're a menace to my sanity. You want more content, yes? Diversify your portfolio.
As for your question?
Sadly my suggestion threads were deleted before I could get any inkling what the userbase had to say. What do they like? What would they change? Where do they get more content from? I would like to know.

So far I only got "fuck off" and which is the exact reaction I get from Germans when asking for directions. And genuine questions from the now defunct doomer thread and in this thread and which I hold close to my heart because I like you enough to tell you to make something out of your potential.
>You're a menace to my sanity
>threads were deleted
>I only got "fuck off"

good, keep that in mind.
since you like "thinking things through" there's some food for thought:

if you manage to get from
>I don't see who doesn't want ...
now i understand that i can't force my ideas on other people
you might have progressed to the next level.
Where do you get "force" ideas from in a suggestion thread?
I'm starting to get the impression you're neuro-diverse.
(42 KB, 512x512, b7e80371efe441a64cce34a988b18a755c7f27ac_00.jpg)
Right, the Anon reading the room and accurately pointing out you're the only wanting these sweeping changes due to a perceived difficulty in management and failure in organization is the neuro-diverse one. Uh huh.
Living in Germany and where everybody's so fucking aggressive against changes to the status quo is already hard enough. I'm trying really hard. How does suggesting and asking for feedback translate into forcing? I love this place and I want to advertize it as "2/4chan for fatties."
>reading the room
You sound like you're from California.
>perceived difficulty
Have you invited anons only to hear how they didn't *get* this place because it's not like "all the other chans" (sic)?
Believe me you would love it here.
(207 KB, 2048x1373, 1694987201463795.jpg)
If you're trying "really hard" to have a conversation about changing this place and all you're getting is criticism and mockery, then let me spell it out for you AGAIN:


We don't want this place to be like 2chan or 4chan. They don't like us, they don't like the culture, they don't like what we allow and don't allow. We don't like how they operate. We're different but we're not exclusive of each other. They still lurk here and we still lurk on the /trash/ and /d/ threads.

And I don't invite people here because I don't want people faggoting up the place. This place was better when it was still relatively underground. Stop being an autistic newfag and go back to lurking.
(22 KB, 474x348, You drive me to smoke.jpeg)
>Here's a collection of idea from anons across websites, some off which I have talked to in person, how to make this website more inviting for first time users.
>Fuck off.
>How about some serious feedback.
>Fuck off.
>Change is bad and violence.
>How so?
>Fuck off.
I hope this isn't why anonymous image boards are failing.

Why are you so clingy to an outdated design philosophy? First and foremost I want to invite people I know in person and they're great artists and amazing writers. I want to help you. Help means pointing out what's wrong and offering solutions.

You are the epitome of the stereotype of a fat lover. Unwilling to change your investments in the face of certain doubling of returns. I like you.
>I want to
>I want to invite people I know in person
for some reason i imagine you and all your specially invited people standing there on a platform, in uniforms, loudly announcing the new rules of the land chan.

>pointing out what's wrong
>You are the epitome of the stereotype
>Unwilling to change
>outdated design philosophy
>I want
>I want to help you
>offering solutions
god looking down and teaching the clueless children.

>I like you.
best friends, until you get your leather boot foot in the door?

let me make this very clear:
i know that i'm fine without your invasion help.

1. get the consent of the site owner
2. let us know about your progress with your "thinking things through" project >>44657
Protruding booties invited you have my word. Just bend that booty over shake it take it.
(13 KB, 474x207, Smoking is legal now.jpeg)
Do you ask for consent to post a post or upload an image? You drive me to smoke.

You know what? I was losing my mind a bit here and asked a coworker for her opinion. Of course German women are into fat men. Of course they are. So she said you guys thought I was in any position to change things. Obviously I don't for a lack of time.
You remind me a lot of my mentally retarded brothers I love very much. Change is violence. That's how the doctors said it. Change is violence in mentally diverse heads. It doesn't matter if they could get more things. Change is bad. Because.

Congratulations. You all are infinitely more suited to live here than I. Trust me, once you work in Germany you know what it's like to not read the neuro-diverse room. Forgive me for expecting to speak to an American audience here.

All I'm asking for is less boards and an archive.
(315 KB, 1000x928, 16766178991626.png)
>Here's a collection of idea from anons across websites...
>Fuck off.
>How about some serious feedback.
>Fuck off.
>Change is bad and violence.
>How so?
>Fuck off.
This is hereby /qa3/
Good morning kwey.
This made my day.
(93 KB, 1080x1087, 1702757655641840.jpg)
Can we have improvement threads please?
You allow 1 (one) improvement thread per board and let anon's tell us what they like about this website and how they would further help the mods improve the experience. It'll be an exciting experiment.
Let's see what they come up with.
Get rid of the AI posts, or whatever retards are posting non-relevant nonsense.
Get rid of the AI board and make one or two confinement threads: one for ai art, one for ai text and voice. Confinement means exactly what is say. Report AI art, text or voice files posted outside of their threads.
Adds five more cousins to his list this guy is fucked up
I'll share mine.

Split >>>/bbwdraw/ into >>>/bbwdraw/ and >>>/ssbbwdraw/.

Split >>>/bbfurries/ into >>>/bbfurries/ and >>>/ssbbfurries/.

Split >>>/bhm/ into >>>/bhmfurries/, >>>/ssbhm/ >>>/bhmalt/, >>>/bhmai/, and >>>/bhmdraw/.

Split >>>/elte/ into >>>/bbwstory/ and >>>/bhmstory/

It's for making space for new threads. (Also, the threads on these pre-existing boards will be located to the new threads for bonus)

I even made board links for the new threads should they be made.
Who are you?
Found the person who's under 18. Go study for your finals and stop gooning.
Please refrain from posting politics in a thread an American working in Germany has started without the consent of the Bahamas and the USA.
Day light car jacking happens because ppl pop shit on bbwchan & think we wont run up. Now you know.
I will respond to your post without your consent. Now you know.
No body in the Jewish community including the most radically think it’s ok to have sex with a 3 year old. If does say that anywhere no Jew supports that.
Don't you feed the troll, you ben of a caleb.
I’ve read that Israel is the pedophile capital of the world. Age of consents early teens and Likud is looking to lower it. They won’t extradite pedos either so it’s ever American chomo Jew’s plan A
Israel's age of consent is 16, like all of Europe. (And several years higher than the surrounding Arab countries where girls are forced into marriage as young as 10 and sex crimes against women are almost never enforced much less prosecuted. Unlike in Israel where women have equal rights.)

The rest is your pedophilic imagination.
I'm starting to suspect none of you ITT know how to use 4chan's catalog.
I can write a better troll then your paid writers. They suck
Trips of truth.
I understand the site is basically circling the drain at this point but /inf/ seriously needs some serious moderation. Not only are there multiple entire threads full of absolute schizo gibberish that are either from bots or legit insane people but you've got full-on trolling campaigns by the berryfags harassing threads they even slightly dislike. This really is getting out of hand.
>the site is basically circling the drain at this point
Please don't say that. The Internet's lost too many anonymous image boards already. I would continue working on mine if I hadn't left everything at home in America.
>seriously needs some serious moderation
Please ask the mods to reduce the number of boards so one or two mods can take care of everything in one sitting. What do you think about >>47778 (Cross-thread)?
Here's one. Make sure the R9K messages let users know about the source materials of duplicate files.
How would you call a "normies reacting to fat/infl porn" thread?
I have some suggestions. Remake the site.
Start from the ground up, and draft user stories to make sure we launch with the minimum number of boards. At max we should support:
- Fat fetish: (all fat fetish porn smolfat thru ssbbw, feedings, belly play, etc)
- Body Positive: (for not fat fetish plus sized women and others)
- Scat play: maybe include relevant slob content here.
- Hyper-preg: (nothing else is relevant or matters in terms of preggo porn)
- Blueberry: (also not other inflation content is bbwchan relevant)
- Lounge: for likeminded conversations with minimal moderation.
>- Blueberry: (also not other inflation content is bbwchan relevant)
Reverse the order. BB is a subset of INFL. Where would you put furry? Quite a lot of potential donors are in the furry fandom.
Furries, orbtaculars and other semi-humanoids can go in the Junk Drawer category alongside non-blueberry inflation.
(361 KB, 1200x641, Professional-Organizing-Tips-Main.jpg)
Your idea in >49761 sounds very similar to my idea in >>49222 (Cross-thread) and yet feels very different.
Here's mine:
>/bbw/ - BBWchan, the only board with IDs and flags
>/c/ - chubby, "smallfat"
>/f/ - fat, "bigfat"
>/i/ - inflation, but also pregnancy and breast/butt expansion
>/s/ - slob and scat
>/z/ - zoo, for furry and animal-likes
The frontpage would look like this:
/bbw/ /c/ /f/ /i/ /s/ /z/
The lounge comes first and the furry board goes last, obviously.

Here's where our ideas are largely the same:
/f/ - Fat fetish: (all fat fetish porn smolfat thru ssbbw, feedings, belly play, etc)
/c/ - Body Positive: (for not fat fetish plus sized women and others)
/s/ - Scat play: maybe include relevant slob content here.
/bbw/ - Lounge: for likeminded conversations with minimal moderation.

And here's where they differ:
/p/ - (Hyper-)preg: (nothing else is relevant or matters in terms of preggo porn)
/bb/ - Blueberry: (also not other inflation content is bbwchan relevant)
Can you explain your reasoning please?
The differences are obvious: my ideas are actually good.
While you segment based on bbw/small-fat/big-fat, I segment based on the fetish. There should be no need to cross post borderline fatties who’ve gained out of bbw into “big fat”. In fact, there should be no threads for specific models (this isn’t instagram) but threads for the premier fetishes (weigh ins, slob, blueberry).
Your system organizes pornography as if it’s a military or hospital; sorting bodies into categories. We should align by value-streams (I.e. fetishes) so our user base is better served.>>49801
(3.6 MB, 4032x3024, 20240427_161522.jpg)
Not sure if I could get behind either proposal, to be honest. Removing the real/drawn delineation feels like a massive oversight, I wouldn't want to see scribbles if I'm looking for real women - same for flesh and blood if I'm in an artwork mood. I'm also pretty certain that such a change would upset a lot of the userbase contained in bbwdraw. I obviously have no numbers to back this up, but bbwdraw vibes like it has many users who have zero interest in other parts of the site or image board culture in general - almost feels like a different world.
I'm personally satisfied with the organization of the site as is, but if somebody were to reduce the number of boards, best bet would be lumping some of the less active boards into bbwalt for my money. Also wouldn't be opposed to combining bbw and ssbbw - people get way too hung up on trying to throw women into categories based on pictures and alleged numbers. There's such a small visible difference between what typically gets posted on both boards, I don't expect this to be an agreeable opinion but don't see the point in keeping both.
Thanks for the articulate and well thought out post.
> Removing the real/drawn delineation feels like a massive oversight
I understand where you’re coming from and in the past I’d have agreed. However recent advances in generative AI have blurred the lines between fabricated art and performative reality. In fact many of the most important fetishes aren’t even lifelike achievable without a GenAI solution (realistic furry, orbtaculars, blueberry).
>The differences are obvious: my ideas are actually good.
What an absolute chad thing to say.
>There should be no need to cross post borderline fatties
Crossposting is a good thing and inter-board fun is how you keep posters posting and them coming back to post more.
>In fact, there should be no threads for specific models
>premier fetishes (weigh ins, slob, blueberry)
Why is BB a primary fetish to you? For all I know there's only one general on /inf/. Clearly blueberry is a subset of all things blown up. Hyperpreg also sounds like a subset of preg.
>We should align by value-streams (I.e. fetishes) so our user base is better served.
This is exactly why I'm proposing 2chan's "military or hospital" organization; 4chan is a massively improved 2chan derivative in the same way BBWchan is a massively outdated 4chan derivative.
BBW-chan's current organization is an outdated image board design which quickly fell out of use once 4chan proved its superiority:
Every board gets its own draw, write, and roleplay threads.

I agree.
Drawings and real humans need to get their own spaces. One anon in the now defunct BBWchan death thread (pun intended) asked for a thread for real life humans only. /h/ for humans.
Cannabis momma marvel booty I will drag her for you.
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Here's a suggestion for the home page. Does the mascot have a name? I'll call her BBWtan for now.

[BBWCHAN] (centered)
What is BBWchan?
BBWchan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from overweight and obesity to hygiene, inflation, and furries. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the [Rules] before posting, and read the [FAQ] if you wish to learn more about how to use the site.
[MASCOT] (the bread'n'butter boards can hold competitions to change BBWtan)
[/bbw/ /c/ /f/ /i/ /s/ /z/] (the alphabetical order is important)
[POPULAR THREADS] (optional, include the first attached file)
[STATS] (total posts, current users, active content in GBs)
[Home][News][Blog][FAQ][Rules][Support BBWchan][Advertize][Press]

This is a blatant copy of the 4chan home page slightly modified to suit this website. The more we make this website a 4chan clone the more users we'll attract and the more donors will come to our Lieutenant Barclay's aid.
>"I'm ok with this site dying as long as those wascist 4channers never find out about my sekwet cwub"

It's almost like you retards don't want a space at all. The years of uber-proggy mods got to your heads, the internet is a different place now.
(93 KB, 776x1018, 1713714538570821.jpg)
>>"I'm ok with this site dying as long as those wascist 4channers never find out about my sekwet cwub"
But the 4channers are already here. They've always been here. They'll always be here.
I feel like if we had fewer boards the trolls would be concentrated and forced to interact with each other.
add /qa/ board
Loli board.
No more loli threads. When you want a board without that shit. If we can't ban that shit indiscriminately then we can ask the administration to banish it to its own garbage quarantine board.
Two more generals: /oc/ for OCs (original characters) and /com/munity.
One for complaints and /sug/gestions would be good, too.
> Two more generals: /oc/ for OCs (original characters) and /com/munity.
One for complaints and /sug/gestions would be good, too.
Hard pass. We don’t need /OC/. I think it just goes in /FAT/ or /WIDE/ depending on if she’s fatter or wider in the art. We don’t need to segment /Draw/ and /AI/ and then subdivision /OC/ of LiLi can be front and center of the internet. Best I can offer you is /FUR/ry.
/com/ and /sug/ are bad ideas. These sorts of types of feedback and dialogue should be organically happening in the preexisting library structure. Pass.
This just isn’t your best idea. I think with a little more analysis and rework you could find something more valuable to suggest.
Thoughtful post is good post.
Originally I wanted to write a longer post but I kept triggering the autoban.
(920 KB, 1024x512, take-up-space.png)
What's better, 150 threads a board and 300 posts a thread, or 300 threads of 500 posts each?
The former takes up less space (ironic knowing where we are) but holds less content, while the latter can take 3.3 times more content but runs the problem of necrobumping.
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I want the true community to get extra tilted and into gatekeeping and growing.

I go further and ask that the rest of the internet is secured. Dare I say it’s not difficult.

All matters.

Regards to true channer internet defence forces and the strong fat girls of my nazi nazi nazi whatever the fuck its called when memes and feels are thriving

Regards to the peoples who mutually want to be of our collectives.
For example, I am apart of the truest Paris collective. Dare I say we all know what truest Paris is.
French girls should be mightily fat !
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I’ll just be overly clear that I only want pagans on my websites, instead of fake religions.

I want uhh the Phoenicians, thanks.

I don’t want any questionable bores.

This sort of stuff matters enough to my people that my people are willing to fight to keep growing the vibe garden.
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I have thought the big think and came up with a big idea. We conduct an open air experiment in which we transform cherrypicked generals and turn them into miniature red 4chan's. I nominate /bbfurries/, /bbwalt/, and /inf/, the boards I consistenly referred to as "garbage boards". What's the plan?
Remove the stickies.
Let's start the general threads listed in >>50683 (Cross-thread) and ask a godmod to autosage duplicates.
Leave the rest to chaos.
Let's funnel anons into a restricted number of threads and see what happens.
This is unironically a solid plan.
(1.4 MB, 406x720, 1715109948977388.webm)
Thank you. How would you go on about creating the threads? Would you add any generals to the list? For example, Western comics and cartoons /c&c/, Western video games /wvg/, Eastern manga and anime /m&a/, and Eastern video games /evg/ are 4 more generalized threads we can use to redirect anons into.

Here are the rules to be used in drawthreads edit threads, and write threads:
- All artists/editors/writers welcome!
- Request in moderation.
- Post a sample of your art/edits/stories when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
- Respect /board/ and global rules.
- Do not request drawings/edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Drawings/edits/stories take time.
- Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the draw/edit/writefriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Draw/edit/writefriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track. Anchor your deliveries to the delivery anchor post.
- Do not anchor your requests to the OP.
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.
Old thread: >>

It should be obvious the guidelines are an obvious copy of 4chan's draw, edit, and write generals.
To reiterate: We make the general threads, we redirect anons into them and ask a based godmod to autosage duplicates like Reiinapop (who belongs in /irl/), Super Mario Bros. (belongs in /nin/tendo), Friday Night Funkin (belongs in /wvg/), and the random artist threads other than the powerhouse Axel Rosered belong in /art/.

Thoughts? Contrary to popular rumors I'm open to feedback.
/bbw/ exclusive general: /pol/itics.
Only /bbw/ gets to have a politics thread.
(199 KB, 736x736, DA84531E-603B-4327-AF91-8E76A6216770.jpeg)
My people deserve truer gatekeepers.

I don’t like my internets all-potential being suppressed.

Regards to true channers ideals.

Regards to my peoples admin and moderators.

Regards to freedom.
Regards to growth.

And regards to Phoenicia!

We are our own world. I like all the people that feel likewise. How hard do we have to push to have our vibes at our party?
Instead of an empty facade, with such slight growth that it could be called a masquerade.

I dare truer admin.

Viva Philistina and the end of theft.
Love knows what soulful paradise my people make when fully in control of our own internet.

Someone needs to back off.
(296 KB, 1905x1926, Mechanical_egg_timer.jpg)
I can't believe I forgot one of 4chan's most soulful mechanics: the post timer.
Requesting you guys implement a visible 60s timer. Before you hit post, or reply as it's called here, it'll show a countdown. When you hit reply it'll post once the timer's up.
Post a post.
Wait 60 seconds.
Post a post.
/dis/ussion general. Every board gets one except for /bbw/ which gets many.
(201 KB, 1280x803, 17F538CC-55F1-4007-96B6-B2699D143F16.jpeg)
I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users


And yeah this world needs more chan websites.

So many other chan websites should've been made by now.
And 4chan should’ve helped that growth.
4chan seems stifled and constricted.
Most true channers have left. 4chan was set to develop a perfect world, but then 4chan was invaded. Undo the invasion, continue growing the worlds souls.
Chan sites need something to set them apart otherwise normies will flock to the biggest example of its kind. Chat client? Disharmony. Short videos? Tiktok.
BBWchan can be the 4chan of fat. And also other tangential stuff.
>I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users
It's necessary to make new users get the impression we're exactly like the big scary 4chan except its geared towards their secret big degeneracy.

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