
(203 KB, 1200x1116, Jaykumastuff.jpg)
In the past year I hooked up with a couple bbws and I thought it would be a good experience, but every time I just felt really shitty afterwards.

I've liked bbws for a while, but only recently have been actually able to actually do anything with them. At first I thought it'd be great, but I just found myself feeling like I shouldn't have hooked up with them halfway through. Before any of you ask, I hooked up with them on bumble.

Maybe I just don't really like bbws, because I just don't wanna feel gross every time I go on a date with a fat girl. Has anyone else felt like this before? I'm really just not sure what to do, because I still find fat attractive, but when I'm actually with a bbw I just feel gross.
How so, like you’re grossed out by the realities of how fat people live, or you’re embarrassed?

Honestly if you’re not into them in real life, souvj the better. This isn’t some honorable or desirable thing to be into, it’s frankly quite a burden.
>>41684 (OP)
>I've liked bbws for a while
>for a while
also, you talk like a fag
I think its more like I just don't really have any feelings towards the person, and I just feel really awkward. I should probably just get to know someone instead of just hooking up
>>41684 (OP)
Did you kiss her on the mouth or some gay shit?
You can’t be getting romantic with hoes bro, that’s gross as fuck. You gotta channel the natural hatred of women into rage fucking fat chicks after choking them out on your dick. Anything less and you feel like you just got buttfucked by your roommate—at least call her a fat fuck, disgusting fat pig and dump canola oil/flour on her.
If you beta out and act like her gay best freind you will feel disgusted with yourself afterwards for giving some random hoe wife treatment.

Sounds like you're on the right track.

Maybe try hooking up with a thin woman and see if it feels any different, or just get out of the hookup scene entirely because (in my opinion) it's a shallow sucky existence.
Yeah I think I'll just stop hooking up, and just try and look for some fat girls in some classes that I'll be in next semester. I've just been having crappy luck with dating apps since the college college im at is mostly just thin white chicks and a lot of token scruffy hair white guys (not that I'm any different)
Fucking puuuussssssssssssyyyy its going fucking higher!
Honestly I always felt like this when I hooked up with someone just to get action. It didn’t matter if they were fat or not, it was the shallowness of the interaction that actually made me feel shitty afterwords.

When I was in good relationships with women (particularly attractive women), the ‘afterwards’ factor totally went away. It was a lot more fun for me.

(*Past tense because I’m now married to a hot fat chick now and have been happily monogamous)
Nah man. Just get head and then do something hilarious to disrespect the hoe and make her leave. It’s college.
Get drunk and smash these sloppy white whores but don’t love on them.
>get horny
>not horny any more
no shit

Great advice.

Keep up this lifestyle. Realize it doesn't really bring you any lasting joy, so you have to keep going back to the well. Get a reputation among your friends as a user. Never get hooked up with anybody who has any level of self respect.

Continue hooning at the seedy college bars after graduation, slowly becoming the weird old dude. Form an alcohol dependency because you can only find pussy at those bars. Drive all your worthwhile friends away for good as they settled down and got tired of your never ending nightclub lifestyle followed by late night drunken sobbing about how miserable you are.

Keep up the farce as you get older, fatter and balder. Looks were all you had to offer and now they're gone. Everyone except the same desperate bar flies avoid you like dog shit on a sidewalk. Start paying for sex. Drug dependencies worsen. No real friends left. Dead end customer service job, because your Communications degree was worthless and your GPA was lower than the IMDB score of the average Adam Sandler movie. Still live in the basement at 35 with nothing to show for it. You let your dad down so much that he won't look you in the eye anymore.

There's a cold winter coming.
Awesome fanfic, can you tell me what happens to Khaleesi?
Hahaha. Dude. You think the girls are all virgins waiting for their white knight to save them from their own bad decision.
No one told him to do anything but focus on his grind: “to thine own self be true”, “fuck bitches get money”, that kind of thing.

It doesn’t have to be all of one or the other. Sew your oats, live life while young, but reap the benefits of getting older too. Life has stages, it’s awkward (and unfulfilling) if you don’t have the self-awareness to know which one you’re in.

OP was asking if feeling shitty after a hookup was because he was chasing fat chicks. I’d say no — he probably felt shitty because the sex was cheap.
He felt shitty because it’s embarrassing to kiss fat girls on the mouth. It’s ok to drunkenly use them for sex, but you’re still gonna lose some social points if your not kinda pumping with testosterone.
Honestly man I wasnt really comfortable dating fat chicks at your age. I felt a lot of peer pressure. After college I started dating bigger girls and felt more comfortable doing so.
Have to say it with your cock my man. Just let that thing waggle.
Gonna be honest you're 110% right these fat hoes are boring as shit and when you do take them on dates out up with their retarded friends they're so fucking self conscious they won't think you love em.
So you're right unless you meet an actual housewife or good girl.
Fuck these hoes.

Also op don't feel bad, not every girl you duck with becomes a long time girlfriend.

Listen if you're like the dude pretending to be false wise in this thread like that redneck dude talking about one night stands blah blah bitch.

You cannot love all these hoes.

Also I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna bother getting each invidual codes but I rarely come on here but let's not pretend this site isn't some degen shit either. Thus some shit you think about once you cum on a bitch or you're done.
(37 KB, 660x843, cioran.jpg)
>You cannot love all these hoes.
10/10, Romania once again punching above its weight in aphorisms

It'a not about being a white night or saving any women. It's about respecting yourself and other people.

In my experience, with the hindsight of being over a decade out of college and well past that stage of my life, every single person who has the stance that women are something to be used has been a fundamentally miserable person. Sometimes they pulled out of it, but while taking that stance they tended to be self hating assholes hiding behind a thin veneer of confidence.

What I wrote there is only half fiction. I've legitimately had friends who wasted years of their lives stuck on this outlook, only admitting they were miserable when they were blackout drunk. It's all fine for awhile until suddenly it isn't, and in my experiemce the sooner you get over one night stands the better.
Simp harder bro.
All my life I’ve seen guys like you get chewed out and abused by their washed up hoe wife.
Promise you this guys wife was sucking multiple frat dicks every weekend.
is that fucking eraserhead

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