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Alright, let's be honest with ourselves: every fat girl wants to lose weight. I have been in that situation multiple times. Capturing the position is easy, but holding it - very hard. You can find an attractive fattie, but then it will be a constant fight for her weight. Her friends and relatives will think that you are a weirdo, because “she just wants to be healthier” and all that crap. And it doesn't mean that she will eventually slim down, most likely she will not, but it doesn't make the situation easier. Constant attempts to diet, and other frustrating things will be a pain in the ass.
I am really tired of this shit, starting to think that it is easier to fatten up a thin girl, rather than convince a fat one that she is beautiful as she is.
What do you think about it, fellas? Any advice maybe.
I had no other choice to disrespect each and everyone of you. Only way I could find out if you assholes knew each other. Clever me I know.
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If you're asking "How do I prevent my gf from wanting to lose weight?" The answer is: You can't.
If your gf says she wants to lose weight, just go along with it because she'll almost certainly fail. If she is insecure all you can do is try to reassure her. If that doesn't work, just give up and move on to the next girl.
If you are honest with her and tell her that you don't want her to lose weight because you'll find her less attractive, she will not take that well at all and she might even leave you over it. There is a small chance that might actually work but I do not recommend it. Because even if it works, she will definitely resent you for it.
>it is easier to fatten up a thin girl, rather than convince a fat one that she is beautiful as she is
I disagree. It might be easy to fatten them up (although that is a whole other debate) but they will hate it (and will probably hate you for it too), and then you're just in the same position anyway.
Sounds like a grim perspective. There's always a chance that she will succeed in slimming down, eventually. And what shall i do then? Dump her and realise that i wasted a ton of time and nerves? Not mentioning being a jerk about leaving somebody because of the looks. Gosh it's easier to like thin bitches, i am telling ya.
Of course it's not only about the looks, but I'm realistic with myself. i know that I just can't be with a physically unattractive partner.
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>>41613 (OP)
>There's always a chance that she will succeed in slimming down, eventually. And what shall i do then? Dump her[...]?
Unironically yes. Unless you can learn to live with her being skinny.
>Not mentioning being a jerk about leaving somebody because of the looks.
Perhaps now you understand why so many fat girls hate guys like us, lol. Though (in my experience) they also think we're jerks/weirdos for *being with* somebody because she's fat, in the first place
>Though (in my experience) they also think we're jerks/weirdos for *being with* somebody because she's fat, in the first place

You can't win. But it's not about winning, it's about being true to yourself. I've ended things with people before things got serious because I knew they were getting WLS, but I knew those connections were mostly physical anyway. I wasn't going to pretend to friend after you shrunk down, girl - you stopped being what I found attractive.
It's not just appearance that's important to me. Personality is just as vital. It seems that the right combination of these two factors is the key to success.
It's just... It will sound stupid, I know, but it's not fair. It's a pity, but in society it's completely normal to dump a girl if she gets fat. So girls naturally always try to chase the standard. And we only get in their way. The sad thing is that BBWs don't need BBW lovers.
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>>41613 (OP)
Honestly, if a girl doesn't get the appeal and think the grass is greener, their loss. At this point, if a BBW escort can demand $400 an hour for PIV, you can get a Beautifill BBL on yourself for the same price of a 13 hours/sessions and always have some cheeks to clap. For the amount that vtubers confess that they like big asses on a dude, you might even become more attractive to women if you aren't ugly. If you can find a girl who gets the appeal of a big ass/hips, they'll either have some cake too or are willing to work for it. Besides, most of the obesity paradox comes from the waist-hip ratio, and if you can fix your waist and shove some in your ass (then cardio the rest) you can actually be statistically healthier in the long run than other lanklets.

Consent is a losing game where women have to feel in control, and a "fat shaming" society runs opposite of that. As long as they care about the social contract, they will never understand unless their lives are emotionally fulfilled, or understand the appeal of architecture.
Worst thing for me is that the personalities I'm attracted to usually don't have attributes that make them likely to be fat. Which results in the ones that are fat usually being it due to unfortunate situations such as high stress or medical. So if these issued are solved, bye bye obesity.
That basically describes a good chunk of economic problems, artificial shortages. You must not forget the economy isn't rational.
>>41613 (OP)
At this point it might just not be worth it to deal with women anymore.
Outsiders think that those with a fat fetish have it all good, but no it's entirely much harder, with a lot of personal sacrifices and for what? Just to get 3 seconds of pleasure and a mess to clean up after?
At this point I just believe I was not made for sex.
I need to compile a list of reasons why being into fat chicks is much worse than being "normal", even in the "promised land" of the U.S. of A. Not even mentioning the eternally lacking land of eastern europe, lack which extends to obesity too.
Yeah dude.Also: we must take into account the fact that in our countries there are much fewer fat women than in the West. Еhis makes our chances even worse. Guys in America should really appreciate their luck. There are countries where fat shaming reaches critical heights.
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Fair point, my heart goes out the Eurobros. I do have a few leads that might help it suck less, though:

>If a girl is a self-admitted foodie, they have an addiction to food on some level; it's up to you to find her weak spots. It's at least worth asking/teasing her to see how she'd react to holiday weight and how she deals with the bulk.
>Cooks and chefs have to taste their dishes by design, and although some smart ones will use spit buckets, being too skinny will be bad for business. They usually have to work it off somehow, mostly to impress their clients, but being fat wouldn't be a negative for their job
>If they have a majority of fat friends, they will care less about their own appearance, since they don't have the external peer pressure. Usually at parties, there's always those that need to order extra for the fatasses of the party, and they'll lose track of portion control
>If they're a heavy drinker or a frat girl, they'll have extra encourage to swell up in addition to getting wasted. Might be more visceral fat for a beer belly look, but self control usually goes out with it.
>Teaching a girl to cook allows you to have a hobby to share, and the only way to learn is to taste their dishes. You might have to eat some of the mistakes with her, but for men, they have the metabolic advantage you can work off (if you care)
>In the most desperate situations, there is a way to trick them into a mutual gaining relationship. If you're noticeably fatter than your partner, you can tempt them more easily by sharing your food, and since you're "the fat one", that distracts others from her appearance. If she has any control left after a certain point, she won't go any higher than your weight, but if there's enough bad habits she'll surpass you eventually and you can decide on keeping the weight or not
Thanks for the care, bro. Will consider your advice. I am skinny myself, so that's yet another difficulty modifier (on the other hand, being skinny is more conveniently attractive, so, maybe this is my advantage)
This sucks so much that you just want to love somebody (and to squish fat bellies of course) but you have to be some kind of grand strategist or some shit to keep fat rolling. While normies have absolutely no problem with fulfilling both platonic and physical aspects of a relationship.
Get on Feabie and wooplus. Then you’ll have a much easier time finding girls you’re into. I’m sure there won’t be many in your country, but if you can afford it maybe traveling to idk, England, a few times before having your pig move in with you will be worth it. There’s also a lot of cute Germans on Feabie, you could probably take a train there.

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