
Adeline and Echo are probably the top 2, both over 300 lbs weight gain as a model. Ash is in the conversation as well.
>>41602 (OP)

I am not the kind of person who jerks to the scales numbers. I think it's all about general looks and vibe. So yeah, Reiina is one of my favorites in this regard. I don't care how much she weighs now, but it's just crazy how she went from skin and bones to the hecking balloon. It's the rarest case for me, when I want to see a model getting as huge as possible. But unfortunately, to my understanding, she stopped gaining.
>>41602 (OP)
Yeah Reiina, Mochii and Candii Kayn are the main models of weight gain fetish.
> "the main models of the weight gain fetish"
> doesnt name a single ssbbw
(201 KB, 780x1100, adeline_prev1_bothV2.jpg) (623 KB, 851x856, received_278934531830492.png) (21 KB, 375x438, ssbbw_adeline_pt13_by_yourmom9786_dfuzfbz-375w.jpg) (132 KB, 800x1191, echo_prev07_ff.jpg) (192 KB, 864x1152, 179echo_all.jpg)
So if you track a lot of BBWs and SSBBWs who gain noticeable amounts of weight, you'll notice most of the big names typically put on 200lbs-250lbs. That's just my guesstimation though, but I don't recall many models that reached 600lbs without already being in the 400s to start. Immediately the first two names I thought of were Echo and Adeline, because both of them got to be mega supersized hogs.

Echo's first recorded weigh-in clocked her at 513lbs, and her hospital weigh-in was 802lbs. Grand total of 289lbs. Unfortunately, all we can use for this question is recorded weigh-in videos. It sucks for Echo's case, as she definitely lost weight while in the hospital from her peak, which I'm pinpointing at her 174th set. She probably was heavier then, but we won't know by how much.

Adeline's tracking is trickier since she's cleaned up her history so damn much. I have no idea what her earliest weigh-in was. But we have her heaviest weigh-in at 703.6lbs. We also have some hints for what she used to weigh from comparison promos. It's not concrete and I would prefer video evidence, but I'm not paying $40 for her new weigh-in compilation. Even if we take her promo (picrel) literally and say she was 399lbs, it's still over 300lbs that she's gained since she started modeling.

What it ultimately comes down to us Echo started off bigger and still gained more than most other models, but Adeline started at a borderline SSBBW and shot up to USSBBW in a decade's time. And that's pretty fuckin cool. I'm sticking with Adeline as my answer.

The only other model I could think of that could challenge that is Jae. She was 687lbs in her last weigh in, so if there's a video of her in her early modeling days on a scale, she might be a close second to Adeline if she weighed less than 400lbs at the start.
In her earliest stuff from BC Jae looks sub-400, at least to me. Can be hard to tell because she's 5'11".
I dont know how he thinks the ugliest ones are the main models, I mean I find Reiina repulsive, the other two I barely know, just see their names brought up.
Chubby Chiquita's gain is insane, and she's still going
A few women to consider:

The Brianna/Jae/Ash golden age BigCuties triumvirate. They were young starters who put out tons of content and took very little breaks minus Brianna disappearing for a couple years and Ash’s eventual retirement. Thus it’s fairly easy to trace how fucking but they all got. Jae’s probably crossed the 700 threshold by now, Brianna’s 640 as per her C4S, and we know Ash hasn’t exactly gotten any smaller in retirement. Hard not to at least acknowledge Boberry too, who yo-yo’d from 500 pounds as a teen to below 400, up to 630 (I think?), down to 550ish, possibly hovering around 600 again now.

Reenaye Starr is claiming to be 750+ pounds now which some folks are skeptical of but if she’s telling the truth I think she’d be the winner by a long shot, especially if we’re talking about deliberate gaining. She’s sooo much smaller in her very earliest content.

FatMissT, who was just some dumb random teenager on Feabie who kind of blew the fuck up overnight. Check out her old Feabie pics on her coomer, you’ll see what I mean. I don’t what she did but she had an unholy growth spurt, when I was sliding in her Feabie DMs five years ago I straight up would not have guessed she had the genetic makeup to blow up to near 800 pounds in her fucking mid 20s.

VanillaHippo, who’s a sad and complicated story and all, but she’s still in all likelihood the heaviest girl who’s entered the modeling space that I can recall. She was almost a half ton!
>Reenaye Starr is claiming to be 750+ pounds now which some folks are skeptical of but if she’s telling the truth I think she’d be the winner by a long shot
Please don't tell me you actually believe this, anon
I’m one of the skeptics but I appreciate the sheer audacity of her
I don't know how anyone can merely be skeptical about Reenaye's weight at this point, I can buy her being 600 lbs but not 700 lbs let alone 750 lbs, at that size is be completely immobile or just straight up dead given her height.
Some respect on LisaLou's name, please. Best before/afters in the game.
Yeah but I don't think she's gained THE MOST or anything yet.

Does anyone have any recent photos of Ash? I haven't seen anything since her retirement
google image search "ash fatlip" and you'll get some promo pics from her podcast, etc. hard to say if she's gotten BIGGER but the ol gal definitely hasn't dropped any poundage.
>>ash fatlip
>>thin lips
>>literally the only thing about her that is thin
I'm not sure it's the most in actual pounds but I think the most visually dramatic is BC Becca.

It's fantasy, guys. She's selling us a fantasy.
Yeah I prefer my content on the "real" side but Reenaye filling the dark/morbid feedist niche and going this hard with it is fun in its own way. She's admitted on her YouTube page she wants to be done doing porn in the near future and I think this current run is her trying to go out with a bang
As long as we’re talking real life instead of fantasy, Adeline and Jae have both gained approximately 300lbs since starting out, which is pretty much the highwater mark as far as I know.

There are a ton of models who put on over 200lbs though. Sasha, Renaye, Ivy, Jackie, and several others.
Yeah, vanilla went from 700 (pre modeling) down to 5 bills and change, then up to 980.
Jae was definitely 350-370 early on.
Fat Miss T was probably barely 300 at the start.
Lisa Lou went from what, 160 something to where she is now?
There’s a fair amount of girls who went up 200 or so, but not many that went up 300+
LisaLou wasn't 160lbs when she started modeling. If we're going to go by this logic, the answer is Vanilla Hippo since she's the only woman to crest 800lbs from whatever she weighed at 18.

And FatMissT was around 600 when she came onto the scene.
Fatmisst was 530-550 on the scene and gained 100 in the first years and is now 768.

Underrated gainz
I wouldn't say she's underrated. I dont think most people are attracted to a woman pushing 800lbs let alone one that looks like a toe
It's the Echo effect, both of them started at what many would consider an endpoint in terms of weight and they kept gaining. They mostly only appeal to those at the end of the spectrum in terms of size, and it's easy to write them off as just huge, so no one really keeps tabs on weight gain.

In other words it's easier to track the progress of someone at a conceivable size that balloons than someone already supersized going mega huge.
Good gain, but she looks like crap lol. All those diabetes spots or whatever on her belly aswell
she's got that cute girl next door vibe, probably the prettiest girl in the game. actually decent OF as well, her mindless ramblings during the regular car stuffings really suck you into the parasocial girfriend experience
The point was not about misst’s looks: have to agree that her gains are underrated for the echo effect listed above - she’s another ussbbw with underrated gains. Way harder to gain from the 500s to 700+
People never brng up LadySublime in these conversations and I never get it.
(492 KB, 600x450, BuA.png)
Bigcutie Lily
>Complains about this lady never being mentioned
>Doesn't share a single picture
If all her fans are like this I have your answer

Ive never heard of this chick
(83 KB, 1463x626, luna.jpg)
Luna has got to be to be of the biggest gainers.

Not sure what her peak weight was but I would think around 250lb gained.
Definitely one of my favorite “holy shit, look what she did to herself” girls. Wish she was still around

Lol what? Shes still active. Always has been
All the time I've been on this site, and in this community in general, and this is the first time I've ever actually seen what Heather looks like
Heather might still be my favorite gainer of all time. Just an incredible progression. Was a real bummer that she was hit so hard with COVID, I hope she's been recovering better lately.
We texted when I was in college, but I had too many hang ups about sex back then. Big regret not going for it. She seemed nice. Didn't even know she ran big cuties back then.
(24 KB, 640x413, images-84.jpeg)
Ivanna would be up there. She went from anorexic to beluga in the blink of an eye
Troy tried so many times and failed
Reminds me a lot of Layla, extremely belly-forward. Speaking of Layla, she doesn’t belong in this specific conversation but she’s up there in terms of the most radical body transformation if you’ve seen that before/after where the before pic is her at her skinniest.
This girl is bound to have a heart attack or something in the near future
Dated over 50 women. Your to predictable. Dont text me now I changed it.
Fatmisst doubling from 380 to 760 past 10 years

>while modelling
Ok, fatmisst going from 530 to 760 in 6 years
think the safest answer has to be Adeline if we're talking documented on-camera gaining. the Road To 700 vid is basically all you need to make the case. there are obviously girls who got bigger than that but either started bigger or don't have a clear cut start point like Adeline who is 399 at the start of Road To 700. plus when you factor in she did it deliberately, hoo lord...

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