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Anyone got any anecdotes or stories of girlfriends or significant others gaining weight or stuffing themselves to the max this holiday season? Or any other year?

I'm heading over to my GF's place soon and I have a feeling she's gonna bust her belt or something this year.
My gf brought a pair of trousers along that are too small for my enjoyment, but that still button so she can wear them in front of everyone. She also spent December letting loose so I have some extra tummy to enjoy. We are considering that one of my presents.
My wife has absolutely let loose this year. Hearing somebody whose over 300lbs talk about how they're gonna need their "fat pants" all week, and mean it, is mesmerizing.
In college told my girl I enjoyed her curves and would love her to get curvier. Low key, no pressure, just let her know. Petite girl, 4’11” max.

After 3 weeks of Christmas break she comes back fully 20 lbs heavier. Face chubby, breasts bigger, hips wider.

The hottest thing was she listened to her man, obeyed, went home and fattened herself as quickly as possible to please me. Beautiful feminine behavior.
SO has been low-key complaining for a month how much weight she gained over the holidays, yet she's still eating like she's going to the electric chair. I'm the cook and she told me "NO MORE RICE!" (which blows her up like crazy), and when I jokingly suggested spagetti bolognese she said yes! I didn't argue. Then two nights later she wanted to go out for Indian food and ate an entire bowls of the stuff and half of mine too — AND an entire order of naan.

Her sweet tooth is out of control too. She's always had one but we had a ton of leftover Halloween candy this year and she ate all of it within a few days. I'm talking pounds of the stuff, chocolate, taffy and hard candy. I managed to steal maybe 5 pieces.

Then last night at 11pm I was glued to the couch and she was doing some work (night owl). She forbids sweet stuff in the house — because she'll eat it — and suddenly announced "I need dessert" and started putting her shoes on. Bad feeder that I am, I told her I'm not going out so she said FU and drove to the store for cookies.

VD is coming up and I always buy her chocolate, natch. I've never seen a box last 24 hours, I'm thinking of testing her by splurging on an extra-huge one.

Haven't seen her in jeans or pants since November, I think. All leggings, all the time lol.

So much to grab and she's not even that big, at least by bbwchan standards (5'3", 180ish?), and the extra jiggle is really obvious. I hope this never stops though she's now complaining about back pain...

>In college told my girl I enjoyed her curves and would love her to get curvier.

I like that this thread proves encouraging WG doesn't have to be secretive and/or manipulative. While it's not a sure thing, letting her know your preferences in a loving, respectful way is one of them. Women are people pleasers by both nature and nurture and particularly when it comes to a man they feel safe with.

Let's face it: Women are afraid of getting fat because it brings on rejection. Let them know you'll love them that way and the fact that 1) fattening food tastes good, and 2) weight loss exercise regimens are hard and the combination just might overcome any vanity issues.

She'd probably never cop to it directly, but my SO has definitely "let herself go" since we've been together, to the tune of 30 pounds or so. Ok, not spectacular DA wg fic numbers, but this is real life and 30lbs on a short woman is a lot. I don't think she would have thickened up like this if I hadn't made my feelings known.
Great post, very well said.
>>41584 (OP)
Gonna repost my story from the another thread here because it was a holiday weight gain.
I miss cooking in restaurants I got a good story of a waitress gaining weight as well
So we'll call her Macy. Macy was 22 and always skinny through high school (I went to school with her) and we worked Sundays together at a restaurant back from summer 2018 to about 2020ish. So anyways beginning early 2018 she broke her ankle and gained about 20lbs bringing her up to 130lbs. So when she started she was already slightly thicker. Around the middle of September that year I noticed she was suddenly getting thicker and eating more. By October her eating had escalated further and clearly was sporting a little rounder belly. Constantly munching on food McDonalds every morning shift for breakfast followed by a couple bowls of soup. Lunch we would bring out a few pizzas for the bar for the football games always had leftovers. So munching on chips the whole time during the games followed by normally at least a couple slices of pizza for lunch. Dinner she would often have a prime rib sandwich which I would always double up the meat and cheese for her. On top of her job she was drinking pretty heavy on the weekends too and would get the drunk munchies pretty bad. Once me and her stopped at a taco joint after the bar and I bought her 3 super tacos which are pretty big. The next day she told me she woke up with wrappers in her bed lol. Another time that November she came in complaining about how bloated she was that morning because she ate a whole pizza to herself the night before at the bar. So by November she had clearly gained noticeable weight her big constantly bloated belly was her dominate feature she was starting to look pregnant. Her work hoodie that was loose in September was now straining against her belly. At this point she claimed she was eating an AVG of 5,000 calories a day and was 170lbs and "had to stop". Of course this didn't happen this continued if not worse into December. The best story from December was a day she stuffed herself absolutely huge at work. So it started with her usual McDonalds in the morning and complaining about being sooo bloated already because well she was just permantly bloated at this point. Followed by a couple bowls of chicken noodle soup. Then a bunch of snacking during the football game. After the game she had a whole 4 slices of leftover pizza. Then before the dinner rush really started there was a mistake order of chicken alfredo. Chef said she could have it but she has to share. Well she didn't share ate the only thing herself. By now she visibly very bloated going into dinner rush, sporting a huge round gut with no way to hide it black can only be so slimming. But that didn't stop her from grabbing a basket of fries to munch on during dinner rush. After dinner rush she still wanted her prime rib sandwich which was 10ozs of meat and 3 pieces of cheese when I would make it for her. She ate it all of course. By the end of this shift you would've seriously thought she was 8 months pregnant she was so stuffed her shirt was straining against her belly hard. So by the end of December she was up to 190 lbs and looked like she was due any day. 130 lbs in September to 190lbs in December. I should also mention that sometimes we would bump our big bellies together as a joke because at the time I had a good size beer gut as a guy. And sometimes she would let me rest my hand on the top on her belly and joke about when "our foodbaby was due". At least she could joke around about gaining so much weight so fast. I wish I could've dated her I was trying too.
>The next day she told me she woke
There’s your mistake, never fuck with these pink haired woketivists.
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thank you. your gripping use of the interjection "so" left a deep impression on my chair.
OP of that thread, I love this story! I hope you have more to share soon. I'm also the OP for the "Seeing Hot Stuff Right In Front of You" thread so if you've got more; I'm all in
wth is up with that pic?
"so" since you need an explanation, here's one, we'll call her Spacey: "so" it's what can happen when reading such eloquent and suspenseful stories as >>44026 . "so" they have a narcoleptic effect.

also, it's a joke. so.

so, don't panic and carry on.

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